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What changes do you think professions need outsife of the upcoming EOD specs?

The Boz.2038

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15 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Update fields and combo finishers mostly make all leaps make an aura of that field adding in an poison aura and a shadow aura as well as added in an earth field. Make all blast a boon or healing or barrier support no more aggressive blasting hits smoke will be still a stealth dark would be Fury, Ethereal would be a random boon, Ice would be Resolution, Poison would be reg (a bit odd but i am not sure what to put here), and Earth would be barrier or protection. Projectile finisher would all be condi dmg and Whirl finisher would be soft cc.


I started this game for combo fields and finishers game play. I think it is the best team work you can have in an mmorpg and the best way to build a real contention with ppl working out how to use your skills with each other.


I dunno man, I think leap and blast finishers are still fantastic and tbh well designed. Only thing I wish they'd do with finishers is give whirl finishers better consistency. 

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8 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


I dunno man, I think leap and blast finishers are still fantastic and tbh well designed. Only thing I wish they'd do with finishers is give whirl finishers better consistency. 

Leaps are worthless to being out right broken right now. A daze on a leap is nothing at the same time a stealth on leap is too much. Making them an aura shocking aura and a new shadow aura would even them out a lot more as the auras them self (and i hope a new one) have build in balancing effects. Blasting is also a bit all over the places self aura are balanced but aoe auras are not with out a build needed. Making blast into more of an boon healing / barrier full on support effect would go a long way to helping every class have a use in combat.


Also the game needs an earth field badly its odd there not one. As well as missing aura types for Poison and smoke fields feels like a missed chased.

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2 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Leaps are worthless to being out right broken right now. A daze on a leap is nothing at the same time a stealth on leap is too much. Making them an aura shocking aura and a new shadow aura would even them out a lot more as the auras them self (and i hope a new one) have build in balancing effects. Blasting is also a bit all over the places self aura are balanced but aoe auras are not with out a build needed. Making blast into more of an boon healing / barrier full on support effect would go a long way to helping every class have a use in combat.


Also the game needs an earth field badly its odd there not one. As well as missing aura types for Poison and smoke fields feels like a missed chased.

An earth field sounds kinda weird. What is it supposed to represent thematically?


Like, a smoke field is (obviously) smoke lingering around, a poison field is poison gases or other poisonous stuff lingering, a water field is water or other healing liquids (like elixirs).


But what is an earth field? Isn't technically almost all ground in the open world an "earth field", since.... hm yes, the floor is made out of floor. Or is it supposed to be sand specifically (so we can give earth fields to mirage, scourge and else retrospectively) or what do you imagine this to be?

Edited by Kodama.6453
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7 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

An earth field sounds kinda weird. What is it supposed to represent thematically?


Like, a smoke field is (obviously) smoke lingering around, a poison field is poison gases or other poisonous stuff lingering, a water field is water or other healing liquids (like elixirs).


But what is an earth field? Isn't technically almost all ground in the open world an "earth field", since.... hm yes, the floor is made out of floor. Or is it supposed to be sand specifically (so we can give earth fields to mirage, scourge and else retrospectively) or what do you imagine this to be?

Think more like the earth magic aoes.

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8 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

An earth field sounds kinda weird. What is it supposed to represent thematically?


Like, a smoke field is (obviously) smoke lingering around, a poison field is poison gases or other poisonous stuff lingering, a water field is water or other healing liquids (like elixirs).


But what is an earth field? Isn't technically almost all ground in the open world an "earth field", since.... hm yes, the floor is made out of floor. Or is it supposed to be sand specifically (so we can give earth fields to mirage, scourge and else retrospectively) or what do you imagine this to be?

Magnets i would imagan that or lay-line energy.  You could effectively type in genocidal phenomenon and get a massive list of ideals of what an earth field could be. There could be a "living earth" mind set where the growth of plants is the earth field magic where plants them self are water. There realty a lot you can do with an "earth field" in a world where every thing is saturated with magic.

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12 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

An earth field sounds kinda weird. What is it supposed to represent thematically?


An area with earthen particles floating about? Like elementalist's underwater skill Murky water.

You're right pointing out sand, but there is also dust.


For the one that suggested the idea it's probably just an excuse to have more access to magnetic aura. Thought, if we look specifically at Murky water, Smoke field might be "Earth fields", after all, smoke fields aren't dark fields since both field exist already. Now the questions are:

  1. Should ANet give a smoke field to skills like Unsteady ground, Overload earth, Dust storm or Glyph of storm: Sandstorm?
  2. Should ANet create a brand new "earth field", update Murky water and give this field to the previously listed skills?
  3. DnD wise, magic associated to "earth" is often associated to poison, could poison field be the right answer?
  4. Should ANet just leave it as it is?


  1. Personally, I'm not adverse to some stealth on the elementalist, so I'm ok with smoke field (it fit mirage).
  2. An earth field would probably produce magnetic aura which would in turn proc the various aura trait, which is also a pretty interesting developpement (it fit tempest).
  3. A poison field would give the elementalist access to poison via combo a developpement that I personally find "ok" since poison is already available throught sigil/runes and that has never been an issue up till now (it fit scourge).
  4. That said, I'm also ok with things staying as they are.
Edited by Dadnir.5038
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Not sure how this earth field discussion got started, but the idea is not feasible. First of all, Anet would have to start caring about combos again, which could happen, but we have no indication of it right now. Also, if they were to add a new field for elementalist, I find it way more likely that it would end up being an arcane field with a new arcane aura.

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2 hours ago, Ganathar.4956 said:

Not sure how this earth field discussion got started, but the idea is not feasible. First of all, Anet would have to start caring about combos again, which could happen, but we have no indication of it right now. Also, if they were to add a new field for elementalist, I find it way more likely that it would end up being an arcane field with a new arcane aura.

Arcane field sounds too similar to aether field thematically, in my opinion at least.

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2 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Arcane field sounds too similar to aether field thematically, in my opinion at least.

Actually the theme is completely different. Ethereal fields give chaos aura or confusion when you do combos on them. They are based on mesmer's theme of deception, chaos and randomness. As I see it, arcane is the opposite, and it is based on certainty and order, which is also why the asura like using it. Arcane skills are pure energy and reliably critically hit every time. The boons and conditions that result from arcane are not random, but are always specific, depending on the attunement. 


The only reason why it is commonly thought that they overlap is because they are both purple. Though arcane is not actually purple, it's mostly white with a bit of a purple outline, or even a blue outline sometimes. You can see the blue outline in the arcane brilliance skill, and in the new arcane battlestaff. Either way, arcane is based on guild wars 1 energy skills.

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8 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


An area with earthen particles floating about? Like elementalist's underwater skill Murky water.

You're right pointing out sand, but there is also dust.


For the one that suggested the idea it's probably just an excuse to have more access to magnetic aura. Thought, if we look specifically at Murky water, Smoke field might be "Earth fields", after all, smoke fields aren't dark fields since both field exist already. Now the questions are:

  1. Should ANet give a smoke field to skills like Unsteady ground, Overload earth, Dust storm or Glyph of storm: Sandstorm?
  2. Should ANet create a brand new "earth field", update Murky water and give this field to the previously listed skills?
  3. DnD wise, magic associated to "earth" is often associated to poison, could poison field be the right answer?
  4. Should ANet just leave it as it is?


  1. Personally, I'm not adverse to some stealth on the elementalist, so I'm ok with smoke field (it fit mirage).
  2. An earth field would probably produce magnetic aura which would in turn proc the various aura trait, which is also a pretty interesting developpement (it fit tempest).
  3. A poison field would give the elementalist access to poison via combo a developpement that I personally find "ok" since poison is already available throught sigil/runes and that has never been an issue up till now (it fit scourge).
  4. That said, I'm also ok with things staying as they are.

You made an odd jump of logic there murky water should be an earth field not a smoke field and an earth field should not be just another smoke field it should be its own thing as there is already an aura and even a full magic line tide to it that is in no way stealth or evasion aimed.


We have Lay-lines magic already that would easily apply to earth magic. Not the magic it self but the changes to the earth and charge to the earth for having magic moved though it.


If you want to say add poison to ele its best to add it to on bleed with an icd per target "toxic cut" or something.


Sadly the way things are is combos are pointless and elite spec. power creep cove every thing you use to get from combos and then some in one skill not in 2 or more. I do not see things staying the same way as a good thing and is dooming a core effect of the gw2 game.

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5 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

You made an odd jump of logic there murky water should be an earth field not a smoke field and an earth field should not be just another smoke field it should be its own thing as there is already an aura and even a full magic line tide to it that is in no way stealth or evasion aimed.

Did I? At the moment Murky water offer a smoke field, thought. I didn't imagined that, did I?


7 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

We have Lay-lines magic already that would easily apply to earth magic. Not the magic it self but the changes to the earth and charge to the earth for having magic moved though it.

The dragon feed on lay lines, technically it's pure magic not "elemental"/"earth" magic.


8 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

If you want to say add poison to ele its best to add it to on bleed with an icd per target "toxic cut" or something.

I don't "want" to add poison, I offer a solution to a seemingly absent "earth field", based on DnD standards and I say that it wouldn't be an issue for elementalist to be able to access to poison via poison fields acting as "earth fields".


11 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

Sadly the way things are is combos are pointless and elite spec. power creep cove every thing you use to get from combos and then some in one skill not in 2 or more. I do not see things staying the same way as a good thing and is dooming a core effect of the gw2 game.

You're right here, GW2 have start to move away from the combo system since 2014 and the mechanism is in a very poor shape atm.

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8 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Did I? At the moment Murky water offer a smoke field, thought. I didn't imagined that, did I?


The dragon feed on lay lines, technically it's pure magic not "elemental"/"earth" magic.


I don't "want" to add poison, I offer a solution to a seemingly absent "earth field", based on DnD standards and I say that it wouldn't be an issue for elementalist to be able to access to poison via poison fields acting as "earth fields".


You're right here, GW2 have start to move away from the combo system since 2014 and the mechanism is in a very poor shape atm.

You jumped from murky water being the "earth field" to earth field to being a smoke field what ppl where asking for the ele class. That is an odd jump of logic when most ele or at least from the point of view of this chat earth field is realted to earth auras and not just another copy of an existing field.


Dragon feed on magic and magic could be any thing and it changes / charges what it moves though the lay-lines where there before the dragons and the magic from the "dead" dragons move though the lay-lines not make them self.


I have a feeling "earth" magic in most games is what ever is in the ground at the moment of earth manipulation. Its not realty "earth" magic but manipulation of mater. So if there is something poison in the earth (most of the time there is on some level) then it will poison. I am asking for an true earth field often you see in growth or magnetite fields. There is room for manipulation earth though its a reason why i think conja weapons should be an earth line thing more then fire where you manipulation the the earth to create weapons not i guess "fire?" to make weapons.


But they did update the combos at one point after they added in the elite spec so there is something there for them to update it as an effect or they just need to out right remove it or there always going to be a bad balancing effect from them.


As well as this is a chat about what changes do you think we need before the edo update. This is a big thing that needs an update of an buff and rework OR to be comply removed. I love combos its what got me into this game so i am staying on the positive side of things of keeping the effect. But something need to be changed or it will remain a mess of bad balancing that cant be fixed.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

You jumped from murky water being the "earth field" to earth field to being a smoke field what ppl where asking for the ele class. That is an odd jump of logic when most ele or at least from the point of view of this chat earth field is realted to earth auras and not just another copy of an existing field.


Dragon feed on magic and magic could be any thing and it changes / charges what it moves though the lay-lines where there before the dragons and the magic from the "dead" dragons move though the lay-lines not make them self.


I have a feeling "earth" magic in most games is what ever is in the ground at the moment of earth manipulation. Its not realty "earth" magic but manipulation of mater. So if there is something poison in the earth (most of the time there is on some level) then it will poison. I am asking for an true earth field often you see in growth or magnetite fields. There is room for manipulation earth though its a reason why i think conja weapons should be an earth line thing more then fire where you manipulation the the earth to create weapons not i guess "fire?" to make weapons.


But they did update the combos at one point after they added in the elite spec so there is something there for them to update it as an effect or they just need to out right remove it or there always going to be a bad balancing effect from them.


As well as this is a chat about what changes do you think we need before the edo update. This is a big thing that needs an update of an buff and rework OR to be comply removed. I love combos its what got me into this game so i am staying on the positive side of things of keeping the effect. But something need to be changed or it will remain a mess of bad balancing that cant be fixed.

I have seen some rpgs and jrpgs also use earth to drop giant rocks onto people's heads as well.



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13 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

I have seen some rpgs and jrpgs also use earth to drop giant rocks onto people's heads as well.



I am the type that dose not think throwing a rock at something and yelling "magic" means your using earth magic hehe.

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7 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

So the earth bending from Avatar doesn't count as earth magic for you?

I have a very vage ideal of what your talking about so i am not sure? If all the person is doing is moving earth but not using what is in that earth it feels like a complete waist. Look at it this way earth in effect has every thing you need to make things from both non living items tools weapons to living things such as plants (wood food etc..) to only limit your self to just moving soil and rock seems like a massive lack of imagination in a world of magic. You could even look at earth magic and or field as old energy or every thing that has once lived or was on the soil becomes part of it in time and the magic it self is letting the user take advantages of that old energy/life.


In a way earth magic in gw2 should be any thing that is from the gw2 past that returned to the land.


I realty did not mean to this get this far off-topic but this game NEEDS an combo update and an earth field before EOD comes out badly. That or they need to just out right remove fields and combos from the game and simply give the effects to skills or your always going to have messed up power creep to field / combo skills that simply are stronger at times then they should be or weaker at times when they should be much stronger.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

I have a very vage ideal of what your talking about so i am not sure? If all the person is doing is moving earth but not using what is in that earth it feels like a complete waist. Look at it this way earth in effect has every thing you need to make things from both non living items tools weapons to living things such as plants (wood food etc..) to only limit your self to just moving soil and rock seems like a massive lack of imagination in a world of magic. You could even look at earth magic and or field as old energy or every thing that has once lived or was on the soil becomes part of it in time and the magic it self is letting the user take advantages of that old energy/life.


In a way earth magic in gw2 should be any thing that is from the gw2 past that returned to the land.


I realty did not mean to this get this far off-topic but this game NEEDS an combo update and an earth field before EOD comes out badly. That or they need to just out right remove fields and combos from the game and simply give the effects to skills or your always going to have messed up power creep to field / combo skills that simply are stronger at times then they should be or weaker at times when they should be much stronger.

Wood, food, etc. don't fall in earth magic territory in GW2. These are considered nature magic, a magical power of rangers, not elementalists.


Anyway, I don't really see a particular need for an earth field. I get that you most likely want a new source for magnetic aura (and generally more combo fields for ele most likely, since ele and ranger would be the top candidates for earth combo fields). But I don't really see why we would need more magnetic auras.


And the combo system works fine mostly, at least in my opinion. I just wish whirl finishers were more reliable, but that's pretty much it.

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I think all elites specs should have 2 weapon proficiencies.

Each current Elite Specialization will have 2 minor weapon proficiencies. 

Guard.: Dragonhunters would have Longbow and offhand Sword / Firebrand would have main hand Axe and mainhand Focus.

Revenant: Heralds would have Shield and Greatsword / Renegades would have Shortbow and offhand Focus

Warrior: Berserkers would have Torches and Main hand Shield / Spell Breakers would have Dual Daggers and Offhand Focus.


Thief:  Daredevils would have Staff and Dual Mace / Deadeye would have Rifle and offhand Focus.

Engineer: Scrappers would have Hammer and main hand Mace / Holosmith would have main hand Sword and Staff.

Ranger: Druids would have Staff and offhand Focus / Soulbeasts would have main hand Dagger and Rifle.


Ele : Tempests would have Warhorn and offhand Scepter / Weavers would have main hand Sword and main hand Focus.

Mesmer: Chronomancers would have Shield and Dual Daggers / Mirages would have main hand Axe and main hand Pistol.

Necromancers: Reapers would have Greatsword and offhand Axe / Scourges would have Torch and offhand Shield.

Edited by VocalThought.9835
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7 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Wood, food, etc. don't fall in earth magic territory in GW2. These are considered nature magic, a magical power of rangers, not elementalists.


Anyway, I don't really see a particular need for an earth field. I get that you most likely want a new source for magnetic aura (and generally more combo fields for ele most likely, since ele and ranger would be the top candidates for earth combo fields). But I don't really see why we would need more magnetic auras.


And the combo system works fine mostly, at least in my opinion. I just wish whirl finishers were more reliable, but that's pretty much it.

Why not any thing growing from the earth and modified to grow faster is due to the earth it self giving the plant food to grow faster. Its not just about magnetic auras its about having a system where some combos are much much stronger then others and missing magic types altogether.


The combo system is very out dated some combo types and fields are out right broken to out right worthless. The means of balancing the skills to give fields do not fit there comb out comes and often combo them self do not fit there balancing for the kits. Do you balance a combo with the field in mind or do you balances it with out the field in mind. That the problem combos are both too week and too powerful at the same time and in being so always going to be a type of power creep or out right underpowerd. It is impossible to balance them right in the current system.


Added note: a lot of classes use "earth magic" in one way or another so there is space for more then just 2 classes getting it.

Edited by Jski.6180
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14 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

I have a very vage ideal of what your talking about so i am not sure? If all the person is doing is moving earth but not using what is in that earth it feels like a complete waist. Look at it this way earth in effect has every thing you need to make things from both non living items tools weapons to living things such as plants (wood food etc..) to only limit your self to just moving soil and rock seems like a massive lack of imagination in a world of magic.

And yet that's how most of the air, fire and water magics work too. They create and move the element, but do not do much beyond that.


Notice, btw, that there are two distinct aspects to "earth", that, depending on the approach to magic system used in specific setting are sometimes conflated together, but equally often considered to be completely distinct types of magic. First is the real "earth" - basically anything that involves soil, stone, minerals (and sometimes gravity). Second is the life-nourishing aspect of earth, which sometimes ends up as a separate element (i.e. "wood") or part of nature magic. You seem to be in favour of the first option (conflating earth and nature together), but GW2 seems more about those two cases being something distinct from each other.


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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And yet that's how most of the air, fire and water magics work too. They create and move the element, but do not do much beyond that.


Notice, btw, that there are two distinct aspects to "earth", that, depending on the approach to magic system used in specific setting are sometimes conflated together, but equally often considered to be completely distinct types of magic. First is the real "earth" - basically anything that involves soil, stone, minerals (and sometimes gravity). Second is the life-nourishing aspect of earth, which sometimes ends up as a separate element (i.e. "wood") or part of nature magic. You seem to be in favour of the first option (conflating earth and nature together), but GW2 seems more about those two cases being something distinct from each other.


I would not call "wood" water or fire or air but growth is very much part of the GW2 world. If we want to realty get down to it Air would be electrons or exchanges of positive to negative, fire is plasma or hot to cold, water is a solvent or the H - O bound pull. There are overlaps for sure but to say all earth is is throwing a rock with magic is just silly (you could call it the same magic that throwing water or fire or even lighting making it all non elemental) and very lacking of imagination on anet end.


Back to the real talk Combos and fields. Its just a core effect to the game and what defined the game for years till they simply added in skills that did what the combos did but simply better. So we have old skill that have combos and fields that are simply weaker then newer skills OR worst making old skill / new skills with combo and fields stronger then intended because of there added effects.


That is the chose anet needs to make a true turning point for the game play do you update fields and combos or do you remove them from the game. If they chose not to do any thing then the game will be un-balanceable.

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11 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

I would not call "wood" water or fire or air but growth is very much part of the GW2 world.

But not part of the earth magic. That is the point i am making. In GW2 those two things are separate, with the life-nourishing not being part of earth magic, but of nature one. In GW, it's not elementalists but rangers that make things grow.



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