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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. I'll probably just save up almost 1,300, then just go back to spending it on gold until the refresh. Saves me remembering to start saving for the last week or so anyway.
  2. So before refresh make sure to save up 1,300 to carry into next season for a head start. If you're already out of useful things to buy and are now just buying 30AA gold every day that is.
  3. While I will grant you that this point in particular is a little ambiguous; You cannot use macros to automate skill use while away from your computer. It would imply that you may use macros to automate skill use while at your computer. There are three other points that seem pretty black and white to me; You cannot use macros to participate in activities or events, such as Bell Choir. You cannot use macros for the sole purpose of farming items, currencies, karma, or other benefits in the game, particularly while away from the keyboard (AFK). You cannot use macros to create skill chains in any competitive environment, including PvP, WvW, open world activities, races, etc. I would argue that the doors in the Labyrinth are events and the only reason the OP wants to use a macro is to farm trick-or-treat bags, which fall under "items, currencies, karma, or other benefits". One could also argue that repeatedly and automatically (i.e. without additional input) pressing the basic attack key counts as a skill chain. I don't personally have a problem with someone doing this, it's also impossible for anyone to really tell without some form of detection software. I think your chances of being caught are therefore quite slim. That said though, you've no excuse if you are caught and A-nets own interpretation of these rules is that it is an infraction.
  4. Then so be it I guess. I've more than enough WvW tickets for a set anyway, plus working on the PvE and raid set. Whichever 3 sets happen first. (The way I play it'll be 3 WvW sets 😅).
  5. @Myror.7521 I don't know where I would have finished with more games. I only started a ways into the season and generally only play enough each day/week to earn all my astral acclaim. Was never much of a PvP player before but it doesn't hurt to slowly earn the tickets over time for some possible easy legendary gear. I spend much more time in WvW. I only consider myself an average PvP player though.
  6. I guess it depends on your build. On a bursty build with a lot of ferocity the intelligence sigil is likely to run you more damage up front, especially since it may let you guarantee criticals on specific high coefficient skills. The exposure sigil can be seen as a straight 5% damage increase for 5 seconds. Naturally this is going to further increase the damage of your criticals if you have other ways to guarantee them landing on high damage skills. Overall I think the actual difference between them may be almost negligible outside of a controlled environment. But I think intelligence will give you more consistency if you have a lot of control over when your high damage skills land, whereas exposure is probably the better choice when playing more passively or on a less bursty build.
  7. Could it be the 2v2 ranked season now doesn't favour them as much as the usual 5v5 cap points? Or is this in unranked too? When I queue ranked at the moment there is a Willbender on every team.
  8. Big fights have always been a little laggy to some degree, and understandably so on a game of this age. But I am also seeing some of the buggy textures recently. Something that never used to happen.
  9. You can, but the question is should you? No one is likely to notice or stop you, but don't come crying if you do get banned somehow.
  10. It is a shame that non-legendary weapons tend to use a default model when thrown as projectiles. However throwing a disco ball at people could be amusing https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Moot
  11. Yeah sadly not much you can do, unless someone has the means to make a client-side mod that changes audio. I only otherwise know of visual mods, and even those just add some post processing effects.
  12. There is an option to turn off player unique sounds for legendary weapons and such, I don't believe you can do it to the generic weapon sounds though if that is what you're asking.
  13. I just meant the difficulty of the actual jumping, but fair point. 😛 Okay that's fair, though none of the actual jumps are difficult themselves. Certainly no more so than any other JP in the game (easier than many in fact). Without the time pressure you can just do that jump as intended and take your time to practice the rest. Though I agree someone who struggles with JPs in general can of course do the skip.
  14. Let's just take a sample of his recently posted topics from the last couple of months. Ele needs an adjustment The Warrior Nerf REMOVE DUO Q Nerf everything (my personal favourite) Scrapper need a nerf again Last post, uninstalling the game DUO Q SHOULD BE REMOVED Conquest sucks Thief is too powerful and needs to kitten off This is not the posting history of someone who has a healthy relationship with the game. It's either some A grade troll behaviour or my guy needs to step back and take a break. Either way, do please carry on.
  15. If you mean the glowing face markings that are orange by default, yes they can. The mounts have 4 dye channels.
  16. The difficulty is actually the same (Other than gliding being available*). The main difficulty in the normal version is the time pressure, you have to keep moving or you will fail. Honestly if you can practice all the jumps in explorable to the point you can do it in one go without falling, then you can definitely do the original version. *Gliding doesn't actually help much with the jumps, just allows you to recover if you fall rather than starting over I think what OP wants is a different layout with easier jumps, or the same but with additional platforms to make it easier?
  17. You have to angle your camera to also be more horizontal. You could try out action cam especially if you're using something like flamethrower. Otherwise you need a target locked and your character model needs to be facing the enemy (more or less) for most skills i.e. the enemy isn't directly behind you.
  18. +1 for "invisible" mount skins, like the invisible slippers. Your character just moves fast, jumps high, hovers, and flies. No animal, no vehicle. Functionally a mount, but with no model, maybe just some animations. Although I'm not entirely serious, I know there are more than a few people who would also buy this.
  19. What has this to do with everything else you quoted? 😅
  20. More years than not in fact. I guess it's not an exploit unless Anet says it is, and they cannot at this stage say with any credibility that they are not at least aware of it.
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