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Guild Missions

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Iv been trying to level my guild for 10 years (still level 3) and can get help for Favor even if i offer money peoples asking to much! Why is it that the higher your guild get the more mission you have like Trek WVW Solo Bounty Race name it, you have it all easy...but if your a small guild with 2 to 3 player nada get Bounty and race witch takes 10 to 15 peoples wow dont you guys think it should be the other way around!!! Cant stand it anymore! Benn asking for that to change, 100 time and never got any help from Anet not even once wow!

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

While it is amazing you started levelling your guild years before guild levels even existed, at some point you really should have realized that as an MMO, the guild functionality is meant for larger groups of players.

but not necessarily all that large ... my guild has more or less maxed out its level, the remaining stuff are WvW buffs and nobody plays WvW enough for us to waste resources into getting those


That was mostly done with 3-5 people. Other people have done the same. Not sure what OP has been doing. Normally things could be down to play time but guild missions are a once a week thing so play time shouldn't have a huge impact on getting them done. Mounts should make thing even easier now for the treks and bounties(for the search). Power creep should have made the bounties easier too.

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I'm part of a very small guild. The trek missions are solo-able, races, just turn up and see if any other guild is doing it. You only need to finish once after starting the mission to get the reward. 


Bounty it's a bit harder. But again, if there are other guild around, just make sure you get a few hits in and you still complete. 

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You don't need 15 people to do a race or trek, you need 15 total completions. If you've got 3 people that's 5 times each (yes you can do it multiple times), but if anyone else joins in their completion will count as well. (I don't think other people can help with treks but they can with races).


When I was in a guild where 4-5 people would show up for missions the leader would assign each of us a trek location to go to first, then we would call out which additional ones we were going to do. Because it was usually the same people we got to know each others preferences; if one was in a jumping puzzle I'd take it because I like doing those, a couple of people went for the ones in dangerous or annoying to get to locations which aren't puzzles and then we'd all mop up the easy ones in towns and outposts.


For races we'd try to piggy back off another guild by doing the same race at the same time but if not we'd run it multiple times and anyone who was really struggling to finish would do enough to qualify for individual participation and then help by clearing enemies from the course and healing or giving speed boosts to the people running. (Although you need to be careful about that, I've been killed more than once during a race because someone hit me with an unexpected speed boost at a critical point and it threw me off.)


Some of the WvW and PvP missions can be done entirely solo, especially the WvW one for taking camps.

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Non-guild members can help with challenges and puzzles. If one member of a party/squad is part of a guild that has an active challenge/puzzle running, everyone in that party or squad can enter the instance.


We have a small core of people who like to run guild missions and do them weekly for personal rewards only (usually 2-5 people per week). Lately we've teamed up with a new guild with just two active members, and helped them out with their guild missions. While you don't get the mission rewards if you are not a member of the guild that started the challenge/puzzle instance, it's perfectly fine (and can be a lot of fun) to just join in to help.


55 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Some of the WvW and PvP missions can be done entirely solo, especially the WvW one for taking camps.

Many of the wvw and pvp missions actually require a minimum of 3 guild members to join (unlike pve missions, you can to a puzzle with just one guild member and 10 friends from outside the guild). Camps and sentries in wvw are among those. If you do have 3 members, then those can be pretty easy though.

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Five man trek and bounties are able to be soloed, or sometimes wth help of friendly players nearby.  You can also set missions to just pve if you want those instead of pvp/wvw offerings, which may not be a good choice if not on same server for WvW.  Ad mentioned, they are largely meant for groups and can be challenging to get people on and doing them.  Races you can get a mark for if one member completes it, also you can piggyback along with other guilds if they've started one.  

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11 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Some of the WvW and PvP missions can be done entirely solo, especially the WvW one for taking camps.

Yeah unless by entirerly solo you mean multiboxing 3 accounts at once, that's gonna be problematic.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Well sorry im 59 and not good with date...but since guild been available. Iv been trying to level mine! And like i said i asked for help many time even offfer 50 golds each player for help for 1 hour  no one offer to help..never got any except 1 time on Sor that why my guild is level 3 but on Jade now and i only see Bounty and Race cause im low level guild i guess and in PVE mode. I only have 2 others peoples to help me if mission are available but non active players.  I changed from PVE to WVW to get the tower one ill offer golds again but have to wait for reset and since it active now i dunno how long gonna take to be active againl. O well! Ill try to do when ever it available. TY all for help!


Sorry for my english im french but im trying!!!

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I leveled my one-woman bank guild to level 61 within a few months.


5 and 15 treks are easily done solo. The single bounty is simple, too, you just need to ask for quick help in map chat and LFG and you will get it within a minute or two. The guild races are all super easy as well as you will almost always (especially at the weekends) encounter other guilds doing them and can simply join their effort to achieve 15 of 15 players.


If you are in a second guild that has more members, you can also join them for guild puzzles - once you have entered the instance, simply switch to your small guild and start the puzzle there; it will count for it (you can actually get credit for several guilds in a single run at the end of each puzzle).


Late edit: You can prioritize guild missions to be primarily PvE, by the way. That way, you will get a maximum of 1 WvW and PvP guild mission per week.



Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 6/1/2021 at 10:51 AM, Rasimir.6239 said:

Many of the wvw and pvp missions actually require a minimum of 3 guild members to join (unlike pve missions, you can to a puzzle with just one guild member and 10 friends from outside the guild). Camps and sentries in wvw are among those. If you do have 3 members, then those can be pretty easy though.

I wonder what my guild leaders do then. They usually just say they're going to do it themselves and if anyone else wants to join they can but it's not required. I'm not able to join for WvW ones because I'm on a different server and I don't do PvP. Maybe they have 2 other people who will always do it and just don't mention that.


I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I didn't realise it required 3 people because my guild leaders have always made it sound like they could do it solo.


Still it is something else the OP could do, since they have 3 people in the guild.

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@Danikat.8537 check the wiki page on guild missions. There is a number of players required for most wvw and pvp guild missions (which matches my experience). PvE missions on the other hand can all be done with just one player of the guild participating. The puzzles do require 4-6 players to do the mechanics, but they don't have to be a member of the guild.

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While people love to flex THAT they can solo certain guildmissions, they rarely tell you HOW. So here is how you get a couple of the tasks done alone:


1.) Easy Bounty (single target)



Those are always either PoobadooTrillia Midwell or Brekkabek. Each of them has a rather small route and can be found quite easily. When you happen to hunt one of those three, your first steps are always checking the minimap for tags and asking in map-chat if someone already found them. Those are quite common bounties which appear in all difficulty scales, so there is a good chance another guild is doing them as well. If someone already found them, get there quickly and make sure to land at least one hit before the fight is over.



Search the route, counter the walking direction. When you look at the wiki-page of each target, you get a map with their walking path and arrows indicating their walking direction. By following the route in counter direction, you speed up searching a lot. Use Rollerbeetle and Raptor or Skyscale if available.


Depending on your shorcuts (Options), you can tab CTRL/SHIFT to make NPC names flash up. This can be helpful finding the bounty.


When you found the target, take a look on the walking path and the map. Are they close by a waypoint? How long will they take to get near a waypoint? If it takes too long, abandon the bounty straight and retry after cooldown. If do not belong to those superheroes who can solo a bounty without breaking a sweat, it is not worth trying it. You need a waypoint within Raptor leap-range, to instantly revive when killed without risking the bounty to lose aggro = fail. 


Before you start attacking, link the waypoint in mapchat and tell people what you are about to do. Again, there might be other guilds in need of the bounty as well. They may help you. Sometimes you also attract bored adventurers, who gladly lend a hand. If you want to go double-safe, /mentor up. So when people join you mid fight, they find you quickly.


Combat tips

- Never approach Poobadoo underwater. It is one of the weakest bounties that exist, but underwater it can eliminate entire parties quickly. Even if you have a small group, it is always a better idea to wait till Poobadoo reaches land.

- Trillia has two extremely annoying attacks. The first is a lightning ring, which does not damage at first. When you see it, dodge out asap! Else you get stunned. 

- When Trillia enters her tornado-form or summons multiple tornados, abort attacking and run. She has limited range with those attacks and the tornados vanish quickly after. As long as the timer is not close to 1 minute, it is not worth to risk fighting her during torando-mode.

- Make sure to place a United Legions Waystation when you are about to start the bounty. The bounties are quite susceptible for the EMP. You can cursh the breakbar alone with just that and maybe one strong CC of your own. The more players are nearby, the more CC you will need.

- If you want to go double-safe, in case you feel you are a little too far away from the waypoint, use Fire Elemental Powder, an Ogre Pet Whistle or a Pocket Jade Armor. They can maintain aggro while you return from the waypoint and actually tank for a while. Especially the Jade Armor has quite an impressive stamina.

- When you are getting downed, reach out for the minimap with your mouse while smashing the 1-key. When your HP is < 30 %, rapidly click on the waypoint. In that case you will instantly respawn once you are dead and the aggro 'should' not be interrupted.



2.) Guild Trek



Use a character with almost full map-completion in Core Tyria. Before you start the the trek, teleport to Divinity's Reach. That map has a couple of easy targets, but can take a while to load. So you can get those targets done with almost no loading time. The other cities can also pop up, but DR appears to be the one with the highest player population - as far as I noticed.


Personal loot is achieved for completing a single target, not the entire list. If you just want to get some quick loot for your guildmates, just stack up on the golden glowing symbol. When all are there, one person presses 'F' and all get the participation = loot. This works for all treks.


Do not be afraid of aborting a Guild Trek, even an easy one. The cooldown is quite low and the RNG can be quite annoying sometimes. Do not bother with avoidable stress.


Before you start the mission, open your browser with Guild Trek List (wiki). There do exist other guides and lists, but the wiki has one huge advantage compared to those = it eats very little resources of your computer/connection. In most cases a quick look on the minimap is enough. To speed things up, open the "search page" function in your browser. In most browsers, this pops up a small search box in one of the corners. The common shortcut is CTRL+F


In addition, you can save some loading times switching to windowed-mode (client), so you can quickly swap between the list and the game. I did that in the beginning, then realized how convenient it is and kept it until today. 


Easy Guild Trek can be soloed.

Medium Guild Trek can be soloed, but requires significant experience and speed. If you happen to suffer from extended loading times, better do it with another guildmember.


When you do the medium guild-trek, always take your time and read through the entire list once. If you find something bad, like Portmatt's Promontory, just abort the trek, retry and hope for a better RNG. A good draw is when you have at least 5-7 locations you can find without looking them up, because you have memorized them. If you know less, retry. Looking up locations consumes a lot of precious time. 


If you want to be sneaky, head to Fawcett's Porch, before you start the medium trek. It appears quite often and can be quite annoying to reach when you are under time pressure. If your draw is lucky and that location is in it, you have a good start.



3.) Guild Race



Always check the location(s) for guilds who already started the race. If you happen to see a group of players gathering at a banner with 2-3 minutes time-remaining, they are likely to retry when the current one failed. So tag along. Participate when you are certain to reach the 15/15 within the time-limit.


Let us assume you have found a map where the race has 15/15 completions, but the timer is rather low. Is it worth to try:

- 3 min + = Spider Scurry, Devourer Burrow, Chicken Run, Quaggan Paddle (if the path is cleared)

- 4 min + = Quaggan Paddle, Ghost Wolf Run, Crab Scuttle


I know the experts and veterans can easily break those rookie numbers, but once again I am not here to flex. With those timers you can savely try with regular speed.


When you are at the start/flag, stack up:

Swiftness 30 seconds

Stealth and Aegis are optional, but useful


Stealth allows you to ignore traps, you can walk straight over them and fear no damage. So make sure to stack up as much as possible of that or get a helping player nearby who provides you with that. There is however one exclusion: Crab Scuttle, those traps ignore stealth. 


race-specific tips:

- Ghost Wolf Run, the wolf-transformation can jump. You can skip a lot of the traps by just climbing up rocks and other obstacles and use your glider.

- Bear Lope, the stealth-orbs can be re-entered to stack up stealth-duration. If you do that with every stealth-orb, you can skip most of the traps and neglect the snowball skill completely.

- Chicken Run, there is a shortcut right after the Separatist's Camp, at the cage right before the tunnel with the traps. It is that small burrow. Step in an interact, you spawn behind the traps.

- Chicken Run, Swiftness is enough to ignore the rock-traps. You can run right through them, as long as no one runs before you.

- Chicken Run, the stealth-skill of the chicken stacks with regular stealth. So you can stack up right before transforming and then use the skill right away to extend the duration even further.

- Devourer Burrow, the spider-web right before the goal can be bypassed by dodging through it.

- Quaggan Paddle, you can dive in curves and go farer to the left, right and up to bypass mobs. You only need to touch the gates somehow. 

- Crab Scuttle, when the Onyx Field is contested, get the checkpoint at the entrance, then turn back and head south-east. Get up the rocks, there is a walk-able path, and drop down to the flag/burrow from above. 

- Spider Scurry, the hookshot can be use to get past enemies as well. You can teleport behind a dredge that prepares to shoot you. If you are struggling with low HP, this can save your life.


Personal loot:

- If you run a race just for personal loot, no favor, it sometimes happens to trigger if you complete the race around the 5th or 7th completion. I have not figured it out completely, but if the race is close to one of these and you only want personal loot, give it a try.

- If you run with guildmembers who are not enjoying races, make sure that one leader/officer with mission rights completes one round and camps at the end at the NPC for the finish-early option. Tell your other members to just transform and go through the first checkpoint/gate. When the finish-early option is triggered, everyone who crossed at least one gate will get full loot. Requires complete 15/15 however.


Bonus - Bypass the difficulty limitation

Example: You happen to have Bear Lope in your weekly selection, but Bear Lope hard. You come to Lonar's Pass and find a Bear Lope that is 15/15 with 17 minutes left, an Easy Guild Race obviously. Instead of leaving the map, you start the race and start your guild-race (hard) in the guild-panel. Then talk to the NPC, finish early and you are done. 


This method works every time and even works if you happen to have the same race twice with different difficulty levels. I was quite surprised how many guild-leaders and veteran players have no clue about this trick. You can even combine this with the personal-loot tip above, letting your fellow guild-members cross one gate/checkpoint before you interact with the NPC. 


AND there is a low but significant chance that somewhere out there is a guild with your medium or even hard guild-race, but easy. That is because the RNG is not 100 % the same for every guild. 



4.) Deep Trouble



The 31 minute challenge can be soloed with a character & build that is designed for underwater combat. It is one of the most neglected parts of the game, but there do exist quite powerful builds which are capable of fighting multiple enemies at once while escorting a puny Quaggan.


If you really want to try this, make sure to have:

- plenty of area attacks

- pulls/interrupts

- an option to heal the Quaggan

- access to Swiftness or even Superspeed, preferably with a group-buff option


I have done it a few times with my Open World Scrapper, which is neither a healer nor a DPS and finished around 11 minutes each time. With a proper build and a little more focus, it should be possible to even solo the 20 minute challenge. 



6.) Obsidian Sanctum

It is just a Jumping Puzzle. By far the most complex and dangerous we have in the game, but you can completely solo it. Opposite to the chest, the Guild WvW Challenge is completed right when you reach the final building. Which is nice, because that final steps can be quite annoying when you happen to notice enemies incoming. 




Sorry for the wall of text & tanks for reading.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
spelling and additions
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18 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

AND there is a low but significant chance that somewhere out there is a guild with your medium or even hard guild-race, but easy. That is because the RNG is not 100 % the same for every guild. 

Very good tips, but I just want to clarify this point, since it is not accurate. Guild missions are in fact the same for all guilds each week, provided they have chosen the same mission preference (you can switch between pve, wvw, pvp, and mixed). There are two ways you can encounter a mission on a different difficulty:

  • the guild that started the mission works with a different mission preference (pve and mixed both have pve missions, although not (usually) the same ones)
  • the mission is available on different difficulties that week and you don't have one of the mission slots unlocked yet (e.g. spider race can be available on both the 1st easy slot and the 2nd hard slot for pve missions during the same week)
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