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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. yes, i dont think any one genuinely enjoys playing with people in gold or below when they are in plat or above (unless you actually do enjoy completely lopsided matches and not competitive ones). i'm not sure why all of a sudden the opposite would be true, how many countless times have we heard about how bad it is? the trade off would be long queue times for people who do this, as there would be a very small pool of players for this person to be grouped with and theyd have to all be online at the same time. again, im not seeing a downside, are you sure you thought that through before you posted? ah yes ill block everyone under legend, ill never get a qpop. cu!
  2. ok give this a moment to sink in, what if i block every player that are worse than me so they can't be in my team. do you think this sounds like a great idea still?
  3. revert the damage and put 3 sec icd on it and its fixed
  4. You seem to be new, so first let me explain something to you about the Anti thieve crusader's on this forum, They have not shut up for 8 years straight, they will never stop complaining until thieves are deleted. they don't want balance, they want a one way slaughter. If you know how thieves function they are by far the easiest class to demolish. but why bother learning how to fight something when you can spam "nerf thief" threads and get carried by passive bullshitery. Want an example? look at the stealth thread, not one of those muppets realized the problem with stealth is Haste, which is getting cut down next patch anyway. (concentration changes) So rather then target the actually problem they whine until arena net lowers the stealth duration which isn't going to do anything long term. a skill that shots faster then it's tell? not a problem it's stealth fault!!!
  5. They know about this bug and have a fix in their internal build already
  6. I'll say it straight away by nerfing SA which is fine, smokescreen as well since it's bad designs. However you just ensured D/P thief pretty much won't be played post patch and we will go back to playing S/D thief again(It was already leaning towards S/D before these changes) We already had PoF that was S/D meta for 2+ years and now we back at it again. The reason why is cus firebrands are not nerfed enough and same goes for core nec, you'll just have a spamfest with these two and the only thief build that can somewhat deal with this will be S/D thief One change can fix this.. And that's to remove swipe to old steal, however that's not a split balance so probably not gonna get it. But consider increasing the range of swipe to like 900-1k in order for daredevil dp to make a comeback. Another thing is, since people consider assassin signet an issue that it loads too much damage in a spike for thief, without it thief does not spike damage pretty much, have you considered nerfing Asignet as much as possible and then dump some of the damage into the thieves kit? The reason why people started running Asignet is cus you'd do like 4k-5k backstab crits at best, and with the nerfs and without Asignet you'll hit even less
  7. vuln adds 5% more damage and with compounding sigil its one extra condi for damage. So since this build is all about burst you gain 6% more damage just from the vuln+a condi. And then 5 might on top of that Immobing a target at 50% hp, think for a moment.... How many classes suffers at all from getting immobilized in general? I'd say its perhaps like.. Necro lol.
  8. Thief is getting severely nerfed in the burst department so idk how that is hard to understand lmao. You dont want high burst thieves ok check. Then why are we eating massive nerfs to make us less potent to 1v1 as well then? You just want thief gone from the meta? :)
  9. Anyone here trying to argue that swipe is good has no clue how this game works rofl Id trade it for steal anyday without even questioning
  10. Is there an easy to read priority list somewhere? And thanks all for the discussion! I've learned quite a bit so far. Stability ripping is a really good point and something I would have to play around. I'm not very good with stealth (usually play evasion heavy), so hasn't considered just going Shadow Arts instead for... basically all of this. It looks really attractive at this point though. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Theft without BT u cant steal on someone with aegis either fyi
  11. weaver still has massive potential to be meta regardless of the nerfs
  12. I'm curious of how high you can climb with this broken stuff. I was talking about currently, not what it will become
  13. you are not missing anything, people just have no idea how thief functions even. you literally nerfed the two damage sources of thief which was the reason D/P hit hard rofl, including increasing the cd of withdraw that makes your stealth uptime less lmao
  14. i expect an mmo with 9 different classes with elite specs where at least 1 of the spec of every classes is in meta. So 9 build in meta ;) Which makes no sense. Meta in gw2 is defined on all classes performance, including thief. And how can you say thief was one of the strongest in meta? In NA rev/fb/weav is the highest populated one in tourneys compared to thief for example? What stats do you have thief performs better than other classes in ranked? You have no facts or stats to back you up. The only region tournament wise that has higher representation of thief is EUl Source https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1143819#Comment_1143819 Even holo has a higher number in NA compared to thief.
  15. You expect a mmo consisting of 9 different classes with elite specs and all be on the same footing and fit the meta?
  16. Your 1 dodge is the only dodge in game that can be used and cast stuff at the same time. Stomping, also use it while being stunned etc. Thats already beyond broken
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