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Everything posted by Smoosh.2718

  1. https://i.imgur.com/mL0hBtK.pngrather than having the full code of https://i.imgur.com/mL0hBtK.png[/img]. Now, paste this link into the image box on the GW2 Forum.
  2. Annoyingly... I cant change much at all on this due to the no shoes rule, not enough heavy armour that skimpy imo.
  3. Dont dragon flies only live for 6 months... Cruel life for a skimmer if that was the case! D: Personally Id like to see more armoured mounts like the armoured raptor.. love that beast.. was hoping the skyscale skin was going to have the same treatment as that really would be bad kitten!
  4. I'd love to see an FFA game mode, and even a last man standing mode. In general pvp needs more maps and more modes.... ...WHILE ALL BEING ON A QUEUE!
  5. Big Nose Ted - for letting me smash his ugly mug over and over again for a key.
  6. Already sent a support, but stuck in queue Q_Q
  7. I wouldnt mind seeing a form of blind thrown onto Sword F1, give it a more rounded role, Rather than the stand still attack the air like you're trying to swat a fly, have the sword swipe into the floor spinning 360 around and then flick up at the end of the attack throwing dirt all around the player, causing damage bleed and blind to all foes in range. The more adrenalin, the more intense the stacks + damage. Or, to give the sword the mobility and ability to be in the flight as it feels like it was designed, i would propose the following two: Core version Crippling Dash - Dash towards your target location and slash the legs of targets on route. knocking them down for [1s] [1.5s] [2s] dependant on adrenalin levels. This skill will cause cripple and bleeding upon aplication.Berserker version:Burning Dash - Set your sword ablaze and dash towards your target location burning, bleeding and crippling all targets in the way. You leave behind you a trail of fire burning duration [2s] per stack. This attack will daze anything which is struck for [1/4s]Both versions would be Ground target and skill based. Dash distance 360 - 400 range.
  8. The eternal war for more balance patches :# But in all seriousness, I hope we go south, into the ocean. maybe some reefy islands and coursair ships from LA. Then we can meet Deep Sea Steve at last! Combat could then be split between water and land... but once again water combat will need a good touch up and all profesion skills made to work under water so no class is gimped to the state of not playable. (Skill example, Throw Bolas -> Causes sink under water when it lands rather than imobo) I would love to see a map with a split of water combat and land combat. With vast underwater cities to explore.. then we slowly poke East into Cantha.... he..he
  9. I do believe the skill removes the targets stability when you connect causing an increase in damage as well as stripping all their stacks.
  10. Condi by design has never been a fun concecpt for pvp play.Power i get, you can see it you can react to it ( yes there are some builds that take it a little bit far such as stealth into burst, or instant evade teleport while attacking .. which also boggles me as why that is a thing ). Condi however, is spamable, I have had the scenario where i had 6 burn stacks on me, quickly clensed them to then find 4, 5, then another 6 on me, you clense again, skills on cooldown to then be hit by a big slam dunk of torment burning and cripple. Even if you beat someone as power vs condi. its not fun winning that fight. Damage numbers need a total tone down for PvP same with healing numbers to make support roles not be too dominant or tanky. Condi needs a total rework for PvP that doesnt win fights by killing fun. I want to enjoy PvP in gw2, and i did with the matches that did not have condi players in it. Now since we seem to have 2+ in every match, its not fun at all. Its damn right boring. We really need some big ballsy balance patches out there that have some huge combat changes in them, the pvp scene has been dying for a chance to relive again, I'm just seeing less and less players doing it as days go by. Make PvP Great Again!
  11. To me, all Condi damage has done is ruin the fun of pvp and promoted the ability to spam skills till the other dies. No longer do we find that fun duel scenario where you have to time your attacks, time your fake attacks to bait dodges. Now all you get is 6 stacks of burn followed by cripple, chill imobo, confusion and torment. Stackable to stupid levels killing you in seconds.It's not fun and has totally ruined all enjoyment of pvp for me. Managed to see a nice 19 hit 59k burn on myself. Condi damage in PvP needs a heavy hit and should never have been pushed in the direction it has been.Rather than these damage tune ups we keep getting in pvp... how about an across board damage nerf to all. along with a healing nerf. As for condi keep that as a PvE thing, i dont believe it should be in a PvP scenario, but if it is, damage numbers from condi need to be lower than they are and not stackable to what they are as well.
  12. Surely it cant be that hard to pad out the game with lots of hair styles and faces?Would be nice to see more choice, else we'll have everyone looking the same :(
  13. Id say a system like Tera, all your characters on screen at once! (say groups of 9 ) then an arrow next to them to scroll to the next 9 characters, give them an animation like 'Cross arms' Make them look like they're active. Would make the start up menu more active and, oh maybe you might play that character you forgot about.
  14. Not sure where you are getting more damage from? the only skill that got a damage buff was Headbutt,King of fires has damage attached at an unknown value, my money is on a value around 400 damage. However, when and where are you going to take those skills? Change to rampage was a long time coming, nice to see its a 50% damage reduction.. however.. retarded condi damage munches right through this. Sight Beyond Sight is a total waste of time in its current state, that change will not save the skill, its still in trash teir of skills as it has no real role to play that is usable. Has the very same issues with Fear me. Wasted skill sthat need a total work over. Headbutt: this to me feels more like a babification of another warrior skill, justifying the spamming of the skill and not tactically using it. Personally, what I would have liked to have seen, would have been a total rework on the old warrior weapons that have very little play or use. Maybe even a touch up on attack animations to keep the game feeling new and refreshing. Overall impression of the pre patch changes, this isnt going to effect the current build setup of PvP play. Aye sure you may have the odd condi warrior in PvP but the meta isnt going to change as a result of this patch. Shame really, i look forward to balance patches but this ones going to be stupidly dissapointing.
  15. Fear Me: The duration of fear applied by this skill now scales dynamically based on distance.I still can not see a valid reason to take this skill? in PvE it has no place, in PvP you sacrifice a useful skill for a gimick. I would consider taking this skill if it had an Imobilise attached to it as well.However I dont feel that Fear works very well with the design of the warrior. Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.Where in this game am i going to use this skill? you sacrifice too much for a very small return that will be usable in very few scenarios. I'd rather this skill was reworked into something different and actually usable. Where this debuff 'reveal' falls flat is that, if said player is revealed, they'll teleport away till the debuff is gone, then running right back into the action. This skill also suffers from the same problem fear me does, too much to sacrifice and where do you use it? PvE? PvP? WvW? what ever you pick you lose too much for what it returns.If say, chill was added to this skill it may make it useable as a chase utility, no hiding, no running for 5s. (reason for chill, it's like having someone give you the chills just by looking at you).
  16. I do PvP, but i want to see a balance patch soon that reduces all damage forms, then nerfs to the really tanky amulets. As a result lower healing power for all players. Balance is the big thing that puts a lot of people off, which really needs to be sorted soon... else there really will be less and less people playing Spvp.
  17. I'd like to see Hammer get a lil rework, Current state of game - Hammer has no role or place in the game.It offers little movement, little utility and focuses on slow slug like attacks with high cooldowns. Which means this is open to exploitatable blind spam, interupts and easy to dodge attacks. One of the main skills I'd like to see changed is Hammer 4, rather than an AOE knock back, convert this to a side dodge roll ( like the rangers back stab dodge attack) with the hammer, and then using the top of the hammer to knock the target into the direction you just came from.This would then provide the hammer with at least 1 form of evasive utility. Hammer F1, Stun.. makes no sense on a ground slam, convert this from stun to float, the more adrenalin the longer they get flicked up for. Animation could be changed to have more of an explosive hit dependant on adren levels.Same goes to the Zerker Hammer F1, if possible convert from daze to launch, Short range would then tie in with the shock waves knocking the player back. Hammer 3 could be made into a 2 stage skill - long animation time.Slam the ground - same as before, same effect. Then launch yourself towards the target 300 - 450 range. Hammer 5 and 2 should be fine in their state. The skills need to be fun to use, currently hammer is the most boring weapon next to Mace + Warhorn. I want to love it... but cant with its current state.
  18. If it is to be traitable, give all meditations an additional effect when used. EG - Winds of Disenchantment, lasts 5 seconds and provides Protection + Retaliation to all alies in the radius.If i see another trait that says - use meditation skills to gain adrenalin i'd end up flipping since that is the laziest most un-fun thing to do with a trait.Since the babyfication of the Zerker... I do hope warrior at least gains some form of complexity, something thats fun to use, something you have to think about using rather than spam spam spam. Which is why I really want an elite spec for warrior that focuses on battle support - true support this time not that passive BS banner + Might bot.
  19. Personally Id like to see Elite spec weapons not bound by what trait line you have on. As an example, Id love to see how a Zerker Dagger would work on warrior, It probably wouldnt, but to open up weapon diversity even more, sure would be nice.
  20. I really really really! want the warriors next spec to have Pistol x Pistol . and revolve around support / summons. Warrior does not have a 1h mid ranged weapon,Warrior does not have summonsWarrior does not have a viable pure support build (might doesnt count)
  21. To really get water combat back on its feet.. bin off water weapons, and rework all land based weapons to work under water, giving them new water skills. This way you can play the way you want to under water. Each weapon i can see has an attack that would work under water. This would mean they would need new animations and effects for water x land. Its doable and i believe this would save water combat for many... but, I suspect this wont happen since 'the code doesnt allow it' or its just too much work. Which would be a shame, id love to see a fleshed out ocean, filled with islands ships and reefs and... horrible ocean dwellers. As an example, using the greatsword, [swim around your target, slashing on each pass and evade attacks] Shield could be used to smash you and the target back creating a 400 range gap. only weapon im not sure on is warhorn... its just going to be bubbles.
  22. Dreadnaught Armoured Skyscale skin please, nothing cooler than an armoured dragon
  23. Why was this canned? I have a Koneko Cosplay that could have been perfect with this skin.. uuuuu ~ We do need more cosmetics, i really dont care if we are swamped with them, the more mix and match choices we have the better. then everyone can look the way they want in the game.(NO MORE OUTFITS) - That garbage I'll never buy. Cant customise it, wont buy it.
  24. I want a Pistol/Pistol Warrior. Its the only weapon type the warrior does not have, mid range (600) combat. Or even one handed ranged weapons. Utility skills would possibly be summons, Kits or Gadgets. Yes I know this almost sounds like a bounty Hunter spec, however I can see this being heavily fitting for the warrior class. (Then I can finally make HOPE for the warrior)
  25. I would post my suggestion... but ima wait till its out first before i post it again >.<You know the one Gaile ^^, (please tell me it was at least forwarded to the design team. )
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