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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. That will never happen, for various reasons
  2. But @dantheman said u just walk out of it? U mean team usa bad players now? And so did shadowfall the amazing mesmer player. Just love this whole thing, some of u say its absolute trash Meanwhile some of u say its broken ???? Keep the memes coming
  3. They should 100% reduce the time to accept the pop of game to like 1-2 minutes max, 5 minutes to push the delay is excessive imo
  4. Because blurred frenzy had no wind up and was an evade all the time, stowing the stun part of pistolwhip is like stowing any weapon skill which add mindgames and complexity. The cast of the stun is not an evade fyi Some of u should not be near any balance discussions whatsoever
  5. Yes, its when someone got reported and it got actually accepted (like anyone was afk the whole match), then nobody will get points What's with this made up nonsense?pretty sure this guy queued unranked lol
  6. Yes, its when someone got reported and it got actually accepted (like anyone was afk the whole match), then nobody will get points This is from a win tho still .... imagine one of the enemy team went afk because hes toxic, then get reported.... there u have it What is there to imagine? You would get points then regardless if you win and enemy team has an afk/dc not in this game :p had several games where we won against 4+1AFK , and havent got any pointsPretty sure you queued unranked then
  7. Yes, its when someone got reported and it got actually accepted (like anyone was afk the whole match), then nobody will get points This is from a win tho still .... imagine one of the enemy team went afk because hes toxic, then get reported.... there u have itWhat is there to imagine? You would get points then regardless if you win and enemy team has an afk/dc
  8. Yes, its when someone got reported and it got actually accepted (like anyone was afk the whole match), then nobody will get points This is from a win tho
  9. https://clips.twitch.tv/CulturedTenuousOrangeEagleEye Ever had a +0?
  10. good tip for you would be to take a break from the game and chill a bit
  11. There is also one rune called sunless, if you use elite skill it fears you and this effect goes through evade
  12. The reason why is because you would watch it live at that specific moment, and you could basically give that information to players currently playing. They don't have technology right now to put a delay on it which would be needed
  13. I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range. You s2 back???????????????Im done jfc xd You are immobile when the slashes start, the whole part with stun thats the cast u can move and turn camera freely and stow it. I will showcase for you someday at weekend Tbh I’ve played a heck of a lot of PW thief and I’m also pretty dang competent in thief 1v1s. The ability to move PW a little with the camera and what ur suggesting helps a little bit, but for real 1v1s against actually good players especially thief is no where near as strong situationally and flanking strike. If u didn’t know flanking strike is abusable as heck in 1v1s as u can detarget for a dodge and if u retarget it usually sends u behind a target. So using this alone I can dodge almost any pistol whip and if I want to do damage at the end I’ll be behind you, which as I said this alone makes it a super ez 1v1 pistol whip just wins when u burst which against a thief that can 1v1 like me is not gonna happen a lot especially with the damage on this new acro build cuz it take many hits to actually down meSomebody please take me away from here ????
  14. I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range.You s2 back???????????????Im done jfc xd You are immobile when the slashes start, the whole part with stun thats the cast u can move and turn camera freely and stow it. I will showcase for you someday at weekend
  15. I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll
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