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Everything posted by Bassdeff.1895

  1. If there is work being done on GW3 I'm sure it is in the very very early stages, like working on a new engine.
  2. What would be awesome is if Icebrood Saga is actually a prelude to the next Xpack and that everyting is kept hush hush until the surprise reveal in the final cinematic. Just wishful thinking but it would be a fantastic way to get the hype train rev'd up.
  3. Down state is pointless in WvW. The very few times that you ever manage to rally doesn't make it worth having. I would rather die instantly and respawn instead the just laying there bleeding my life out. On the flip side, have a group that is mostly down rally because Leroy decide to tank the condi bomb fucking sucks.
  4. Outnumbered is great, our server is outnumbered almost every evening and oddly enough it is when we have the best fights. Sure we get steamrolled by the 50+zerg but there are also tons roaming parties and havoc groups to have fun with while collecting the extra pips.
  5. More mystic coins, more raiding , more home farming, more guild hall farming, more mules to store things on, double key runs.
  6. I don't know about PvP but in PvE and WvW FB is a God class. It does too many things too well without compromise.
  7. I have seen some similarly strange thigns on NA servers as well. Players just standing there on or off their mount, you can't hurt them no matter what you try. I was reporting them for botting but I'm not so sure anymore. The other night as I was report one of those players he disappeared just to coming into view running towards me. It's like the game was still showing me where he was a few minutes ago and finally caught up to his actual position. There are also some issue of players not getting rendered some times. Like yesterday when I was get hit by an invisible guardian, it wasn't culling either cause there was no more than 5 people in that camp. 3 of us an 2 of them, well 3 counting the invisible guardian which appeared a few seconds into hitting me. I reported him but I'm not sure it was him either.
  8. Be smarter about your activities and pick your fights. You can waste your time, participation, and whatever xp/loot buff you might have on a pointless unwinnable battle to save the keep for zero rewards or you can forget about the keep go to a different map and do something constructive that will keep your participation up and give you loot. The choice is yours. If you are outnumbered 5 to one and there isn't a hope in hell that you can save the keep, why stay? All you are doing is giving them one more kill.
  9. I quit GW2 years ago and gave my account to my wife so she could raid more. In september 2019 I decide I wanted to start playing again and picked up a fresh account. Within a week I had leveled up a character and had it gear in exotic (without tomes or BL level up items). Which allowed me to get into all the end game stuff with the exception of fractals which require infusions to progress. I don't know any other game that will let you start from scratch and allow you to be able to enjoy all the same endgame content as everyone else within a week. Within a month I had ascended trinkets and weapons, and get ascended armor through raids. I now have 2 toons with full ascended gear and working on another. It's what I love about this game. You can stop playing, come back and carry-on along side everyone else without being left behind.
  10. I think it's alright for the most part but I think the heart of the problem is the power creep the game mode has suffered. Where you once could stand there with a few buffs and fire off a couple shots of AC or balista you now get rewarded with insta-death. Also, some skills have ridiculously sized AoE. I mean when you can destroy and AC placed on the hut on the other side of the wall without even being able to see said AC , and hut for that matter, something is broken.
  11. If players aren't already trying their hand at PvP nothing will encourage them to do so. Most GW2 players want nothing to do with PvP and I don't blame them. It has always been the most toxic mode of the game and the rewards are kind of shit.
  12. I agree with this. For world events you want a power build. Something that does damage right now, with as many AoE as possible to tag as much stuff as possible. On the other hand, I like a strong condi build for soloing champs. Power is good but I find condi builds to be a little more forgiving when it comes to champs.
  13. I'm working on legendary gear so that I can buildcraft to my hearts content, not because of the skin. There are a lot of people like me out there who will craft a legendary for the stat change convenience and then reskin it to match their outfit.
  14. Last I heard it wasn't going to happen till march. I could be wrong though.
  15. You know ... that's not exceptional ... I've played games with bugs that NEVER get fixed. I know a couple that got GOTY editions with bugs that weren't fixed and a particular game even special editions released on 5 different with game breaking bugs that never officially got fixed. @Shacka Hacka.7068 I don't know where you get that DH is struggling in some way. DH is in a very good spot. It has just been overshadowed by another OP elite spec.
  16. pf, filthy casual, if you want to move 10 feet, you use jackal! :p Not after all the tedious crap I had to put up with to get it. I'll ride that MF till it gets as annoyed as I was.
  17. I get your point. I'm telling you that there is no guaranteed long term investment cause Anet can make changes that drastically affect the economy at anytime.
  18. I use it for everything if I have to walk 10 feet to get somewhere I ride my skyscale to get there.
  19. That's why you diversify. Even if it takes weeks or months for a couple of items to fulfill most will be selling relatively quick and you be making profits. Sure it sucks to have to wait but unless you really need the gold you are better off just leaving it there.
  20. It's impossible to know. I would buy things like mystic coins, ectos, precursors, and legendaries because those items tend to hold their value but then again Anet might put out a patch that completely changes the economy and you end up losing money. OR you could get lucky like some people and buy stacks of seaweed when they were 2c a piece and have Anet release a patch that drives to price up to 15 silver.
  21. The part that takes time is researching which recipes are worth while crafting with the materials you have. Throwing things into the forge takes a minute, figuring out what you will be throwing into the forger can take hours. Especially if you aren't familiar with all the recipes. None of the in-game farms yield direct gold. All of those involve time to convert your drops into gold. GW2Efficiency lists what’s currently the best items to make with shards so the time involved is like 30 seconds for a quick google search for the site and to scroll down for the MF recipe. I tried it, it goes like this. Look at first recipe, I'm missing this component but either can't afford it or it can't be bought look at next recipe. Got most of what it takes but I'm missing this component and I either can't afford it or it can't be bought, loo at next recipe. I have everything for this one but if I craft it I won't have enough to pay the transaction fees on TP, I'll have to wait, look at next recipe. Lather, rinse, repeat. Maybe if you have been farming mats and gold for years it isn't an issue but for newer players it is so simple. You upgrade materials to the next tier. From what I remember earlier, it was upgrading jute scraps to wool scraps at a rate of 1.15 profit per spirit shard. Maybe if you are sitting on thousands of spirit shards but shards are a very limited resource. I would rather use them on something that will return me more gold per shard than a stack of wool.
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