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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. Sindrener has never not begged Arenanet for thief buffs. ??? buff teefHes right i beg anet to buff teef all the time
  2. the difference between those two? a rev you can actually kill
  3. First of all what so many of you have such a hard time to understand. This was 100% necessary in order to move forward from the clownfiesta PoF balance brought. Yes the combat may be slow at this point but this is the ground where they can build forward from, how can you not understand this? When was the last time skill was needed in actual 5v5? In tournaments? It's all the way to end of HoT where we actually had somewhat a need to have synergy and work together. Not just press W and hammer all your keys and stuff just falls, this is not how the game should be and if you are honestly wanting that back I feel bad you really had no idea how beautiful gw2 used to be in core/short while of HoT
  4. no, this is 100% the way to go and build up from here. You cant indefinitely tweak the broken shit that has been going for YEARS
  5. The fact is we dont know since the patch isnt out yet to even test this. What you are saying is speculation. If what you are saying isnt true do you feel the nerf justified? With the nerf, I agree with bluri(sind) that they might as well remove it as a trait. It literally saysDeadly Aim: This new trait causes the pistol and harpoon gun skills to pierce, affecting up to five enemies but reducing the damage inflicted by those skills by 5%. we will see tomorrowThe daze wont apply to all of them tho lmao
  6. all is vain, whatever build we get working eats nerfs. strong +1 but sucky at dueling? nerf... good at dueling but sucky at +1? nerf......
  7. gut staff thief its so broken!! then we buff dp and daredevil POG
  8. It's easy to toss this kind of a response when you've never experienced a screw job like this. Honestly man, if your account/accounts are feeling like my ALT's match making, I totally understand how what I am saying would sound ridiculous. If our positions were swapped, I'd think you were crazy as well, because I'd assume that "All accounts are being treated equally in match making so this guys just must be bad." But I am telling you that this is not the case and that some accounts are "marked" in some way and are not being treated equally for fair match making. If you were to experience what I am experiencing on the main account, just feel it for about 10 games or so, you would quickly change your opinion of what I am posting here. And on a side note, this is why I didn't even embark on recording a bunch of videos and editing them on youtube, or trying to stream all of this on Twitch. It would have been a waste of time. This is something that people can't see until they've felt it themselves. I have talked with other people in-game who experience these forced rating resets so to say, like I am. These players, you can visually see in each season, that they are being bounced back & forth across the leaderboards over and over and over, whilst other users I've spoken to only ever get patterns like my ALT, which plays tightly within a 40-60 rating margin plat 2 value. And this is all main accounts I'm talking about here. Something is up with this. What I'm talking about are two strongly identified types of behaviors that the algorithm is tossing accounts:Type A - A normal pattern like my ALT gets, or what most users typically report their match making to be like, where the difficulty of matches & general match making actually seems to function exactly how it says it should in the patch notes. Players experiencing this will play tightly within a small rating margin and rarely ever go above or bellow it, indicating that volatility has settled and they've found their place in the leaderboards.Type B - An alternative pattern where, there is some certain integer that the player is not allowed to go beyond or even TOUCH. If the player plays to this integer, say 1500 rating, it's as if an automated Eye Of Sauron switch is flipped within the algorithm and it "Sees You" and then makes sure the player is met with some ridiculous 10+ game lose streak to force some kind of a rating reset. And this pattern will occur over and over and over, every season, never breaking the pattern. Again, I am not lying to you. And I am looking for an actual reasonable plausible answer as to why some people's main accounts, including my own, are always experiencing Type B behavior, never ever ever breaking Type B pattern, but then other accounts are always experiencing Type A behavior, never dipping into Type B at all. In the case of my ALT account, we're talking 400 some ranked games played, and never experiencing Type B behavior not once. Something is going on that either isn't being talked about or has not yet been identified as a problem. A couple things to keep in mind again, and no I am not lying to you about this:You mention variance of games played, but those 44 games played are only from season 20. The ALT has 400 some ranked games played total from various seasons. The ALT always plays plat 2 level and never drops bellow 1550 during 400 some games played. The main in the past 5 or 6 seasons, struggles to maintain 1500 bottom plat and often bounces between 1320-1500. Considering that I am not lying to you, that is a very large sample size of games played, that shows the same pattern between each account, happening over and over.You mention volatility? What? So it sounds to me like you are saying that "Volatility = Randomness" which doesn't make sense considering the aforementioned 1, which clearly described a pattern between the two accounts which can be seen functioning the same way in every season. Again, I am not lying to you. This has nothing to do with "Volatility in resets tossing random match making" when hard patterns of algorithm behavior completely dictate otherwise. You say "It's not any of those things" so what it is? And don't act like playing between 1560 and 1620, averaging 1580-1600 over the course of 44 games isn't a substantial sample size to view. We all know that in 44 games played, a player can get a plenty realistic idea of their skill level's rating margin. This is why the same players every season, end up in the same places after day one first 15 games. I know that's true, you know that's true, everyone knows that's true. So let's stop with the "OMGERD CONSPIRACY" attitude, which is kind of ridiculous to throw at the evidence I am posting in here. I have 3 accounts and pretty much all of them have equal winratio(close to). You are proven wrong.of the alts has never done ranked before this seasonSecond alt has done ranked from HoT but never finished a seasonmy main acc https://imgur.com/a/lWQodbu130-30 = main96-21 = HoT alt115-26 = fresh acc from this season You do not even know how to solo queue. Duo queue proves absolutely nothing on the matter in hand. one of the alts have 40% soloq
  9. It's easy to toss this kind of a response when you've never experienced a screw job like this. Honestly man, if your account/accounts are feeling like my ALT's match making, I totally understand how what I am saying would sound ridiculous. If our positions were swapped, I'd think you were crazy as well, because I'd assume that "All accounts are being treated equally in match making so this guys just must be bad." But I am telling you that this is not the case and that some accounts are "marked" in some way and are not being treated equally for fair match making. If you were to experience what I am experiencing on the main account, just feel it for about 10 games or so, you would quickly change your opinion of what I am posting here. And on a side note, this is why I didn't even embark on recording a bunch of videos and editing them on youtube, or trying to stream all of this on Twitch. It would have been a waste of time. This is something that people can't see until they've felt it themselves. I have talked with other people in-game who experience these forced rating resets so to say, like I am. These players, you can visually see in each season, that they are being bounced back & forth across the leaderboards over and over and over, whilst other users I've spoken to only ever get patterns like my ALT, which plays tightly within a 40-60 rating margin plat 2 value. And this is all main accounts I'm talking about here. Something is up with this. What I'm talking about are two strongly identified types of behaviors that the algorithm is tossing accounts:Type A - A normal pattern like my ALT gets, or what most users typically report their match making to be like, where the difficulty of matches & general match making actually seems to function exactly how it says it should in the patch notes. Players experiencing this will play tightly within a small rating margin and rarely ever go above or bellow it, indicating that volatility has settled and they've found their place in the leaderboards.Type B - An alternative pattern where, there is some certain integer that the player is not allowed to go beyond or even TOUCH. If the player plays to this integer, say 1500 rating, it's as if an automated Eye Of Sauron switch is flipped within the algorithm and it "Sees You" and then makes sure the player is met with some ridiculous 10+ game lose streak to force some kind of a rating reset. And this pattern will occur over and over and over, every season, never breaking the pattern. Again, I am not lying to you. And I am looking for an actual reasonable plausible answer as to why some people's main accounts, including my own, are always experiencing Type B behavior, never ever ever breaking Type B pattern, but then other accounts are always experiencing Type A behavior, never dipping into Type B at all. In the case of my ALT account, we're talking 400 some ranked games played, and never experiencing Type B behavior not once. Something is going on that either isn't being talked about or has not yet been identified as a problem. A couple things to keep in mind again, and no I am not lying to you about this:You mention variance of games played, but those 44 games played are only from season 20. The ALT has 400 some ranked games played total from various seasons. The ALT always plays plat 2 level and never drops bellow 1550 during 400 some games played. The main in the past 5 or 6 seasons, struggles to maintain 1500 bottom plat and often bounces between 1320-1500. Considering that I am not lying to you, that is a very large sample size of games played, that shows the same pattern between each account, happening over and over.You mention volatility? What? So it sounds to me like you are saying that "Volatility = Randomness" which doesn't make sense considering the aforementioned 1, which clearly described a pattern between the two accounts which can be seen functioning the same way in every season. Again, I am not lying to you. This has nothing to do with "Volatility in resets tossing random match making" when hard patterns of algorithm behavior completely dictate otherwise. You say "It's not any of those things" so what it is? And don't act like playing between 1560 and 1620, averaging 1580-1600 over the course of 44 games isn't a substantial sample size to view. We all know that in 44 games played, a player can get a plenty realistic idea of their skill level's rating margin. This is why the same players every season, end up in the same places after day one first 15 games. I know that's true, you know that's true, everyone knows that's true. So let's stop with the "OMGERD CONSPIRACY" attitude, which is kind of ridiculous to throw at the evidence I am posting in here. I have 3 accounts and pretty much all of them have equal winratio(close to). You are proven wrong. of the alts has never done ranked before this seasonSecond alt has done ranked from HoT but never finished a seasonmy main acchttps://imgur.com/a/lWQodbu130-30 = main96-21 = HoT alt115-26 = fresh acc from this season
  10. end result is what matters.your logic can be applied to everything.weaver is not tanky at all! this is low toughtness class with low hp. But the end result is they have something close to 18k, and vomit heals barriers and all the dodges.Reality is that steal has really low cooldown, is almost guarantee to hit as long as you pay attention and has immense impact What? I never said any of the above lol, I just stated steal alone is poo, but over loaded with traits. Also, if it does fail to land then that's half of the builds traits that become useless until steal is up again, so yeah there is a slight inconvenience to having many traits crammed into 1 skill. The only time you’ll evade steal from stealth, is with the help of lady luck, realistically speaking. I’m sorry but let’s be real here, you’re by far the biggest thief apologist in the game. Regardless of your personal performance in a game mode that has more to do with strategy and less to do with actually fighting people. How is anyone supposed to take your word for it? I suggest you take a stroll in a game mode about fighting and killing people, then try to push your “please don’t nerf my main”Inb4 the obligatory “who are you, i’m gud, you bad” comment. We’ve faced off on dozens of occasions and you always struck me as a runner rather than a fighter. But by all means, stick with the apologist buble. I was an apologist for my class once too. dude it was a copy paste because you are all memes lmao I'm sorry but given your track record over the years, I couldn't leave it to chance :wink: you are from NA, pretty sure you mistake me for someone else. I haven't been a apologist for thief since early HoT when we had esports. Thats just 4 years ago LUL
  11. imo they should remove pi as a trait entirely since it will never be invested in, keep the low coefficient but add it into headshot to make it feel more useful to use. Put an ICD on the interrupt if you want, or make it into a split skill where as if you do interrupt -> second part is a use to do damage with
  12. how about we buff stealth instead so we can cap nodes while in stealth
  13. end result is what matters.your logic can be applied to everything.weaver is not tanky at all! this is low toughtness class with low hp. But the end result is they have something close to 18k, and vomit heals barriers and all the dodges.Reality is that steal has really low cooldown, is almost guarantee to hit as long as you pay attention and has immense impact What? I never said any of the above lol, I just stated steal alone is poo, but over loaded with traits. Also, if it does fail to land then that's half of the builds traits that become useless until steal is up again, so yeah there is a slight inconvenience to having many traits crammed into 1 skill. The only time you’ll evade steal from stealth, is with the help of lady luck, realistically speaking. I’m sorry but let’s be real here, you’re by far the biggest thief apologist in the game. Regardless of your personal performance in a game mode that has more to do with strategy and less to do with actually fighting people. How is anyone supposed to take your word for it? I suggest you take a stroll in a game mode about fighting and killing people, then try to push your “please don’t nerf my main”Inb4 the obligatory “who are you, i’m gud, you bad” comment. We’ve faced off on dozens of occasions and you always struck me as a runner rather than a fighter. But by all means, stick with the apologist buble. I was an apologist for my class once too.dude it was a copy paste because you are all memes lmao
  14. TR can't be dropped in high end pvp ever. BT+ini+sleight+lead attacks is impossible to give up. CS can't compare to any thief traitline atm in terms of damage or utility, after patch it will compete with SA since SA dropped in utility. And you might not need the utility from SA anymore since most mobile/port classes are nerfed so u can get away without SA All of this remains to be seen when measuring damage output and boon prevalence. BT sees a nerf with one less boon stolen. Where I see SA and CS is rending shade for boon rip which will provide more boon rip overall then BT (RS steals stacks as well) combined with Hidden killer and flickering shadows. You come out of stealth with Crit at 100 percent and the 33 percent added protection from Flickering. Lead attacks is the big hit but I would consider dropping DA over TR given the hit to mug. Assassins fury might is > what you get from even the odds. DA line took more hits then CS line. |In other words consider CS/SA/TRI'd run da/cs/tr and doesnt matter if u nerf bt to 2 boons instead of 3, thats what it originally was in vanilla and for a long time. the thing with bt that makes it op is that it rips aegis and stab. it is crucial in high end pvp so you can't play without it.
  15. TR can't be dropped in high end pvp ever. BT+ini+sleight+lead attacks is impossible to give up. CS can't compare to any thief traitline atm in terms of damage or utility, after patch it will compete with SA since SA dropped in utility. And you might not need the utility from SA anymore since most mobile/port classes are nerfed so u can get away without SA
  16. make it soloq again just to see it diminish even more tbh, then add more at's so we can actually play 5v5 as its supposed to be, make 2v2 at's as well and we wouldn't be forced for ranked soloq =)
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