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Low Population


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On 5/17/2021 at 12:27 AM, Yannsen.9736 said:

I'm a bit worried by the very low population. I was on a tourny a few minutes ago (5:15pm Est Lyssa on a Sunday afternoon) and there were 10 teams enrolled in the tournament = 40 players. 

 Its in between seasons. Ppl cba to play 2v2 or unrated 5v5 filled with PvE players that are just there for daily quests. They arent going to logg on for AT only.


GW2 has a small but relatively active pvp community. Imo the most active pvp community out of all MMOs. Season has to be active tho.    

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1 hour ago, Zodi.8932 said:

I’m in silver rank and playing every game against teams in Platinum rank 😂 speaks for itself 


2v2 isnt that popular.


When 5v5 season starts youll see proper matchmaking again. After placements ofc. 

Edited by Locuz.2651
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I can't imagine population will ever be good (again) for proper match making. No matter how balanced classes are or if EoD brings back gamers for a short time. The fate had been decided long ago when Anet put resources into other projects. For PvP and WvW that was a death sentence. For PvE I think it can still work out with EoD.

Edited by Marxx.5021
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1 hour ago, SexyMofo.8923 said:

sPvP is not on the path of death; it’s been dead for many years. 


What does that mean?


In my eyes dead means this:


Logging in to wow to play 3v3 or RBGs at glad+ ratings. Sitting in LFG menu for 2 hours to fill up that last 1-2 slots of your team. Waiting in Q for ages just to play a game vs a team thats 500 rating below you. Which means win = +1 (if im lucky) and loss = -25.  And thats right now...on a sunday afternoon. The most active moment of the week.   


Logging on to any of the acivity tracker sites to see that a grand total of 7!!! players played 3v3 in the top 5000 (glad + rating)....in entire EU since 12.00 this afternoon. 7 players....in 7.5 hours played at ratings within 300 of my current rating. 


Thats dead.  An no thats not due to inc TBC release. Its been like this for 6+ months. 


We never had issues like that in GW2...ever. The waitiing time during peakhours where always 2-3 mins max. And outside the start of the season the players where always relatively close in terms of rating.


Maybe your issue is mostly about US ladders?



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Gw2's combat and build system are what's fun about the game...low and behold though that's what people want removed...people want to remove the builds. They don't actually want diversity because if they did, they would try to understand how it actually works. People think they know how it works but if that's true they are Charles FREKEN Darwin because diversity and evolution are part of the same thing...but nope everyone's got their own definition here on how to make the game "more diverse" by removing "every build there is" so that we can also have "more balance" as if any of that makes sense.


So am i jaded? yea...i've been with this franchise since it began over near 20 years ago now. I've experienced every single patch there ever was, and you can clearly see how patches differ from back then and now...you can see how the game design differences between both games effect the people that play them. I feel like I'm not alone in feeling jaded about the game, and I think a lot of veterans really don't play much anymore because the builds that make guild wars 2 the unique game that it is, is being stripped away by balance patches, and system design that goes against the game design it originally was.



Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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27 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Gw2's combat and build system are what's fun about the game...low and behold though that's what people want removed...people want to remove the builds. They don't actually want diversity because if they did, they would try to understand how it actually works. People think they know how it works but if that's true they are Charles FREKEN Darwin because diversity and evolution are part of the same thing...but nope everyone's got their own definition here on how to make the game "more diverse" by removing "every build there is" so that we can also have "more balance" as if any of that makes sense.


So am i jaded? yea...i've been with this franchise since it began over near 20 years ago now. I've experienced every single patch there ever was, and you can clearly see how patches differ from back then and now...you can see how the game design differences between both games effect the people that play them. I feel like I'm not alone in feeling jaded about the game, and I think a lot of veterans really don't play much anymore because the builds that make guild wars 2 the unique game that it is, is being stripped away by balance patches, and system design that goes against the game design it originally was.




I can tell you how to achieve diversity in guild wars 2. 


Step 1. Find "overperforming" build

Step 2. Pick something to complain about. It can be anything, sustain, damage, tankiness, mobility. Thy sky's the limit

Step 3. Nerf it until it's "in line" with other builds

Step 4. Continue until everything is a homogenous mud pile

Step 5. Wonder why there is no diversity in the game. 


I wonder when people will realize that it's definitionally impossible to have diversity without outliers. 

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On 5/17/2021 at 4:36 AM, mistsim.2748 said:

It's called new game mode and appropriate balancing. Aoe spam on a node is degenerate, and even that's not balanced properly. There's also too much spam, both boons and condis. They just added ANOTHER boon into the game. Anyone who takes PvP seriously is really turned off by this game. 


2v2/3v3 is a joke, because Conquest "balance" doesn't apply at all. Personally I'm just tired AF of Conquest and if they don't spice up spvp and WvW somehow I simply won't be buying EoD. This game is on life support until then.


Have a look at Lost Ark. PvP looks a lot more enjoyable and balanced, and the game is hopefully releasing this year in the West. It's huge in Korea.

Man, I'm from Moscow - and LOST ARK realesed here long ago, its the worst non stop grinding game service I've ever saw. Absolute pay to win. Dull 3x3 pop on 3 arenas with simply no rewards. You will be bored in 2 days after reaching level cup, just trust me ) 

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As for me - GW2 has the fastest and populated pvp matchmaking ever saw. 

WOW - want BG - wait 10-15 minutes. Arena ? 2-5 minutes.

Lost ark (someone mentioned) - play with the same 30 people on server - every day ) 

TESO - there is no normal pvp at all... though BG you  will wait 10-15 min

Arche age - forget about pvp, just pay2win


I'm not pro pvp player. I like my 1300-1400 rating in ranked. There no bots, like on lower rating, and there is a diversity of builds and skill of players. Sometimes I win and feel like pro, and sometimes I loose as a newbie, but just because I do not know how the new build I meet - do work.

So, I want to say - that you are just tired of the game. Problem in you

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On 5/17/2021 at 8:37 AM, Filip.7463 said:

Most of “serious players” dont play ats because 3 out of 4 matches is just 500-0ing lfg groups

This teams usually dont faceroll as hard as they could in order to get a "full match". I've played against vaans stacks and they do this most of the time, they let you score like 200 then start playing serious and you won't score 50 more pnts. And ppl still "ogh, it's vaans, let's all afk"

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2v2 and 3v3 are great but you need to balance for it. Lower the amount of barrier, no res signets or res banner. Shorter teleport distance attacks. Less boon duration, limit class stacking. One class type per mode. So u cant have a core necro and a scourge. Or core gaurd and a dh. 

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23 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:


1. If people want to play a mmorpg, gw2 has the closest thing to balanced pvp and it has the best pvp for a mmorpg,

2. Gw2 respects your time much much more than the other big mmos and its very casual friendly.

3.the class design and the combat system are very dynamic and interactive.

4.Good amount of build divirsity and different mechanics which makes the pvp more engaging and interesting.


Fun and unfun are subjective so please dont use them as argument because what is fun for you might be unfun for someone else and the opposite.


Have a great day.

Everything you said was subjective dont use them as argument because what you think is the most "balanced pvp" and "best pvp" may not be for many. 

I don't really know what you mean by "Gw2 respects your time much much more then any other big mmos" I mean is it because they aren't forcing you to pay a sub?

In terms of class design and combat system is very dynamic and interactive there are many other mmorpg that can rival GW2.

There use to be a good amount of build "diversity" but not anymore because they either take away things entirely or nerf traits and builds that causes it to be ineffective. 


People that are complaining isn't complaining for no reason but they want to see genuine improvements to the game granted there are trolls. In terms of the PvP platforms it has been an issue for years, lack of communication. 


Don't forget, ANET was the one who said they were going to do more frequent balance patches, they were the one who promised #Alliances. Simply don't deliver a promise you cant keep and if you keep it then dont leave your players in the dust for months with no news. 


Stop trying to cover up their mistakes and let them own up to it. 

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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34 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Everything you said was subjective dont use them as argument because what you think is the most "balanced pvp" and "best pvp" may not be for many. 

I don't really know what you mean by "Gw2 respects your time much much more then any other big mmos" I mean is it because they aren't forcing you to pay a sub?

In terms of class design and combat system is very dynamic and interactive there are many other mmorpg that can rival GW2.

There use to be a good amount of build "diversity" but not anymore because they either take away things entirely or nerf traits and builds that causes it to be ineffective. 


People that are complaining isn't complaining for no reason but they want to see genuine improvements to the game granted there are trolls. In terms of the PvP platforms it has been an issue for years, lack of communication. 


Don't forget, ANET was the one who said they were going to do more frequent balance patches, they were the one who promised #Alliances. Simply don't deliver a promise you cant keep and if you keep it then dont leave your players in the dust for months with no news. 


Stop trying to cover up their mistakes and let them own up to it. 

I am not trying to cover up anything i am stating my opinion.


Respect your time means that gw2 does not force you to go and grind gear in pve just to be able to be competitive in spvp and the opposite is also true. Gw2 does not force you to do anykind of content but lets you choose what you want to do thats what i mean by respects your time.


Now please explaint to me how is that subjective?


I understand that you have different expectation from the game and anet, but i dont and maybe thats why i enjoy their product and you don't. 



Also please name 1 fantasy mmorpg with better and more balanced pvp


And please dont get me wrong i am not saying that gw2 is perfect, its far from it and it can be improved a lot , but that does not mean that people dont enjoy the current product for what it is.


Edited by razaelll.8324
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21 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Wowwww typing a lengthy post on a forum of such an unfun game huh? If u find it unfun, please go play something else... Don't try to push others away from the game they love... Maybe PvP and balancing might need a hard lookinto by anet but that doesn't mean gw2 as a whole is unfun


Sure my "lenghty" forum post is pushing people away from the game they love sooo much lol.

Its not the game that has problems its people like me who push others away from it!

Shame on me!

Also i never said that gw2 as a whole is unfun.

As you can read  (at least i hope so) even in the first paragraph  i explicitly said "gw2 pvp" and not gw2.

And don't worry. I already stopped playing gw2 pvp and now get my urges for pvp met in another game.

- so don't worry i won't push the 100 people and 500 bots  away from pvp which love it so much!


On 5/22/2021 at 10:12 AM, razaelll.8324 said:


1. If people want to play a mmorpg, gw2 has the closest thing to balanced pvp and it has the best pvp for a mmorpg,

2. Gw2 respects your time much much more than the other big mmos and its very casual friendly.

3.the class design and the combat system are very dynamic and interactive.

4.Good amount of build divirsity and different mechanics which makes the pvp more engaging and interesting.


Fun and unfun are subjective so please dont use them as argument because what is fun for you might be unfun for someone else and the opposite.


Have a great day.


Oh, ok.

I didn't now that.

Seems it is just a question of time till people will flock to this awsome pvp mmorpg!


Jokes aside - your right that fun is subjective (which i already said in my post) and that subjective observations aren't factual arguments.

But i can use the low population of pvp as an argument since its a fact.

So if its not about fun then why dou you think most people choose to not participate in pvp?


Have a great day too!


Edited by Casualconnoisseur.5936
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20 minutes ago, Casualconnoisseur.5936 said:


Sure my "lenghty" forum post is pushing people away from the game they love sooo much lol.

Its not the game that has problems its people like me who push others away from it!

Shame on me!

Also i never said that gw2 as a whole is unfun.

As you can read  (at least i hope so) even in the first paragraph  i explicitly said "gw2 pvp" and not gw2.

And don't worry. I already stopped playing gw2 pvp

- so don't worry i won't push the 100 people away which love it so much!



Oh, ok.

I didn't now that.

Seems it is just a question of time till people will flock to this awsome pvp mmorpg!


Jokes aside - your right that fun is subjective (which i already said in my post) and that subjective observations aren't factual arguments.

But i can use the low population of pvp as an argument since its a fact.

So if its not about fun then please explain to me why else most people choose to not participate in pvp?


Have a great day too!


I dont know the exact reason , but if you are interested in reading my opinion on the matter i will be happy to share it.


1. The game is getting older and older and generally the mmorpg genre is loosing population;

2. Pvp in any kind of mmorpg is hard to balance and not balanced good enough as a moba for example so people which wish to do pvp only will just go in pvp focused game not in mmorpg probably.

3. Bots , match manipulating , win trading and lack of actions from anet on that matter.

4. Lack of development and expanding the potential which gw2 combat and pvp has. Different modes and e.t.c

5. Rare balance patches and usually they are not very much in depth but more frequently just an "fix" which brakes something else

6. Pvp has big learning curve which for a lot of people is not interesting
7. Due to the competitive environment , toxicity and such 


That is my opinion on why population is low, but even with all the problems mentioned above that does not mean that pvp is not enjoyable. It is for many people as my self and i play it for what it is not for what it could be.

Even in World of Warcraft the PvP population is low compared to the population as a whole, because of a similar problems and even bigger balance issues combined with that youa re forced to do content which you dont like just to be competitive in the one you do.

Thank you for willing to have a constructive conversation even when we have different opinions.


Edited by razaelll.8324
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4 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:

I dont know the exact reason , but if you are interested in reading my opinion on the matter i will be happy to share it.


1. The game is getting older and older and generally the mmorpg genre is loosing population;

2. Pvp in any kind of mmorpg is hard to balance and not balanced good enough as a moba for example so people which wish to do pvp only will just go in pvp focused game not in mmorpg probably.

3. Bots , match manipulating , win trading and lack of actions from anet on that matter.

4. Lack of development and expanding the potential which gw2 combat and pvp has. Different modes and e.t.c

5. Rare balance patches and usually they are not very much in depth but more frequently just an "fix" which brakes something else

6. Pvp has big learning curve which for a lot of people is not interesting
7. Due to the competitive environment , toxicity and such 


That is my opinion on why population is low, but even with all the problems mentioned above that does not mean that pvp is not enjoyable. It is for many people as my self and i play it for what it is not for what it could be.

Even in World of Warcraft the PvP population is low compared to the population as a whole, because of a similar problems and even bigger balance issues combined with that youa re forced to do content which you dont like just to be competitive in the one you do.

Thank you for willing to have a constructive conversation even when we have different opinions.


To add to your post I think people keep GW2 pvp in higher regard then the pvp in other MMOs, it seems they are comparing it more to the full on PVP games like League or Dota even though the game is meant to be PVX and you are supposed to play little bit of every game mode. A game with just GW2 pvp combat would probably be  toping the charts with enough backing and marketing, and most probably that is the reason people are angry with GW2 cause it is not reaching its true potential.

For example Arenanet are not thinking things through, first is the entry barrier, people would most probably start out with the classic entry level character as Warrior, but the way the game is balanced your noob class is scourge which counters fully warrior since even though warrior is simple, in pvp this simplicity becomes hinderance since it has less tools to handle situations and to be effective you have to have the extra knowledge of positioning, timing and how other classes work. So our friend here went in got beat up by someone spamming aoes and sitting on one place, checked builds after got beat up again and concluded that the class he invested time in doesn't work so he dropped the game. Arenanet picked their noob classes really poorly and designed them even more poorly since they are not fun to play or play against, while the entry level classes have been trashed over and over for no reason.

Arenanet has forgotten that the game is theme park, not sandbox and they have to give the tools to people to have fun, reducing the "balance" patches cadence and making them numerical was a big mistake since its a MMO and we don't get a new "champion" to freshen up the game like mobas, but making some mechanical changes and something like your warrior uses longbow now since we changed some mechanics , this changes the pace of the game and we got our "new" champion. If you think about it it is not that much work to keep people entertained with pvp , look at League , Riot is not exactly reinventing the wheel, they are keeping to the formula and adding enough changes to keep it fresh so millions are playing it.

PVP doesn't need huge investment from their side it just needs proper investment on a timely manner. People are just bored of the game currently and are waiting for EOD, that is one the major reasons the population is so low, the game is stale and people are not having fun.             

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13 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:

I am not trying to cover up anything i am stating my opinion.


Respect your time means that gw2 does not force you to go and grind gear in pve just to be able to be competitive in spvp and the opposite is also true. Gw2 does not force you to do anykind of content but lets you choose what you want to do thats what i mean by respects your time.


Now please explaint to me how is that subjective?


I understand that you have different expectation from the game and anet, but i dont and maybe thats why i enjoy their product and you don't. 



Also please name 1 fantasy mmorpg with better and more balanced pvp


And please dont get me wrong i am not saying that gw2 is perfect, its far from it and it can be improved a lot , but that does not mean that people dont enjoy the current product for what it is.


There is 2 types of modes in gw2 that is "PvP" one is sPvP which yes you don't need to grind and the other is "WvW" in which you don't need heavy grind just moderate unless you want ascended gear. 

In sPvP instead of balancing classes and skill/traits they go on and removing amulets which is your "non grind" way of going approach to this game mode. 

As far is not forcing you into any content technically their balance changes forces you to use other builds by REMOVING previous builds instead of actually balancing it out, that or completely destroying a class and telling you to play another class completely. 


And you last sentence is the exact reason why things need to be addressed, yes GW2 is far from perfect and yes it can be improved a lot but not players like you who thinks ANET should not be held accountable for their actions. sPvP and WvW has been the same exact thing for the past 8 years, fact that there are more bots then players in sPvP shows that ANET fails to provide any real solution for it, again this has been happening for YEARS. 


As far as game being stale yes it is stale, one of the biggest factors of PvP not being stale is on going balance changes to change up the meta, playing the same thing over and over for the next 4-6 months is boring as if a point capture based game mode isn't boring enough. Take WoW for an example, battlegrounds and ranked arena. 


EoD isn't going to magically solve everything in fact its going to complicate things by adding new mechanics new traits and skills that are further on complicating the balance. If they can't even figure out what they need to do now adding more crap on top of this will make it even harder.

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58 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

There is 2 types of modes in gw2 that is "PvP" one is sPvP which yes you don't need to grind and the other is "WvW" in which you don't need heavy grind just moderate unless you want ascended gear. 

In sPvP instead of balancing classes and skill/traits they go on and removing amulets which is your "non grind" way of going approach to this game mode. 

As far is not forcing you into any content technically their balance changes forces you to use other builds by REMOVING previous builds instead of actually balancing it out, that or completely destroying a class and telling you to play another class completely. 


And you last sentence is the exact reason why things need to be addressed, yes GW2 is far from perfect and yes it can be improved a lot but not players like you who thinks ANET should not be held accountable for their actions. sPvP and WvW has been the same exact thing for the past 8 years, fact that there are more bots then players in sPvP shows that ANET fails to provide any real solution for it, again this has been happening for YEARS. 


As far as game being stale yes it is stale, one of the biggest factors of PvP not being stale is on going balance changes to change up the meta, playing the same thing over and over for the next 4-6 months is boring as if a point capture based game mode isn't boring enough. Take WoW for an example, battlegrounds and ranked arena. 


EoD isn't going to magically solve everything in fact its going to complicate things by adding new mechanics new traits and skills that are further on complicating the balance. If they can't even figure out what they need to do now adding more crap on top of this will make it even harder.

Where exactly i said they should not be held accountable?



I never said such thing and i would suggest  you to read my previous post and dont put words in my mouth which i never said nor claimed.

Edit: here i will copy it for you to make it easier for you.

"3. Bots , match manipulating , win trading and lack of actions from anet on that matter.

4. Lack of development and expanding the potential which gw2 combat and pvp has. Different modes and e.t.c

5. Rare balance patches and usually they are not very much in depth but more frequently just an "fix" which brakes something else"

Here are few things which i hold Anet accountable for so please don't pretend that you know what i think, you dont.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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On 5/22/2021 at 1:12 AM, razaelll.8324 said:


1. If people want to play a mmorpg, gw2 has the closest thing to balanced pvp and it has the best pvp for a mmorpg,

2. Gw2 respects your time much much more than the other big mmos and its very casual friendly.

3.the class design and the combat system are very dynamic and interactive.

4.Good amount of build divirsity and different mechanics which makes the pvp more engaging and interesting.


Fun and unfun are subjective so please dont use them as argument because what is fun for you might be unfun for someone else and the opposite.


Have a great day.

Your first post to snipe down any complaints is a snark remark to anyone who is giving actual input to the game. You had only stated criticism after I had posted QUOTING this exact post of yours. 

Next I never said or posted or even tagged YOUR name in terms of letting ANET be held accountable that is for all the white knights in the game trying to say everything is peachy keen. 


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1 hour ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Your first post to snipe down any complaints is a snark remark to anyone who is giving actual input to the game. You had only stated criticism after I had posted QUOTING this exact post of yours. 

Next I never said or posted or even tagged YOUR name in terms of letting ANET be held accountable that is for all the white knights in the game trying to say everything is peachy keen. 


All i claimed is that the game is not the doom and gloom which some people are trying to make it look like, and it can be enjoyed for what it is not for what it could be. 


With other words anet should be held accountable for the problems which exist,but also credit should be given to them for all of the good things in the game. In my opinion too much people are  paying attention only to the problems and they over exaggerate them on the forums... 


Beying toxic and arugant is not the right way to give feedback and too much people are using that way to give their feedback.


my first post in this thread which you quoted was an answer to a question ”why should ppl play gw2 pvp" and i gave an answer with some positive stuff which makes me play pvp so it was not a try to strike down any complains , but to show that its not only doom and gloom and many people enjoy it for what it is.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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I think the low population in pvp speaks for it self that something needs to change. Daze, Stun, Pull, Kockbacks, Lanunch, Fear  the game has so many cc skills is unenjoyable to play. The matchmaking bein bad. A Tourney run takes almost 1 haour from u start til finish its way to long and the reward is sometimes 5 gold for 1 haour is just stupid.. The fact that u dont even need any one on you team to do any damge and u can just stand on nodes and tank eveything .. for me all these things speak for it self why pvp is not fun

Edited by dkzbabe.1804
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On 5/22/2021 at 3:58 AM, Casualconnoisseur.5936 said:

The game has many extremly unfun mechanics, bad balance which often promotes extremly uninteractive builds/playstyles, relatively rare updates/events for PvP, awful matchmaking (in parts obviously due to the already low population) and a pretty steep learning curve for beginners (at least in my opinion) .

I appreciate your contribution but you are describing the symptoms. But I'm looking for ways to cure the disease !!


On 5/22/2021 at 7:36 AM, Zodi.8932 said:

’m in silver rank and playing every game against teams in Platinum rank 😂 speaks for itself 

This is a very relevant example. The Queuing engine is unable to work properly because of the low population. Such situations frustrate everybody and obviously encourage toxicity !!  

- It needs to be either replaced or modified. 

- Same stands for the ELO system. It's great with a high population but does not work any more. Once again it needs to be modified.

- IMO one of the best way to improve the pvp experience would be to gather NA and EU populations:

* less servers to maintain

* Population mechanically increased

* NA and EU superstars would be able to deal other without having to deal with silver ranks (and vice versa)

* Bring some incentives to pvp

* Thinking at loud: Ranking could be based on the one who has the biggest (victories - losses) AND in case of equalities sort by descending order starting from the one with highest number of matches wins. Simple & Efficient. 


And I'm sure there must be many other ways!

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I truly believe in the future of MMOs whether it's about PVE and PVP because they are based on the idea of persistent worlds. The piece editors tend to forget: this persistence is based on the ability of the community to develop the functional content. They 'just' need to listen that one and bring the technical ways to make things happen.

Obviously there's a big focus on PVE (unfortunately I'm not sure it's based on persistence but more on traditional RpG development) and I hope pvp will be prioritized soon once EoD is delivered.

GW2 has been a major franchise  for many years and is still a reference of its kind. GvGs made it famous. They don't really occur any more but still there are some ways for group pf organized players to fight vs each others.

They must not forget this: it's part of GW2 DNA and and they must keep enhancing this type of content beyond "follow the story" developments. 

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Wed 7:03pm Est New Season started yesterday. 24hrs later Ranked 250th rating 1205

Did a few ranked matches yesterday for the placement and bumped into Shorts and Zenyus. Musta been so boring for them (I'm usually placed as gold 3 and low p1).


Speaks for itself once again.


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On 5/22/2021 at 8:40 AM, Locuz.2651 said:


What does that mean?


In my eyes dead means this:


Logging in to wow to play 3v3 or RBGs at glad+ ratings. Sitting in LFG menu for 2 hours to fill up that last 1-2 slots of your team. Waiting in Q for ages just to play a game vs a team thats 500 rating below you. Which means win = +1 (if im lucky) and loss = -25.  And thats right now...on a sunday afternoon. The most active moment of the week.   


Logging on to any of the acivity tracker sites to see that a grand total of 7!!! players played 3v3 in the top 5000 (glad + rating)....in entire EU since 12.00 this afternoon. 7 players....in 7.5 hours played at ratings within 300 of my current rating. 


Thats dead.  An no thats not due to inc TBC release. Its been like this for 6+ months. 


We never had issues like that in GW2...ever. The waitiing time during peakhours where always 2-3 mins max. And outside the start of the season the players where always relatively close in terms of rating.


Maybe your issue is mostly about US ladders?



Get your eyes checked out.  You’re delusional. Bots and a wack matchmaking algorithm makes you think the game is alive when it’s been buried by this community for years. 

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