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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. Your influence on thief mains is scary. I am the father of all thieves, what I play we all shall play.
  2. Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories. 90% winrate is impossible!My alt wins more than my main!50% forced w/r! Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through
  3. -Does Smoke Screen feel like a good fit in that mode, mostly saw it in WvW for awhile but not much anymore?-How does Shadowstep feel as your one stun break?-I only get time to cram in some WvW after work so only really see videos of spvp, nice to see some shadow arts there. I've enjoyed Leeching Venoms lately, it scales up or down well if you're deliberate with it. Going back to D/P feels like sporting my old sneakers after wearing work boots for a week. i think smoke screen works good yeah, the projectile destruction is good, super short CD lasts long and is a blind. Shadowstep as only stunbreak is risky thats why i try to keep withdraw off cd when i spike, survive reveal -> heal and stealth
  4. imagine all you want, it's all on stream feel free to look at it.
  5. The only myth is that it uses the rating of the highest player for matchmaking. If you found that in the algorithm, go ahead and send it to me. I looked it over and it isn't mentioned once. DuoQ's aren't even mentioned at all.I don't know how you expect me to believe that got patched out in s5, as when DuoQ came back in s13; you could still disconnect to save your partner from losing rating from a loss. If that got overlooked, it's pretty safe to assume smurfing did too since it's a less accessible bug? feature. Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people. You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is only calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours. I haven't played for the past few seasons because DuoQ has made the game super boring, but this was for a fact working during Season 13 at least. You are so missinformed its hilarious. If your partner DC you 100% lose rating if you lose the match. Even people on reddit remembers it: "XiahouMaoTrue Hero of the Three Kingdoms6 points·3 years agoIt was changed a while back so that when players partied together, matchmaking was based on the highest skilled player among the party. The change to just a duo queue at most wouldn't alter that at all." This was STATED in the past, feel free to dig up the post yourself. I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered Anyway, you do know that I consider two really high rated players duo queuing getting worse matches rather than a duoq high rated and a lowrated gets?Sometimes highrated players try to snipe my games, but since Im duo queuing with someone who is 1800+ like myself its too hard for the matchmaker to find even matches so it goes to gold, and makes it gold2/3 on my team and plat1/2 on enemy team to average the rating out. That means people that are highrated will get into a better game where its like plat2/3 vs plat 2/3/legend So you saying duo queuing with low alts would make it easier is also just plain wrong lmao
  6. Edit:Finals: Semifinals: This match was a little one sided, but mainly showing how crazy good core D/P really is This match was 1800 rated+ on both sides so it was fairly close so it's an exciting match to watch And last I show an automated tournament game to show it's perfectly viable in organised 5v5 as well uploading as we speakBuild is up on metabattle:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Thief_-_Marauder_D/P Any questions?
  7. Why would they bother? Even when players are shown that, actually, the matchup was very fair, they'll still come up with any excuse for why it wasn't fair. As we're exactly seeing in this thread. If its not the MMR then its duos. If its not that then its builds. If its not that then it must be match manipulators. No amount of data will make this playerbase go "well, I guess I just got out-played". sPvP is inherently very "snowbally" where a team with even a 1% advantage can totally dominate the map and win 500-50. Players mistakenly think this means that one side had a massive advantage, but they didn't. Its just the nature of snowball. +1 i love how some people normally go "nice matchmaking" when you fight 5 considered good players, yet they are matched correctly due to what ratings they are currently on, the matchmaker will never take into account that "oh this is sindrener, even if hes 1500 he should be queued in 1800 ratings" People just don't understand
  8. Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago. I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this: Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game. But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only ezfix could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4] idk how people felt about that
  9. It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%. how are we avoiding anyone when im streaming all my games and queuing at 20.00 everydayfeel free to queue vs me for good games
  10. entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day. As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all. Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder. Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills. No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up. It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it. Swipe buff :October 01, 2019 Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example. Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology. The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.Yes but the stowing/interrupting has nothing to do if you stole or swiped. I assume you mean you can swipe more often
  11. entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day. As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all. Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder. Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills. No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up. It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it. Swipe buff :October 01, 2019 Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example. Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe
  12. www.twitch.tv/kanyeeastxd misha ill get him to stream
  13. The only thing they should do is to limit the rallying to 1-1 as they have in wvw
  14. you forgot to mention that soon every single class has reveal :) maybe use them
  15. Welcome. The first thing I personally recommend doing is avoiding Ranked like a plague. Placements are completely volatile, especially your first placements. Don't judge it too harshly there. It's after you get your rank, and you get fully exposed to the botters, afkers, top player smurfs, and metagamers where things really take a dive for the worse. If you want to play for fun, play Unranked. If you want to play to farm rewards, play Ranked. If you want an actual arena to compete, but you're too new or just can't be bothered to find 4 other players, kind of kitten out of luck. He forgot to mention duoq ??
  16. You keep talking about the size being really big but how big is it compared to a pretty normal balance pass like this? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62731/game-update-notes-december-11-2018 He did say every skill and trait has been reviewed. Should give some idea about scope and size. Reviewed but not necessarily changed. He said the amount of changes will be hard to even put out on a note. Does that explain it better?
  17. Cmon man, if were talking great players I'd say equal to 3. 5 is a stretch haha.U still contemplating doing the whole streaming the climb thru ranked solo q only if i manage to get energy to farm my 3rd acc up to r20
  18. thief is also a meta sidenoder right now though so you're not really right :^) so thief is the king sidenoder?Pw thief can win most 1v1 matchups and stale weaver, but it also dies faster to +1s and it also loses MU to core ranger/slb/symbol brand meanwhile water weav can stale everything/beat very few but is immortal to +1s
  19. True, not sure why it's suddenly claimed to be some fresh "Sind's build" :D I remember seeing some funky WvW builds with s/p but even if some people used the kit in spvp they weren't really posting on here. I don't remember seeing much of Sinds build with s/p kit but definitely agree some people on this forum have been playing s/p for awhile. I think we should differentiate between kit and build though more on this forum in general, I'm not even sure sometimes if I'm using the terms right in context. A lot depends on whether the person in questions streams or not. There a misconception that if a build in action not streamed then for some reason it does not exist. Most iterations of builds were tried and used by other players before someone decided to stream it in action. Ya, I mentioned that. But I also feel like people are talking a lot about a kit, or a weapon set calling that a build and saying they already ran a build when they actually just ran another build with that kit. Nope, I'm talking about a build and I still don't understand how it's anything new. That said, I wouldn't say that a specific build has to be a literal copy in every way. For example swapping a utility skill or 1-2 traits depending on the needs wouldn't suddenly make for a new build. Didn't say it was new, what are you on about? "saying they already ran a build when they actually just ran another build with that kit." True, not sure why it's suddenly claimed to be some fresh "Sind's build" :D I remember seeing some funky WvW builds with s/p but even if some people used the kit in spvp they weren't really posting on here. I don't remember seeing much of Sinds build with s/p kit but definitely agree some people on this forum have been playing s/p for awhile. I think we should differentiate between kit and build though more on this forum in general, I'm not even sure sometimes if I'm using the terms right in context. A lot depends on whether the person in questions streams or not. There a misconception that if a build in action not streamed then for some reason it does not exist. Most iterations of builds were tried and used by other players before someone decided to stream it in action. Ya, I mentioned that. But I also feel like people are talking a lot about a kit, or a weapon set calling that a build and saying they already ran a build when they actually just ran another build with that kit. Nope, I'm talking about a build and I still don't understand how it's anything new. :p That said, I wouldn't say that a specific build has to be a literal copy in every way. For example swapping a utility skill or 1-2 traits depending on the needs wouldn't suddenly make for a new build.If we will go with your logic literally no build can ever be anyones. So hopefully that clarifies it better. Yup and -by my logic- it doesn't need to be when it's not anything new :D Easier for people who say ”have you played sinds build” rather than ”have you played this new s/p build” It has more weight to it.
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