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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. Quite frankly, I'd rather have open world leggy option for people who wants it. You can keep ur elite dress and dps number.
  2. How about big NO. Anet finally made something fun but you can't have fun in this game. Let them send Mech to Abyss where it belongs, so people can't have fun. Out of curiosity, what is the benchmark now?
  3. That's all they know what to do. Mech sux in WvW and PVP. Underwater doesn't even exist and all focus is on pve and nerf mech. And, there is Fractal CMs ruled by scourge and nobody even cares. Also, FB is required on any group composition. At the point, I'd rather they remove the espec and change it something else. Tired of these elites crying.
  4. These HI players are not even that good. They are just jealous that mech is kicking thier dps number below them. If they are any good, they would play other classes and beat mech pretty much on every boss except where they require alot of movement. Let the confusion pour in, coz they know its the truth.
  5. Sounds like you are just afraid that casual people who don't have open world leggy armor option might just get their armor from raid playing casually. Give casual open world pve leggy armor or give them Mech.
  6. comment like this makes me laugh. Did you just start raiding? Atm, all spec does way too much damage. All Raids can be cleared with auto attack build with almost all classes except support class.
  7. One of the big reason, I quit buying build template. Once your class is deleted, all the build and equipment template is wasted.
  8. why only nerf mech? Drop all dps to max 15k. after all that's what needed to clear raids in this game. 200/s for auto attackers and 15k max for perfect players. All these power creep are making my achievement from 3-4 years ago, non existent. Remember the days where you had to do green in VG? Also, Wall on Gorse? And, how can you forget all the crying and kicking in squad when run fails which happened frequently. yeah, new raiders don't even know there is wall in Gorsoval.
  9. 250 completed HT CMs so far? well, might as well add some fishing hole and call it a new content then 🙂
  10. I can play naked pvp and wvw without touching any build or equipment and still can get my legendary armor.
  11. Raid and fractal is not everything this game offers. BTW, yes I am blocking you. I don't play with elite either. Carry me or not. Full legendary weapons, armor, trinket, sigil and rune here 🙂
  12. Its one thing to criticize engi rifle build, its whole different to criticize Li builds altogether. Not even sure what to say but I usually block people with this type of mentality.
  13. Okay, but good luck if you think people gonna not play mech because of few lower dps number. Hopefully, it will silent the mech haters though.
  14. people complaining about mech, do you even know how to play Bladesworn? Try it.. you usually double the dps of mech in quick fight, like fractal or raid with boss phasing quickly. Really though, quit complaining about other class, play the one you enjoy and leave others alone.
  15. damage comes from NPC. haha. You lure them in and let your NPC beat them to death while you chain cc lock them.
  16. I play on action camera. Now, remove the auto aim/aim lock.Perfect for my rifle guy 🙂. Headshot more damage vs body or limb shot would be awesome instead of this non sense of pushing 30 buttons for optimal dps.
  17. I see more necro in open world than anything else. Btw, to counter your point, why not ask for proper buff to other classes instead of nerfing mech? You all sound like politician who promise to make everyone equal by making them poor.
  18. if you find mech too easy, don't play plz. you have 26 other elite class to choose from. Let us have our fun. Thank you and now go play game instead of crying in forum.
  19. No, it shouldn't. Who told you this has to be your way? I completely disagree with your opinion. everyone has opinion. PVE should be balance between fun and activity while I agree pmech is too easy to play but this highest damage with more APM bs needs to go.
  20. It was definitely the case used to be before we had all easy access to boons and higher benchmark for dps. I was one of the victim of it and I have seen people getting roasted and kicked for doing low dps. It had happened to me several times where I went ahead and bought my own Tag, so these elite commander couldn't kick me. May be 80% was little exaggeration on my part but 70& was pretty standard. Btw, I am not sure who or what is wingman. Definitely not interested to look through it. You rely on your data while I rely on my experience. Btw, You are right on not needing 80% of bench. I don't think, you even need 50% of bench for regular raid. But, not needing and getting kicked for not hitting the mark is different?
  21. I remember People used to get kicked all the time, If you didn't hit 80% of snowcrow benches. Now Anet give us mech and everyone complain that we hit benchmark. Can't have it both ways people.
  22. I play the most annoying build ever and play offline. I just lure them to my NPC and cc the crap out of him/her let my NPC kill them haha.
  23. what this skill you are talking about roaming? stealth burst? or if you losing fight, put nike shoes?
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