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How to fix the naming problem


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It's not a big problem, really, you only know it when you run into it, but there's been a few topics on this matter before.People are restricted in naming their characters because some basic letters are unavailable, and a lot of 'normal' names are taking, forcing people to take í î ì ò ó etc in their names. so it's not a big problem, but allowing more characters like å / ø would help a long way

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:It's not a big problem, really, you only know it when you run into it, but there's been a few topics on this matter before.People are restricted in naming their characters because some basic letters are unavailable, and a lot of 'normal' names are taking, forcing people to take í î ì ò ó etc in their names. so it's not a big problem, but allowing more characters like å / ø would help a long way

There are restrictions on names because you can't make up your own alphabet, too. The point is that everyone can already deal with existing limitations. Adding apostrophes or the few missing diacritical marks isn't going to help people become more creative or less annoyed that their preferred name is already in use; it would only reduce a minor amount of stress for a tiny fraction of folks.

Mind you, I'm not against the idea. I'd love to have apostrophes or use lowercase for 'the' or 'van' etc. I just mean the proposal doesn't address the stated problem. (And, as others have said, the stated problem isn't one, except for those choosing to artificially limiting their own selection of names.)

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I'd like to be able to use hyphens and apostrophes in names and more flexibility on capitalisation. There's a lot of names that just don't look right without them (O'Brian for example, Obrian looks like a different word and O Brian just looks weird).

If necessary they could put restrictions on it. For example Elder Scrolls Online allows both hyphens and apostrophes and doesn't force you to capitalise letters, but they also restrict it to 4 hyphens, apostrophes or spaces at most and they can't be next to each other, which allows names that fit the games lore like Dro'Zah or Walks-in-Sunlight but reduces the risk of people making a name that's a total mess or impossible to type (and therefore hard to report).

Of course the problem with adding more options now is I suspect a lot of people would then want to rename their characters and would resent having to buy name change contracts to do it.

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