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Removal of Reflect

The Boz.2038

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7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

A DE is hitting out of stealth from 1500 away, why would they worry about reflects? Even then they should have Dagger on the other weapon set for Malicious Backstab.

yeah i know but the guy said "other classes" are same hard hitted with all this reflects as rangers are which is absolutly not true

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Just now, xDuckYx.4920 said:

yeah i know but the guy said "other classes" are same hard hitted with all this reflects as rangers are which is absolutly not true

Oh, don't get me wrong I've had my rifle shut down by reflects before on my warrior, just means I got countered. But, the reflect QQ threads are like complaining about condis being OP while not taking any condition clears, resolution, or resistance or complaining that damage is still too high while running full berserker+scholar runes.

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24 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Nice misdirection there Boz. Warrior being in actual need of buffs/traitline reworks/weapon overhauls is independent of LB rangers being unhappy about not being able to camp LB 100% of the time. 

I am merely pointing out your hypocrisy. 

And, again, not exclusively about ranger. But whatever. 

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There for sure needs to be a redo to skills that are slow but still are seen as projectiles and skills that are fast but not seen as projectiles.


For reflect it self there needs to be a max min ranged for it the reflect only will fire at say 600 range back at the person firing at you so you can add in a risk reward to ranged attk and reflection.

Over all ranged attks need a min max for range with dmg modifier base off of how far away or a sweet spot. This could work for reflection.

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13 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

...yet you still don't understand why you're hypocritical. Wow.

Again, there is no hypocrisy here. Warrior can be in need of buffs and reworks, and still have decent functional builds that work, even if they are not on the same level as other professions, while at the same time the presence of reflects not being a problem in the game at large outside of a particular set of profession mains clutching their pearls when they are faced with having to weapon swap when they encounter the counter to their preferred weapon.

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27 minutes ago, xDuckYx.4920 said:

funny thing is you never see a ranger going full melee against like warriors or guardians because they would die in few secs and still peoples want rangers to go melee.....

You can run a ranger build with high evade uptime, with poison to reduce an opponent's sustain, while also having protection, barrier, and vigor. Ranger has the tools to fight in melee, more so than a warrior does to fight at range for all that is worth.


The only rangers that die in a few seconds are the ones that don't realize that hunter's shot doesn't breaks targeting or the ones that never notice CPC at their feet.

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13 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Again, there is no hypocrisy here. Warrior can be in need of buffs and reworks, and still have decent functional builds that work, even if they are not on the same level as other professions, while at the same time the presence of reflects not being a problem in the game at large outside of a particular set of profession mains clutching their pearls when they are faced with having to weapon swap when they encounter the counter to their preferred weapon.

"I want buffs to warrior be cause I, the objective arbiter of profession balance of the game, deem it in need of buffs. For reasons. Ranger is good, though, and qqs about reflect are just rangers qqing. Disregard the fact that entire weapon classes on multiple professions see no play. Buffs for me, but not for thee, for I am the objective arbiter."


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22 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:
  1. Warhorn can be blocked too, it is not a projectile but behaves like one. I think it can be reflected too, i am not sure as i haven't used that weapon for years. 
  2. The first attack after swapping weapons. Not the ideal combo when we are talking about a rooting 2.5 cast skill with barrage. It works well with other weapons, i am not saying the trait is any bad thou. 
  3. Curious you bring warrior up: compare Signet of Might to  Signet of the Hunt. Do you see how unfair is the treatment ranger is getting from Anet devs? 

 See? i'd preffer you asking instead showing ignorance.


What "ignorance" do I show exactly? Are you talking about "ignorance" because you believe that I don't/didn't know the difference in CD between the 2 signets? If it's the case, you're wrong, I did know. Or maybe you believe I don't know about barrage rooting the caster? I did know as well. Well, you do admit your own ignorance about warhorn thought, and I confirm it, it cannot be reflected.


I do not see an unfair treatment. I just see someone that believe ranger can't fight in melee range while believing that it's ranged option suffer an unfair disadvantage and give very shacky arguments to justify this claim. Your build might be very bad at melee range, however, don't generalize your build choices as the ranger's only options. A SB do have pretty high access to strike damage immunity while GS, sword and dagger OH all have in built hit avoidance. Core traitline, commands, stance and even glyph offer you sensible amount of damage reduction if you to survive at melee range... etc.


NB.: I know it doesn't really matter to you because all you want is to have good AoE to deal damage in ZvZ but, still, your pet is a mean to deal damage at range that could care less about reflect.

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3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Good build choices being "don't bring a projectile weapon, lol"

Correct, It would be nice if they would at least respect the "Favors Ranged" in the profession selection screen. And with almost every single weapon set having a projectile attack and the random reflects, random obstructed and random miss  in the game this all becomes old pretty fast. 


The "me warrior, me weak, needs buffs"  obviusly want to use ranger as something that it is not. 


1 minute ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

NB.: I know it doesn't really matter to you because all you want is to have good AoE to deal damage in ZvZ but, still, your pet is a mean to deal damage at range that could care less about reflect.

Plenty of it in every post you write. Pet's can't hit mobile targets, that has been discussed multiple times in the forums. How a moa'ed (by the mesmer elite)  moa pet  hit more consisntely and better than the pet. 



Edited by anduriell.6280
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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

"I want buffs to warrior be cause I, the objective arbiter of profession balance of the game, deem it in need of buffs. For reasons. Ranger is good, though, and qqs about reflect are just rangers qqing. Disregard the fact that entire weapon classes on multiple professions see no play. Buffs for me, but not for thee, for I am the objective arbiter."


No. I never said anything about ranger not being in need of buffs, that is you putting words in my mouth. The issue you brought up was reflects, which everyone has to deal with, but only ever seems to be qq'd over by rangers who don't want to weapon swap like the rest of GW2. Which is all besides the point because it is entirely possible for one class to be in actual need of buffs and another class in need of none, these two things can indeed exist within the same reality.


There is no hypocrisy going on here, but you are lobbing personal attacks at people, so perhaps stop doing that lest you find yourself on the wrong end of a Forum Moderator's attention.

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"who don't want to weapon swap"
*who don't want to not equip a weapon at all

There, fixed that.

"only ever"
Still not accepting the fact that I made the OP with *everyone* in mind, focusing on the weapon types, and not just rangers? OK, cool. Cool.

Edited by The Boz.2038
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Reflects should not go anywhere. They are fine, use what unblockables you have, swap weapons, or kite for the duration. What was not fine was their change to Unblockable's function, and that is something that would be for the best if the nerf were reverted. You'd get more mileage out of that crusade rather than nerfing more parts of the game.


I've said this elsewhere and I say it again here. We don't need more nerfs, we need more buffs now.

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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

"I want buffs to warrior be cause I, the objective arbiter of profession balance of the game, deem it in need of buffs. For reasons. Ranger is good, though, and qqs about reflect are just rangers qqing. Disregard the fact that entire weapon classes on multiple professions see no play. Buffs for me, but not for thee, for I am the objective arbiter."


Stop discredit his opinion.


I main engineer and many of my weapons are also countered by reflect. Both my core mainhand weapon choices (rifle and pistol) are countered by reflect, since they have at least 3 projectile based skills each. Grenades, as our main sources of ranged damage, and mortar can also get reflected.


And I am still in favour of keeping the mechanic. Reflect is something you can play around of, because of it's limited uptime and reflecting powerful projectile attacks from your enemy is rewarding for timing your skills.


Completely removing reflect would also require a MASSIVE rebalance of the game, since there are quite alot of skills which would be affected.

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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Good build choices being "don't bring a projectile weapon, lol"

No. You very much can bring a projectile weapon. Just don't limit yourself to only projectiles. Or, if you do, accept the fact that you will have downtimes while waiting for the reflect to go down.


So, basically "good build choices" means "don't limit yourself to only one mode of attack, in case someone might counter it".

Ever heard of "not putting all your eggs in one basket"?

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"wait until reflect goes away"
Reflect *literally* *never* goes away in any WvW fight larger than isn't a 3v3 skirmish. The rare few moments it isn't physically present, it is "ready" to be, so you can't really capitalize on it not being there. So you don't even bring the weapon at all. 

Edited by The Boz.2038
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