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Everything posted by TheIceman.1039

  1. Yes, at least pvp is rewarding. WvW is just fun and you'll soon be pretty poor even just being there all the time
  2. The main problem with the current system is that the wvw server formation itself is wrong. Most full or almost full servers don't really have many wvw players active all week. There are only two servers in NA that have significantly more players who are also active in wvw throughout the week. Others have many more players who at best do guild wvw once a week and other times there are individual enthusiasts. The only solution to this problem is the alliance system, which puts all active wvw players together in new temporary "top" group servers. And the less active, in turn, into a less active groups.
  3. Tiers, oh yeah.. there we should first decide whether we have to have tiers at all.. or just random groups. Because based on the current system, tiers mean nothing. There are no perks for being in the top tiers. But if you now think that one server makes an effort to meet another when going up. Then it is already a special situation. I have a strange feeling that lesson vol 1 was not educational enough. So we won't be surprised if we also see vol 2 etc...p
  4. Based on my own experience and observations, the relink should be a maximum of 1 month. In the vast majority, after 1 month, both parties are tired of each other. Perhaps it is natural for people to want change. The system should definitely be changed so that the current relink enemies are not the next relink alliances.
  5. Don't forget the moments of rage. When things don't go well. In addition, some strange stand-up comedian show with hours of mumbling over competing commanders. But for those who are used to following scream manders, it is difficult to teach anything more..
  6. It is probably easier to create such a map notification system as on the pve Silverwaste map, the yellow message "**** player activated tactics xx keep" appeared in map chat. It does not violate anyone's rights and immediately everyone knows if someone abused the system. screen
  7. They should abandon the system that considers victory pts = ppt. And consider the server's advancement to the next tier only based on the average kdr of the month. The same goes for whoever wins T1. It would direct T1 only those servers that really focus on fights - kills. And wouldn't let them hide in T4 to kill newbies there and get an undeservedly high kill count. It should also allow tier winners to enjoy 15-25% higher fees for tier wins the following week. So that players are motivated to win tiers.
  8. U can build ballista, if cant kill fast enought.
  9. Why not? With this logic players also cant contest.
  10. At least the tiers division is very good. I like.
  11. So Devona is in the squirrel circle all the time now BG-MAG-BG-MAG-BG? squirrel circle Someone in the office could think about our feelings also. We become friends with them and then again we have to beat them. And vice versa. And so on.. Very brutal 😃
  12. Next, we remove the weapons as well, we just give everyone a stick. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stick
  13. They cant win = boring. Even hear here same about one server. Cannot win them, its boring.. 😄
  14. What are maguuma tears? Some ideas, Gemstore special Guild Hero banner. When you tap on it, you'll get an automatic invitation to join the Guild. Along with a greeting and a little information about the Guild. Think how happy all those mass spam invite guilds would be. Guild siege skins. Keep, tower special skins that would be like a gemstore upgrade for your guild. Smc special skin. The Skirmish Ticket gobbler is also a very good idea.
  15. They all pretty much. But the problem is that most NA servers in the EU time zone only have players who are used to roaming. Or there are very few of them.
  16. I don't know how alliance caps works. But I am sure that the question of alliances roster will be full of scene of "Game of thrones". Everyone wants to be a king. Already in the current so-called alliance guilds there is a sharp drama and power struggle. And whoever claims that you have to join their alliance quickly, because otherwise you won't be able to join anywhere else later, is a kind of part of the comical scenes of "Game of Thrones".
  17. It actually happened twice in a row. The first time was BG link Kaineng. The second time BG link was Devona. We also got to know all the romantic corners of the Red Borderland. In addition, since we were the weakest side, there was also a constant 2v1. Because as you know, two strong servers cannot fight each other. It's just not prestigious if your pants get dirty while rolling in the mud. It's easier to beat smaller guys (servers).
  18. The easiest way to fix it is - remove thief from wvw.
  19. Alliances when? - When they're ready. Whether now, a year from now or five years from now doesn't really matter. They will come, maybe they won't. Life is a mystery.
  20. Yes, like Devona & Kaineng once were. Outnumbered two months in a row.
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