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You guys want to maybe fix your buggy kitten Qs?


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Getting real sick of this happening. Can't press [F] any faster, and yet often times will be met with a delay before being asked if I want to queue for the map, to which I will then often be stuck in an infinite Q.
Although the latter problem isn't as frequent, it is still extremely frustrating to be put in a Q anyway and having to wait some time, often 10 - 20 minutes before getting in to the map, despite being literally at the portal and pressing F the second the match resets.

It's one thing if there's a "mini Q", which occasionally happens where in you'll be asked if you want to Q up, then you'll get through the Q in a few seconds, it's another when it straight up delays, and I've seen many people complain of this right in front of the portal besides myself.

Just happened to me now and I got stuck at an infinite position 1, and of course upon exiting the Q there were 90 others ahead of me so I said kitten it and signed off.

Not that ANet ever reads anything here but FIX THIS.

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10 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

r you could join a border where the ppt zerg isnt running with 90 man queue.


Just saying.


Its an option.

Actually, our entire guild has experienced queues like this at reset. All were standing right at the portal, watching the wvw screen, and we were all queued for 45 minutes when it reset. We were all together in the same instance, so my guess is that with the Amazon server structure, they have servers that are simply behind others in their response. As for the snarky comment about going to a borderland without a 90 man queue, you know that that doesn't even exist, and even in tier four NA, the queues form up in all four zones in this fashion. You are welcome to go and play in Obsidian Sanctum, of course......

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16 hours ago, Kron.6938 said:

I love waiting as #1 in queue, then dropped to 20. 

This happens because you are using both your mouse buttons to move forward.  Instead of getting the travel window, you are instantly put back into que because the game sees you pressing both mouse buttons.  I have no idea why that is the case, but can confirm this is taking place.

Edited by Ubi.4136
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On 5/29/2021 at 3:42 PM, Ubi.4136 said:

This happens because you are using both your mouse buttons to move forward.  Instead of getting the travel window, you are instantly put back into que because the game sees you pressing both mouse buttons.  I have no idea why that is the case, but can confirm this is taking place.

I don't use mouse buttons to move forward. So that isn't it. 

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On 5/29/2021 at 2:29 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea, people could go to other maps, but Anet should still  fix their game.


People still go to other maps, but when it's reset night and all maps are queued and you wait in Lion's Arch or whatever map you are in for the queue to pop and it resets itself from where you are almost in to be no chance on getting in for the night.  But yes, I agree, Anet needs to look at why the queues are resetting for individuals. 

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I think some of you are missing the point being made by OP - which is something I've been experiencing a lot in the last weeks.

You aren't even allowed to queue as the game won't even let you press F on the portal (nothing to do with moving, this happens in AB pass as well). As it resets, out of nowhere the option to press F is gone and when it finally works, you get the queue prompt. This isn't happening to all individuals but it happens to multiple at the same time. This did not use to happen, this is a recent issue. It doesn't matter what WvW was in 2012, it doesn't matter about the other maps (do you ever play reset... especially on a relinked day?) because they'll be queued as well. Just trying to play organized with your own group and this is causing big headaches. I last 1hr in queue last night, once I made it to the map, the enemy stopped showing up and we ended it quickly afterwards. Getting queued sucks, it's something you learn to accept but not being allowed to queue at the same time as other players... Now that's a massive blow and it's clearly not an old issue, something has changed recently and I don't know they even know it's happening.

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3 hours ago, Kron.6938 said:

People still go to other maps, but when it's reset night and all maps are queued and you wait in Lion's Arch or whatever map you are in for the queue to pop and it resets itself from where you are almost in to be no chance on getting in for the night.  But yes, I agree, Anet needs to look at why the queues are resetting for individuals. 

Yea this is why I stopped playing reset.

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@Kitta.3657 yep, we know this shoot all. especially when guildraiding, its just annoying. anet had so long time to fix this. alone giving us the option to just re-log another character would be a minimum requirement that should be existing.

or allowing us to just re-enter when we got a disconnect (messed up sooo many resets for me yet) and squad's still on the map.


like people had less excuses to play garbo builds and classes if u could always swap. and opentags would get easier a working composition, since a lot of the guildplayers are multiclassers. i have literally every single specs geared and ready. often enough i brought the wrong one, but cannot change that when u're stuck for a freaking hour or longer in a Q.

(my record was, i think, 1,5 hours in Q this year)

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