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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. They need a rework. the f act that the traits got semi removed/ nerfed into the ground was a good thing. i dont want them back. i dont think a lot of people do either. they need to be changed to do something else entirely.
  2. Well, I certainly don’t think it’s healthy for the game to be toxic to this extent. But saying anybody will become this toxic just by playing wvw for a while also isn’t true. Only some , very sad people end up with this level of toxicity/ stupidity. And they will get to that point regardless of how long they play for.
  3. I was specifically trying to avoid having personalities be any part of this, however you mentioned Vallun first. regardless, I’m not saying you can’t play druid or that it’s completely unviable especially for solo. It’s just that.. other than condi builds, anything power related, soulbeast does better than druid. And condi druid loses to soulbeast, technically speaking. If we assume equal skill ofc. soulbeast has too much access to immob cleanses, and cleanse in general. Druid really doesn’t deal much damage unless you can abuse ancient seeds. And soulbeast has access to a loootttt of condi dmg reduction, especially with the changes to retaliation.
  4. You trynna smash @Shroud.2307?? 😳 No but seriously. As someone who has made roaming videos for years, and i have other friends who have done the same, everyone in that sphere KNOWS that roaming vids mean absolutely nothing. Some of my friends deliberately play bad builds just to show off epic trickshots or show off skill for that ONE clip they can post in their montage, even if they have to die 100 times to get the clip. You dont post the 100s of times you die playing a build, you post the wins. Some ppl only post the really, really good clips too. but we all die, all the time. ( unless you play thief, then you just run 🙃 ). Outnumbered clips also dont mean much. unless You Yourself can tell that this person just did something that takes a lot of skill , anyone can in theory win a 1v5. it doesnt depend on yourself as much as it depends on how bad the enemies are.
  5. Please dont tell me youre using vallun as an example of a good player knowing how to use ranger.... please.. lol. Druid are not very common in wvw. you srsly want me to make a montage of me killing druids? would would that prove exactly? if anything i should make a video explaining in detail the differences between the specs and why soulbeast , as it is currently, is superior in pretty much every metric that means something when it comes to wvw. The only aspect i can really see that druid has an advantage in is AOE. it has some AOE dazes, AOE stealth. it has ancient seeds.. yep. butttt vs other competent players on decent builds, these things are not going to be a problem.
  6. I really dont want to sound demeaning or anything, but this is just a terrible idea imo. The last thing we need is more passive effects. maybe if you kept these changes to pve ONLY i wouldnt mind them, but why complicate things even further? is it really that hard for some people to press a button on their keyboard? I already see an occasional soulbeast in wvw using MM and running the signet trait + utility, and its a pain in the butt. I dont see why we need to cater so much to players who seemingly want to play this game and enjoy it but.. are unable to press a button? gw2 is the MMORPG I've played over the years with the FEWEST amount of skills. most games have multiple rows and stacks, usually bordering on needing a dedicated macrokeyboard or a mouse with extra buttons on it. you can fit nearly every single skill on the number row. that should be easy enough. If pve players want to play on easy mode and focus on their pets, weapon interactions.. they could just go to an easier area? or play with tankier gear? pick easier fights? You seem to think that new players are so dumb and so bad they arent even able to press a skill when they need it.
  7. I have played condi druid myself multiple times. It's not even close in comparison to a power soulbeast. I have taken the time to learn how to play it properly in various configs. it just doesnt have the damage that soulbeast does. It has the same mobility as soulbeast too. if you play trapper runes youll get revealed trying to run away. and stealth is the only meaningful sustain druid has.
  8. It’s aight lol. But yea. What are we gonna do. They gonna use lb#4 regardless, not much we can do about it. It’s up to them to use it properly.
  9. Wvw perspective: Druid more dangerous than slb… I’m laughing my kitten off. Soulbeast has literally DOUBLE the weapon damage while merged, druid heals heal the same as the regen boon which means pretty much nothing, AND you have to work around the CA regeneration aspect. Druid is a complete joke in wvw and only works against newbies who have very very little cleanse. so to reiterate: slb has more dmg, more than DOUBLE the stab, far more damage reduction. And druid has what? Ancient seeds? It doesn’t even have more cleanse when you consider you have to run specific runes or utility skills to keep your CA up. The only thing I use druid for in wvw is tagging enemy keep cus I can run away from pretty much everything with staff + gs, but that’s it. Fighting anything else is x10 times easier on soulbeast.
  10. I never said “always start lb#4 even in group combat”, I just explained a very very basic rotation, lol. If you’re a newbie in group combat you’re not expected to play well or optimally anyway, you’re probably gonna lose regardless. Sure you are correct but often times if you have quick reactions lb#4 is more of a boon than a curse even in groups cus you can interrupt enemy at range whereas pretty much only thief can do that with quick reaction, and they only have 600 range on DD whereas ranger has 1200. So you interrupt target before enemy can hurt your ally, or run away. The KB also means they are gonna be movement locked for a second or so. Don’t blame me for explaining decent basic rotation just because newbies don’t know how to play their role.
  11. Go play wvw and tell me boonbeast doesn’t work anymore lmao.
  12. Yes, obviously I am for removing those builds as well lol. I’m just saying we need to acknowledge that the skill (dolyak) is busted and does too many things at once and in some ways is the icing on the cake that makes boonbeast so disgusting, let alone regular ws bm slb builds that have high boon uptime and use it. i will say this tho: I would be ok with anet nerfing slb first so they can see how busted holo/scrapper is and then nerfing it after the fact. I find more enjoyment in playing a weaker spec and losing occasionally than playing braindead boons. As long as the nerfs come for engi and SA dp too ofc.
  13. When was the last time you met a boonbeast in wvw playing dolyak protect me? That setup is so incredibly stupid and requires 0 skill to play and win a 1v1 with. If by excel in 1v1 you mean turning your brain off while chipping your opponents health down then i want nothing to do with it. I think a lot of ppl will agree sustain based metas and builds + boons = bad time and unbalanced gameplay vs someone who doesn’t invest their life savings into getting 50% boon duration and 2800+ armor.
  14. Since this is tips for mechanics: 1, don’t use your block until the warrior is casting shield bash , gs5 or bulls charge. 2, be extremely careful of when you’re casting skills to avoid wasting attacks because 3, avoid Proccing FC at all while in melee 4, save dolyak stance (if you run it) for if he has the rampage elite. 5, bait dodges or blocks with LB auto attacks, only use LB skills if he’s on GS and you have a feeling for his endurance Bar. then follow up but beware he might chain blocks into an evade if he thinks you can time his block properly. 6, get a feel for his timing. Sometimes you can precast a gs4 knockback if you KNOW he’s about to self interrupt his shield block into a stun or something else, but ofc this is risky cus you gotta save all your melee tools. 7, if you are squishy, your LB barrage actually hurts him. Cast while stealth for example.
  15. Dolyak stance does indeed need a nerf. I wouldn’t call all of slb a meme though, there are lots of variations that don’t rely on cele stats. Power WS with durability is quite common. And also very hard to kill 1v1.
  16. How is boonbeast a meme build tho, lol. Like if I was giving out my glass setup that I run 90% of the time sure that’s questionable… but ws bm ranger is Like THE standard. Only NM variant can beat it but it has very little condi cleanse so…
  17. Boonbeast or any WS lb gs build with durability rune will be able to do these things. You’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise
  18. Why am I getting “confused” reactions here?
  19. Just for the record, I’m not accusing you of being a ranger hater and I actually think ranger needs sustain nerfs. I was simply trying to explain. Didn’t see the previous screen of his buffs sorry. a bit surprised he didn’t have any bloodlust stacks tbh. But I’ll admit i didn’t realize there was this armor bug , so my bad.
  20. Look… after you pop all the buffs.. you only have to press 2 buttons to apply the damage. Rapidfire and smokeassault. i find it more sus OP doesn’t show his skillbar in the clip than what the soulbeast is pulling off. warclaw absolutely melts to a properly built yolo 1shot soulbeast especially if you don’t run durability runes which proc protection on the Mount. With 0 stunbreaks, 0 protection, only base medium armor it’s easily doable to take out 15-18k hp from a medium armor target in .5s. 1 rapidfire hit with these buffs can hit 2.5k depending on which static buffs they have, sigil of bloodlust + ferocity signet + guild aura , with might stacks it’s easily possible to hit 3k per hit. so in .5s You should hit at least 4 of those with quickness, thats 8-10k. Then there’s OWP which hits about 50% more, that can proc twice as well, let’s simplify this and say 3.5k X 2 = 7k Now you’re already at 15-17k dmg… then you pop smokeassault to close the gap between the rapidfire hits cus it’s instant cast, hits about 2.5-3k per hit as well to get up to about 19-20~k and there’s your hp bar gone in 0.5 seconds. Again, OP doesn’t show what buffs the ranger has and doesn’t show his own skill bar which is very misleading. if you add in the mount of 12k hp, You just let rapidfire run its course for another 4-5 hits.
  21. Idk man in game lots of people stunbreak the moment they get dismounted so I didn’t think this was some kinda unknown thing. Sorry you didn’t know about it I guess.
  22. Uh.. yes and no? Lol. yes the boonrip on steal is what dismantles a rapidfire burst especially if they’re stupid enough to use stab before attacking. idk if I would buff thief tho 🙂
  23. You could assign it to macro but if you’re using the build to actually fight people then you don’t wanna blow the entire combo instantly. Sometimes you wanna wait a second or so before you engage, or use smokeassault at a later time. Unless ofc you are afk like OP is in the clip then go ahead. Minion mancer heavily counters this type of soulbeast. They can do practically nothing unless they run heavy on condi cleanse, but that build doesn’t have as much damage. All you can really do is run away.
  24. Unusual but true reversal: Hate the player, not the game. if some guy is pissing you off, it’s your anger towards him, whatever he may have done. It’s not the game. There will always be ways to make fun of people. If you mute words, they still just find replacements. People are going to be toxic, it’s your responsibility to deal with it if you want to play wvw. But keep in mind, nobody likes losing. It’s normal be get a lil angry or pissed off every now and then. When people telling you they aren’t affected or never get annoyed etc., they are lying. Unless they are a robot or something.
  25. I’ve played this build for over a year now. There are no macros being used, Soulbeast doesn’t have enough buttons to press to need macros. It’s very simple really. You buff up with owp, sicem, then hit lb#4 for fury, quickness with celerity sigil, then hit rapidfire and just before your cast is over you hit smokeassault to get instant hits on to your target so there’s no gap between the hits. The teleport is instant and has no cast time, and if you lose target it also ends instantly. You can also swap weapons to end the smoke assault animation early if needed. Keep in mind there are delayed hits from owp .25s apart triggered by both rapidfire and smokeassault. as for how to deal with these attacks, be alert and aware of surroundings. You should not be out of position to get hit by tower ranger pleb like this guy in the first place, but if you must, be prepared to hit dismount and block, evade or invuln. Alternatively you can just steal on the ranger as a thief, his burst will be interrupted very easily. I’ve made many comebacks as a full glass Soulbeast from other soulbeasts attacking me first, it is possible with thief also. TLDR; Better awareness, and be quick to dismount and use active defenses.
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