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Transcendence and the Legendary Armory - horrible implementation

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This thread has been made to express my immense disappointment with the way Anet has handled the addition of Transcendence to the Legendary Armory. 

As you may (or may not) know before the Armory existed this legendary trinket had two possible states - a slumbering state and a full state. In its slumbering state you got the full functionality of the item and its stats but no visual effect. To get the visual effect (the red orb) you had to combine the slumbering item with a token you got by doing 20 Tournament Match Wins. This way more hardcore PvP players had the benefit of having the visual item "to show off" while most players could enjoy the benefits of a legendary trinket.

With today's update this has changed, apparently the item unlocks its full visual benefit even if you do not combine it with the 20 Tournament Match wins token. Said token is now useless.

Imagine my surprise and disappointment as I had just finished my week of working hard for my tournament wins only to find anyone can now have the visual effect regardless of whether or not they put in the work or have the skill. 
Once again Anet has decided to invalidate the work of more dedicated and more skilled players for the sake of ?? I don't even know. 
I hope this is addressed fixed, as it is right now it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of any player that wants to play this game in a more serious way and wants to have something that shows off his hard work and dedication. 


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Having (and preferring) the Slumbering Version, it did not get upgraded automatically, nor did it receive the visual effect. 

Instead, it now doesn't count as a proper legendary (it currently is like a stat swap-able Ascended item that can't be added to the Armory) and I need to upgrade it to the non-slumbering version to actually add it to the Armory - so I can then disable the effect again on all character's and Loadouts. 



Okay, so apparently the previous Slumbering recipe will now just give the "full" Trinket and the last recipe with the Emblem of Tournament Victory will be scrapped? Kind of confusing. 

In any case, I don't think there was much prestige attached to fighting some bots and getting smashed by bored pro teams farming Tournaments anyway, so I wouldn't see that as a big loss. 

Edited by Asum.4960
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they treat transendence really bad.  i had schedule to craft transendence and conflux after aurora. but ever since they announce will have new PVE legendary amulet. i gave up both pvp and wvw one. i bet the new pve one will stack visual effect with aurora and vision. why need transendence and conflux even i only need "Mystic tribute" to finish both.

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18 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Having (and preferring) the Slumbering Version, it did not get upgraded automatically, nor did it receive the visual effect. 

Instead, it now doesn't count as a proper legendary (it currently is like a stat swap-able Ascended item that can't be added to the Armory) and I need to upgrade it to the non-slumbering version to actually add it to the Armory - so I can then disable the effect again on all character's and Loadouts. 



Okay, so apparently the previous Slumbering recipe will now just give the "full" Trinket and the last recipe with the Emblem of Tournament Victory will be scrapped? Kind of confusing. 

In any case, I don't think there was much prestige attached to fighting some bots and getting smashed by bored pro teams farming Tournaments anyway, so I wouldn't see that as a big loss. 

The issue is that now once you make the legendary (slumbering version) the item no longer exists in your inventory and is instantly tossed into your Legendary Armory, so there's nothing to throw in the forge with the 20 Tournament Wins Token in order to upgrade it. 

What you think or don't think about the prestige associated with those wins is irrelevant. There are people who put in the work (regardless of your opinion of said work) and deserve compensation for it. 
I can just as easily make the argument that no actual effort in this game is of any worth and as such everyone should have every skin because nothing really matters right? If that's the case then the devs should go this route and see how many people actually stick around. But if they want to keep the pretense that "Skin Wars" is a real thing and that certain skins mean you did certain things, then this has to be fixed.


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6 minutes ago, Harper.4173 said:

The issue is that now once you make the legendary (slumbering version) the item no longer exists in your inventory and is instantly tossed into your Legendary Armory, so there's nothing to throw in the forge with the 20 Tournament Wins Token in order to upgrade it. 

What you think or don't think about the prestige associated with those wins is irrelevant. There are people who put in the work (regardless of your opinion of said work) and deserve compensation for it. 
I can just as easily make the argument that no actual effort in this game is of any worth and as such everyone should have every skin because nothing really matters right? If that's the case then the devs should go this route and see how many people actually stick around. But if they want to keep the pretense that "Skin Wars" is a real thing and that certain skins mean you did certain things, then this has to be fixed.


It is not - the Slumbering Version can't be added to the Armory - only the final version is, with the Slumbering essentially not existing anymore except for those who already have it, with a conversion merchant being added later (from what I understand). 


As for the change to remove the Slumbering Version as a whole and to merge it with the non-slumbering version removing those requirements, I personally don't see it as a major deal since the Slumbering Version represents well over 95% of the effort, with the last "upgrade" to the visual kitten version just being some dyes PvP'ers likely have stacks of from reward tracks anyway as well as the Torunament wins, which these days are mostly AFK group free wins from people wanting passive rewards, some bots and then a pro team farming free first Tournament places. 

Is it some effort that should not be invalidated? Yes, sure - but knowing how Anet had to change the code base for these items to have cosmetics rather than the hidden buffs granting visuals, allowing them to gain the effect toggle - unlike the PvE Trinkets, which sucks - I would say that's a worthwhile Trade. 


To imply that means Anet, or I with my understanding for that, mean to invalidate any and all effort ingame is needless hyperbole. 


The trinket lost a minor requirement of it's total crafting effort which was necessary for a big utility increase in terms of being addable to all characters with the option to toggle it's visuals on or off. 

That's a positive in my book, even if not executed perfectly.

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I just want to have my Slumbering Transcendence added to armory soon as possible. No date given for the said vendor. People who preferred slumbering versions of WvW and PvP trinkets are left out by the legendary armory until a vendor coming soon™. I'm not going to go for 20 AT wins at this point it's waste of time. I just want my earned and Legendary tier Amulet to be usable by all my characters asap.

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2 minutes ago, fatihso.7258 said:

I just want to have my Slumbering Transcendence added to armory soon as possible. No date given for the said vendor. People who preferred slumbering versions of WvW and PvP trinkets are left out by the legendary armory until a vendor coming soon™. I'm not going to go for 20 AT wins at this point it's waste of time. I just want my earned and Legendary tier Amulet to be usable by all my characters asap.

Your earned legendary tier amulet isn't the same as the awakened legendary tier amulet. You can still use it like you did, so what's the problem? You had/have the option to upgrade it. Do it or wait until you get the opportunity to upgrade it for free, something others couldn't do before. Sounds fair to me.

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I think it’s fantastic, finally people can make it without wanting to gouge their eyes out with a fork.  Don’t you think winning 120 ranked matches is enough? That’s a LOT.  Why on gods green earth should they force 20 tournaments down peoples throats? It’s much nicer this way

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On 7/14/2021 at 1:16 PM, Harper.4173 said:

The issue is that now once you make the legendary (slumbering version) the item no longer exists in your inventory and is instantly tossed into your Legendary Armory, so there's nothing to throw in the forge with the 20 Tournament Wins Token in order to upgrade it. 

What you think or don't think about the prestige associated with those wins is irrelevant. There are people who put in the work (regardless of your opinion of said work) and deserve compensation for it. 
I can just as easily make the argument that no actual effort in this game is of any worth and as such everyone should have every skin because nothing really matters right? If that's the case then the devs should go this route and see how many people actually stick around. But if they want to keep the pretense that "Skin Wars" is a real thing and that certain skins mean you did certain things, then this has to be fixed.



Unfortunately I think you are in the minority here. 


PvE players aren't looking for the 'prestige' of 20 tournament wins when they can just do the PvE path to an amulet; and by extension I'd imagine a good cross-section of WvW players could care less as well.  


You compound this with people in this very topic wanting the slumbering version to toggle off the effect that you are angry is being 'devalued'...


What they need to do is give competitive modes some more skins/visuals to strive after, this way everyone is happy.  I would say without tying them to any stat or entity (like legendary) because that just pollutes things for people who just want the stat swap effect and don't care about the chosen visual.  It also causes topics like yours to be resolved for people that do want the visual but for an entirely different reason than stat swapping / legendary ability.  


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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Your earned legendary tier amulet isn't the same as the awakened legendary tier amulet. You can still use it like you did, so what's the problem? You had/have the option to upgrade it. Do it or wait until you get the opportunity to upgrade it for free, something others couldn't do before. Sounds fair to me.


It's blocked out by armory and not added to system in its current form. Basically an ascended trinket with stat swap on demand. Can't share across my toons being a big let down until a said vendor to be put in game and no date given is unfair for players who didn't want orbs effects at the first place and you telling me to upgrade it before the said vendor shows up is not a solution bcs I don't want to play with silly orb effects around my chars and since I've had my time and resources spent for a 'legendary' item I deserve the full functionality of it like anyone else.

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On 7/13/2021 at 5:08 PM, JUN YANG.4328 said:

they treat transendence really bad.  i had schedule to craft transendence and conflux after aurora. but ever since they announce will have new PVE legendary amulet. i gave up both pvp and wvw one. i bet the new pve one will stack visual effect with aurora and vision. why need transendence and conflux even i only need "Mystic tribute" to finish both.

It had better not. I'm still salty raiders run around being the biggest jerks in our community and then are so special that:

1) They got massive amounts of dev time into non-trivial animations. Even though i don't like the armors, it's just the principle of the amount of effort going to whom.

2) Then they were so special that coalescence was part of the visual effect tied to the LW seasons. i'm fine if they get their own standalone thing, but it feels like again, they get something special completing something almost everyone else got. The only consolation is that it's literally the worst animation, but people will still parade it to say they're "better" than other people. It's clear anet devs have been far and away favoring their raiders in terms of effort, their behavior be damned.

The REALLY funny thing about this is comparing it to wow, a filthy casual can get mythic appearances of raid armors, they just have to wait 2-4 years until it's soloable. The game sells itself as hyper casual and then in this one area decides to turn around and be the complete opposite.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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26 minutes ago, fatihso.7258 said:


It's blocked out by armory and not added to system in its current form. Basically an ascended trinket with stat swap on demand. Can't share across my toons being a big let down until a said vendor to be put in game and no date given is unfair for players who didn't want orbs effects at the first place and you telling me to upgrade it before the said vendor shows up is not a solution bcs I don't want to play with silly orb effects around my chars and since I've had my time and resources spent for a 'legendary' item I deserve the full functionality of it like anyone else.

...so literally the same legendary item it was the moment you've got it? You didn't lose anything. You have the option to upgrade it OR -if you don't want to- you'll have to wait and that wait time is the intended price for skipping the requirements of the upgrade that you'd have to meet before the introduction of LA.

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