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Everything posted by Bursting.1976

  1. It really is so annoying playing in Drizzlewood and the camera constantly changing height, it really ruins the experience, instead of being able to focus on the fight I am then forced to change my camera back to the position I like it, and this just continues to happen again and again and again. I have said it before, stop taking control of my camera Arenanet, give me a checkbox option to lock camera, I do not need you deciding where my camera should be.... I did the Claw of Jormag fight in Drizzlewood the other day and the camera zooms you in so close you can't see anything else around you well including the adds that spawn. I can only imagine that it is done for dramatic effect, but the least they could do if they want to force it on us is to revert it back to the original camera setting after the zoom in is done.
  2. Interesting. For me, no matter how much grind or "story" they bring to the mount unlocks, I would never become attached to a bunch of pixels in such a tiny part of 1 game. I don't think that getting mastery XP is that bad though, since you can get it however you like and whenever through different activities such as completing the game's story, events or exploration on different characters.
  3. I don't know why they had to introduce collections into everything. IMO the roller beetle and underwater skimmer collections aren't too bad, but I find the griffon and skyscale collections really boring. It seems as if Anet caved in to the craze of flying mounts and thought well if you want them, we'll see how badly you want to grind for them lol.
  4. I'm gonna throw this out there. I would buy a new character slot just for this.
  5. Is this ever going to be fixed? It is very annoying, and I don't think I've played any other game that forcibly changes your camera zoom and never changes it back. A lot of bosses in central Tyria seem to have this problem.
  6. It's ok. I don't care too much about how fast it is, maybe because I don't want to rush to complete map explorations. It seems fast enough to avoid most, if not all, underwater mobs so it doesn't bother me. Anything faster just seems like a bonus. Yeah it's so great to be able to finally explore the core Tyria and PoF/LW4 maps underwater without having to worry about fighting lots of mobs with underwater combat.
  7. Gotta retain players somehow. Funny how that always means making everything in the game as boring as possible. This is true for MMOs in general, which makes one wonder how and why does it work so well? I really hope the next expansion isn't full of grind although I'm not optimistic. IMO everything in PvE lately seems to be filled with boring grind - from mount collections (griffon and skyscale collections... urgh), repetitive achievements to unlock mastery points (Drizzlewood Coast mastery points), legendary gear and getting infusions - as if we will run out of content to do in the game...
  8. I haven't encountered this issue so far. It has worked for me every time. Try moving in another direction while jumping. If you can, but only can't move forward then it is probably an invisible wall blocking you from moving forward.
  9. It doesn't bother me personally since I don't care much about the story, but I have had people in my guild asking how they can get mounts after buying the PoF expansion and being disappointed that they have to start the PoF story in order to get the raptor.
  10. I got the mail when I went to Divinity's Reach with a character that had completed the PoF story. If that doesn't work, you can try still speaking to Ardra to receive the achievement, since according to GW2 Wiki you should still be able to get it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Finding_Sibaha
  11. After doing some searching I have found out that event is the last part of the griffon collection. I'm not up to that part yet so unfortunately I can't help you with it. Hopefully Hesione or someone else can help you. If all else fails I would suggest submitting a ticket asking about this chain, because bugs with mount collections do happen. I personally had a bug with the raising skyscales collection that is required to unlock the skyscale.
  12. Not sure if this is exactly what you are asking, but in case it helps: after finishing the PoF story to start the griffon collection you need to kill mobs in Domain of Vabbi which will sometimes drop certain "strange" items that will direct you to speak to Beastmaster Ghazal when you use them from your inventory. More information is available on this and the griffon collection on the GW2 Wiki at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)
  13. Same. I won't be recommending GW2 to anyone at the moment because of these "lag" issues, unless they want to upgrade to the very latest hardware and contact their ISP. =)
  14. Underwater exploration is great. I don't mind underwater combat but imo it's not as fun as combat on land in the game. It's not too bad on warrior, but some professions do seem to have a worse experience than others.
  15. Wow didn't know people kicked others from groups because of AP. :astonished: Like you said, seems like such a silly thing to base performance on.
  16. I should probably add that I would like to see more interesting boss fights in story instances in future content, including the upcoming expansion. Some of the bosses in the instances just have lots of health or repetitive invulnerable stages that repeat the same mechanics to make them vulnerable again. IMO these mechanics are boring and unimaginative, and only serve to make these fights very tedious and time consuming. The Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem boss in the Sandswept Isles story is a good example of this. I am hoping for more engaging boss fights in the future story instances otherwise I might get bored and not bother finishing the story. I had this problem with the PoF expansion story.
  17. It's not too hard for me but some of the boss fights in the story instances are very tedious imo. Some of them just have a ton of health and/or defence, or repetitive invulnerable stages where you must do the same thing as before repeatedly to make them vulnerable to damage again. I find these mechanics boring and unimaginative, just to make the boss fights last longer.
  18. I don't think removing a dps meter would solve the problem of players kicking others for low dps or not playing the meta. A dps meter is also useful for personal reasons like testing different builds and gear combinations. You're better off just avoiding playing with the players that force dps or meta requirements, if you don't want to play that way.
  19. It was a tough fight but I was able to do it with 1 other person.
  20. Localised currency prices would be great if they are reasonable and possible. This would eliminate the worry of fluctuating foreign exchange rates on real purchase prices. Although a while before on steam, I remember some games that were priced at like 50 USD would cost around 100 AUD, despite foreign exchange rates suggesting the actual converted price should be much cheaper. So the localised prices should be made reasonable and realistic if it is done.
  21. Yeah I wondered about this too. SWTOR on steam simply launches the SWTOR game client and I could use my old account from ages ago to login on the game client through steam. Not sure why this isn't possible for existing players in GW2 if that's what Anet means, but it's disappointing. Yep seems strange to me to limit so many customers because of Gems, i assume its a steam Gems thing as Fallout 76 has that issue.. But you can still use existing items and accounts you have, you just need to only purchase through either steam or the retail you cannot do both.. Which is still better than what we have here. For me, it would be fine if they had to restrict gem purchases through the gem store only and not through steam if the percentage cut that steam takes is not worth it. Other MMOs that I have played through steam do this. However, all of those allow existing accounts to login to the game client through steam still, so it seems odd that they can't allow this option. Maybe it's something to do with the way the game client has been coded. The only MMO that I have played so far which hasn't allowed existing accounts to play through the steam game client also is FFXIV. No a few Jrpg mmos have also tried this route to block existing customers and did very badly in Steam because of it, Maple Story 2 died..Interesting. I hope it doesn't become a thing now to get some existing customers to purchase the game and content again, and start all over on a new account.
  22. If there is a lot of underwater content with associated underwater combat planned I think it would be a good idea to revise how the underwater combat works, especially for some professions. The slow, awkward movement and limited availability of skills also makes it boring for me.
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