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Resettlement Efforts up north?? (dragon bash ambiant dialogue)


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There's a really interesting ambient dialogue between two norn locals in the fighting pit in Holebrak (technically there are 2, the other one is about S, but I'm talking about this one) and it goes like this:


"You hear Visin went north?"


"Yeah, with the last resettlement group."

"Didn't come back for the festival?"

"Must not've felt like celebrating."

Now, I have no idea who Visin is, the wiki had nothing on them. But the implication of resettlement efforts to the north suggest that the Norn are taking back their ancestral homeland  now that Icebrood saga is over.



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12 minutes ago, coollizzylou.9387 said:

There's a really interesting ambient dialogue between two norn locals in the fighting pit in Holebrak (technically there are 2, the other one is about S, but I'm talking about this one) and it goes like this:

Now, I have no idea who Visin is, the wiki had nothing on them. But the implication of resettlement efforts to the north suggest that the Norn are taking back their ancestral homeland  now that Icebrood saga is over.



Yeah, I saw this hunk of dialogue too. Maybe something we come back to post EoD. 

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36 minutes ago, coollizzylou.9387 said:

There's a really interesting ambient dialogue between two norn locals in the fighting pit in Holebrak (technically there are 2, the other one is about S, but I'm talking about this one) and it goes like this:

Now, I have no idea who Visin is, the wiki had nothing on them. But the implication of resettlement efforts to the north suggest that the Norn are taking back their ancestral homeland  now that Icebrood saga is over.



Or, you know, they are going back to Drizzlewood Coast since there was an active settlement there recently.


What are they going to resettle in Bjora? there isn't a single standing settlement.

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2 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

What are they going to resettle in Bjora? there isn't a single standing settlement.

Yeah, I know, and it's completely impossible to rebuild fallen structures.




Truth be told, it's pretty obvious the norn would resettle the Far Shiverpeaks. That was their goal the entire time. To eventually defeat Jormag and reclaim their old homelands. Not all norn would go north, of course, but a more significant amount than the asura reclaiming the Depths is likely.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Yeah, I know, and it's completely impossible to rebuild fallen structures.

Its not even that they are fallen

  • Sifhalla, Volsung's Stead, and Gunnar's Hold, are buried under glaciers
  • Jora's Homestad is now a small Vigil fort
  • The "Haunted" Homestead is now part of the Raven Sanctum
  • Longeye's Ledge has just collapsed, and is now Charr lands
  • Olafstead, and the area around it, is now either underwater, or buried under a glacier

There's nothing to rebuild, its all been wiped out besides the small Norn settlement in Drizzlewood, which is the only really important one given its proximity to shrine for the Spirit's of the Wild.

1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Not all norn would go north, of course, but a more significant amount than the asura reclaiming the Depths is likely.

If anything the exact opposite should be true. The Depths are far more likely reclaimable then the old Norn lands, at least from what we see of the old Norn lands. Asuran structures tend to be far more sturdy then Norn ones.

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13 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Yeah, I know, and it's completely impossible to rebuild fallen structures.




Truth be told, it's pretty obvious the norn would resettle the Far Shiverpeaks. That was their goal the entire time. To eventually defeat Jormag and reclaim their old homelands. Not all norn would go north, of course, but a more significant amount than the asura reclaiming the Depths is likely.

Adding to that the norn are pretty obsessed with legends and the legacies of their heroes. There must be myriad stories of their people before Jormag chased them south, and it seems entirely appropriate for the norn to have a desire to honor and reclaim those legends (and possibly create their own adventuring back north in the process).


Also stands to reason that the norn having been solitary hunters previously will have those individuals who want to return to that lifestyle now that Jormag isn’t a threat anymore, though I doubt it will be the majority.


And buildings not withstanding, there could be a wealth of norn artifacts to rediscover that I imagine many norn (and/or priory) would be interested in recovering.

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:11 AM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Its not even that they are fallen

  • Sifhalla, Volsung's Stead, and Gunnar's Hold, are buried under glaciers
  • Jora's Homestad is now a small Vigil fort
  • The "Haunted" Homestead is now part of the Raven Sanctum
  • Longeye's Ledge has just collapsed, and is now Charr lands
  • Olafstead, and the area around it, is now either underwater, or buried under a glacier

There's nothing to rebuild, its all been wiped out besides the small Norn settlement in Drizzlewood, which is the only really important one given its proximity to shrine for the Spirit's of the Wild.

If anything the exact opposite should be true. The Depths are far more likely reclaimable then the old Norn lands, at least from what we see of the old Norn lands. Asuran structures tend to be far more sturdy then Norn ones.

You seem to be mistaking the idea of rebuilding the exact structures with the notion of [re]settling the landscape.


They're not the same.


And as the NPCs say: resettlement. The existence or situation of old settlements is irrelevant to resettling the Far Shiverpeaks. New buildings can be made, either over old structures being cleared out, or in new locations.


As to the glaciers specifically: given that icebrood literally thawed out with Jormag's death, so to speak, it wouldn't be surprising if the rest of the corrupted ice did too, so those glaciers would vanish.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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3 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

the only thing that intrigues me is that i imagine the far-shiverpeaks/actual norm areas is like  greenland/denmark; siberia/russia, why resettle to a place with a more hard weather?

Pretty much this.


The Norn have no reason to want to go back north to resettle. The Far Shiverpeaks were a rather awful environment in the first place, and they are already much more established and well off in the lower Shiverpeaks then they ever were in the Far Shiverpeaks


Going up north to finish off the last of the Icebrood? Wanting to reclaim the shrines to the spirits for religious reasons? Sure. but resettling? resettling what exactly?

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:11 AM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Its not even that they are fallen

  • Sifhalla, Volsung's Stead, and Gunnar's Hold, are buried under glaciers
  • Jora's Homestad is now a small Vigil fort
  • The "Haunted" Homestead is now part of the Raven Sanctum
  • Longeye's Ledge has just collapsed, and is now Charr lands
  • Olafstead, and the area around it, is now either underwater, or buried under a glacier

There's nothing to rebuild, its all been wiped out besides the small Norn settlement in Drizzlewood, which is the only really important one given its proximity to shrine for the Spirit's of the Wild.


We did see that many of Jormag's glaciers were directly impacted by their magic (i.e. the glaciers receding in Drizzlewood), so it may very well be possible that they would disappear or melt at a faster rate since Jormag's dead and lost control of that magic. Therefore, I could see some of the settlements destroyed/buried by Jormag's glaciers being potentials for resettlement if the glaciers are no longer there. Gunnar's Hold would probably be the most desirable as it was the closest thing to a "Capital" of the norn in GW1 and was the longest settled, and thus likely holds both historical and sentimental value to many of them. Reclaiming the longest held original settlement(s) of the norn would also most likely be seen as a huge honor among them.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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15 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

the only thing that intrigues me is that i imagine the far-shiverpeaks/actual norm areas is like  greenland/denmark; siberia/russia, why resettle to a place with a more hard weather?

Because its their ancestral homeland and its environs don't seem significantly more inhospitable than the regions they currently live in.

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On 6/22/2021 at 7:37 PM, Tyson.5160 said:

Yeah, I saw this hunk of dialogue too. Maybe something we come back to post EoD. 


don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.  Far shiverpeaks and woodland cascades were my two top most wanted locations in the game and I’d hoped we’d get at least all of the far shiverpeaks in the saga.  I really hope they don’t abandon those locations and never do new maps there because they’re amazing regions

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18 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:


don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.  Far shiverpeaks and woodland cascades were my two top most wanted locations in the game and I’d hoped we’d get at least all of the far shiverpeaks in the saga.  I really hope they don’t abandon those locations and never do new maps there because they’re amazing regions

You never know, the norn re settlement could be a nice stand alone campaign/storyline, which could lead to the wolf and snow leopard Armor sets being released.

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1 hour ago, Tyson.5160 said:

You never know, the norn re settlement could be a nice stand alone campaign/storyline, which could lead to the wolf and snow leopard Armor sets being released.

If we go back to the Far North we will likely get the Centaur story in the Woodland Cascades that got axed from IBS.


That or whatever, if anything, they planned to do around anvil Rock besides just the dragon fight. Though Arah story mode, Dragon's Stand, and Dragonfall, didn't have much in the way of narrative/lore devlopments, so I'm not sure Dragonstorm in Anvil Rock would have either.


I would be surprised if they tried to jam a a map between Bjora and the EoTN, or between the EoTN and Fireheart Rise, and the area where Olafstead was is now underwater, and I doubt they would make a map thats mostly underwater at this point in the game..

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On 6/28/2021 at 10:56 AM, ugrakarma.9416 said:

the only thing that intrigues me is that i imagine the far-shiverpeaks/actual norm areas is like  greenland/denmark; siberia/russia, why resettle to a place with a more hard weather?

They aren't that bad, as proven by the fact that norn, jotun, and centaurs lived there for centuries without qualm.

The very fact that plantlife was prevailant in the Far Shiverpeaks shows that it is entirely hospitable. The norn evolved for cold weather and would be hardier towards it than humans ever were on Earth.

The biggest reason why would simply be of national/heritage pride, though.

21 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

If we go back to the Far North we will likely get the Centaur story in the Woodland Cascades that got axed from IBS.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. If ArenaNet really does insist on continuing the narrative after closing the Elder Dragon plot, then they'll need some hooks to introduce the next big monolothic plot that they always maintain.


And norn resettling the north is a pretty solid hook introduced as they're beginning to plot out our new "from nothing" post-ED overarching narrative. Especially if it doesn't follow up on the Six Gods as so many are predicting.



I would be surprised if they tried to jam a a map between Bjora and the EoTN, or between the EoTN and Fireheart Rise, and the area where Olafstead was is now underwater, and I doubt they would make a map thats mostly underwater at this point in the game..

If the predictions of EoD including an underwater revamp hold true enough (which will be necessary to deliver a compelling deep sea dragon narrative), I could see more underwater maps in the distant future. Especially now that we have an official underwater mount.
Though given ANet's aversion, if we get that underwater revamp I'd hold the possibility of post-EoD / DSD plot underwater maps to be at most 40% likelihood. 10% if we don't get that revamp, and that's of "Bitterfrost Frontier underwater content quality" aka "it's there, but it's irrelevant".

But we're talking about post-Season 6 stuff here, more likely than not, so we're grasping at straws regardless which direction we theorize in.

But returning to the Far Shiverpeaks two-three years down the line would be enough time to have things evolve without the Commander's presence.

Shame we didn't get more Central Tyria progression shown while we were off galavanting in Elona. Even the "what's been up with the charr and norn" got little attention in IBS before we're off to Cantha.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. If ArenaNet really does insist on continuing the narrative after closing the Elder Dragon plot, then they'll need some hooks to introduce the next big monolothic plot that they always maintain.


And norn resettling the north is a pretty solid hook introduced as they're beginning to plot out our new "from nothing" post-ED overarching narrative. Especially if it doesn't follow up on the Six Gods as so many are predicting.

I would be surprised if the game has a long term monolithic plot after EoD.


Anet has said we are getting some story content after EoD, not that its years of story content part of a larger meta-narrative akin to the dragons. In a literal sense that means we are getting a LWS6 after EoD, that serves to expand on Cantha like LWS4 did for Elona. If EoD does actually end the dragon plot, then LWS6 could end the god plot by having Lyssa up to something in Cantha(I mean, if she isn't there I don't see where she would be). Which would end the last of the mega plots of GW2, not introduce a new one.


In the hypothetical situation there is another multi LW/expansion size meta plot after EoD, I find it more likely we would get some hook into the 4th human land to the west on the wetlands/Howling Peninsula continent. Thats an actual plot hook, while "The Norn are trying to resettle the north" is just just typical post story ambient dialog to reflect IBS happened.

2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

If the predictions of EoD including an underwater revamp hold true enough (which will be necessary to deliver a compelling deep sea dragon narrative), I could see more underwater maps in the distant future. Especially now that we have an official underwater mount.

I don't buy this argument. People said the same thing about needing a Depths of Tyria expansion to do a Primordus plot, and not only did Anet not do it, they apparently had no plans to ever do such a thing even in the original plans for IBS. Instead preferring to integrate various underground, or quasi underground, aspects into maps like Rata Novus in Tangled Depths, Draconis Mons, the Derelict Delve in the Desert Highlands, to deal with the various depths related subjects like the Asura, and Dwarves.


The overwhelming majority of intelligent life, and thus resistance to the dragons, is on the surface of Tyria. If Bubbles really wants to take over like the other Elder Dragons to it makes far more sense for it, and its minions, to come to the surface to try to fight us, rather then us going into the depths of the oceans to fight it. Much like it makes more sense to have Primordus' minions rise to the surface, rather then have us go into the depths. Especially given people's aversion to underwater content.

2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Shame we didn't get more Central Tyria progression shown while we were off galavanting in Elona. Even the "what's been up with the charr and norn" got little attention in IBS before we're off to Cantha.

That was pretty much was LWS3 was for, us hopping around Central Tyria to clean up various problems, and get little updates on whats going on around the land, before we hop off to Elona so people didn't have much questions in regards to that.


And I don't see how the Norn/Charr got little attention in IBS. They ran the show for 6 releases straight. BbB, WitD, SitI, VotP:SaF, NQ, JR, and continued even more into Champions.

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4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

I would be surprised if the game has a long term monolithic plot after EoD.

So far, monolithic plots is the only thing GW2 has really done. Everything else is just treated as a footnote to that.


So it would be surprising to me if they didn't do some new "grand plan" plot that they're so used to doing, and using a simpler plot to introduce us to it.

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

In the hypothetical situation there is another multi LW/expansion size meta plot after EoD, I find it more likely we would get some hook into the 4th human land to the west on the wetlands/Howling Peninsula continent. Thats an actual plot hook, while "The Norn are trying to resettle the north" is just just typical post story ambient dialog to reflect IBS happened.

Both work, as would things like "the asura are settling the depths" or "we need to visit the ash legion homelands".

These things are all on par to "Bangar Ruinbringer is throwing an All-Legion Rally." It's not the season's/expansion's main plot at all, it's just something ArenaNet used to lead players into the main plot.

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

I don't buy this argument. People said the same thing about needing a Depths of Tyria expansion to do a Primordus plot, and not only did Anet not do it, they apparently had no plans to ever do such a thing even in the original plans for IBS.Instead preferring to integrate various underground, or quasi underground, aspects into maps like Rata Novus in Tangled Depths, Draconis Mons, the Derelict Delve in the Desert Highlands, to deal with the various depths related subjects like the Asura, and Dwarves.

There's a small ironic contradiction in your statement in that every instance you noted as relating to the Depths also relates to Primordus.


That said, the Depths of Tyria has a significant mechanical issue that underwater content doesn't and that, ironically, is underwater content existence. And the world map overlay.


Because of the hard-coded nature of the water level (and therefore underwater gameplay) being tied to the z-axis' location, any attempt to go underground in a map will eventually lead to water. So no open world map that has surface water can properly do a Depths section without it being in mountains (Desert Highlands) or the depths being fully submerged (Tangled Depths).


At the same time, due to the nature of the world map overlay, you can't have two zones overlap (attempts to do such resulted in so much issue that they scrapped the original Lake Doric map that wrapped around and thus overlapped with Divinity's Reach on the world map).


Underwater content in the ocean/seas wouldn't have either of these issues, since the first is innate to the nature of the content and maps, and the latter is simply a non-issue.

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

The overwhelming majority of intelligent life, and thus resistance to the dragons, is on the surface of Tyria. If Bubbles really wants to take over like the other Elder Dragons to it makes far more sense for it, and its minions, to come to the surface to try to fight us, rather then us going into the depths of the oceans to fight it. Much like it makes more sense to have Primordus' minions rise to the surface, rather then have us go into the depths. Especially given people's aversion to underwater content.

Not all the Elder Dragons wanted to "take over", nor needed to personally track down civilizations to do so.

With the exception of Primordus, every Elder Dragon has been a case of "we go to it" because Elder Dragons like to nest. Even Jormag we had to go to at first, and even Kralkatorrik we had to chase into the Mists to cripple.

And now that it's the last of the original six, the DSD should be highly hesitant about attacking mortals, unless it's blindingly animalistic like Primordus.

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

That was pretty much was LWS3 was for, us hopping around Central Tyria to clean up various problems, and get little updates on whats going on around the land, before we hop off to Elona so people didn't have much questions in regards to that.

Season 3 really only focused on Krytan problems, and didn't touch all of them at that. IBS was going to touch on the biggest leftover (Centaurs) but that got scrapped. But that's not my point. My point wasn't to say "we should have gotten lengthy plots all over Central Tyria after visiting Elona". I was saying "we should have gotten some updates on how things in Central Tyria had progressed while we were gone". Not even full episodes, just some dialogue here and there. The DRMs were the perfect opportunity for such, but the only update we got there was on Ebonhawke, Olmakhan, and Flame Legion.


Ironically, Dragon Bash's two updates are the only updates on the norn's situation we got since Season 4 ended. Despite IBS supposedly being "the charr and norn storyline".

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

And I don't see how the Norn/Charr got little attention in IBS. They ran the show for 6 releases straight. BbB, WitD, SitI, VotP:SaF, NQ, JR, and continued even more into Champions.

You're misquoting. I said "what the norn/charr have been up to". We got a bit of updates on the charr with Bound by Blood, but not really the norn.

Even then, how much lore for the norn and charr did we get in those releases? Particularly the norn, there wasn't all that much. Some tidbits, yes, but Season 4 gave far more lore on the Awakened and Sunspears than what the charr and norn got. I wouldn't say they "ran the show" because the show was ran by Jormag first and foremost (which makes sense).

Champions didn't even deal with norn, btw, but the dragons' affects on, well, everyone. We did get a little more charr politics, but only in two (arguably three) DRMs.

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21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

So far, monolithic plots is the only thing GW2 has really done. Everything else is just treated as a footnote to that.


So it would be surprising to me if they didn't do some new "grand plan" plot that they're so used to doing, and using a simpler plot to introduce us to it.

Not really. The White Mantle, Joko, and Charr Civil War, plots weren't monolithic. They were 3 release subplots, following a basic beginning, middle, end, narrative structure, within the actual monolithic plots of the dragons.

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

There's a small ironic contradiction in your statement in that every instance you noted as relating to the Depths also relates to Primordus.

That is, literally, the exact opposite of the meaning of contradiction. A contradiction is making one or more statements whose contents/conclusions conflict with each other. What you just described is consistency.

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

That said, the Depths of Tyria has a significant mechanical issue that underwater content doesn't and that, ironically, is underwater content existence. And the world map overlay.

The fact that Draconis Mons exist proves this entire notion wrong. They can make entire, multi layered, maps, and make them appear to be entirely underground, by simply building the map upward, and them putting a rock ceiling on it. Just put the Asura gate on the top of the map instead of the bottom and done. And the great thing about the depths... is that the Asura had gates everywhere from the Far Shiverpeaks, down into Cantha, you can put it anywhere and it wouldn't matter, because it would make sense for it to be there. Put a map under the Scavenger's Causeway. Who is to say an Asuran city wasn't there?

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Not all the Elder Dragons wanted to "take over", nor needed to personally track down civilizations to do so.

With the exception of Primordus, every Elder Dragon has been a case of "we go to it" because Elder Dragons like to nest. Even Jormag we had to go to at first, and even Kralkatorrik we had to chase into the Mists to cripple.

And now that it's the last of the original six, the DSD should be highly hesitant about attacking mortals, unless it's blindingly animalistic like Primordus.

All the Elder Dragons want to take over... that's literally part of their goals. To take over as much of the world as possible, so they can consume as much of the magic as possible, before they go back to sleep. That's what they have been doing every single cycle since the cycles began... or did you forget that major bit about the dragon's lore? And the DSD should be more likely to attack now because all of its competitors, the other Elder Dragons, are dead, and its been able to sit in the depths building its forces, and feasting on magic from all the other Elder dragons, likely making it the strongest yet. The fact its the last also means it would know its time is numbered, as there is no way the Pact is just going to let its continued existence slide, and so would try to make a first attack before we can come to it.

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Season 3 really only focused on Krytan problems, and didn't touch all of them at that.

Yep, because Ember Bay, Draconis Mons, and Bitterfrost Frontier, which dealt with Asura, Dwarves, Skritt, Norn, Kodan, and Quaggan, were Krytan problems... yep. Did you forget the other half of LWS3 besides the White Mantle releases?

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I was saying "we should have gotten some updates on how things in Central Tyria had progressed while we were gone

What is there to progress Konig? Every major threat was dead, or incapacitated. There would be no progression on anything while we were down in Elona besides everyone doing their normal day to day... now with more ease given that Zhaitan, and Mordremoth were dead,  Jormag and Primordus were put back to sleep, and the White Mantle, Nightmare Court, and Flame Legion, were either totally, or mostly, crushed.

21 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Even then, how much lore for the norn and charr did we get in those releases? Particularly the norn, there wasn't all that much.

A lot actually, especially for the Norn. IBS pretty much covered every major Norn lore aspect

  • We went back to the far north, revisited the old Norn lands, and saw the current state of many old Norn settlements like Longeye's Lodge, Jora's Homestead, Sifhalla, etc.
  • We fought, and defeated, the closest thing the Svanir have to a Norn leader, the Fraenir.
  • We helped Jhavi fight, and defeat, Drakkar. Earning her some measure of revenge for what the beast did to her family.
  • We went to the place where Asgeir fought Frostfang and Jormag, and learned some pretty big revelations about what really happened during that fight, and the Norn's exodus south.
  • We learned what happened to the "lost" Spirits of the Wild, and helped them, at least temporarily, resist Jormag's corruption.
  • We got books detailing early Norn/Human contact/diplomacy efforts following EoTN.
  • We got to go to the place the Spirits of the Wild first made contact with the Norn.
  • And IBS, from pretty much the beginning to the end, continued the whole "Norn of Prophecy" thing, what had become the entire linchpin of the Norn's desire to defeat Jormag. Which also completly debunks your claim that Champions didn't focus on the Norn, unless your saying the Norn's own major prophecy, and Braham's steps to fulfill it/understand it aren't Norn lore.

Like, the only thing they didn't do in IBS was have Knut Whitebear's wife show up in Bjora hunting Svanir/Icebrood. I honestly don't know what you expected, becuase they did pretty much everything, and that is apparently "not that much" to you.


You also don't seem to grasp how multi layered narratives work, and seem to think that unless you are the absolutely sole and primary focus of a release, you are getting nothing in that release. And that simply isn't how narratives work in GW2, or in general.

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Long story short: Grab a shovel people! We are going north to dig out the lost settlements of norns.

Maybe we'll find some frozen dwarves. I miss those little guys. I think that with Jormag dead, the weather up there should calm down enough to enable us to establish some settlements. Norns are used to building in the north. What could stop them this time?

I feel like with the EoD coming (likely as next LW), we might see some stories about races returning to places they left cuz of dragon activity. Asura were driven to the surface by destroyers, Norns were chased south by Icebrood, Kraits and Largos ran away from Bubbles?, even Tengu built themselves a new home. No one is where there supposed to be, except humans... cuz racism. All of that might also give us an opportunity to visit more of Charr territory to the east.

Throughout the years, we have met many characters, some rather important leaders in fact. There are plenty of reasons for us to travel around Tyria.

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9 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Not really. The White Mantle, Joko, and Charr Civil War, plots weren't monolithic. They were 3 release subplots, following a basic beginning, middle, end, narrative structure, within the actual monolithic plots of the dragons.

They were all part of a monolithic plotline which was the Elder Dragons though... Like I said "Everything else is just treated as a footnote to that." White Mantle, Joko, and charr civil war? Those are the footnotes. The "everything else".


9 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

That is, literally, the exact opposite of the meaning of contradiction. A contradiction is making one or more statements whose contents/conclusions conflict with each other. What you just described is consistency.

You said we never went to the Depths while dealing with Primordus. You then said we went to the Depths and cited a handful of situations where we touched the surface of the Depths, all of which deal with Primordus.


Primordus plots can't both be completely unrelated and partially related to the Depths at the same time. That is "one or more statements whose contents/conclusions conflict with each other".


I feel like this will just turn right back into a pointless discussion with you, so I think I'll call it there. I am not in the mood to read your wall of text that, if its like your past posts, manage to twist or ignore what I wrote. Given the first two responses, it already did.

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19 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I feel like this will just turn right back into a pointless discussion with you, so I think I'll call it there. I am not in the mood to read your wall of text that, if its like your past posts, manage to twist or ignore what I wrote. Given the first two responses, it already did.

If you actually believed this you would have simply said this and left it at that. The fact that you didn't shows you aren't saying this in good faith.

19 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

They were all part of a monolithic plotline which was the Elder Dragons though... Like I said "Everything else is just treated as a footnote to that." White Mantle, Joko, and charr civil war? Those are the footnotes. The "everything else".

Storylines that cover 3 full releases, a period of 6 months of narrative/content, and often bleed into other releases both before and after, aren't footnotes by any measure. A footnote would be something like an NPC making an offhand remark about something being resolved, without it being shown. Those are the exact opposite of footnotes. You can be more then a footnote, while also not being the monolithic plot. There is a range of severity between those two extremes that you are, seemingly purposefully, ignoring.

19 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

You said we never went to the Depths while dealing with Primordus. You then said we went to the Depths and cited a handful of situations where we touched the surface of the Depths, all of which deal with Primordus.


Primordus plots can't both be completely unrelated and partially related to the Depths at the same time. That is "one or more statements whose contents/conclusions conflict with each other".

I never said any such thing, and I would ask that you don't bold face lie about what I said when the previous posts are plainly visible for all to see. Hell, its not even on another page.


What I said was, and I quote

"People said the same thing about needing a Depths of Tyria expansion to do a Primordus plot, and not only did Anet not do it, they apparently had no plans to ever do such a thing even in the original plans for IBS."

I said a Depths of Tyria expansion, which we didn't get. Not getting a Depths of Tyria expansion =/= not going to any sort of depths at all.


For someone who likes to constantly complain everyone else is twisting or ignoring what you wrote, you do it to others more often then not.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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