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Everything posted by Zero.3871

  1. cmc already talked about that topic and said firebrand must be broken to give players the chance to play wvw, since every zerg relies strongly on firebrand stability. so yes, anet balancing is BIASED and it is intended, they dont hide it. they dont want to change it. Is that true? Can we get a citation? Not having a go at you or anything, but that logic just seems completely nuts to be legit. Let alone openly admitting to deliberately keeping a class brokenly OP so that new people can play it. To be fair though the main problem is minstrel. Why they thought adding minstrel stat to the game was ever a good idea bewilders me. i was in an interview on twitch between mighty teapot, cmc and someone else talking about balancing in pvp and wvw. cant find this now since twitch is a mess for finding videos.
  2. cmc already talked about that topic and said firebrand must be broken to give players the chance to play wvw, since every zerg relies strongly on firebrand stability. so yes, anet balancing is BIASED and it is intended, they dont hide it. they dont want to change it.
  3. maybe because most of this people are also better in any aspect of the game then the devs, have better understanding of max potential of class mechanics, better overall knowledge... downstate WILL stay for sure, because gw2 is a casual game that is designed around giving bad players help and hindering good players to use their full potential. thats also the reason this game never had a halfway serious e sport scene.
  4. Fear of death doesnt increase dmg output to a target. it just regenrate LF when enemies got feared and increase fear duration. even if it is useless in pve. it is a common trait for condi builds in wvw. so i guess there will be no buff in future to that trait. hope i could help you. I was saying I think it should increase damage because I don't even see a reason to use it on condi builds in WvW. 10% longer fear duration is pretty useless since fear already has a really short duration, and there are better traits and skills to take for life force that don't cause you to lose a large damage increase. Fear of Death seems to do pretty much nothing even if you use Fear all the time and that's my problem with it. If you take Terror Fear of Death won't cause Fear to do more damage because it won't cause Fear to last a whole extra second. That fraction of a second isn't good if you want to make a control-oriented build either. Fear of Death is only good for trying to keep up your life force, and it's better to take another trait or even a skill like Signet of Undead or Spectral Walk and use Soul Barbs and have the 10% extra damage for more than half the battle. the fear duration in wvw is +50% not just + 10%, also in pve it is +100%. its about min max, most condi builds play full trailblaizer, that brings you 50% overall condi duration increase (max 100% is possible) and you get the 100% by using fear of death. the long cc duration here is crucial part if you play condi core and cc chain your opponent to death. also the 15% lf gain is pretty nice since you also got this lf gain while in shroud what gives tons of extra sustain inside of shroud. as condi core you get nothing from soul barbs or vital persistence. but you are still forced to play soul reaping for your overall shroud sustain. especially if you fight outnumbered.and since stability and stunbreaks got nerfed on all classes cc chains are very important in wvw to win fights. and there is a big difference between 1 or 2 seconds of fear especially when people run bufffood, runnes that reduce condi duration or resistance. just 1 case. rune of durability is main rune for many builds. this rune gives you 1 sec resistance after getting struck. if you fear him for just 1 sec, while this rune procs its resistance, you wont get a cc effect to your opponent.but with higher fear duration (2 sec) after the resistance left you still cc your opponent for 1 sec. sure you can also bait the first proc with other skills, but long fights you can give more pressure to the enemy and can better peel for yourself with the longer duration.
  5. Fear of death doesnt increase dmg output to a target. it just regenrate LF when enemies got feared and increase fear duration. even if it is useless in pve. it is a common trait for condi builds in wvw. so i guess there will be no buff in future to that trait. hope i could help you.
  6. yeah, fun fact, non of the servers has fun with this MU. its just bad for everyone.
  7. be careful every discussion about population imbalances in wvw due to anet is warning you cause "MU thread" and toxicity, happened to me, even there is no toxicity or any comments about a specific match up. in fact, anet abandoned wvw completely long time ago, running a dead horse with relinking system that just destroy wvw even more.they have NO intention to change anything for wvw, since they have other priorities (pve, pvp). i mean they spent 100 + hours for 1 legend armor in pve but cant spend 1 hour for wvw to stop population imbalances by bandwagoning by just closing server transfers after relinks. its a lost position.
  8. The Firebrand is not the best healer. It is also not the source of the boon-spam (which mainly comes from Heralds and the ping between Scourges and Scrappers, that just convert and reconvert condis and boons instead of clearing them out of the count). Role overlap: You also already have multiple classes that fringes on the role of a general no-healer types of support or some-healing but no boons type of support with Dwarf Revs, Soulbeasts (even if they remain pre-nerfed after almost 3 years) and Shoutbreakers. Like I clamped in spoilers above, even more classes add pulsing/grounded stab now even if they may not be looked upon as in a support role and it probably isn't desirable to do so. So it is obviously better and more direct to, for example, buff Soulbeast stance-sharing to enter into a fifth/balance role with Dwarf Revs, than turning the Firebrand even more into core Guard and Dragon Hunters just for the sake of making people stack let's say Tempests and Scrappers. I mean, to some degree people already kinda are stacking tripple support in some cases with FB+Scrap+Temp or FB+Scrap+Healbreaker cores not being too uncommon in parties. ive read all of it....proud of myself B) . and thx 4 your input. i agree, there are different type of support:dmg reduction (e.g. by rev dwarf)healboonsstability (special case)utility (mesmerportals, engi smoke fields for invis....)... my thoughts are just: fb can do TOO MUCh of that support activities in ONE CLASS so the overall potential of FB to support teammates is blocking other classes from becoming viable.nerfing the outliers (the way cmc is currently searching for balance) is better then buffing some classes into the meta.you said (i understood it that way, plz correct me if im wrong) in your later topics that classes already are designed to fit into those roles (e.g. SB stances), but their mechanics are just not strong enough to compete with meta builds/classes (currently mostly Firebrands) or people are just not used to those classes. but as long as Fb remains in its current state, those classes probably wont ever come to that state of being viable. i think FB can supply to much boons (offensive+defensive) while healing(with dodge, staff 2+4, f2 tome, ....) a lot AND still have tons of cc, so it is a nearly perfect alrounder(maybe not the best in a particular area,but still very good as alrounder) so that makes everything else redundant, because if you have to choose between, having 4 different supports for getting max heal, boons, cc,...OR just choosing 1 support to get all of that just a little bit less, you would choose the easier option with just 1 support, so you can better put 4 dmg dealer next to that 1 support instead of 1 dmg dealer next to the 4 supports. the only supportive mechanics that are used next to firebrand are those, which doesnt get applied by FB (e.g. dmg reduction by rev dwarf, invis by mesmer/engi,....) so my thougths are, if you take away some supportive components from FB and take out its potential as allrounder, you open up the door for other classes. before that happens, i see no way to get more diversity in support role on one side.AND firebrand still gives groups a too easy option to get overall support by 1 source. so lowering fb would make the game/set up organisation way deeper than it is now.
  9. i personally dont see problem with firebrand in its function as stability support. because it was always like that. and like you say, as long as stability is necessary people just stack more fb if anet nerf that. its like scourge got stacked more and more when anet nerfed boonhate without reducing boonspam. but if you would reduce firebrand heal capability. then most parties would need another class as heal supporter (e.g. a druid or ele for group heal). that would open up class diversity at support roles i guess.
  10. i see, the problem with firebrand is, that in comparison to other elite specs of other classes there is no tradeoff when using firebrand in comparison to core, just overall buffs.
  11. Hello fellows, would like to ask a greater round of people what do you think about state of firebrand, cause i dont want to just shout out something broken or op? i personally have the feeling this class is just too necessary right now in wvw. the reason for it i see in the buffs of most cc`s in game with the great balance patch some month ago and guardian still the only good source for stability in game and still great healing and general boon support. everytime my team struggles in wvw to fight another group of players we mostly just change 1 person to firebrand and we can instantly fight twice the number as before. and i dont have this effect by any other class. when i remember some days in hot meta, where support meta in most zerg and small scale groups was a set up of 1 druid for healing, guard for stability and ele/scrapper for condi remove i would personally say, that meta was better since a greater variety of supports where viable. atm its more or less just firebrand. imo a treatment like scourges (changing target cap from 5 to 2) or mirages (reducing dodges) on firebrand tome charges could help here. reducing it to e.g. 3 charges could bring him down to a more balanced state. what do you think?
  12. anet plz fix downstate, its disgusting how easy it is to revive someone while being invul, or being able to cast all skills like firebrand mantras to spam aegis while reviving: you cant contest downstate if you are outnumbered. this stupid mechanic always only favored the already greater party.just... give downstate 50% life of current statewhile reviving no skill activations are possiblereduce revive speedthis broken mechanic needs to be fixed!
  13. Again, cc/stunlock can kill your whole LF bar pretty quick, and then it's squishy mortal time. https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/necromancer On Meta Core Necro with full HP and a full bar of Life Force they have 64,804 Effective HP when you factor in the Death Shroud -50% all incoming damage boost. And this isn't counting Protection, which they gain a ton of through traits 64,804. Considering necromancers have significant up time on protection, for power builds if you assume a VERY conservative 33% up time on protection that's 71,141 effective HP. Oh and the necro is almost certainly healing and odds are it'll get two Consume Conditions off before it's finally dead. Averaging for 3 conditions that puts us at an effective health pool of 86,451. And I haven't even touched the healing per second provided by Vampiric Aura and regeneration uptime. Running some very basic combat simulations you can expect 383 healing per second from regeneration like Mark of Blood and Vampiric Aura. That's almost twice as much incoming healing per second as actual healing skills. If you assume 40-60 seconds of combat, which is not unrealistic especially 1v1 against a necromancer that's an additional 15,320 HP players need to punch through for 40 seconds or 22,980 for 60 seconds. But let's go with the conservative option. That is potentially a 101,771 damage players need to do to actually kill a core necro right now. And we aren't even talking their capacity to refill their life shroud bar. That's calculated based on ONE bar of Life Shroud. Calculate for two full bars of shroud and we're looking at 137,258 damage you need to do to kill one necro. And yeah, shroud doesn't last for ever and there is degeneration on it. It still takes 34 seconds for death shroud to run out on it's own. And here's the thing, all that defensive capability on core necro was ALREADY top tier in a setting where everyone was doing 50-100% more DPS than they are. Meta Condition Mirage is doing 1,100 damage per second on PvP stats now. Meta Daredevil is doing 2,380 damage per second on PvP stats now. Meta Condition Herald is doing 2,600 damage per second on PvP stats now. Core necro's survivability was already balanced in an where everyone was running around with 50-100% more DPS. Shroud is literally not built for this game's current level of damage. e.g. a daredevil can dodge multiple times and negate every dmg he would get while dodging , so the effective dmg players need to do, is infinit to kill him.same for every class with invulns, dodge-skills, invis, block mechanics, cause necro has no access to any of those. you try to say necromancer is op without any comparison to other classes. if you would compare you would realize that necro hasnt any other defense mechanics then being a big hp pool. how do you want to valuate other mechanics like blocks, invulns, ....? i can put in some personal ratings like you and every other class has even more effective dmg that need to be done to kill them.how do you want to balance lifepoints in comparison to blocks, dodges, invulns... you are just claiming that necro defense is superiour while in fact you have no prove by your numbers. i dont say necro is op or not. i just say your comment lacks relevance since its just your personal opinion without any relevant comparison.
  14. good luck with your break then. in comparison to the ez oneshot meta, the current meta is paradise. you have skill rotations that need actually skill to kill an enemy by outplaying him instead of pressing max 2 buttons to one shot someone. and i am seeing way more different builds and classes in roaming then before. but its normal i guess, that every situation has some people that like it, and some that dislike.
  15. so finally i just watched your first 2 fights, and what i see is that you build a tank build that couldnt ez killed 1 v1 but also has 0 killpressure to the firebrand, and also no kill pressure to the thief that has mobility advantage and used it in the end. you were never able to kill anyone of them. sounds like balanced design...
  16. i dont know why people think if something is overperfarming in pvp it dosen't in wvw... but necro has a big lobby in wvw, if nekro is not op in anyway the forum would explode PVP is balanced around 5 v 5 fights. so changes were made to that criteria. but you are talking about 50 v 50 fights. whats a complete different dimension. making 5 v 5 balance changes for 50 v 50 wouldnt have the same effect. those changes due to unforseeable results if you do them without good planning. e.g. in wvw zergfights no necro is playing lich form (because of tons of reflects) or signet of undeath. so nerfes to those traits wouldnt effect zerg meta you are complaining about. the moment you are complaining about a pvp change that doesnt come to wvw, while not concerning these facts just show that you are only here to cry because of your main class that is btw not that weak you are claiming. plz stop your behavior of rage complaining because of emotional reasons. you are linking a reaper build while core necro was the target of the nerfes cause core is in pvp overperforming. you finally obviously missed every point of this changes, so plz inform yourself before start crying about god and the world betrayed you. thx, bro.
  17. You and me both really i mean offensively its certainly not opBut the defense is a tad bit high and without a doubt anet is gonna nerf it to some extent im trusting cal not to go over kill on it though. depends on what mode you are talking about. if they nerf it in spvp i dont care tbh. in spvp some weaknesses of necros doesnt mattter, like its low mobility since you are fighting around points and in small areas. but leave it as it is in wvw. because core necro isnt meta in zergs nor in small scale because he still can easily get outrunned or chain cc locked to death. nerfing him in wvw makes an average class useless...
  18. I never imagined, that someday people would serious call core necro OP xD.i think the only problem here is the community that cries for nerfes everytime they need more then 1 sec to kill something with low effort. a good game is based around mechanics, use your mechanics to outplay enemies mechanics. necromancer is one of best balanced profession in game since it has some ways to counter its opponents by booncorrupt and other stuff , while being hard countered by other classes mechanics (by cc, mobility or range). necromancers are the only profession that have hard trade offs on every spec, reaper are slow and melee but with good cc and dmg, scourge has to decide to use its class mechanic as offense on range or defense on melee. core has good sustain and booncorrupt, but low dmg and anti cc. when necromancer defense was trash no one discussed over increasing life force on necro. and now you want to decrease it where life force after YEARS in not OP but just doing what was planned from the beginning( to be a defense tool)... people are always claiming anet destroyed the game with their balancing. i am very sure its the community always crying that destroyed the game years ago. maybe anet learned enough in that time to ignore those topics like this one. instead of listening to people that are constantly stability spamming vs booncorrupt and wondering why they got feared or perma aa into spectral armor while wondering necro got lifeforce from that instead of just kiting and short waiting until it runs out xD. remember the days when people tried to outplay their opponents instead of being forum warriors arguing for nerfes all day. just remember these wonderful days :3
  19. i am roamer so my opinion is small scale focused, if this has any value in this discussion. Currently there are builds with too much uptime of dodge+blocks+invuls+invis. this mechanics should be very limited to deny a singly spike at the correct moment to win a fight. but currently there are builds e.g. thief builds endlessly evading (with vault, normal dodges+some traits skills regenrating great amount of endurance). there is no option to deny 80% dodge uptime. so you just can wait until his dodge rotation has end. that forces you to be passive, since you cannot actively working against this dodgerotation, these class is hitting you with 8k+ on a dodge skill (where you cant counter pressure him). its boring for me as player to wait/kite until his dodge skills are all on cooldown and then he just disengaged instantly with high mobility. same goes for soulbeasts which are chaining gs3, gs 4,smoke assault, LB3, normal dodges in an endless chain of dodge/blocks/invis. these two are just examples (there are more classes with that potential)a. sigil of energy and endurance regenerating food create way too much additional evades.b. while classes are already overloaded with complete dmg negation mechanics/ skills that are not just negating dmg but also doing great dmg itself. too much base heal in game. classes like warriors and holos creating insane healing output for themself without any invest in healing power.e.g. warriors can have 700 heal ticks per second with healing signet + adrenal health (7k heal in 10 seconds without any invest in healing power.also just 1 example of several classes that have to easy access to great heal without any invest for it. make more skills/traits more dependend to healing power. there are too much dmg modifiers like farsighted(trait)/sick em(skill) on ranger or warriors peak performance /and berserkers power (again, just some examples for tonnes of those modifiers). they alsocan increase dmg for MORE than 20%. thats huge. too many classes can too easy create 25 stacks of might by themself(solo) (revenant, soulbeast,...). the increased dmg by thatis also one of the main problems. overall i would be fine if classes play as glass cannon (That means great dmg, but also great risk to die fast). but in current meta you have a lot of FAKE glass cannons that go completely offense with their build and defensive wise they are saved by too much uptime of dodges/invuls/blocks/invis and too big overall base heal by skills/traits. only heal skills should have great heal without much invest in healing power. thanks for discussion with anet. i wish you good evening. :-D
  20. I am just wondering that anet decided to nerf several auto proc abilities on classes, like reaper CoD or SS because anet pretended to want a more active playstyle, while whole condi thief thing seems to work only with autoprocs from several traits and skills. in general i would say, if you could evade or counter those procs it would be fine, for example, venom skill charges are also procing when enemies dodge, but dont hit then, so they are wasted/denied. maybe that could help.
  21. how's it gonna be busted ? when you can hit 10 people instantly on range? atm you can hit 5 people on range 5 around you. with that change range bomb of scourge become MORE destroying.
  22. Yeah, this changes of arenanet does exactly the opposite of what everyone wants xD. scourge will be BUSTED in zerg fights while weaker in small scale. will be funny...
  23. "necro has one of the highest playrates last Season" ben said. this means anet plan HEAVILY nerfs to necro until playrates are one of the worst… the next target of anet will be axe 2, when they remove Bonus dmg by vuln or reducing base dmg...thats the whole love we get. so lets enjoy the time until next nerfday.
  24. This is a great idea (new Wurm)... i support this one! that is probably the oldest Dream of necromancer community. a useful fleshworm teleport skill that is on the same Level like all other teleports (Judge Intervention, blinck,....). Maybe one day...
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