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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. Thief will always depend on the meta. Yes you nerfed most or dp thiefs burst and made less stealth uptime w withdraw nerf. How much hp nerfs did you see? Toughness? Nothing, protection spam? Nothing. The harder its to kill the easier it is for other classes to push thief out.
  2. Cmc and ben the saviours, and whoever more involved!
  3. @Cal don't forget shiro f2 facet of nature procc that one defo needs shaving
  4. I doubt it. It has been the same as far as I have played this game. It is not going to change. I think all this over hyped patch will do is shift the meta builds from the current meta 10-12 builds to a different 10-12 builds, while creating some insanely broken kitten, that will take months to fix. In 6 months, we will be exactly where we are today, diversity wise, with just different meta builds. And the CMC team may try to sell themselves as the new kid on the block, but they were always there. What prevented them from doing this exact step, two years ago? Nothing is going to change. Trends do not change unless the people in charge change (and to be clear, I am not advocatinga change in devs). Given the amount of splits they plan on doing, this patch will change things for sure. And also, why are you saying that CMC-s team was always there? As you can see people were shuffled around relatively recently:https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/updates-from-the-systems-team/ So whoever is calling the shots on PvP balance definitely changed. This will be their first major PvP update, I think it's reasonable to give them a chance before going all doom and gloom about it.Previously the pvp balance changes has always needed to go through the main balance team for PvE/WVW, this time around the "new" pvp balance team can do their split changes as they want with free hands. This is a big change that didn't exist before.
  5. Thief rework:Shadow RefugeCaltropsIce Drake Venom
  6. I thought they changed that back in the esl days when 5 elementalists won finals? To a max of 2 off one class. Im confused. Ye but that was inofficial rules. This is ingame events so obv theres no restrictions Oof, and here i was, thinking all that time they implemented it directly into the game lol. Since im not playing at's i didnt even bother checking, i do believe they should restrict that tho. I would imo ban class stacking in general in ats/mats ye
  7. I thought they changed that back in the esl days when 5 elementalists won finals? To a max of 2 off one class. Im confused. Ye but that was inofficial rules. This is ingame events so obv theres no restrictions
  8. Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago. I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this: Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game. But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only ezfix could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4] idk how people felt about that @ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side. Golf clap. Hacking confirmed no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic... Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums. also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves. I already watch his videos and Vallun. When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain. ewww, vallun.so many consistently better FBs like Baristan.Im gonna get some hate for this but its ok.Vallun and vallenous are two different ppl
  9. Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago. I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this: Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game. But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only ezfix could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4] idk how people felt about that @ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side. Golf clap. Hacking confirmed
  10. Necro was meta pretty much whole pof until the scourge nerf. Im glad we see something else tbh
  11. U forgot thief gets nerfed every patch :) or qol changes that are indirect nerfs
  12. Its cus anet doesnt update the api that godsofpvp site uses
  13. The old leaderboard was really weird. It was based most wins in total or something similar. Didnt matter what winratio you had
  14. thanks. so you prefer eagle over scholar runes? i played the build and its a lot of fun but only when you land those juicy backstabs. scholar or eagle rune or even pack? which is better for WvW in your opinion? Honestly if you do wvw slap on marauder gear so you reach a decent %critchance and then you go firework runes for the passive movement speed. Other option is Pack rune. Both have good uptime on fury as well, i wouldn't run scholar tbh.
  15. Viable yes, but improv better. If you ever spike someone under 50% hp with signet+steal backstab they die
  16. everyone in EU has moved over to core dp sa already so i'd say its effective, you will barely see any top eu team play S/P in monthly due to how good D/P 1 shot is
  17. It won't get too far imho. S/P is easier by a significant margin and the real strength of the build is countering S/P and Mirage. As soon as people build/play around the weaknesses D/P has I would expect 90% of people to go back to S/x. No D/P build in sPVP is viable without assassin's signet because you hit like a wet noodle. This core d/p build is already meta over S/P due to the 1 shot potential. Everyone plays this in AT's now and i'm expecting most top teams in EU to run 1 core dp thief and in some teams even up to two.
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