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Convince me to play Revenant!


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6 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

The only real problem with rev right now is our pve power dps builds are bottom tier at best, and herald/core are bad/niche at best in high end pve so if you don't like renegade you are kinda screwed. Heal builds are also strong healing on paper but janky, hard to use, and generally just not all that effective in practice compared to the competition.

Even heal renegade provides permanent Assassin's Presence, permanent alacrity and keeps up 10 stacks of might. It is used in fractals as the primary healer and in raids as a secondary healer. 

Fractals always ask for alacren and take at least one either the Condi Alacren or Heal Ren.

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I play revenant as my main, and I have fun every time log in. Viable meta builds for every game mode with every legend playing a little different from the others. There's a lot of space to theory craft from core rev, through herald and renegade (as Vallun put it recently, even Ventari is viable)


You should definitely take it for a spin - I remember going into rev thinking I'd hate it and now it's my favorite thing





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Revenant is a truly wonderful class with a ton of versatility. I've been hooked on the class for about 5 years now. While I have my complaints, I would 100% recommend it to anyone interested in giving it a try. Plenty of builds you can try and there's always something to press. Hard for me to play anything else now.

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11 hours ago, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

I would probably add Scrapper and Boon Thief to this list too. Both bring quickness which imo automatically makes a class more valuable than Herald.  Scrapper heals are better too and Boon thief covers all boons besides alac for 5 so definitely better than Herald 

Tempest can cover permanent 25 might and fury for 10 on top of the other boons it brings. 25 might for 10 automatically makes it better than Herald imo unless for some reason you need a ton of CC.  In most situations that won’t be the case. 


Heal Tempest is also a far stronger healer and hard carry than Herald is. It has massive 10 man heals and access to Rebound (which is amazing). Imo Tempest is the 2nd best healer in the game in terms of carry potential, with Scourge being #1. The amount of times i’ve swapped a Heal Tempest into a group comp and completely stabilized an underperforming group with it is extremely high. I don’t think Herald has that same ability generally 


See my explanation above, but Heal Tempest can heal 10 man, bring 25 might, and has access to Rebound.  The fact that Heal Tempest can hit 10 people makes its heals stronger than Heralds.  It also doesn’t have to deal with the insanely small radius of the Ventari Tablet or skill activation delays when healing; it’s much easier to be effective with Heal Tempest than it is to be effective with Heal Herald, so strength of individual heals is somewhat irrelevant here.  Heal Tempest is an extremely effective solo raid healer, which is something that can’t be said about Herald 


On PVE yeas, but herald can provide passive regen 1.2khp  ticks per sec and protection for 10 players as weel + 2.5k HP of elevated compation altough to 5 players every 3 sec.


In term of overall support yes, tempest is really good but in terms of getting HP up compared with the stats herald can uses and the stats tempest need to no stay in the 11k hp build can compensate a little.



Most elementalist healign skils are also on a 240 radios and have a bigger CD, and regen per regen i will prefer Herald regen or a druid/avatar beast of healing.


Besides, natural harmony its a 10k+ heals in pve and arround 6-7k every 3dsec in wvw its a good skill to use with rebound, they dont compete with each other.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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9 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


On PVE yeas, but herald can provide passive regen 1.2khp  ticks per sec and protection for 10 players as weel + 2.5k HP of elevated compation altough to 5 players every 3 sec.


In term of overall support yes, tempest is really good but in terms of getting HP up compared with the stats herald can uses and the stats tempest need to no stay in the 11k hp build can compensate a little.



Most elementalist healign skils are also on a 240 radios and have a bigger CD, and regen per regen i will prefer Herald regen or a druid/avatar beast of healing.


Besides, natural harmony its a 10k+ heals in pve and arround 6-7k every 3dsec in wvw its a good skill to use with rebound, they dont compete with each other.

My post is speaking specifically for PvE (since the other posters were discussing PvE).  I don't use Heal Herald or Heal Tempest in WvW personally, so I'll decline on discussing those. 

However, the claim that "most ele healing skills are 240 radius" is somewhat incorrect
Overload Water - 360 radius
Wash The Pain Away - 180 and grows to 600 radius
Soothing Mist - 600 radius

Tidal Surge - 360 radius
Water Globe - 240 radius across, BUT it travels 750 range
All Tempest Shout Utilities/Elite - 600 radius (10man, all heal with traits)

^The ease of use of all these skills in comparison to Heal Herald makes a huge difference as well; You generally will never "miss" your heals with Tempest.  Herald on the other hand, even with proper usage and training, have a much higher chance of "missing" due to the small radius and delays on tablet movement and heals.

All auras from shouts also can grant up to 10s per shout of Regen for 10 people, so Herald isn't unique in this regard.  Soothing Mist is also better than Elevated Compassion, though potentially less consistent

I'm not denying the strength of individual revenant heals from Ventari.  It's the "ease of use" though and small radius that makes heal revenant less practical in most real situations.  Personally, if I have to choose between Heal Herald or Heal Tempest in PvE for any group comp I'm absolutely choosing Heal Tempest 99% of the time.  I've run both many, many times over the years in many different group compositions and Heal Tempest almost always outperforms any Heal Rev variants assuming equally skilled players (though Heal Ren with pre-nerf Soulcleave definitely gave strong competition)

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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I have never really played Rev much. But what i did notice alot in PVP is Revenants just healing twice cause they can just Swap stance and heal again. Correct me if im wrong but i absolutely hate how tanky they can get in PVP while still dealing nice dmg

In my opinion the Heal skill should be on timer even if switching stances. but i'm not a revenant player so i have no real argument on this matter. Just my opinion. I have been interested in playing revenant though that's pretty much why i'm here. Especially with EoD greatsword it will hopefully be cool.

Edited by LunaDeviner.6514
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16 hours ago, LunaDeviner.6514 said:

I have never really played Rev much. But what i did notice alot in PVP is Revenants just healing twice cause they can just Swap stance and heal again. Correct me if im wrong but i absolutely hate how tanky they can get in PVP while still dealing nice dmg

In my opinion the Heal skill should be on timer even if switching stances. but i'm not a revenant player so i have no real argument on this matter. Just my opinion. I have been interested in playing revenant though that's pretty much why i'm here. Especially with EoD greatsword it will hopefully be cool.

Each heal individually is generally weaker than a single heal from other classes.  The heals also do not have access to cooldown reducing traits like many/most other profession heals meaning all rev heals will always be 30s regardless (unless using alacrity) which is fairly high for a heal CD.  Rev also won’t always have access to its heals when it needs them given how the legend system can end up locking you out of one of them.  Rev can heal more generally (just in terms of #6 healing, not other sources) through its two heals back to back, but that’s generally balanced by all of the above; they simply don’t always have access to both and have to plan accordingly 

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19 hours ago, LunaDeviner.6514 said:

In my opinion the Heal skill should be on timer even if switching stances. but i'm not a revenant player so i have no real argument on this matter. Just my opinion.


heal skills are on timer even when swapped out, they aren't reset when swapped back.

Edited by GeneralBM.5781
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