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Utility Goggles should have resolution


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At least when traited with gadgeteer, if not baseline.


Stunbreak and 3 seconds of resistance (which doesn't stop condition damage anymore) on 30 seconds cooldown is pretty bad. Considering that the skill gains protection to reduce strike damage by 33% with the trait, it would make sense for it to also have resolution to reduce condition damage by the same amount.


Pretty funny that a skill as terrible as utility goggles just got worse with the update. Please throw it a bone.

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But do we really need to see people in 19200x10800? I think i can see people clear enough at a tenth of that.


On a side note, this just gave me the idea of modal skills so the utility goggles could become an ability that can toggle through several modes.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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I'm betting that we will see another round of changes specific to traits and other things that apply resolution/esistance once Anet gets more data on how the new boon changes are working. I don't think it's a mis-step or they didn't think about; they simply need that data first to make sensible changes. 


I do believe that Googles need something ... but resistance or resolution isn't it. Thematically, the concept is questionable. Having some special googles prevents some damage from conditions? Makes you immune to being soft CC'ed? That seems extremely arbitrary. 


Personally ... utility googles are more appropriate to doing things like:

1. removing blinds

2. seeing stealthed mobs

3. increasing precision or DPS

4. Revealing traps or hidden objects

5. Evading attacks

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I just found it funny that the stated abilities overlap with the boon it applies. Clearing blind and giving resistance seems a bit redundant in that the blind clear could be removed so that the skill could have a lower CD or something else as a substitute.

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5 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm betting that we will see another round of changes specific to traits and other things that apply resolution/esistance once Anet gets more data on how the new boon changes are working. I don't think it's a mis-step or they didn't think about; they simply need that data first to make sensible changes. 


I do believe that Googles need something ... but resistance or resolution isn't it. Thematically, the concept is questionable. Having some special googles prevents some damage from conditions? Makes you immune to being soft CC'ed? That seems extremely arbitrary. 


Personally ... utility googles are more appropriate to doing things like:

1. removing blinds

2. seeing stealthed mobs

3. increasing precision or DPS

4. Revealing traps or hidden objects

5. Evading attacks

Totally aggreed. Utility Goggles are completely out of line with their concept. 

One thing that also off-puts me a lot on current utility-goggles, is that the toolbeld skill is quite niche. In PvE, it is rarely going to be of any real use, and in PvP, it really depends on your matchup. 


One thing to note, is that utility goggles also have overlap now with rocket boots, both functioning as a counter to soft cc (albeit in a bit different way). 

To be honest, a full scale gadget rework is long overdue. A few changes are really needed in general:

- The toolbelt skills should categorize as gadgets, just like elixirs.

- Gadgeteer should have a general effect that is the same on all gadgets, just like HGH, to streamline them a bit. As for now, it's really hard to go for a 'gadget build', since they have vast different usages. Making it really hard to pick gadgeteer while you only have 1, maaaaaybe 2 gadgets. 

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One thing they could add to detection pulse to make it a little less niche of a skill is make it apply 4-8 stacks of vulnerability on every target (like the old functionality of "Analyse"). They'd probably need to tweak the number with balance, but even at its most powerful it still probably wouldn't be better than Elixir U.


But gadgets and turrets (along with their traitlines of tools and inventions) definitely need at least some reworking. Taking a glance at the traitlines, there are at least 7 traits I'd like to see completely replaced or updated, as well as more that need adjusting to make tools/inventions decent in comparison to explosives/alchemy.

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On 5/25/2021 at 4:55 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm betting that we will see another round of changes specific to traits and other things that apply resolution/esistance once Anet gets more data on how the new boon changes are working. I don't think it's a mis-step or they didn't think about; they simply need that data first to make sensible changes. 


I do believe that Googles need something ... but resistance or resolution isn't it. Thematically, the concept is questionable. Having some special googles prevents some damage from conditions? Makes you immune to being soft CC'ed? That seems extremely arbitrary. 


Personally ... utility googles are more appropriate to doing things like:

1. removing blinds

2. seeing stealthed mobs

3. increasing precision or DPS

4. Revealing traps or hidden objects

5. Evading attacks

I see where you are coming from, considering the name utility goggles and all.


I think thematically, Anet was aiming for something different and just picked an unfortunate name for what they meant here.

If you are looking at the unlock screen for gadgets, you see a guy wearing something that resembles the utility goggles alot:



I think what the guy is wearing there is supposed to be the utility goggles. And it's not just goggles, but a complete headwear including a gasmask, etc.

And as such, it makes some sense that it prevents conditions like this.


A protective wear like that can potentially be fire-proof (so helping against burning), many sources of poison in the game are based on different gases and fumes (fumigate, choke gas, corrosive poison cloud, etc.), which can get prevented through the gasmask, etc. The glasses can be tinted to prevent lightning from blinding or confusing you (static shot, for example, uses the light to confuse enemies).


So I think if this is really what they intended thematically, then it is a countermeasure against conditions.

All this said, I agree with many points that the skill in general needs many improvements, especially the toolbelt skill. I already made another thread time ago discussing that the toolbelt skill of utility goggles is too situational to be of any use, so it should get something added.

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On 5/25/2021 at 4:04 AM, The V.8759 said:


One thing that also off-puts me a lot on current utility-goggles, is that the toolbeld skill is quite niche. In PvE, it is rarely going to be of any real use, and in PvP, it really depends on your matchup. 



For roaming on holo before the resistance change i found the toolbelt skill (detection pulse) to be absolutely phenomenal. With WvW infested with thieves and rangers the ability to reveal on a huge AOE on a short cd has allowed me to kill so many thieves/rangers who think they are safe in stealth when they are in fact revealed. 
The stunbreak and resistance on 30s cd was also decent. Would def like resolution added. 

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2 hours ago, Spartacus.3192 said:

For roaming on holo before the resistance change i found the toolbelt skill (detection pulse) to be absolutely phenomenal. With WvW infested with thieves and rangers the ability to reveal on a huge AOE on a short cd has allowed me to kill so many thieves/rangers who think they are safe in stealth when they are in fact revealed. 
The stunbreak and resistance on 30s cd was also decent. Would def like resolution added. 

For someone roaming in WvW,  sure, the toolbelt is good.

But keep other environments in perspective... in PvE, this skill is pretty much useless.


Because enemies which are stealthing are extremely rare there to begin with and there really isn't much benefit in revealing them, since they usually still keep attacking and immediately reveal themselves again and also they don't get additional benefits from stealth like thieves with their traits.


In PvE, detection pulse is a dead skill. So it should get something added to it to make it worth using in PvE at all.

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36 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

For someone roaming in WvW,  sure, the toolbelt is good.

But keep other environments in perspective... in PvE, this skill is pretty much useless.


Because enemies which are stealthing are extremely rare there to begin with and there really isn't much benefit in revealing them, since they usually still keep attacking and immediately reveal themselves again and also they don't get additional benefits from stealth like thieves with their traits.


In PvE, detection pulse is a dead skill. So it should get something added to it to make it worth using in PvE at all.

Nearly all def tools are worthless in pve its just not that good of a game type to balance the game base off of. There soo much missing that you can only find in a pvp envierment that pve just makes a "joke" thinking a non ai mob could even need the same effects for.


Resolution needs to be on a lot of def skill and it needs to be removed from a lot of offsive skills. This is just like how they did passive cd skill 300 sec and hard cc skill doing no dmg. No real though about what the skill dose beyond one effect.

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15 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

Nearly all def tools are worthless in pve its just not that good of a game type to balance the game base off of. There soo much missing that you can only find in a pvp envierment that pve just makes a "joke" thinking a non ai mob could even need the same effects for.


Resolution needs to be on a lot of def skill and it needs to be removed from a lot of offsive skills. This is just like how they did passive cd skill 300 sec and hard cc skill doing no dmg. No real though about what the skill dose beyond one effect.

There is a difference about a skill being not that useful in PvE and a skill doing literally nothing.


Detection pulse applies revealed on enemies and does literally nothing else. If the enemy doesn't use stealth (which applies to like 99% of enemies you encounter in PvE), then the skill has literally no effect at all.


Adding a minor buff to it seems reasonable. Like letting it apply some vulnerability on enemies it hits or granting fury or anything. A skill doing absolutely nothing in PvE is terrible design.


I agree that they should have put way more thought into the distribution of resolve in general, tho. Unfortunately, Anet simply doesn't want to put any resources into changes like these because of the expansion, so they are just swapping out one thing for another while ignoring context.

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I believe part of the problem with gadgets in general is that they kinda need to be more powerful to compete with kits that can often provide more or less the same thing, for example: the elixir gun can just remove conditions and can still break stuns which makes the utility goggles an almost completely pointless utility to take.


I think the 2 best gadgets are the rocket boots and the A.E.D while the others could use a little work.


The issue with the battering ram and the slick shoes is that we already have numerous ways to apply various CCs so they aren't nearly as useful as one might like them to be.

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2 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I believe part of the problem with gadgets in general is that they kinda need to be more powerful to compete with kits that can often provide more or less the same thing, for example: the elixir gun can just remove conditions and can still break stuns which makes the utility goggles an almost completely pointless utility to take.


I think the 2 best gadgets are the rocket boots and the A.E.D while the others could use a little work.


The issue with the battering ram and the slick shoes is that we already have numerous ways to apply various CCs so they aren't nearly as useful as one might like them to be.

You might have a great point there. Another gadget which is usually considered quite useful is throw mine and it also provides stuff we don't have access through other means like kits.


Throw mine is literally the only boon removal we have. Also it is an unblockable ranged CC.


I personally liked the ideas thrown around some time ago to make gadgets our version of signets by giving them a passive component. Thematically it made quite alot of sense, considering that most gadgets are some modified armor you wear (slick shoes and rocket boots, utility goggles, personal battering ram can be considered a belt, AED as the wristbands shown in the animation).


Unfortunately, I think it is unlikely that they will do such major changes.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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48 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Revealing traps would be neat, detection pulse already reveals stealthed targets. Because blind only affects one attack the resolution boon added would be more in line with the original intention.

Just revealing traps would still keep the skill useless in PvE, tho. Since almost no enemies there are using traps in the first place.


Would be great to give detection pulse anything that makes it worth casting in PvE at all. If I ever use utility goggles in my silly just for fun gadget builds, I legit completely ignore the skill since it doesn't do anything in the first place.

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3 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Just revealing traps would still keep the skill useless in PvE, tho. Since almost no enemies there are using traps in the first place.


Would be great to give detection pulse anything that makes it worth casting in PvE at all. If I ever use utility goggles in my silly just for fun gadget builds, I legit completely ignore the skill since it doesn't do anything in the first place.

I think it would be better if the detection pulse just dropped an aoe that gradually applies vulnerability and maybe weakness as we;; as revealed, preventing any stealthing within a large radius and having a usable effect for non-stealth enemies, effectively detecting enemy attacks and vulnerabilities.


For the main utility goggles... perhaps they should do the following:


Heal the engineer for a small amount.

Grant resistance.

cleanse 1 or 2 damaging conditions.

break stun.

Gadgeteer can add protection and resolution.

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It already has resistance and stun-break, it is missing resolution.

API: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skills?ids=5865,29591&lang=en

Unless you're dealing with a long duration condition, I don't think that cleansing conditions is additionally helpful. Resolution would allow you to sustain briefly before using condi clear. Also because both holosmith and scrapper have healing directly or indirectly via barrier, adding healing would be powercreep.

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Utility Goggles definitely has room for improvement, how this skill became so worse when it was never in the eyes of meta builds?


This utility used to:

  •  Grant a passive that gave you perma immunity to blindness for a fixed amount of time, not a joking cleanse blind once.
  •  The toolbelt used to be single target, but it applied 10 stacks of Vulnerability on target and applied revealed on it without the need of having the opponent stealthed prior to use, that was more useful than the current Toolbelt (which used to be Sneak Gyro's Toolbelt).


  • For the cooldown it has, both the Resistance and Protection boon could really use an increase of duration, 3 secs of it is nearly nothing.
  • It could also become a source of Aegis, a boon Engineer has no way to access to.
  • The Toolbelt needs to be an instant cast skill, having a cast on a skill that does nothing but reveal leaves the Engineer on a really vulnerable position.
  • This Utility could also really benefit from the ammo mechanic, having access to two of these would put some serious competition when compared to other break stun skills we have available, that would make it worth the usage over break skills that don't take the utility slot space.


Edited by Ivantreil.3092
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Some ideas on ways to change it:

Break out of stun and apply Revealed (2sec) with each hit (Duration: 4sec).
Gadgeteer: Fury (6sec) and Might (x10, 6sec).

Break out of stun, gaining increased critical hit chance (100%, Duration: 4sec), and removing Blindness and Weakness.
Gadgeteer: Stability (x2, 6sec).

Break out of stun, gaining increased Ferocity (+275) and immunity to Weakness (Duration: 4sec).
Gadgeteer: Resolution (6sec).

Break out of stun and increase weapon skill Projectile Range (+300, Duration: 6sec).
Gadgeteer: Alacrity (4sec).

Break out of stun and trigger a second hit with each successful hit (Duration: 4sec).
Gadgeteer: Evade (1 1/4 sec) on breaking Stun.

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