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@displayname.8315 it cannot be designed to have hopping + all maps active, unless maps could have far more players in the past (which might been the case) currently its often 2 maps full + solid size Q, and 15-30 of the 70 capacity on these maps aren't actively participating in the fights, at least in EBG that is often the case.

sometimes similar situation amongst borders, but not as bad.



about hidden tags. IF u are on voice, u want to hide the tag for a ton of resons that we listed. random players mess up so much important things simply. if people would be on a higher average skill level, it would not be necessary.


also overall about tags: people don't understand what a tag really is for. like, ur supposed to stick on it and move with it, but also think for yourself. and if ur a dmg class, ur not meant to AFK around tag or stand 2600 range from it. the tags are not meant to use a ton of cooldowns just bc some people afk and get ganked.
and even on completely filled maps, you get like 30/70 on tag, and 30 more flock around it, don't join squad and get farmed left and right. whenever i tried casually opentagging, people just show their huge lack of experience. u need apparently a voiced lead these days, so people bomb. nobody that u get into casual chatmandering tags has any clue what kiting is.


i even tried to communicate with markers, but people straight ignore that in a lot of cases. that to be said, i didn't even have to sort the parties, bc we barely got any single support class in the 30 people that joined my tag. which makes it plainy impossible to play. l


that's why most people who try it are just ppt tags. u cannot even fight 30 people smaller group with your 60ish numbers, if the enemy group is 35 and on voice, as the people who understand your movement are like 10/60. and u cannot react fast enough if ppl don't react to and with your tag.


so stop blaming us for hiding tags on fully min maxed group. without this, it'd be only more obvious to other people who runs around an where. you'd realize who just saved your towers and keeps. it's often similar groups, justsaying.


every interested player has the freedom to apply to a fighting guild, and can learn the game there. if its too hardcore for you, you'll see in the usual test week. if not, you'll have as much fun as the hardcore fight addicts have and gain a new view on the format of Wvw.

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On 8/19/2021 at 8:51 PM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

it cannot be designed to have hopping + all maps active, unless maps could have far more players in the past

Hopping wasn't a design it's an unfortunate PPT strategy thanks to the 4 separate maps that are only viewable if your on them. Makes for boring running simulator hide and seek gameplay.


On 8/19/2021 at 8:51 PM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

every interested player has the freedom to apply to a fighting guild,

I've been in fighting guilds and I agree everyone should join a guild at some point or at least try some discord gameplay.


I used to advertise the team speak, do the normal /say Stay on Tag, need DPS, need Guards ect.


I don't join anymore because they blame others when they wipe  and want to go private for some boring 20v40 that they totally can't handle.


Pugmanding used to be a recruitment tool for guilds, now you never hear from them, never see them.  Going by KDR and map colors they aren't doing much of nothing either.

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hidden tags are usually simply too small to carry against 45+ opentag blobs. classic guildraid size is 25 only.


the complaining is also since a lot of the guilds aren't really used to fighting anymore. there's like a handful of serious guilds left, even in EU. u can wipe a cloudy blob of 50 even with 15 people. not openfield obviously tho. and not if pugs give away your position too early or suicide into the enemies to rally them 😜


pugmander comms have been usually these type of "hardcore" tags, of which many are pausing currently. also, at least my guild couldn't recruit anyone of that. the joining people either just want to be carried, or played in more casual guilds anyways.


since my guild pauses, barely anyone really joined any other guild as well (which is imo relateable, as u get a bond to your guild/s). still, a ton of part-time guilds full of these veteran players constantly form into new groups under new names. some are also just tired of it i guess and only guest or join whenever a serious lead goes opentag.


opentag with voice is still the only serious way to play. the tags are simply doing this way of setting at least discord voice as requirement, since that way u get less completely clueless people into your squad. the overall quality dropped so hard, that i think this is the only way to get really content off your squad.


like, i personally know how to position, what to press when, but a vast majority of people  are far from having any clue about this.


one thing that will never happen, but anet shoulda done ages ago: building in a copy of alpine borderlands into some storymode, where u get some ai "squad" and move with a NPC commander through alpine, from camp to tower across all keeps, and get increasingly stronger ai squads to fight yours.


this would or could at least give people a better impression about how Wvw works. i guess. like, that'd be the most casual, least forced opportunity to teach people Wvw basics.



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31 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

hidden tags are usually simply too small to carry against 45+


31 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

the complaining is also since a lot of the guilds aren't really used to fighting anymore

Yeah it's a real shame what's considered a WvW guild nowadays, not just the avg skill level but the overall mentality.


There is no longer the server teamspeak, used by the entire community.  You could open it to see which are rallied.  No Ccoms for the commanders.  No website for the server hosted by fans for fans.


Now you just have a bunch of discords and isolated groups that don't talk to each other and won't work with anyone.  I'm not going to bother joining one of those.

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On 8/20/2021 at 2:51 AM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

@displayname.8315  that's why most people who try it are just ppt tags. u cannot even fight 30 people smaller group with your 60ish numbers, if the enemy group is 35 and on voice, as the people who understand your movement are like 10/60. and u cannot react fast enough if ppl don't react to and with your tag.

I think the "truth" is in-between what you and @displayname8315 stated. He said, and rightfully so, that the skill level of individual players has severely declined over the years, and you are pointing the finger to uncultured randos that do not even know how to properly follow a tag.

So let me add an ulterior layer to the reasoning: the game mechanics have been purposely left chaotic, as to let people just come up with ways to "somehow" follow the ppt logic of Anet (which is the easiest way to keep people on the hamster wheel with not too much intellectual effort on their side).

If they wanted to make things closer to reality, each tag color would serve a different purpose (ex: red tag attacks, green tag defend, blue tag flanks, etc), there would be a "codified language" to learn, and things would gradually improve.  But no, I can easily put myself in the shoes of a pve player that wants to give WvW a shot, and he will be completely clueless on what to do.

I think EOTM is a missed chance to "educate" new players on what to do  in WvW, if it was for me, I'd have newcomers spend a good amount of levels in EOTM with Commander AI to learn the basics, and only once they "graduate" they'd be allowed into the actual maps. Most of the times, new players ruin their own experience and contribute poorly (if anything) to others' gaming experience.

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2 hours ago, vilkanor.3072 said:

I think the "truth" is in-between what you and @displayname8315 stated. He said, and rightfully so, that the skill level of individual players has severely declined over the years, and you are pointing the finger to uncultured randos that do not even know how to properly follow a tag.

So let me add an ulterior layer to the reasoning: the game mechanics have been purposely left chaotic, as to let people just come up with ways to "somehow" follow the ppt logic of Anet (which is the easiest way to keep people on the hamster wheel with not too much intellectual effort on their side).

If they wanted to make things closer to reality, each tag color would serve a different purpose (ex: red tag attacks, green tag defend, blue tag flanks, etc), there would be a "codified language" to learn, and things would gradually improve.  But no, I can easily put myself in the shoes of a pve player that wants to give WvW a shot, and he will be completely clueless on what to do.

I think EOTM is a missed chance to "educate" new players on what to do  in WvW, if it was for me, I'd have newcomers spend a good amount of levels in EOTM with Commander AI to learn the basics, and only once they "graduate" they'd be allowed into the actual maps. Most of the times, new players ruin their own experience and contribute poorly (if anything) to others' gaming experience.


A+ !!!



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On 8/21/2021 at 5:35 AM, displayname.8315 said:


Yeah it's a real shame what's considered a WvW guild nowadays, not just the avg skill level but the overall mentality.

There is no longer the server teamspeak, used by the entire community.  You could open it to see which are rallied.  No Ccoms for the commanders.  No website for the server hosted by fans for fans.

Now you just have a bunch of discords and isolated groups that don't talk to each other and won't work with anyone.  I'm not going to bother joining one of those.

It's a shame that your server (and link) are like that. Tarnished Coast folks generally work with everyone on their server and most links. The Commanders work with each other and try and help each other when they're on the map or cross-maps. We may have reverted to our guild discords for comms due to trolls and the lack of permissions of banning them from specific voice channels in the TC Discord, but that's not to say people aren't in several discord groups and can pop in if someone is tagged up. It's also not that hard to type in a few letters on your Discord app and join.

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1 hour ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

It's a shame that your server (and link) are like that. Tarnished Coast folks generally work with everyone on their server and most links. The Commanders work with each other and try and help each other when they're on the map or cross-maps. We may have reverted to our guild discords for comms due to trolls and the lack of permissions of banning them from specific voice channels in the TC Discord, but that's not to say people aren't in several discord groups and can pop in if someone is tagged up. It's also not that hard to type in a few letters on your Discord app and join.

That's good to hear.  Hope your getting trained up.  BREW spearheads a decent pickup but that carry is a big ask.

When I play there I'd say it's about 80% getting 1 pushed.


Still think teamspeak works better as a WvW tool but I guess a discord for the server itself could help.

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On 8/17/2021 at 12:45 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Deleted by Anet everywhere except EB. Even the guards roflstomping enemies at spawn got deleted, sigh...

There was once a stream where Cal said that Siegeraiser should bash down the tower (the one he attacks) door open in a single blow. 


I infer that as meaning they'd like to do something with him, but .... you know ... the list is very long, there is very little money.

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