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Everything posted by ilMasa.2546

  1. He's using reverse psychology: if something doesn't work Anet does nothing. BUT on the other hand if you say that it is working perfectly Anet will surely get their hands on it.
  2. Im at that point where when i see a thief roaming i just move on with my life. Not worth my time. It's not even cos i get rolled: in almost all of my builds i have a reflects or a dmg mitigation or a block... it's just annoying to see how easily a thief can reset a fight,it's just BS. anyone remember the perma stealth trap thief...?! lol that was the PINNACLE of BS :
  3. Yep, unless you can buy those from a wvw vendor but i doubt ... wait what if you can drop some relics from the wvw lockboxes?
  4. I was giving examples. It doesn't have to be underwater or in the skies. But something that refreshes and expands the classic wvw maps - Few players liked EotM - The majority didnt like Desert BL So i assume that most players are not interested in new combat zones/maps right?. Or maybe they would like new maps but done in a totally different way. So I said to myself: "let's try something in between".
  5. Well Anet could make a 3d combat tutorial,instead of the same pointless dodge one they add in every single expack,cos noone in pve dodge anyway so... lol
  6. Help me understand this: so story mode was their "dungeon" version and explorable mode was the "raid"... something like that? To be fair i wasn't that much into pve back in the days,might have missed this paculiar clarification cos i dont remember it. good to know if thats the case
  7. Well they didnt want raids and any standard endgame at first as well..they tunnel vision on endgame for 6 years They wanted legendary to just be a nice looking skin at first,then they turned those to bis They didnt want dps meters and/or any addons aswell...we have all of that anyways with no problems It's not that im asking anet to tunnelvision for an other 6 years just to fix water combat Still i dont "sea" (see what i did there) a problem in having an expansion that expand and revitalize areas that would otherwise be outdated and uninteresting. Also imo the underwater combat in gw2 was a really nice concept unfortunately it was not developed further just like the skiff dont make any sense with the "maritime" gameplay we have atm. Also they plan to release new wepons for each class after the new expack right?...so they are going to change and add new features to old systems...it's totally doable and just like there is a separate tab for spvp gear they could introduce a tab dedicated to underwater combat that is automatically activated when you dive, and it would be an expanded system of what already exists so... never say never imo nobody wants it: is an extremely dismissive way of arguing an idea. In the history of gaming someone else said something similar: you think you do but you don't . Classic was announced few years later...just sayin 😛
  8. For istance how about an expansion dedicated to underwater combat: - we could have an underground layer of rivers and underground seas conneced with the current lakes we already have in Alpine maps - a nice rework to make viable fof water all current skills and traits we have on ground - dedicated new elite spec for underwater combat - siege and mounts for underwater combat In this way we would have the exact same maps that we love and appreciate but with a twist.Where you can continue to play as you have always played on the surface or switch to underwater while being on the same map. Zerg enemy on surface? fine i go roam underwater and vice versa. An aerial expansion,i dont know, Anet pushed gliders on WVW right?Lets have new functions for gliders dedicated only for wvw to make it unique and have dogfights with gliders?!! - new abilities for gliders - new dedicated wvw masteries Dunno just making up some ideas. It's something I've always thought about. Personally I don't care about having a new map for wvw, but I would like the ones that already exist to be expanded. No pve stuff, but I would like something different to add something new without ruining or totally change what is already there.
  9. For example Anet has this fixation for verticality...Each expansion they go up: they give you the rabbit to jump, they give you the glider to glide, the skyscale to fly...lets go DEEP for once. Why not a nice expansion that expand underwater combat. - adjust existing skills to be viable underwater - add elites dedicated to underwater combat - expand the open world to have interesting underwater content In WvW they could add a bottom layer of rivers, underground lakes co0nnected to the existing ones where people could specialize in underwater combat.So that people can fight simultaneously on different zones but in the same map, without the need to create from scratch a new map, but instead expanding the existing ones with new or interesting mechanics, to just refresh what people already like.
  10. I agree with many of the points you've listed. The problem is that many of those points don't go along with business. In the sense that I believe that the bulk of the changes that have been made have been made to satisfy and/or interest users in the current market, which is obviously different from 10 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I much prefer how gw2 was 10 years ago than how it is today and while I've enjoyed some of the changes they've made there have been many more that I absolutely fail to like. I liked that there wasn't a meta and I liked that gw2 presented itself as that mmorpg where you logged in and you didn't have to farm that much to get a best in slot (It didn't take that much to get you full exotics with karma). It was a different take on the genre without having to maintain the consistency that instead you had to keep on every other mmorpg for example on wow. Although it may seem an unpopular opinion, for me WvW was meant to be the actual endgame on release. Because none of the activities you could do in the endgame could be considered a sort of endgame. And in fact all those "raiders" who moved from other mmorpgs at the time, when they started farming dungeons for just themed skins and no acutal gear progression, they returned to play where they came from. But people want the tredmill: - they want gear progression (ascended,legendaries) - they want achievements (daylies,unlocking things) - they want endgame (raids,fractals...) - they want the dps meter and then complain about the dps elitarist ... and so Anet made a decision. And the decision was to focus primarly on pve content and shift to a more wow-ish structure. Also it seems to me that today the mentality of those who do pvp has also changed. There are very few who do pvp for the simple sake of doing pvp and having fun doing pvp: that is to confronts with others, improve, become the best. Today the vast majority of people do it if is "worth the time". And you can clearly see this idea in all those recent pvp openworld games or those games where u can have a open world pvp zone.They flag for pvp if they have something to gain out of it: more loot or a 50% exp icrease... Im a huge WvW player,i moslty play only WvW,but unfortunally WvW doesnt sell as much as a new raid or a new currency to grind to get new achievements so u can unlock a new collection so u can unlock new gear... Do you remember the orb of power? Did Anet fix it? No,not worth the time.The only major update was the desert BL,nobody in WvW asked for something similar to it.Ok they didnt like it let's go back make strike missions then... lol
  11. I really dont understand why there is drama around this in the first place. In every mmorpg it's common for old content to become easier to obtain as the game gets older. The same happened with exploration when they added gliding or the other mounts. There have been people who surely have done 100% of every single map on foot, falling 5,6 times to get to that PoI or doing some crazy parkour to unlock that vista or begging mesmers to open portarls cos that jumping puzzle was a pain. And ofc NOW people can clear the same vista in 3 seconds with mounts/gliders. I did both and when they introduced mounts, I didn't get angry or offended because "I had to work harder and waste time to do that and now they can do it so easily" . Pick any other mmorpg: - Play the game till cap - clear all the content - 5 years go by - new expanstions are released and suddenly everything that was much more difficult to obtain 5 years ago becomes easier to clear/obtain 5 years later. It is just normal. OFC clearing Onixya in 2006/2007 at lvl 60 was harder, but i dont bash people in 2023 cos NOW, several years later they can pretty much oneshot it with auto attacks at lvl 110.We are not even talking about drop rates here. Did I do that thing when it was harder?! Yes. Am i proud of it? Yes. Then i'm at peace. Why is this not enuf 6 years later?! ALSO: we don't even know how or how much easier it is to obtain. Is there anyone who can confirm or simply explain in detail the whole new process? No, so why get angry now. TLDR
  12. If I could I would have skipped every single line of dialogue, BUT ofc you cant. So far so good i mean... I decided to mute all the voices and dialogues. Story probably isnt that good anyway so yea. Maybe one day anet will understand that some people dont care to listen to 10 unskippable minutes of Taimi blabbing about only god knows what.
  13. Anet also said WvW is the cornerstone of the game right?! So pls dude dont try to be clever cos you are not. 😂
  14. Read the other replies You asked 2 questions : "Because of alts dancing? What?" I've simply pointed out a parallel problem within alt accounts I didnt propose any Nuclear balistic "end of the world" idea. I stated that imo having more than 2 alt accounts is too much. Having 10 or more accounts is WAY too much, an exaggerated excess.
  15. The thing is it's alla speculations. The general idea is that World sizes are based on WvW play hours and players. People who do not play WvW, or are guests, do not factor into the population size of a server. But even if this is actual the case a Full server can remains full until people transfer to another server. In 10 years there have been several situations where some servers ,despite being full, did not have people in WvW. As you said it will be amazing to know how exactly the calculation works
  16. Actually they way Chaba is thinking is eve worst. If with the alliance system ANET is trying to solve the problem of population disparity that currently exists between the servers we could get o a situation where the numbers are messed up by those who decide to join with more than x accounts. Is that a certainty? No, but it remains a possibility
  17. HOW MANY guilds do you need to be in for WvW?! HOW MANY accounts do you need to play this game?! Been playing this game over a decade with 1 US account and 1 EU account. lol At this point i bet this guys has like 40 accounts,he joined 40 different WvW guilds,never rapresent or shows up on guild raids and when his guildmates are actually raiding he's afk farming with turrets or minions and then complains about server population that one time he enters EBG to farm the weekly 😁
  18. Here is the problem: you are cherry picking a single sentence ,that obviously offended you, out of the general context of my entire reply, which btw was clearly a joking answer, even tho objectively the game has some problems . Thats some NPC logic you showing You are missing the whole point. If the servers have a population cap, the moment you have 10 or more people creating 20 alts accounts to mess around in LA,they are defacto taking slots away from other players. Those 10 alt accounts could be 10 different players joining WvW maps,maybe in a different timezone?!. Ofc there is also the stacking problem in specific servers,spy accounts,troll accounts but you can't deny that people who create 20 different accounts on a server are also a factor in bringing a server to the "server full" status. I don't care if you can afford to pay the base game and 3 expansions for 40 accounts,or just one single main account. It creates a problem when those forty accounts remove 40 possible players from wvw. As I said it doesn't work like in WoW where a guy can multibox 40 ele shaman at the same time in Alterac Valley or any BGs. In GW2 you can also have 100 accounts if you want, BUT you can only enter with one at a time in any BL,cos you are not allowed to multibox are you sure it's not you who doesn't understand the point rather than the post being unclear? 🤔
  19. I didn't say any of this. Speaking of Alts I wanted to highlight a related thing: i.e. those people who have 10 20 alt accounts fill server slots when those slots could be used by 9 19 other players who could play in wvw. And since it is very probable that there are more than one person per server who have multiple accounts (with those numbers), it is also thanks to them if we get to the "server full" situation aka population imbalance between servers. As I said, I have no problems if one wants to get an additional account, BUT since you can't do multiboxing as you would in WoW: log in 10 different accounts use specific programs to control 10 characters at the same time form your own parties with those 10 characters and go farm dungeon by yourself Having more than 2 accounts is just stupid and totally unnecessary. Especially if you take into account that the only thing you can actually do with 10 characters logged simultaneously in GW2 is position them 1 by 1 and then dance in LA looking for attention. NOW from what I said tell me how the heck did you arrive at this conclusion: And what does purchasing the game and expansions have to do with your opinion that the game is broken because people can also purchase alts?
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