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What changes do you think professions need outsife of the upcoming EOD specs?

The Boz.2038

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But not part of the earth magic. That is the point i am making. In GW2 those two things are separate, with the life-nourishing not being part of earth magic, but of nature one. In GW, it's not elementalists but rangers that make things grow.



Each class uses magic differently even if its the same magic. If elementalists uses the elementalis then every other classes use the same magic that is elemental to the world.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

Each class uses magic differently even if its the same magic. If elementalists uses the elementalis then every other classes use the same magic that is elemental to the world.

Why do you think the trait line for ranger is called nature magic? It is not "earth magic used in a different way". It is straight up a different field of magic.

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4 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Why do you think the trait line for ranger is called nature magic? It is not "earth magic used in a different way". It is straight up a different field of magic.



I wish you would talk about combo and field update or removal from the game more then semantics of what the meaning of elemental is when it comes to gw2.

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10 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:



I wish you would talk about combo and field update or removal from the game more then semantics of what the meaning of elemental is when it comes to gw2.

I think combo fields are working just fine the way they are, no need for additions or reworks mostly. An increase in reliability for whirl finishers is the only thing I think should be done, but that's really it. I enjoy them the way they are.

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3 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I think combo fields are working just fine the way they are, no need for additions or reworks mostly. An increase in reliability for whirl finishers is the only thing I think should be done, but that's really it. I enjoy them the way they are.

Some fields and combo types (such as your whirl) are lacking for sure a leap for lighting field is soo much weaker then say a leap for a smoke field that why anet needs to standardize the combo types and on some level the field types too. As well as anet moving away from making sure a (key lock separation system) where your not realty should to have both the combo and field has off set the balancing of field types and combo types.


That why i suggest making all leaps into auras all blast into support boons heals or barriers make all projectile into condi dmg and all whirls into soft cc. Make all fields for all elemental magic types have a strong point of combo and a week point but no copy past of effects (smoke field should not be both a stealth on leap and blast and it should not be a blind on whirl and projectile.)


Add in an earth field add in more boons and even boon strips to the combo finniser effects and add in more auras poison and shadow.

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18 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Some fields and combo types (such as your whirl) are lacking



18 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

That why i suggest making all leaps into auras

No reason to do that.


18 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

all blast into support boons heals or barriers

No reason to do that.


18 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

make all projectile into condi dmg

No reason to do that.


18 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

and all whirls into soft cc.

And no reason to do that.



Add in an earth field



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Don't mind it but there is a good reason combos were put aside. Trying to resurect them would create more issues than it would solve in group content. The only area where it would be somewhat acceptable would be solo PvE and, well, it's not needed.


The only way you could realistically make combo playable again would be by giving professions/e-spec traits that trigger on a succesful combo no matter what field is used. For example:

  1. Reaper could have a trait that let him chill foes affected by one of it's successful whirl combo,
  2. Scourge could apply torment on a successful projectile combo,
  3. Chronomancer could apply slow on a successful Blast combo,
  4. Berserker could burn on a successful leap combo... etc.


These kind of traits would allow the player to ignore the everpresent "field polution" in order to reliably trigger the effect they want. In fact, if I remember properly, elementalist used to have a trait that allow him to grant fury to it's ally upon a succesful blast into a fire field, the idea would be to simply extend such effect to all combo fields (I mean, if the trait effect used to exist, it's certainly doable).

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50 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


Don't mind it but there is a good reason combos were put aside. Trying to resurect them would create more issues than it would solve in group content. The only area where it would be somewhat acceptable would be solo PvE and, well, it's not needed.


The only way you could realistically make combo playable again would be by giving professions/e-spec traits that trigger on a succesful combo no matter what field is used. For example:

  1. Reaper could have a trait that let him chill foes affected by one of it's successful whirl combo,
  2. Scourge could apply torment on a successful projectile combo,
  3. Chronomancer could apply slow on a successful Blast combo,
  4. Berserker could burn on a successful leap combo... etc.


These kind of traits would allow the player to ignore the everpresent "field polution" in order to reliably trigger the effect they want. In fact, if I remember properly, elementalist used to have a trait that allow him to grant fury to it's ally upon a succesful blast into a fire field, the idea would be to simply extend such effect to all combo fields (I mean, if the trait effect used to exist, it's certainly doable).

That fine to remove the combo too (i mean i hate it a lot as that why i started to play this game in the first places) but this 1/2 doing something yet not all the way is not good for balancing as you have skills that are very much overloaded with effect due to them being both a full skill and a combo field or combo and other skills that are simply incomplete because they where made with combo field and combos in mind.


Sadly they removed these class only combo effects as well as rune set so i am not sure anet going to go that path.


It was a better game when you had to use combos vs the mess we have now.

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1 minute ago, Jski.6180 said:

It was a better game when you had to use combos vs the mess we have now.


That's arguable.


You could say that the issues when you had to use combos were different than nowaday's issues. Saying that the game was better, on another hand... That would mostly depend on the point of view.


As players were growing, they learned to use combo. But at the same time, they discovered that some combo had less value than other and that some fields were simply impeding their progress. In this process, some professions started to be excluded and other shot to the top.


Elementalist is the profession that shot to the top and, sure from an elementalist's point of view, it was better at that time. Afterall, they were the main source of might and fury (fiere field/blast), provided swiftness between boss (lightning fields/blast), offered water field when the situation was dire and had OP conjured weapons (mainly frostbow/FGS) to kill thing quickly.


At the other end of the spectrum, you had guardian who had to watch himself to avoid laying a light field and necromancer who had low damage unless they laid a dark field. For both of those professions, the combo era was a nightmare, using some of their best skills only ending up hindering the dynamic of the group.

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3 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


That's arguable.


You could say that the issues when you had to use combos were different than nowaday's issues. Saying that the game was better, on another hand... That would mostly depend on the point of view.


As players were growing, they learned to use combo. But at the same time, they discovered that some combo had less value than other and that some fields were simply impeding their progress. In this process, some professions started to be excluded and other shot to the top.


Elementalist is the profession that shot to the top and, sure from an elementalist's point of view, it was better at that time. Afterall, they were the main source of might and fury (fiere field/blast), provided swiftness between boss (lightning fields/blast), offered water field when the situation was dire and had OP conjured weapons (mainly frostbow/FGS) to kill thing quickly.


At the other end of the spectrum, you had guardian who had to watch himself to avoid laying a light field and necromancer who had low damage unless they laid a dark field. For both of those professions, the combo era was a nightmare, using some of their best skills only ending up hindering the dynamic of the group.

I do not think so and its not just ele that getting the most out of combos its thf having perma stealth its scraper giving out lots of aoe stealth its gurd getting an added heals though water its all of the light aura giving out 43% condi dmg taken. Ele is one of the weakest combo user now.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

I do not think so and its not just ele that getting the most out of combos its thf having perma stealth its scraper giving out lots of aoe stealth its gurd getting an added heals though water its all of the light aura giving out 43% condi dmg taken. Ele is one of the weakest combo user now.


I'm describing you what the "combo era" was like and why it shouldn't be brought back, yet you spout nonsense about perma stealth, guardian's busted light aura and elementalist being the "weakest" combo user now?


Let me use simpler words: In a "combo era" professions with undesirable fields are excluded. Professions with a lack of desired finishers are disregarded. If guardian's light fields are desirable right now then other profession that would hinder those light fields with other fields become undesirable. If a professions lack the desired finisher to trigger the light field then this profession do not benefit from the field and thus isn't competitive. This is why a "combo era" don't work. This is why ANet heavily reduced the players' reliance on combo by spreading shared boons on the different professions.


Now, core elementalist have the ability to share every aura he get and have a wealth of leap finishers. It mean that in the current era where light field provide the busted light aura, elementalist (whatever e-spec you use) can be an invaluable asset that can provide light aura by leaping into the guardian's aura. But sure, that's the "weakest" combo user for you!


NB.: Also, light aura reduce condition damage based on this formula:

(1-0.1)x(1-0.33)=0.9x0.67=0.603 or 39.7% condition damage reduction (not 43%).

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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I can’t speak for all classes but..


1, 300s icd traits need rework asap.


2, stealth. I want a mechanic that punishes prolonged or excessive stealth abuse. It leads to bad combat. My suggestion: you can stealth for 6s max, after that time you will be revealed for 6s. Any time you leave stealth you get revealed for 6s. DE would need a slight rework after this, but it would be worth it. 


3, I’d like to see a lot of skills reworked to require more skill to pull off. Example would be ranger rapidfire, DH trueshot, other ranged abilities that aren’t aoe and require ground targeting. I want skills like i mentioned to need to be aimed with mouse or direction, whichever user chooses. This promotes more skillful and fun gameplay. It just seems kinda silly ranger can have such hard hitting burst skill from long range and player doesn’t even need to aim.  Pretty much all ranged weapon abilities that aren’t  magic based should be either aimed or ground targeted. Remove target requirement for casting melee skills, you now have to face the direction you’re attacking in melee and have to aim (but only in the general direction since melee already has larger hitbox so it’s not that big of a difference anyway)


 My goal is just to make skill much more meaningful and impactful. Certain classes feel like they have much higher skill ceilings cus they aren’t limited by needing a target to cast melee skills or simply having more options that are skillful and shine at high tier gameplay.


4, boons need nerf. I don’t notice to much of a problem with might, but most defensive boons are just all over the place with lots of builds having extremely high uptime on protection. I’d go as far as to say anet needs to apply boon duration nerfs to runes in wvw the same way they did in spvp and maybe even reduce the effectiveness of the concentration stat.


5, Classes: (from wvw perspective)


*Thief:* Nerf the SA traitline. DD spec currently has no noticeable tradeoffs compared to what they get in return. They shouldn’t have both the ability to stealth on demand for a long time, apply weakness, dodge 3 times, have 33% DR and the best mobility. DD was supposed to be a monk style fighter that didn’t rely on stealth. Good idea, but ppl just abuse the SA traitline to get even more defensive utility.


 Core of them problem is basically just SA. 


*Ranger:* fix the slb dagger MH, it is really bad for both condi and power. 

Slightly increase hitbox radius on axe #4 so it’s slightly easier to land. Only slightly.


Rework rapidfire to be a buff that increases your atk speed by 50% and increases dmg of AA by like 33% for the next 3-4 hits, but now you have to actually aim. So you will deal around same dmg if all atks land as with current rapidfire, but you can miss and lose dmg. Slightly increase hitbox to not make it too difficult.

rework hunters shot so that it now leaps backwards kinda like Lightning reflexes but without the evade, for a shorter range, still applies stealth on hit. (to compensate for having to aim all the skills on lb)


Shortbow I’m not too sure about but why not just buff their dmg by 40% (cus the dmg already sucks) but ofc you have to aim


Nerf Dolyak stance. Either remove 33% DR that stacks with protection boon like it does now, or remove the stab. Increase cooldown by like 10-15s. Other stances feel weird and useless. 


Rework the boon and weakness proc on NM. They were supposed to remove all passives long ago.


please give rangers utility kits or transformation utilities so we have more skills? I’d happily trade some other nerfs in return.


*Mesmer:* buff. Especially power.


*Guardian:* remove all passive aegis procs.








Edited by bigo.9037
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10 minutes ago, bigo.9037 said:

*Ranger:* fix the slb dagger MH, it is really bad for both condi and power. 

Why do you think so? Can mostly talk from a PvE point of view, but mainhand dagger is meta for all 3 dps type builds on soulbeast (power, condi and hybrid).


It seems to be an amazingly strong weapon.

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5 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Why do you think so? Can mostly talk from a PvE point of view, but mainhand dagger is meta for all 3 dps type builds on soulbeast (power, condi and hybrid).


It seems to be an amazingly strong weapon.

Mb I’ll edit post, but I’m referring to wvw. It just doesn’t have any dmg tbh and the condis are wasted on power build. It has potential with the leap into smokefields but it’s too clunky and not enough dmg or utility other than the leap.

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21 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


I'm describing you what the "combo era" was like and why it shouldn't be brought back, yet you spout nonsense about perma stealth, guardian's busted light aura and elementalist being the "weakest" combo user now?


Let me use simpler words: In a "combo era" professions with undesirable fields are excluded. Professions with a lack of desired finishers are disregarded. If guardian's light fields are desirable right now then other profession that would hinder those light fields with other fields become undesirable. If a professions lack the desired finisher to trigger the light field then this profession do not benefit from the field and thus isn't competitive. This is why a "combo era" don't work. This is why ANet heavily reduced the players' reliance on combo by spreading shared boons on the different professions.


Now, core elementalist have the ability to share every aura he get and have a wealth of leap finishers. It mean that in the current era where light field provide the busted light aura, elementalist (whatever e-spec you use) can be an invaluable asset that can provide light aura by leaping into the guardian's aura. But sure, that's the "weakest" combo user for you!


NB.: Also, light aura reduce condition damage based on this formula:

(1-0.1)x(1-0.33)=0.9x0.67=0.603 or 39.7% condition damage reduction (not 43%).

The combo era was when there were no roll defined classes so your main healing chose was though water fields. Some of the combos where different and there were less effect no dark or light aura.


What i am talking about is removing the copy past effect of combos a smoke field should not be a leap stealth and blast stealth a blind whirl and blind projectile its just silly and lazy on anet end.


Ele aura shair is not as ele only in the game being able to blast for aoe aura takes away from what the class can do as a roll with the strongest auras in the game. As well as adding in leap to be aura only lets the ele class fill that melee aura support all the better at the same time letting other melee class have there aura self support be a real thing.


Light aura still stronger then the other auras due to the lack of thinking though updating the game. That realty what all this is about updating the game in a more though out way and not just looking at one boon and doing a blank update with out thinking about it. If you make combos do different things then just copy past of the same effect you can remove the "op" effect with out making the combo simply pointless but adding in other effects.

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44 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

The combo era was when there were no roll defined classes so your main healing chose was though water fields. Some of the combos where different and there were less effect no dark or light aura.

The combo era:

PvE wise: Pack, fire field/blast for might/fury -> impact boss and kill boss then lightning field/blast for swiftness in order to get to the next boss. If there was add to skip, add smoke field/blast for stealth to the lightning field (smoke fields always after lightning field because stealth had shorter duration).


WvW wise: Pack, fire field/blast for might/fury -> impact enemy zerg. Repack, water field/blast to recover then firefield/blast to reimpact, rinse and repeat. Then to move around: pack, lightning field/blast for swiftness.


Elementalist had a full rotation with dagger/X (some took dagger off hand, other focus) to give 25 might/fury (without boon duration gear). I've personally done it countless time as a dungeon runner pre HoT (And before you start with saying the rotation was complicated, I've done it so much that I didn't even need to think about it to do this rotation. Heck! I've even used it very successfully in WvW and sPvP... Just do the rotation and people die around you).


NB: Dark fields had their combo, it's only for light field that it took time for combos to be added. Dark combo were even nerfed for WvW (out of all thing) because zerg were killing invulnerable NPC with them (it was like the only place they were used...). Anyway, as long as you potentially had field to polute the 4 essential fields, you were not welcome. And I doubt anyone want such a thing to happen ever again.

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9 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

The combo era:

PvE wise: Pack, fire field/blast for might/fury -> impact boss and kill boss then lightning field/blast for swiftness in order to get to the next boss. If there was add to skip, add smoke field/blast for stealth to the lightning field (smoke fields always after lightning field because stealth had shorter duration).


WvW wise: Pack, fire field/blast for might/fury -> impact enemy zerg. Repack, water field/blast to recover then firefield/blast to reimpact, rinse and repeat. Then to move around: pack, lightning field/blast for swiftness.


Elementalist had a full rotation with dagger/X (some took dagger off hand, other focus) to give 25 might/fury (without boon duration gear). I've personally done it countless time as a dungeon runner pre HoT (And before you start with saying the rotation was complicated, I've done it so much that I didn't even need to think about it to do this rotation. Heck! I've even used it very successfully in WvW and sPvP... Just do the rotation and people die around you).


NB: Dark fields had their combo, it's only for light field that it took time for combos to be added. Dark combo were even nerfed for WvW (out of all thing) because zerg were killing invulnerable NPC with them (it was like the only place they were used...). Anyway, as long as you potentially had field to polute the 4 essential fields, you were not welcome. And I doubt anyone want such a thing to happen ever again.

I’ll have to agree here. Balance was not good back then. Ele was legit so strong pvp players would stack 5 of them in their tournaments and WIN. that’s why there’s a class limit to this day. I tried it myself at the time to see how it worked and it was literally just a cookie cutter rotation that you repeated indefinitely until enemy died. 

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I'd really like ANet to take a pass at any weapons that really don't see use, like, anywhere.  I'd call out these ones:


Warrior: Offhand sword

Guardian: Guardian weapons generally can find use somewhere, but take a look at hammer and mace

Revenant: Hammer (does this still see wvw use? I don't even know, I don't zerg)


Thief: No real issue; each of its weapon can find use somewhere.

Ranger: No real issue; each of its weapon can find use somewhere.

Engineer: Engy's weapon problems stem from having so few options.  Any future elite specs have to contend with the fact that any main hand is locked to shield or pistol offhand, and any offhand is basically out of the question because engy's only main hand option is pistol.  


Mesmer: No real issue, but if I had to point at something it would be how dull pistol is.

Necro: Mainhand dagger, focus

Elementalist: At minimum, bring back meteor shower.  That would go along way to making staff viable again.

Edited by StAllerdyce.3941
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1 hour ago, StAllerdyce.3941 said:

Revenant: Hammer (does this still see wvw use? I don't even know, I don't zerg)


It does and is still one of the main damage sources for a zerg herald. To the point where if you gave Soulbeast an identical weapon, it'd be the difference between its current niche role as an immobilizer with decent melee damage to probably contesting a meta role (not a must have, but still fine for that 5th spot in a party with the regular FB, scrapper, scourge and herald) with said hammer, greatsword on swap + its shareable bear, dolyak and owp stances and immob.

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Rifle should be reworked into short range shotgun-like power weapon. Engi lacks non kit power weapon outside of elite specs.
Bomb Kit should be reworked into Rocket Launcher 1200 range power weapon with locked target skills, not ground target like mortar. Engi needs reliable power-based long range weapon, because all Elite spec weapon are pure melee, while rifle, even without rework, cannot be considered as 100% long range weapon.

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On 6/29/2021 at 4:11 PM, bigo.9037 said:

no noticeable tradeoffs compared to what they get in return. They shouldn’t have both the ability to stealth on demand for a long time, apply weakness, dodge 3 times, have 33% DR and the best mobility. DD was supposed to be a monk style fighter that didn’t rely on stealth. Good idea, but ppl just abuse the SA traitline to get even more defensive utility


While I agree daredevil being the answer to everything is wrong. 


I will say, I don't think just nerfing core thief is the way forward for the sake of it really. 


I think there's likely to be much better ways of doing which doesn't hurt the entire class to get at one specific elite. 

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8 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think chronomancer should get the distortion back. It’s currently so squishy it is tough to survive in pvp. Especially given everyone target chrono at all times as they know it is easy to cancel

I disagree.... having to give up distortion for continuum rift is how it should have been from the start. The ability to completely reset your health and cooldowns to a prior point is extremely powerful, both offensively and defensively.

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15 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

I think chronomancer should get the distortion back. It’s currently so squishy it is tough to survive in pvp. Especially given everyone target chrono at all times as they know it is easy to cancel

Yeah, no. as a chrono main, I much rather they fix the problem with well by making them attach to the caster like gyro and make the final effect consistently pulsing with like 1 second interval. And while at it, they should also update most of the core mesmer trait lines, since they are so outdated.  And with some updated trait lines and useful wells, maybe we can actually survive without needing distortion. 

Edited by AXLIB.8425
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35 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

Yeah, no. as a chrono main, I much rather they fix the problem with wall by making them attach to the caster like gyro and make the final effect consistently pulsing with like 1 second interval. And while at it, they should also update most of the core mesmer trait lines, since they are so outdated.  And with some updated trait lines and useful walls, maybe we can actually survive without needing distortion. 

That’s the proper long way indeed fellow main chrono:) I agree, distortion is a plaster band solution. Did you mean wells?

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