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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. You fight a thief who doesnt stow a single pistolwhip to bait ur dodges ? congrats looool Interesting. So, you're sending some mixed signals. In your opinion, is pistol whip easy to fight against or not? "PW thief is bad""LOL you didn't even fight against a good one" ?? I'm on your side here. Yes, he could've cancelled PW but the skill can be avoided even without dodges. I'm not sending any signals, I have no issues landing pistol whips as it is, feel free to watch my streams/youtube and see if it performs badly. I like this build its 10 times more enjoyable than playing core S/D. If i could i would play dp but its not on par with either build right now. But you try showing some educational video of a absolute terrible thief and you get decapped even to some extent hella pressured, imagine fighting someone decent lol. you can spin the camera/about face until the actual stun is done so you trying to sidestep/go behind does not work either and as i said you can stow as well - all about mindgames, and a good one would pistolwhip you while you are about to do a skill so you have no avoidance, does it mean you will land every PW? no of course not. fyi this comment: Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle is a full meme lmaobut as i have mentioned this build for me personally performs better both in AT's and ranked as it is for me, the only time i can feel useless as PW is if we fight a firebrand heavy comp but since I don't run firebrands myself S/D wouldn't perform better since we would straight out lose that anyway so PW does feel better, I can 2v2/3v3 better than I can with S/D cus of not needing as much CDS as i do with S/D, I can stay longer in fights due to the heavy evade frames from PW and let CD's recycle. oh and not to mention it allows me to 1v1 against pretty much anything but symbolbrands "kinda" i can still stalemate a weaver until i get +1'd You can basically zone someone into pistolwhips when you fight for the node as well, move towards and pw/stow if needed to bait a dodge and then hit them with another pw, if you get good enough controlling camera/stowing you can pretty easily hit pw's Do i think its bad? noDo i think its op compared to other builds? no But yeah, I just find it incredibly funny to see how split the community is :) Some people say its trash and some say its OP. I'm not saying it's trash but it's definitely not the strongest thief build. Anyways, I'm not trying to spend time arguing this. :)Whats the strongest thief build according to you?
  2. You fight a thief who doesnt stow a single pistolwhip to bait ur dodges ? congrats looool Interesting. So, you're sending some mixed signals. In your opinion, is pistol whip easy to fight against or not? "PW thief is bad""LOL you didn't even fight against a good one" ?? I'm on your side here. Yes, he could've cancelled PW but the skill can be avoided even without dodges.I'm not sending any signals, I have no issues landing pistol whips as it is, feel free to watch my streams/youtube and see if it performs badly. I like this build its 10 times more enjoyable than playing core S/D. If i could i would play dp but its not on par with either build right now. But you try showing some educational video of a absolute terrible thief and you get decapped even to some extent hella pressured, imagine fighting someone decent lol. you can spin the camera/about face until the actual stun is done so you trying to sidestep/go behind does not work either and as i said you can stow as well - all about mindgames, and a good one would pistolwhip you while you are about to do a skill so you have no avoidance, does it mean you will land every PW? no of course not. fyi this comment: Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle is a full meme lmaobut as i have mentioned this build for me personally performs better both in AT's and ranked as it is for me, the only time i can feel useless as PW is if we fight a firebrand heavy comp but since I don't run firebrands myself S/D wouldn't perform better since we would straight out lose that anyway so PW does feel better, I can 2v2/3v3 better than I can with S/D cus of not needing as much CDS as i do with S/D, I can stay longer in fights due to the heavy evade frames from PW and let CD's recycle. oh and not to mention it allows me to 1v1 against pretty much anything but symbolbrands "kinda" i can still stalemate a weaver until i get +1'd You can basically zone someone into pistolwhips when you fight for the node as well, move towards and pw/stow if needed to bait a dodge and then hit them with another pw, if you get good enough controlling camera/stowing you can pretty easily hit pw's Do i think its bad? noDo i think its op compared to other builds? no But yeah, I just find it incredibly funny to see how split the community is :) Some people say its trash and some say its OP.
  3. You fight a thief who doesnt stow a single pistolwhip to bait ur dodges ? congrats looool, if he times ANY pw against a holo when hes using forge skills you cant avoid getting pw'd but hey, its ok pw is bad can we buff it anyway its hilarious how some people say this build is shit and some people say its broken. who do we believe hm
  4. Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle
  5. Think that all you want but dash > bound anyday just as it was the same for dp its the same now.
  6. this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman
  7. I'm gonna explain to you why Dash > Bound with one word when it comes to high level PvP ROTATIONS Bound makes you slow to rotate and it is one of the biggest reasons why its bad in pvp. Bringing a tempest into ranked or at just for a pistolwhip thief means your team will get farmed, a short shocking aura isnt gonna break a pw thief lol. Also dash makes you take -10% damage, without dash you also have swiftness issues and have to swap rune, using #2 from sword or dodging isnt gonna give enough swiftness for you to rotate. You mention people will know they have a windup, stationary etc etc. I have been streaming and i fight the same people in 1v1, the node isnt big enough to kite pistol whips constantly, then you mention stability. Why would you pistolwhip them with stab? You have swipe which is unblockable and traited its like 16-18sec CD not to mention you run Swindlers so you can essentially have "swipe" every what like 10 seconds? No stab in the world will be enough to hold a pw thief, eventually you run out and u cant do anything to the thief. I urge you to check the footage i linked and this is people who is considered top players both in ranked/tournaments. Not to mention you say "predictable" since it has a wind-up. You do know you can STOW the stun part and bait out CDs/dodges? But my guess is that it will get nerfed yes This build sounds straight up terrible in pvp
  8. swipe has lower cd and is unblockable, this is what makes the 1v1's possible. you can't 1v1 a decent mes as DE either since no plasma so DE is straight out garbage compared to drd
  9. Theres two simple reasons why I like S/P over S/D. You can mindgame with stowing #3 and you can interrupt with #4 - it adds complexity that S/D does not have.To pump damage on S/D you basically spam #3 as well with the occasion #5 with steal into #1 But yeah, as someone mentioned on my stream "who would have thought a spammable blurred frenzy is strong"I find it funny that people think this build is bad, after condi S/D nerf tomorrow this build will see even more play perhaps. And if they continue nerfing symbolbrand/weaver/rev this build will be in a even better spot where you can easily play mAT/AT's with it. I'll be back MAYBE this mAT but most likely the january one if i find a team/players and maybe give this build a try - we'll see I am just so tired of playing S/D it is in my opinion a terribly boring build so its refreshing S/P can be played since this hasn't really been meta since early 2014 before PW got ini increase. You can also play a few variants with S/P - infil sig/haste and even drop acro for DA if you feel like it
  10. how about you make most of the NEEDED talents baseline for thief into steal, and rework trickery into something completely new. Right now you barely change most of the talents
  11. aside from the steal change, what killed dp? Lead Attacks, Swipe, Pulmonary Impact trait, auto attack nerfs and not to mention making blinding powder a stunbreak with a incredible fast cast time (makes it clunky) cannot use it mid leaps for example or while stomping/ressing so its just dumbing it down for a stunbreak that we didn't need If you want it more indepth:Lead Attacks would stack out of combat so when you move around the map as a dp thief which is your main role you would have a 15% dmg modifier before your first spike which is the idea behind DP thief -> spike -> get out or in some scenarios stay until you kill but not longer than like 10-15 seconds after your initial spike. So obviously lacking 15% damage on your spike = you hit like a wet noodle. This nerf was due to Deadeye "damage" so instead they nerfed every single core/drd build of thief instead of just deadeye which was the problem. Steal to swipe was a 600 range nerf on steal which means its harder for you to get to your target and you get kited pretty easily so ya its a clunky and dumb mechanic, we didnt need "unblockable" steal since we had basilisk venom that made our steal unblockable in +1s for example Pulmonary impact (interrupt and you procc damage after 3 seconds) which cannot crit, since everyone and their mother has a million amounts of evades, stability, blocks the possibility of you even proccing PI is so little that its 99% of the time only proccable on your steal so you nerfing this to hit like someone just looking at you = massive nerf. Meanwhile rev f2 can crit 5k+ aoe 3 boonrip (shiro) ??? thief is squishy as hell, sure it has mobility so does rev but pumps 10 times the damage thief does. Auto attack nerf for no reason either so you hit like a wet noodle
  12. I wouldn't mind, if you wanna share. 1v1 vs holo, i'd say he's one of the better players still in the game in EU, played in mAT finals etc and after a mirage comes. 1v2 vs 1 shot mes + cthief s/d vs spb also like mAT final playerI got a 1800 rated game uploading as well So if it works this well against these players, I can basically perform well against 99% of the community with this build. Pretty much best thief build for me possible then
  13. If you don't mind me asking, what traitlines are you generally running on your DD s/p build? Think I see DD, Tr, and Acro in the last video you posted, but would love it if you could confirm.
  14. You play unranked vs 5 man premade on voice, as someone mentioned they'd do exactly the same thing with whatever class they wanted lmao
  15. Yes anet why did u never remove downstate that would have med bunker mes less obnoxious and we would have had million viewers. So, did u know that balance killed esports?Bunker mesmer meta in early hot made ppl not die at all for 15min btw
  16. For me it fits for one simple reason, it allows me to 1v1 which i cant on S/D so in ranked it outperforms every thief build for me personally. Dont have to agree with me obviously. Also can do everything else with it. +1/tf More or less like this: i went 10-0 on placements to 1880 rating, every game i play i can swap my role depending on the outcome of the game, as sd/dp i rely on my team rotating/fighting correctly for me to be of use. With sp i can do for example lets say my team is worse in teamfight ok well then i swap and go 1v1 on a side, i wont die to a +1 either and rn i seem to win all 1v1s in ranked (been successfull so far) yes its lots of pepegas but i couldnt beat pepegas as sd but now i can. That opens up a new dimension for me in order to carry games thats my 2cents. If ur interested i can show some recordings
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