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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. True, not sure why it's suddenly claimed to be some fresh "Sind's build" :D I remember seeing some funky WvW builds with s/p but even if some people used the kit in spvp they weren't really posting on here. I don't remember seeing much of Sinds build with s/p kit but definitely agree some people on this forum have been playing s/p for awhile. I think we should differentiate between kit and build though more on this forum in general, I'm not even sure sometimes if I'm using the terms right in context. A lot depends on whether the person in questions streams or not. There a misconception that if a build in action not streamed then for some reason it does not exist. Most iterations of builds were tried and used by other players before someone decided to stream it in action. Ya, I mentioned that. But I also feel like people are talking a lot about a kit, or a weapon set calling that a build and saying they already ran a build when they actually just ran another build with that kit. Nope, I'm talking about a build and I still don't understand how it's anything new. :p That said, I wouldn't say that a specific build has to be a literal copy in every way. For example swapping a utility skill or 1-2 traits depending on the needs wouldn't suddenly make for a new build.The reason why they call it my build is very simple, i am a streamer and showcased it at the highest level in PvP and showed it is probably the meta build right now, no one at the higher levels played this or the same version, and not to mention now most thieves run this build. So i brought so much attention to this build that saw 0 gameplay now probably will get nukes from orbit cus people consider it broken. If we will go with your logic literally no build can ever be anyones. So hopefully that clarifies it better.
  2. Ben has mentioned many times they want to make it so infusions work in pvp, when who knows but its on the table.Reason why they are disabled is probably due to technical problems like them giving stats etc and they need to code so they dont do that
  3. Yes, it should. It was added for a reason.> @bluri.2653 said: I heard Plasma was pretty good. They already have evade frames up the kitten. They don't need blocks or stab.> @Azure The Heartless.3261 said: ? If you get what you want and classes get baseline reveal on their attacks, You will frequently have situations where Dagger Pistol (and pistol pistol sets with an external stealth source) will be preemptively revealed. These classes have very little damage mitigating skills on their weapon layouts as it stands.D/P without stealth access intermittently is the situation you will create in game if classes get baseline reveal on their weapon sets, and them having no defensive option because your opponent tapped you and revealed you isn't going to work. What did you think I was talking about? I'm not talking about giving auto attacks reveal. But every class having 2(ish) weapons each baseline that applies revealed for X amounts of seconds. That was your implication considering the situation you are proposing. If you're expecting that "nerfing stealth would open up other places to buff", you should probably start coupling your nerf suggestions with buff suggestions, otherwise I am going to assume that you want a flat nerf. I don't play Thief nearly enough to know what to buff.Right now, thief is in a very ... strong place. It has so many different builds that are able to be played at the highest level. Core S/D, Condi S/D (Flash played this in semi in latest mAT), SA DrD D/P, Acro S/P, DE with Rifle and DE with S/P.I'm not saying build variety is bad, but thief is in a very oppressive spot right now. The framing in your original post leads people to that conclusion. Stealth counters have been slowly added to the game and buffed over time. Engie, Ranger, Revenant, Warrior, and Guardian can now easily reveal thieves, some of those in wide area or on cleave. No one takes that Purge Gyro Scrapper to Pvp, because it's awful. The other being a trait that was mentioned in the OP.Guardian has no way to reveal, DH does on the other hand. DH is terrible.Warrior can reveal if they hit their F1.Ranger's don't really run Sic'Em anymore.Revs, I'll give you that one. I would want something like the Rev reveal as a viable skill on every class. As an example, adding it onto Guard GS 5 as a pulsing reveal similar to DH F1 and maybe even Scepter 3 adding a 3 second reveal in addition to it's current immobilize. Just working with what you give us. If you'd specified in your original post a more comprehensive rework people wouldn't be responding like that. A lot of us don't want to cheese stealth, but given we're part of that low HP pool set of classes, and all our damage mitigation except for instant reflexes is active or relies on stealth (which, again, classes right now can decide to turn off with a button press) , and any evade builds we come up with that don't require excessive stealth amass complaints on the forums- There is really no difference between cheesing stealth and "cheesing" evade frames tbh. They are both close enough to invuln frames anyway. A thief wielding a Shortbow Should not be able to duel. Having extreme mobility and disengage potential while still being an extremely potent dueler (with both DE and S/P DrD) will lead to unfun gameplay. There is a reason last season in eu ended with like 4 thieves and 3 revs. Mobility and high damage is key. I'm telling you right now I'm going to use that for multibackstabs. Just being completely honest.Haste Deadeye 40k shadow meld multibackstabs.You wont stop me.Or maybe ill stab you then leave and watch you flail madly trying to reveal me then port back and stab you again.Where am I?Headmindyagame. Yes you are right thief is in a good spot with many viable builds, but remember to pull any of these builds off with exception condi sd it requires a lot to do good compared to any class.
  4. LOl I have seen players jumping from ..thief to warrior , guardian etc to prove a point ..they all got demolished within secs...life it's hard when you can't chain stealth to run away and reset CD..trust me, you kitten up..you die..no shortbow 5 and no 5-2 bye bye Same applies to all of you thinking thief or mes is easy? show me some gameplay
  5. Then there's the few of you who believe in "illuminati" and every game is "wintraded" ??? or "soloq" would fix ranked ? when its the balance and tiresome to play the same broken/boring builds for 2+ years now without meta shifting ? match manipulation does not revolve around duoq and would work exactly the same with soloq but keep believing your own little theories since it makes you feel better ????
  6. Go back in time when hitting r80 and dragon finisher was a insane grind
  7. pistol whip just won both monthly tournaments is it still a pepega spec?
  8. Nothing. I mean other than a couple of them, aren't they largely made up of people who weren't good enough to beat The Abjured in NA or TCG/Orange Logo in EU when the game actually had some sort of vaguely meaningful competitive playerbase (albeit small in the grand scheme of things). If you want to learn what makes a great team go watch a proper competitive PvP game with an actual competitive population, better yet watch a sport, fat fuchs playing CS:GO are a joke compared to the likes of Messi & Co. Rather than a 7 year old MMORPG with a PvP population on life support that is played by players suffering from GW2 Stockholm Syndrome, who give zero fuchs about actual skilled or competitive PvP. R55 was a mix of orange logo and r55 who got second at worlds ? Sorry, but I don't regard a team (r55) who were never good enough to do the business as it were, as being "great". This is a game where most of the PvP playerbase had left before most of these tournaments even came into existence, the actual level of competition has always been pretty weak. So on that if I have to class a team as "great" in GW2, then that will be the three teams that actually proved themselves in those tournaments, not also-rans like r55. As for the Orange Logo players that would be why I stated "other than a couple of them". But then beyond all that the idea that any team is "great" (even by the low standards of GW2) for winning ATs with the state of GW2 PvP and the level of "competition" since ATs were added is simply laughable anyway.rank55 were like 50/50 with us (orange logo) in esl go4s so idk what you on about
  9. Nothing. I mean other than a couple of them, aren't they largely made up of people who weren't good enough to beat The Abjured in NA or TCG/Orange Logo in EU when the game actually had some sort of vaguely meaningful competitive playerbase (albeit small in the grand scheme of things). If you want to learn what makes a great team go watch a proper competitive PvP game with an actual competitive population, better yet watch a sport, fat fuchs playing CS:GO are a joke compared to the likes of Messi & Co. Rather than a 7 year old MMORPG with a PvP population on life support that is played by players suffering from GW2 Stockholm Syndrome, who give zero fuchs about actual skilled or competitive PvP. R55 was a mix of orange logo and r55 who got second at worlds ?
  10. You want it to be the other way around? I would like a way that doesn’t punish people for just playing the game instead of gaming the system. That some people like to cheat the system isn’t new, but gw2 encourages you to do it as it discourages you to play the game honestly.Want to improve your rating? Don’t solo queue after prime time.Oh, you already got the rank you desire? Better only play the minimum amount of games. Bonus points if you make a smurf account and occupy additional slots on the leaderboards so that the player who might actually deserve the reward for top x won’t get it.Want to increase your odds of winning in higher tiers? Go duo queue. (Why do we not have separate leaderboards for solo and duo? Could still be the same queue, just like dota used to do it)Want to increase your chance of winning outside of the actual match? Queue on whatever class is currently worst and relog before the start of the match). Bonus points if you are duo and both of you do it.Still not winning enough? Take it a step further and win trade or simultaneously queue with a friend who will either try his best or worst, depending on which team he ends up. Worst thing that can happen to you is dishonor. :^) Bonus points if you ruin the rating of a competitor in the process.(Just to be clear: I am not accusing you of doing this, I am giving examples of what the current pvp system promotes) Obviously, some of the above are caused by population issues, but at the same time the current system which promotes playing fewer games exacerbates the population issue.I agree with you and what you mean, but people will always find ways to abuse the system. I dont know if getting less punished would help that, then you get away even more easier by q’ing off hours etc no?
  11. Cus dash > bound in spvp i bet U didnt think about that This might be true overall but for this build I would personally take dash because it’s not really all about the damage. The damage isn’t bad but the main purpose behind the build atm is to have more dodges and more mobility. If I wanted bound it would be either a 1v1 build say s/p or dp + staff( this can also be played with zerkers to be more a 1shot spec) or it would be dp or staff 1 shot. Though bound is still definitely playable and good it just isn’t 100% a match with mechanics because 1 not much focus on stacking stealth and not really a 1 shot spec even though if you spec for damage u could probably get a kill in 1PW + bound + swipe it’s just pistol whip has to hit many times where as dp or staff is much closer to 1 hit Nothing u say makes any sense. Current pw build in terms of 1v1 is better with dash. You are nothing but worse than average on thief from what i have seen, losing to vallun playing core d/d like what lmao. I wouldnt take ur advice ever Lol I said current pistol whip build should be dash. Also wow this dude is toxic making stuff up as usualhttps://www.twitch.tv/videos/522724879?=9m07s Is this making stuff up? Lmao
  12. Cus dash > bound in spvp i bet U didnt think about that
  13. I like the idea about stances and it would also change the whole playstyle
  14. new leaderboard api when?https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/pvp/seasons does not have current season :angry:
  15. The whole trade off is a big fiasco imo
  16. I would be fine if the top 10 or top 25 could Pic 1 legy, either the old or new one. Lol what no way. Suggestions: Materials to create legendary armor/weapons like T6/clovers hell maybe even gift or exploration. New finishers, we have unique ones from world tournament series which like 10ppl have no one else, would be cool to add similar ones for mAT or top10. Skins for wep/armor/backpiece/dyes/emotes
  17. Yeah, something like this. Unique cosmetic rewards that reward success instead of the usual participation awards that turn Ranked into the single best gold farm in the game. And gosh, no, please. No more new titles until DuoQ is gone. That better stay at 0%. ? The titles will still go to the same people no matter what so i dont know why you think soloq would change this. true, tho a achievement title for solo q won games or something would be nice idea, to give solo players something :)Ye wow had like 10 won games in a row at 2k+ rating or smth u got the title Arena Master. Could be win 10 games in a row in legendary
  18. Yeah, something like this. Unique cosmetic rewards that reward success instead of the usual participation awards that turn Ranked into the single best gold farm in the game. And gosh, no, please. No more new titles until DuoQ is gone. That better stay at 0%. ? The titles will still go to the same people no matter what so i dont know why you think soloq would change this.
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