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Great Solo Champion Killing Builds?

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Looking for builds that can kill champions solo. I been looking at older posts and videos that mention Scourge and Condi Mirage. But there been balance patches since then. For example Torment bonus damage is if target is stationary now, so if you kiting a mob solo going be doing less damage.


Are condition based builds generally better for this task then power ones?



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1 hour ago, grom.8592 said:

Are condition based builds generally better for this task then power ones?

The short answer is "yes" condi builds are generally better for this.

As for the why:

1. Trailblazers Gear. Condi damage builds lose much less in their damage output from running this or Dire Gear than a power build will for offering comparable toughness and vit via something like Soldier's.

2. Secondary Sustain from traits like Parasitic Contagion, Predator's Cunning  or Dance of Death. Traits like these offer healing based on condi damage done or vuln applied. There aren't many viable power based solutions that approach these trait's effectiveness.

3. Superior Rune of Tormenting. Condi based builds that deal in the Torment condition can gain another source of sustain from these runes.


Some power builds can approach near the level of benefit from a source or two like Power Scrapper from Impact Savant, Power Reaper with Shroud or Power Spellbreaker via Might Makes Right. But a condi Scourge or condi Shortbow Renegade can techincally leverage all three at once. This level of sustain in addition to solid damage is what makes these builds a better tool for the job.


That said let's be clear about what you mean by "Champions" in Open World. There is a big difference between the Risen Giant in Cursed Shore, the average HoT Hero Point  and a Desert Bounty... all of which are technically Champions.

Most of even the glassiest power builds can handle the Giant without problem as long as you are mitigating the grubs, not camping in red circles  and dodging the stomp. Many decent power builds can comfortably handle the Security Golem HP in Verdant Brink, as long as you are hitting your dodges.

But a power based class in something like Marauder's may start to struggle under the heavier burst damage of a Desert Bounty, where a Condi Build like Shortbow Soulbeast in Trailblazers will be able to take a few hits and passively resustain itself via posion application and Predator's Cunning.

A fair bit of soloing truly hard Open World Champions is L2P, but having a build and gear that allows you to make mistakes like blowing a dodge or mashing the occasional power off cooldown is huge quality of life and there are just more Condi options for this than there are Power.

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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Condi Weaver is a good option for open world.  It may not be strictly the best option for various reasons and it is more difficult to learn than most builds, but it is still a strong solo play build.  Plus it's a weaver build!  Is anything really more fun to play than weaver? 😉


Here's a sample clip and some links to more info:



Fire/Earth Condi Weaver

Open World Domination: Fire Weaver forum thread

Metabattle condi weaver for open world


Alternatively, you might consider other strong condition-based builds like renegade, scourge, and firebrand which are probably stronger and/or more versatile than weaver (and probably easier to play as well!).  Mirage and Soulbeast have strong condi builds as well.  Look up Lord Hizen's videos for those classes (he also plays weaver).

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Quick tips for solo build:

1. Condi is easier to optimize, because you can run it only with Condition damage/Expertise stats. Some classes like Firebrand or Weaver can even give up on Expertise and boost burning to 100% with runes, sigils and traits.

2. Every class has at least 1 traitline designed for healing and support, e.g. Inspiration (mesmer), Water (Elementalist), Blood Magic (necromancer).

3. Stun breakers. If you get stunned, you are unable to act, so you will take damage. Being stunlocked is the worst fate ever.

4. CC (Crowd Control): Stunned boss receive more damage, can't act. It's a moment for you to breathe and burst.

5. Read your traits, do not copy builds. Take whatever you think is good for your playstyle.

6. 50% of you survivability lies in DODGING and avoiding damage. You can even run around your target.


Here's my TOP 5 solo builds:

1. Condi scourge

Trailblazer's armor and rabid trinkets with Runes of Tormenting. Sigil of Earth/Agony in your weapons. Build whatever you want, just remember to take Curses. I prefer Curses/Blood Magic for better healing.

Pros: Immortality, can be even easier with minions; they draw agro, but I don't use them.

Cons: Low mobility, slow, DPS is 6/10, only few weak CCs, almost 0 boons.

2. Condi revenant

Viper's armor with whatever runes you want. Devastation traits and battle scars are just everything.

Pros: Strong CC, high DPS, great healing, high cleave.

Cons: Low mobility, almost zero condi cleanse.

3. Celestial weaver

Full celestial eq with elementalist's runes. Sword/dagger. Fire/Arcane, or Fire/Water (better healing).

Pros: Great survivability, decent DPS, strong CC.

Cons: It can take some time to learn it.

4. Rifle deadeye

Full marauder if you don't feel safe with 11k hp, but for solo play you should aim for crit cap. Trickery/Critical strikes with Invigorating Precision.

Pros: Infinite healing, great self boon support, stealth to control agro, high mobility.

Cons: Single target, any other mob can body block your damage. Use dodge to deal damage. Almost zero cleave.

5. Celestial Firebrand

Full celestial, axe/torch, sword/torch. I run Vallun's build so check it out for detailed info.

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16 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

For the task I just play a power revenant build.  Assassin + Dwarf Stance while using the Devastation line gives me so much self-sustain that I've been using it to solo fractals in full berserker gear.  


If you want another build, try a condition build with either Renegade or Herald, legendary demon stance, mace/axe, and runes of torment. I like it with celestial gear, but just viper's is fine really since the healing almost always makes up for the loss of defense anyway. Gearing up is very expensive, but I would say that anyone who has tried it would say that it is far and away the strongest solo character you can build. 

Edited by tclark.8956
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26 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

For the task I just play a power revenant build.  Assassin + Dwarf Stance while using the Devastation line gives me so much self-sustain that I've been using it to solo fractals in full berserker gear.  

I second this. Battle Scars is really a gamechanger, it puts all the other lifesteals to shame.

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Basically any decent build can do this, it's a matter of mitigating the damage with dodges/blocks, but there are few broken builds that don't require dodging  or anything and do 20k+ dps self-buffed.

Condition builds are generally best for champs and you'll have time to ramp up condis, and you'll deal damage even when you will take a short break for healing or something.

My top pick (because I love guard) is totally pepega build, aka "press everything that's blue" build, full mantra celestial hybrid FB: 


  • pros:
  • • you don't have to know how to play it, pressing all buttons will get the job done
  • • true hybrid build, 85% crit chance most of the time, great condi, power, good passive sustain from boosted F2 passive and regen
  • • easy aegis access, F2/3 tomes for situational sustain, and very good stab access with elite and F3
  • • GS is great for trash and when champion/boss has exposed debuff, otherwise for stronger enemies axe/torch is go-to set
  • • you can swap Bloodlust sigil to Corruption if you want to stack more condi damage for bosses/champs or to Force if you want to hace slight boost in power damage on Greatsword set.
  • I'm soloing full CM DRMs on it, doing general meta and OW, bounties etc. Very noob friendly, but you can push it to perform pretty good with few small tricks (you know, general guard usage, GS2 into GS4, F1 24512 etc etc).

Second  one is scrapper, because I like boons 😄 it can perform pretty good, sustain is good, buffs are all over the place, nice vuln stacking, now additional quickness ofc. 



Also, you can't go wrong with immortal condi Herald/Ren builds.


In the end, every class can kill champion, it's a matter of dodging in the right moment, or mitigating damage in other ways, and it all comes down to what plays good for you.

When I was doing 9 perfect characters (full story + map comp) I was running raid builds but tweaked a bit with some runes/sigils or traitline that offers more sustain or boons, I didn't have much problems doing HoT hero points run with any of them. And I consider those champs to be ...annoying to say the least.

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/24/2021 at 5:42 AM, grom.8592 said:

Looking for builds that can kill champions solo.

There is no any silver bullet. But the recipe is:

Kill Champ Solo = knowing your Profession mechanic + knowing target Champ mechanic + Experience + any Condi build. Moreover, following this you will be able to kill some of Champs even with less than 50lvl character. 

Edited by taara.3217
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