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So Anet allow me to buy infinite gold ...

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3 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:

Sorry what’s RMT


Short for Real Money Trading - selling gold (and items) for money outside the game.


10 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

It only makes it less convenient.

That can be enough. The vast majority of gold sellers are businesses (illegal businesses, but still) so they're focused on profit. They don't care about GW2 or even about MMOs in general, they care about having a way to make money. If selling gold in GW2 is too inconvenient, if it takes too long to shift their 'stock' so the income is limited and spread out they'll stop doing it and find something easier to sell.

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You can very much transfer far more than just 500g. It's just going to cost you the TP tax (buy something valuable - i.e. several stacks of MCs, or, if you want to transfer more, a gen1 legendary, or one of the more pricey infusions, mail that to the other account, sell the item on that account).

So, basically, you can either transfer for free, but with a timegate, or pay to skip the timegate.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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23 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

To keep it simple. If they owned said account, they can just buy gold on it. 


The only reason they'd even NEED to send money via mail to begin with (which this obviously is) is RMT

No, you could raidsell, do off TP trading, host community events (this one is less likely).

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3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That can be enough. The vast majority of gold sellers are businesses (illegal businesses, but still) so they're focused on profit. They don't care about GW2 or even about MMOs in general, they care about having a way to make money. If selling gold in GW2 is too inconvenient, if it takes too long to shift their 'stock' so the income is limited and spread out they'll stop doing it and find something easier to sell.

Dunno' about that illegality, Chief. It's a legal profession in China, and the Chinese government is in on it and forcing prisoners to farm gold for them.

Australia (My own country) ain't much better, either. Our government has historically viewed games as being, "For kids", and that is a mentality that has knocked-on to any problems relating to games...
To quote Wikipedia;


In 2006, a spokesperson for the Australian Government stated normal earned income rules also apply to income from the sale of virtual goods.

So long as they get their cut in taxes, they don't give a flip. It's a silly game and nobody should be playing them over the age of twelve anyway!


Japan has more or less told the game industry to self-regulate and they don't want to get involved.


Aaaand Venezuela... Venezuela is a doozy. Because their economy is.. fluctuating too wildly, a lot of players use in-game currency to bargain for their own country's currency. That's wild, man.


To put it bluntly: No. It isn't illegal. Not even by a longshot. If anything, it's far more recognised as legitimate. Wasn't too long ago that I think someone somewhere around the world brought up that in-game items and possessions ought to be looked at as actual assets, to be taxed or otherwise measured against.


Edit: South Korea is the only place where it is flat-out illegal and carries with it a fine and gaol time.. but that is one pebble against an entire planet that doesn't care or sees it as a silly problem that doesn't need regulating (Which to be fair.. is likely for the best, because once governments get involved with things, it'd all become.. far less enjoyable and the industry would likely suffocate under all the legislative rules that would be in place).

Edited by Kusumura.8642
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