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Biggest Problem with GW2

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4 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Ehh, twice now ANet has learned that they can't go on without expansions. I hope they don't forget this time and keep giving us more.

Considering that the Living Story is pretty much free for active players, and with pressure from NCSoft, I wouldn’t be surprised if we will continue to get expansions if the game continues after the upcoming expansion. Putting up a paywall for content and features will bring in money from those who wouldn’t necessarily spend money in the gem store. 

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On 6/25/2021 at 10:26 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

Isn't having a lot more to learn once you reach the end game exactly what 'easy to learn but hard to master' means?

No. It's about skill floors and ceilings. In gw2 skill floors are generally much higher than in many of the other MMORPGs on the market. Not only that, but the effectiveness difference between floor and ceiling is also higher. GW2 systems are easy to ignore if you just want to goof around (and stick to OW), but moderately hard to actually learn, and also very, very hard to master.




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7 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Well problem is that there is tryhards that try to make encounters easy as possible and then they whine that game is too easy and then there is me who wanna play berserker scepter/dagger core ele every situation and i whine how bad class ele is.

In life, quaggan made a series of questionable forum posts...

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On 6/25/2021 at 7:56 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I miss 2 button rotation Classic WoW. Now you have MMOs like FF14 that suffer from ability bloat. It feels... like an accident they can't fix.

FF XIV is terrible, because its for the sake to have different abilities on the bar. the 1-2-3 combos are awful and even WoW got rid of it over the years. i dont like fixed rotations, its boring.


btw. when you want play an easy rotation. Try P/P Thief 🙂

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On 6/25/2021 at 7:40 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

Biggest problem with GW2 is the many players who believe that the game should be changed to cater to their preferences rather than adapt to the game as designed.

That'd have meaning if they didn't CHANGE the games design an purpose.

For example, WvW and PvP were the games intended end-game with dungeons serving the purpose of alternative gearing. Raids were scoffed at by the dev's, mounts were frowned upon and laughed at. "We'll never do that" then they dropped the ball and changed directions NOT because it wasn't working but because they could. 

WvW has been abandoned and has yet to have meaningful content added or have its mode refined, PvP is a laugh but its nothing to write home about. I remember CLEARLY when they said they'd never do legendary armor, then they went and did it. I remember when they said the game was built with Five man content in mind so SMALL guilds could do things.

Fractals was the last-time they did that, and they BARELY offer it cadence. No they are so focused on squad gameplay which honestly is the games WEAKEST form. I honestly find it funny when people say "Just conform, go with the flow." Well the crowd who was there at the time didn't and guess what? The game changed to cater to them. 

Now this game doesn't know what it wants to be; Its combat engine and gameplay was built for PvP.  Which makes it hard to develop solid PvE encounters. In a PvE focused game you dont need doge rolling, or counter mechanics such as blocks and so on. I mean look at WoW, Final fantasy and even ESO to some extent. NONE OF THEM focus on their combat and it shows blatantly; Guild wars 2's saving grace is its combat and flow which they seem DETERMINED to slow-down and simplify which will murder the game. I've been here since launch and seen how they've changed to cater to crowds the game was not originally intended for; Alienating huge swathes of their playerbase and I've lost many friends to the sands of time as I stuck it out and tried to run with their "Design". If you can even call it that at times. Now I barely play and just wait for the expansion announcement.

Of which I will laugh if they decide, AGAIN to abandon most the other content in favor of a "new mode" to try and not fix the wheel but completely replace it. Wish they could just stick with a direction, not simply change on a whim and scatter the love players have for their prefered gameplay.

NO MODE should go without content. No mode should go without support, no mode should be left to rot. If its in the game and you PUT IT THERE then support it. Or dont bother. Remove it. Meld raids into strikes, consolidate so its less confusing for new players and homogenize the modes. Dungeons get moved to fractals, their collections turned into drops and made ascended. Raids into strikes or vice versa; PvP and WvW? Well if you're not gonna support em, kill em. So that way all of us who love those modes can move on and know you have no intention of caring or trying to provide anything for us.

Im tired of their excuses, tired of people excusing them when they CLEARLY have no clue what it is they are doing.

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I feel like you're over-exaggerating about GW2 being not-so-friendly to new players. Let me clarify, while I agree with your point that endgame PvE is a bit more difficult, I wouldn't say it's neckbreaking. New players have the whole F2P core game to play until they reach the more difficult parts of the PvE, thus making the learning a lot more smooth than some other MMOs. 


I've had so many friends recently who picked up GW2 mostly because I needed someone to play with, but even if I'm not around in game, there's a lot more helpful people to help new players out whatever the questions they might have. I feel like Anet did this on purpose, which has really grown into a prosperous and friendly community (talking about PvE content, PvP and WvW sucks). 


I agree with everything you said about PvP though, that's why I've never touched it and never will. Cba to get yelled by a kid after a long day of work because I don't have the exact armor equipped with the best stats. 

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Fractals wasn't the last time ArenaNet released 5-man content.  Dragon Response Missions come to mind.

ArenaNet never said there would not be Mounts; that's something the playerbase said.

I don't remember ArenaNet saying there would not be Legendary Armor; there's very little ArenaNet has ever said isn't 'on the table'.  (Race change, dyeing old backpacks, adding to existing Mount packages being those few things that come to mind.)

As to Raids, you can find Dev statements discussing Raids even before launch of Guild Wars 2. 


A lot of 'information' starts on the forums/Reddit/etc. by players as rumors/opinions and get repeated until it becomes 'fact'. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just my opinion. Especs, especially druid and spellbreaker are giving a hint for Anet to sooner or later will have to abandon no holy trinity game design and start balancing classes inclined to rock paper scissors type of balance. Simply because now you can see a light armour class dealing great damage, but at the same time can survive in the melee range better than heavy melee. This is exclusive to gw2, confusing for any new player who played rpg games before, and it can't go on like this forever. 

Edited by artharon.9276
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On 6/25/2021 at 4:09 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

Anet have always wanted every profession to be able to fill every role that might be needed, that was one of the ways they promoted the game even when it was first released; saying you'd be able to complete content with any combination of races or professions instead of having to find specific ones or pressure your friends into swapping to get the team setup the content required. That's part of the reason everyone always has a healing skill and at least some damage skills.

And they failed at this.

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I don't have any GW2 expansion, I have bought only Original GW2.   I have as many characters as my account allow, all of them less than lv 20, because lv 20 is as far as I can go to the point combat encounter feel repetitively boring.  To me, Two weapon, 1 heal, and 4 skills are simply not enough and limited for my taste.  Compare to GW1 after nightfall expansion, through the hero system, I have access 8x[number of Hero] skills, and all class /sub class combo of GW1 to play with.  Battle encounter in GW1 are mostly Group of monsters with interesting skills, and that is why GW1 is one of my Favorite mmo, and GW2 is a huge disappointment.


as final note, I wish they have hero system in GW2 and more skill buttons to push, like 20 more.

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10 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:

Just my opinion. Especs, especially druid and spellbreaker are giving a hint for Anet to sooner or later will have to abandon no holy trinity game design and start balancing classes inclined to rock paper scissors type of balance. Simply because now you can see a light armour class dealing great damage, but at the same time can survive in the melee range better than heavy melee. This is exclusive to gw2, confusing for any new player who played rpg games before, and it can't go on like this forever. 


In my opinion the biggest issue with their execution of "no holy trinity" design is that they designed the classes to be able to fill every role rather than any role.

Being able to customize your class so you can make it a healer, a tank, a damage dealer, a support, or whatever else you want on a whim is amazing, however in GW2 you can be all or at least multiple of those things at the same time, which effectively kills teamwork; if each party member can fill every need they might have, then they start playing only around themselves, and don't need to interact with the rest of the group they're playing with.

It makes the game feel like a solo game even when you're in the middle of a crowd doing an open world meta event or some such.

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27 minutes ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


In my opinion the biggest issue with their execution of "no holy trinity" design is that they designed the classes to be able to fill every role rather than any role.

Being able to customize your class so you can make it a healer, a tank, a damage dealer, a support, or whatever else you want on a whim is amazing, however in GW2 you can be all or at least multiple of those things at the same time, which effectively kills teamwork; if each party member can fill every need they might have, then they start playing only around themselves, and don't need to interact with the rest of the group they're playing with.

It makes the game feel like a solo game even when you're in the middle of a crowd doing an open world meta event or some such.


yep. reviving someone is the only real interaction in this game. That's not restricted to combat btw. you can't trade, can't share a mount, can't spar, can't share a emote other than paid synced k-pop dance thing. 

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On 6/25/2021 at 6:49 AM, VoidNard.7206 said:


Yeah exactly! like one skill giving you 4 buffs, doing condi dmg, power dmg, evade, cc and healing all at once.


In raids, for Power Soulbeast (that's my experience) you have the abuse of animation as well.
It's not Magic the Gathering complex (layers on layer between layers of layers), but there's a lot to take in here.

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8 hours ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


In my opinion the biggest issue with their execution of "no holy trinity" design is that they designed the classes to be able to fill every role rather than any role.

Being able to customize your class so you can make it a healer, a tank, a damage dealer, a support, or whatever else you want on a whim is amazing, however in GW2 you can be all or at least multiple of those things at the same time, which effectively kills teamwork; if each party member can fill every need they might have, then they start playing only around themselves, and don't need to interact with the rest of the group they're playing with.

It makes the game feel like a solo game even when you're in the middle of a crowd doing an open world meta event or some such.

On the other hand, it can very quickly become frustrating if you are trying to complete content and you suddenly find that you HAVE to have another player present to fill the role that you are missing with your character. You can't always rely on there being people around to group with and some people just want to solo anyways. Did ANet go too far in making everyone a Jack of all Trades? Well, I guess the answer to that varies with each individual who plays the game. Some specialization can be achieved with certain professions in this game. In part, I think that it is the content that drives people to specialize with their characters. This seems to be most evident in raids. If I were to offer up my opinion on this matter, I would say that it would be nice to have a bit more flexibility in each profession to allow that profession to specialize even a bit more.....but at the cost of being significantly worse in other aspects. It might allow ANet to design new forms of raid content that do not have to rely on "blob" mechanics.

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8 minutes ago, Eraden.8740 said:

On the other hand, it can very quickly become frustrating if you are trying to complete content and you suddenly find that you HAVE to have another player present to fill the role that you are missing with your character. You can't always rely on there being people around to group with and some people just want to solo anyways. Did ANet go too far in making everyone a Jack of all Trades? Well, I guess the answer to that varies with each individual who plays the game. Some specialization can be achieved with certain professions in this game. In part, I think that it is the content that drives people to specialize with their characters. This seems to be most evident in raids. If I were to offer up my opinion on this matter, I would say that it would be nice to have a bit more flexibility in each profession to allow that profession to specialize even a bit more.....but at the cost of being significantly worse in other aspects. It might allow ANet to design new forms of raid content that do not have to rely on "blob" mechanics.


This is an MMO, it's not meant to be played solo in the first place. But yes, they should've designed it so specializing in something comes at the cost of other functions, though that isn't what we have now outside of raids.

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