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With the Necro Icon confirmed, Only Icon that Fits Warrior is the Bullet


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16 hours ago, Legion.4198 said:

What if the bullet one is the Elementalist? 


I actually believe that elementalist will receive a rifle, but for warrior one still  have the goku air icon 💯


Totaly related to warrior supreme race!

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 8/11/2021 at 2:13 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Why do people keep posting this meme?


If we get Pistol, then I expect to dual wield it and the bar to be something like this:


AA: Pew Pew quick cast skill with moderate DPS.

P2: 2s-4s CD low damage blast finisher, AoE, ground targeted.

P3: 12s CD pulsing AoE (last 4s). Combo Field, ground targeted. Could be fire or ice.

P4: A backwards evade that leaves behind a series of combo fields (think Scorched Earth type of AoE fields) 16s CD, fields last for 4s. I would make it a poison field.

P5: utility combo field with 20-25s CD. Ground targeted. Smoke field that pulses 1s AoE blinds for 3s would be my bet.


F1: ground target AoE field with high damage pulsing every second for 4s , could be dark or light. Standard 8s CD for Burst skills.

F2: ground targeted blast finisher, AoE, high damage, applies blind for 2s. standard 8s CD for burst skills.


Make the utility skills a bunch of 1200 range bombs that explode, create a field, and then blast said field immediately.


Traitline could then enhance the blast finishers for extra buffs/debuffs, and the fields for extra effects per interval. The other line of traits could be for small to moderate personal DPS increases or self sustain.


New mechanic could also be brand new F1-F4 skills that provide buffs to allies in the area and/or debuffs to enemies.



OOOOH my god, I was going to respond to this post a few days ago saying that I hope they don't go in this direction because of how utterly unreliable the combo system is. But I ended up deciding not to post. A few days later and BAM:
"Combo finishers will now prioritize using your own combo fields before those created by other players, where available."

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56 minutes ago, Arewn.2368 said:

OOOOH my god, I was going to respond to this post a few days ago saying that I hope they don't go in this direction because of how utterly unreliable the combo system is. But I ended up deciding not to post. A few days later and BAM:
"Combo finishers will now prioritize using your own combo fields before those created by other players, where available."

That is awesome and addresses one of the worst problems with combo fields.

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On 8/12/2021 at 4:58 AM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I don't expect much tbh. It's just that if we are to know just show us the goddamn spec, don't make us wait until November or October to get fully dissapointed. 


Exactly how I feel. But they want people to pre order and revealing new specs that may disappoint people won't help their goals.


Whatever shows up for the new warrior spec will be what sets the tone in the next few years for the class. The warrior doesn't get buffed usually and most times gets reworks that doesn't make a considerable difference (besides nerfs). So, whatever shows up in the reveal will be Anet's vision of the warrior's future.

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On 8/13/2021 at 8:23 AM, Smoosh.2718 said:

You are fully aware that a one handed weapon has more use than a two handed weapon. if a two handed weapon lets say 'sucks' you have 0 builds to work with using that weapon. if lets say the 1 handed weapon works great with shield, axe and warhorn but not with any other weapon then at least you have a way to use the weapon with others.

Weapons aside, I am just hoping they make warrior more complex than it currently is, it needs a 'bigbrain' elite spec rather than the current monkey 1/2 button specs we've had for the last (what feels like) decade.


And? I still say 2 handers are better, say we get staff? that'd be great. Your logic applies to the one hander sucking as well. Makes no sense. 


That or we get a new weapon type entirely. Again, hoping for 2 hander. 

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48 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:


And? I still say 2 handers are better, say we get staff? that'd be great. Your logic applies to the one hander sucking as well. Makes no sense. 


That or we get a new weapon type entirely. Again, hoping for 2 hander. 

Do you use Hammer? I dont mean for the memes, but legitamately use it? If say we get staff and it ends up being a very niche weapon like hammer, who will use it?

Just a note on the 'Your logic applies to the one hander sucking as well. Makes no sense. ' If mainhand doenst work you still have offhand to work with for different builds (visa versa). You have more chance of 2x 1 handed weapons not sucking over 1 2 handed weapon. For me personally I like to be in control of what weapon skills match up for mainhand and offhand.

I still far more versitility with a 1 handed weapon than a 2 handed. A 2 handed weapon forces you to make your build about that weapon, a 1 handed weapon lets you work around your builds.

Look at dagger, many builds came out of that weapon as both mainhand and offhand complimented other weapons on the warrior.

I just hope we find out soon as the wait for these reveals kills! haha.

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