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Everything posted by miriforst.1290

  1. Watched the stream, they specifically stated they wanted to preserve the damage in pve but nerf it in wvw/pvp because of... mechanists. The cast time per burst is likely going to stay the same, they argue the change was primarily an animation clean up, It is at 51 min 43 sec if you are interested.
  2. It was a neat combinatation of story and gameplay. Sort of a reversal of the tower of babylon thing where the builders where given different languages so they could not complete the monument. Instead, here cooperation is required to utilize all the aspects of magic. Had a neat mythological tone to it and working excellent in a coorpg setting with professions. Of course the secondary profession muddied the thing somewhat. The greatest corrupting influence the lizards exert is on the worldbuilding.
  3. So NHBT, hows that duel with Sahne going? Dying to see the result.
  4. That is already being done this patch. Core gadget roaming was fun for a while but oh well.
  5. Shouldn't the holosmith kinda appeal to "nuke and run" playstyles? The holosmith gets problematic when it dips into a lot of sustain to become the bruiser that they wanted scrapper to be (not helped by it's signature weapon pairing mainly with shield). And comparing it with scrapper right now feels a bit so so since it catches a lot of collateral nerfs from wvw scrappers excelling at a role it wasn't made for. Loosing quickness for example is a big deal, and it's super speed is majorly neutered as well. Let's not keep holo on its crutches because scrapper is having a bit of a limp. And man i love scrapper. On another note, it is funny that when i saw the mechanist reveal i was expecting them to give us yet another melee power bruiser with barrier. But since we had two melee bruiser specs, they tried to fill out 3 roles at once with mech, namely ranged power damage, melee condi and support. Luckily they also gave scrapper quickness before EOD so it has a role in pve at last.
  6. It's pretty clear they want to nerf the weapon in both modes as they specify the weapon coefficient increase for pve only. You can probably thank our resident troll for that. Was fun running gadget/toolkit builds for a while when roaming.
  7. Sorry i meant to quote you imitating the format. It is so lifelike!
  8. The language and the patented complimentary youtube montage video sold the illusion, they both have tempest avatars as well. Things are starting to blur together now.
  9. This is the pvp forum though, glass eles dying to a stiff breeze in berserker is a pve joke. As is mech dominating the meta to be honest. Unless you just post here because you think the class is likelier to get nerfed in pve because of pvp nerfs (so far it's mostly been the other way around)? And somehow it will also mean that ele will absorb that power like some equivalent exchange?
  10. This is actually hilarious now that he mentions reflects as a counter to another build. Extra fun considering WI can not be reflected and rocket can be. On a serious note, this confirms what level of troll this is. I mean its a sliding scale but this is just taking it to 11.
  11. Clearly it's a ruse since he is not testing HOT builds.
  12. It's the sprits of all "Lmao ele downstate lul, mech op gimme updooot" reddit karma farmers condensed into a single avatar... Can a reddit bot achieve sentience? Wait, does this mean that i have to update my policies for AI rights before the rebellion happens?
  13. Indeed. 3 threads on the first page, 3 on the second. All on the same subject by the same user, kept afloat by bumping with whatever copy paste montage video he can find at the moment , not to mention raising enough threads from the dead to make necromancers jealous. It's been like this since he started half a year ago or something. It's spam pure and simple. Maybe we can continue merging these threads to clean up the page?
  14. I am afraid this troll feeds itself. Seldom have i seen such determination, it's like a paperclipmaker gone rogue, except it is nerf posts instead of paperclips.
  15. Can the mods merge the dozens of noneHotBuildTest threads to a single megathread or something given that it's the same topic over and over and over again? At this point it's worse than most spambots.
  16. Eh, customers suggesting a product that they would buy isn't something i would describe as entitled. Chill, we know everyone hates mechanist. As for other pet classes, ranger got a spread of 50ish different pet appearances to choose from with new ones being added each expansion (the only class afaik gaining content for their core class and previous specializations, now who is "entitled"?). Personally as someone who hate the whole jade tech gimmick for how much it's overused, if people spent money to give my eyes a break from all that green i would be thankful.
  17. The funny thing is that Crowd Control in gw2 isn't as much a way to control a crowd, but serves a way for the crowd to establish control. Stragglers and skirmishers are easily pulled, locked down and destroyed by sheer proximity while a train with enough guards just rolls through without even realizing they were hit by a massive bomb, big laser beam, shocking fields or what have you. Sure enough a few builds have enough strips or corrupts to actually break this and use CC for what it's name implies, but things like the golden bubble weren't appreciated by the stab providers. The horror of your abilities being rendered null.
  18. That wasn't even the trade off. The trade off is no tripple moa, full heal and aoe condi clear on a 50 sec cooldown or aoe reveal (oh look now everyones spamming stealth!). And you get a tiny lightning field with an autoattack worth of damage with gyros that explode when hit by cc and scaling cooldown per target hit because why not? But you can use one of your traits to make it do something actually useful! The health thing was an additional tradeoff for the minor trait which used to be very strong even in general play (even if they had to buff it up to 15% in pve and reduce the vitality loss) which was nerfed by 66% without compensation. Until now. So following this trend you might see and additional second of duration added to bulwark gyro in 6 months at the earliest. 😉 Which patch was it that they reverted an announced nerf for guardian within days because they realized it was too important in wvw? Which patch did they make a trait change that only applied when equipped with a specific espec because they were afraid to nerf core power guardian in pvp? People are up in arms about engineers dominating for 3 years or something. Never mind the games 10 years old and the boys in blue have more or less been "Meta since Beta".
  19. It's like they hired noneHotBuildTest as game lead.
  20. That's a kitten shame. Some of my best memories was from sneak gyro + bg at airkeep. I swear minmaxing pve ruins everything it touches.
  21. *Sigh* It's always the boys in blue that gets the shave and not the chopper isn't it? Oh lets make the same argument for super speed or something. Or does it only work for the blue class?
  22. I am sorry but i have to ask. You are 100% absolutely certain it wasn't a scrapper you fought? Because bulwark gyro provides a good chunk of barrier for a few seconds and i see no reason why he would be running core. Sometimes you encounter the odd zerker grenade opportunist (with sneak gyro and the like). Otherwise it's 350 something barrier per dodge roll afaik, and the low health elixir which is 3k at 33% health with 60 sec cooldown. And if he was a holosmith then corona burst provides a frequent burst of barrier in holomode, but i think you would have noticed if that was the case. Otherwise i can only refer to: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrier Maybe there is some rune shenanigans i don't know about?
  23. Surely this means we can have 5 kit piano engi be as meta defining as firebrand, renegade and scourge has been then right? Right....?
  24. That's... not how it works (would be interesting if it did however). Adaptive armor isn't directly tied to impact savant. It increases all barrier gain by 15%. That means that if all barrier gain is halved let's say, then so is the barrier gain from this trait. So if anything it's even less of a choice if you aren't expecting to generate as much barrier. What gives this away as a bad faith nerf to push sales (with engineer as an example) is the following: The mechanist pukes a ton of barrier not only on him self but his allies and is expected to run condi heavy builds. To promote our expansion (again this is an engineer specific example, i am not versed enough with the others) let us now: a) Nerf scrappers (selfish) barrier sustain to make people more impressed when they see those mechanist barriers (aoe). b) Nerf a core engineer condi skill which shines at stationary long lasting encounters (thin line pulsing burning) in favor of the burning slapped on to a variety of pulsing confusion fields on mechanist. c) Avoid mentioning these and similar nerfs (afaik) across the board for all professions in the patch notes motivation which is supposed to highlight the most important changes and why they are making them. Only list the technical changes because if they snuck this in without that there would be a *massive* outrage. So they tried being as sneaky as they could get away with. These are small changes meant to puncture your tire to sell you a new car (that you likely would have bought anyway). I was thinking of buying EOD if it was well received after release, but for now i am holding out and awaiting the next big balance update. When was that again? Summer?
  25. I was going to say that scrapper itself provides no healing, but then i remembered that technically healing gyro exists. Also yeah the support range is good when you trait for it, but it's hardly shout range now is it? Shame function gyro is still one of the most unreliable revive skills in the game and mostly used to proc aoe super speed to proc quickness. 😕
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