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Weapon set collection lack creativity and originality

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Disappointed at Anet design team flooding the quests with poorly designed weapon series. Most time they were mere color flipping and even more effects. It is a turn off for me as the creative element is really missed. You want a unique weapon not weapon of slight variation color. Missing the point there. For most weapon series that are whole sale copied over and color adjusted, it is a 'meh' effect to me, did not inspire me to wanting to own a piece. It leads to a disinterest to doing those quest. Not only are they quite indifferent. Which in my opinion dwindles their value. It seem the weapon design team is also lacking research and understanding to what makes a weapon desirable to gamers. The 'original content' element is seen lacking.

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Yeah it’s done on purpose. For the last few years (except legendaries) all the weapons you can earn in game are bland and boring. It’s on the BL store or BL skins that are the really shiny and nicely designed ones. 

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I think that the artists would have the potential to create decent looking weapons,  if they just stopped adding particles.

But for some reason, they have to role-play Skritt and only are able to make pointlessly shiny weapons.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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15 hours ago, fenriswolfman.5486 said:

Anet is many things but lacking in artistic talent has never been one of them.


Not really in regards to "talent" but in praxis it always has been. While the models themselves are usually pretty good other factors have been consistently disappointing. Ranged weapons almost always lack matching firing sounds and projectile animations, there really is no excuse to be made here especially since some of them already have matching SFX in the files.

Edited by Tails.9372
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15 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

Disappointed at Anet design team flooding the quests with poorly designed weapon series. Most time they were mere color flipping and even more effects. It is a turn off for me as the creative element is really missed.


Any examples?...

The  only sets I can think of are the festival weapons, which are supposed to be upgraded/changed versions and absolutely not the rule for new weapon sets.
And the Tengu/Tengu Echo set, this is literally one "old" (gw1) and one "new" (gw2) set.


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1 hour ago, Karaha.3290 said:


Any examples?...

The  only sets I can think of are the festival weapons, which are supposed to be upgraded/changed versions and absolutely not the rule for new weapon sets.
And the Tengu/Tengu Echo set, this is literally one "old" (gw1) and one "new" (gw2) set.



- Antique weapons series the ascended ones yeah? I could see 5 color variations in there.

- Wing weapons or Soldier set from Divinity Reach? There is a gold and silver version. Called Seraph.
- Glyphic set. The one asura uses. Now there is red and light blue. Red is the Inquest' of course. Except theres smoke

- Glitched set. I think there 3 colors now? You can check in with current SAB vendor

- Tengu echo. Now a red blinking version. And a gold version with light blue blinkers. 

- Nightmare set. There is a pink and a light green version.

- Stormcaller set. One version have sparks. And the usual flip of red and blue. Red with some smoke. Lol


Just few off my head. While I didn't want to stock up skins that are just a different in color. I hope the trend don't continue. I prefer the weapons itself to spark interest. As I do spend time admiring them. Its kind of lazy work if you think of it. These are like quick copies. Need help with the creavitiy? Let fans submit designs and then Anet make them. With Anet forge of course ;D




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49 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Do keep in mind, many players requested different colors for weapon sets, as dyeing weapons is not available. 

Yup. And if OP doesn't like the set then he's free to skip it completely, not sure what's the problem here.

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1 hour ago, medivh.4725 said:


- Antique weapons series the ascended ones yeah? I could see 5 color variations in there.


Which is absolutely a style choice and has nothing to do with the "lack of creativity".
It absolutely makes sense to give all ascended weapons a similar style, because a) their similarity (same weapon, different stats) and b) to not force players to craft a weapon just for the skin.



- Wing weapons or Soldier set from Divinity Reach? There is a gold and silver version. Called Seraph.


Both are sets from release 2012.
I don't see any relation to current circumstances.
And since release they did release tons of different weapon sets.
So again, no argument for you "lack of creativity" statement.


- Glyphic set. The one asura uses. Now there is red and light blue. Red is the Inquest' of course. Except theres smoke


Nope, can't find any red Glyphic weapons, also the wiki doesn't mention any similar sets.
There is an Inquest set, bit it's totally different from the glyphic one.
Aside from that, like above, both sets are from release 2012.




- Glitched set. I think there 3 colors now? You can check in with current SAB vendor


I Already mentioned festival weapons, SAB weapons are part of that.
Funnily you choosed the glitched set as an example, the one that is most different from all other sets.



- Tengu echo. Now a red blinking version. And a gold version with light blue blinkers. 


Again, I already mentioned that set.
Please read properly...



- Nightmare set. There is a pink and a light green version.


That's right. One point for you (yay).



- Stormcaller set. One version have sparks. And the usual flip of red and blue. Red with some smoke. Lol


You mean the set that was designed to have a simple and a upgraded version? 😉
Sorry, but that's actually a good design choice with all players in mind -> those who prefer simple skins and those who prefer shiny stuff and particle effects.

The volcanic one can be discussed, but don't forget that they are in line with the story.




Just few off my head.


A few where only one set actually could be called as "uninspired copy".




While I didn't want to stock up skins that are just a different in color.


And many players do.
This game hase different classes bound to different color themes,
it's not a bad thing to have weapons in more than one color.




I hope the trend don't continue.


The "trend" that started 2012 with release, right?
Because most of your examples were made years ago, some even came into the game with release 2012.



Its kind of lazy work if you think of it. These are like quick copies. 


Not at all.
It's actually a common problem that players like a skin, but don't use it, because the color doesn't fit their class or armor.
Similar with particle effects. Many players like simple weapons and don't want much bling bling.
Upgradable weapon sets like the Boreal one is perfect to bring several versions of a weapon/set into the game,
without taking too much space from the "new rewards".


All in all you should consider that creativity isn't everything. In a game there are way more factors for creating stuff.
The players are a big point for example.
You can be as creative as you want; if you don't have the players in mind, they won't like/use your stuff.
Without the players needs in mind, it's a shot in the dark if your weapon (or whatever) get liked or hated.


Keep in mind, you don't have to like all skins,
but Anet have to make sure that each player like at least some skins.
If you don't like a weapon or a variation, you are always free to skip it. Nobody forces you to get all of them.

Edited by Karaha.3290
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Firstly there is nothing wrong with these copy paste overs but Karaha.3290 you do seem overly defensive. You work for anet? Or are you part of their design team? Just responding to your earlier comment to list some of them.


I can be honest with you I stocked or crafted none of said weapon skins. Also, date of release is not my point. Your arguement are missing the point that they just look too similar. "Uninspired copies" as you call it. I have also a 1 word transalation for it - Boring. Creativity does not mean replicating, repeating on the same. And offering it as a 'different' product. 


That said, I won't be surprised if the design team will come out a pink version a green version then a yellow version. - It is a lack of originality flooding the ecosystem with same designs over and over again. Not much value in that mate. 

Maybe you enjoy scrolling down TP looking down at multiple colored versions of the same. I won't like that very much. And yeah that goes without saying I didn't buy any of these color flips. But I do support BLTC when very well designed ones released for gems on occasionally. And I believe there could be color variations as well as carefully designed pieces that are just different, offered to gamers. 


I am saying those flipping color designs are not as appealing. And of course, why would I get any. The desire, the interest just isn't there. Well I can't speak for the rest. Nor do I represent the rest. I can represent myself and I stand for my opinion. 

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On 6/6/2021 at 12:44 AM, medivh.4725 said:

Firstly there is nothing wrong with these copy paste overs but Karaha.3290 you do seem overly defensive. You work for anet? Or are you part of their design team? Just responding to your earlier comment to list some of them.


It's interesting how simply bringing up counter arguments makes you think I'm working for Anet or being "overly defensive".
If I was, how overly offensive you must be..


Yes, you responded to my request
and I showed you that none of your examples shows any "lack of creativity and orginality",
which you claimed in your original post.
I showed you that (almost) all of them were design choices with reasons.


That's not being "overly defensive", that's explaining you where you are wrong.
If you can't see that, I can't help you, sorry.


On 6/6/2021 at 12:44 AM, medivh.4725 said:

I can be honest with you I stocked or crafted none of said weapon skins. Also, date of release is not my point. Your arguement are missing the point that they just look too similar. "Uninspired copies" as you call it. I have also a 1 word transalation for it - Boring. Creativity does not mean replicating, repeating on the same. And offering it as a 'different' product. 


You still ignore all design choices,
you blindly look at the skins, see that two are similar and think "Thats uncrative!!!!!".


If you don't accept any explanation and ignore all arguments, why did you even start a discussion?



On 6/6/2021 at 12:44 AM, medivh.4725 said:

Maybe you enjoy scrolling down TP looking down at multiple colored versions of the same. I won't like that very much.


Then use the searchbar?... wth?...


On 6/6/2021 at 12:44 AM, medivh.4725 said:

And I believe there could be color variations as well as carefully designed pieces that are just different, offered to gamers. 


I am saying those flipping color designs are not as appealing.


Your statements here are contradictory,
did you even recognize that?..

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6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

Yes, you responded to my request
and I showed you that none of your examples shows any "lack of creativity and orginality",
which you claimed in your original post.
I showed you that (almost) all of them were design choices with reasons.


See? Missing the point again. There is minimal design effort or work. Merely seeing color flip? This is 3rd time and I do not want to repeat this with you. Even with "reasons" they can be made to look more different instead of a like for like.


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

Then use the searchbar?... wth?...


Type in everything manually? What? I did that like much of time. And so? I could use the wth at you too. 
This not my point, I repeat, wouldn't like the tp flooded with much of the same. 


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

Your statements here are contradictory,
did you even recognize that?..


Not really. Just need strike the right balance. Moving on


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

That's not being "overly defensive", that's explaining you where you are wrong.


What I'm sorry? I could easliy say the same about you that you were wrong. This is not getting anywhere. 


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

That's not being "overly defensive", that's explaining you where you are wrong.
If you can't see that, I can't help you, sorry.

Of course you may share your opinions on each of those pieces. You left me confused there, who's asking for your help?


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

Your statements here are contradictory,


No my comments are not statements, I am not a official person releasing statements. Lol. And no they not contradictory. Make more contents and less color flips. 


6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

You still ignore all design choices,
you blindly look at the skins, see that two are similar and think "Thats uncrative!!!!!".


- So I think you mean uncreative? Yes that is what I mean. But sorry I not very sure what you mean with this reference. If you care to elaborate? If not it's fine as well




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6 hours ago, Karaha.3290 said:

If you don't accept any explanation and ignore all arguments, why did you even start a discussion?

There been much response so I did not discount what you said or saying. But ugly is ugly. You can't talk your way out or brain wash me can you? Bring something fresh. Not something we already seen with slight mods.

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I'd like to see weapons that don't look like toys... or mess of particle with a hilt. I mean we have plenty of those already and that's fine for those who appreciate them but I'd appreciate if some designs once in a while were at the lower end of the fantasy spectrum.

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On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:


See? Missing the point again. There is minimal design effort or work. Merely seeing color flip? This is 3rd time and I do not want to repeat this with you. Even with "reasons" they can be made to look more different instead of a like for like.

So you want to kitten off all players who want a weapon in different colors or with/without particle effects,
just because you want "more creativity"?
That's nothing worth a discussion, that's a selfish demand without anyone but yourself in mind.
Probably that's why you ignore all arguments here,
because you don't want to hear them, you just want your demands.


On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:


Type in everything manually? What? I did that like much of time. And so? I could use the wth at you too. 

It's actually easier than searching by looking at the icons or using the preview. lmao..


On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:

This not my point, I repeat, wouldn't like the tp flooded with much of the same. 

Ironically only a single set of your listed "dublicates" can be found in tp.
Your "argument" is non existent.



On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:

Not really. Just need strike the right balance. Moving on

They are contradicting


On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:

What I'm sorry? I could easliy say the same about you that you were wrong. This is not getting anywhere. 

Except that you don't explain anything.
You make claims
and I explained that your claims were wrong.


On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:

Of course you may share your opinions on each of those pieces. You left me confused there, who's asking for your help?

I should be more clear.
If you can't see that, you can't be helped.


On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:

No my comments are not statements, I am not a official person releasing statements. Lol.

"Claims" is the better word, right?
English is not my native language. Sorry for confusions.



On 6/7/2021 at 4:31 PM, medivh.4725 said:


- So I think you mean uncreative? Yes that is what I mean. But sorry I not very sure what you mean with this reference. If you care to elaborate? If not it's fine as well

What I meant was,
you look at similar skins, see that they are similar and think that it's uncreative.
But you think about why they were designed similar.
In my second posts I tried to explain you that most of these sets are similar on purpose and not because of uncreativity,
but because of certain reasons.
Many players want weapons with different colors and/or with/without particle effects.
That's one of the reasons, that's why I (and other users) mentioned it several times.


And all in all, we get completely new and unique weapon sets very frequently,
so even with similar sets, there is absolutely no lack of creativity or orginality.
For festival weapons I would even say it's a lack of time/money.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/8/2021 at 4:12 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

So, what about the players that have requested weapons in different colors?

They like the weapon design, just want it in a different color to match their overall color scheme.


Is their request less important?  I mean, since one doesn't have to use any weapon skin one doesn't care for....

I have a problem with a set of weapons introduced that are just a color variation of what is existing. Maybe because of story they have tendency to come in inquest red, and if none of your toons uses this specific red then is becomes a turn off. You bascically looking at more of the same. 

I don't discount there were players looking for colored weapons of specific tone and hue. Thats fine but thats not quite my argument. I would like see more of original content pieces. Or even new ones.

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On 6/9/2021 at 2:05 AM, Karaha.3290 said:

That's nothing worth a discussion, that's a selfish demand without anyone but yourself in mind.
Probably that's why you ignore all arguments here,
because you don't want to hear them, you just want your demands.

Selfish demands? Don't think so. New content pieces benefits the whole community.

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1 hour ago, medivh.4725 said:

I have a problem with a set of weapons introduced that are just a color variation of what is existing. Maybe because of story they have tendency to come in inquest red, and if none of your toons uses this specific red then is becomes a turn off. You bascically looking at more of the same. 

I don't discount there were players looking for colored weapons of specific tone and hue. Thats fine but thats not quite my argument. I would like see more of original content pieces. Or even new ones.

Totally disregarding others' desires. 

As stated previously, the player likes and wants the weapon design, just in a different color. 

It's not more of the same, if the 'turn-off' is because of color only. 

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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Totally disregarding others' desires. 

As stated previously, the player likes and wants the weapon design, just in a different color. 

It's not more of the same, if the 'turn-off' is because of color only. 

I just have someone else make the same comments. Newer weapons in a different RGB, not interesting. 

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I disagree with the premise expressed in the OP.


Sure there are some weapon sets that are copies with different colors, though the vast majority of these are festival weapons. That said, there are also plenty of new pretty good looking weapons, like the volcanic collection (if you like that color anyway). The gemstore weapons tend to be "shinier" which doesn't make a weapon better for me.


But realistically, there are 16 different weapons that have to be made every time a set is made.  It's a sword mate. It has a pummel and a blade. There's only so many ways to make it interesting. 

I got a raid sword drop recently and it's definitely interesting. Nothing else like it in the game...but it doesn't really look like a sword to me.  

I think there are over a hundred of each type of weapon in the game. I'm not sure how to be creative to make 200 differnt, unique, interesting weapons for 16 weapon types.  After years of doing it and trying to find a single unique look, you'd have to remember all the looks that came before or go through them. When you're making an entire weapon set on schedule, I don't think it's so easy.

There are enough good solid weapon sets in this game  and contrary to you, I've made all the new weapon sets.

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