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Everything posted by Ferus.3165

  1. i'd like rush to give maybe 1 stack of stab for 5 sec baseline, gs 4 to be unblockable (otherwise a single slow moving projectile with a huge cast time will never be useful) and gs 2 what other people already suggested.
  2. it would be much easier if this skill would have an actual cooldown.
  3. what really has to be done is remove the initiative system from thief and give it proper cds. E.g. 12 sec cd on Head Shot because it is similiar to dagger 3 from warrior and something like 15 sec cd on Black Powder. The skills could then be buffed if they'd be too weak or maybe given some ammo. Give everyone initiative would be the worst possible scenario for this game. Everyone would just spam the same skills over and over again.
  4. it's just like condi zerker only this one has aoe projectile denial on top and a lot more sticking power.
  5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfect_Inscriptions allows you to keep the passive effects of the signets you have on cooldown. But it doesn't work correctly for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Courage . The cooldown for the skill is 60 seconds, but the passive buff that gets applied after you used the active effect of "Signet of Courage" only has a duration of 48 seconds. My guess is that this is simply an oversight because "Perfect Inscriptions" used to reduce the cooldown of signet skills by 20% but that is no longer the case. This bug exists in pvp and in wvw (i haven't tested it in pve). Could you increase the duration of the passive effect that gets applied by the trait "Perfect Inscriptions" from 48 seconds to 60 seconds?
  6. the reaper wanted to pull you off the cliff. And he used spectral walk before he jumped https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk the second teleport was the wurm, which he precasted somewhere out of your vision and it is a 1200 range teleport and a stunbreak. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm No cheating here.
  7. stealth is inherently broken in this game and is in dire need of some rework. It's not skill to outplay an opponent with stealth, because the opponent never had a chance to react to anything the stealth user did. That's why every second roamer in wvw is a thief because stealth is just so op you can get away with practically anything. That's why thief in general is such a good 1v1 or even 1vx class because stealth as a mechanic in this game is just so forgiving and broken that it is hard not to join the thief legions (or mesmer or soulbeast for that matter) even if you rather play other classes.
  8. Who thinks 20 consecutive seconds of litany of wrath is a good idea for any gamemode? wtf, hopefully this is not true.
  9. The only thing toxic and broken around here seems to be you. I don't have the slightest problems when i fight wbs. Little sustain, little cc, many visible and readable animations, has to be melee to deal dmg and only one instant cast spell that is not even wb exclusive. And it's still funny that you argue about surviveability when talking about wbs. They explode, they are pure glass 90% of the time, their only surviveability is their mobility. And apparently it's not easy enough to play for you because as you said: " I dont play guardian but I am also terrible"
  10. a big problem here is also that supports are ridiculously overpowered when in a group. In games like League of Legends for example you have a healing support like Soraka and you have a long cd group heal for all your teammates, but the constant healing you can push out is just for one person only. In this game everyone in your group is constantly getting the supports healing and boons, that's why you don't deal damage to those boonballs when you cloud around them. The chip damage you and your allies deal just gets healed up. That's not even a problem with the boons, though perma regen that heals for 500 hp per tick and perma protection even amplifiying the effective hp even more are ofc part of the problem. Without any coordination in your team you might aswell not do any damage at all and the outcome would not be different. And as a bonus supports in this game are incredible durable and normally even a full glass cannon dps will take a minute to kill them if they were alone.
  11. most people don't even whine about wb anymore because any semi decent player realised that they are pretty easy to fight. When i see a wb somewhere it's my first target because most of the time they just explode. If you die to wb you have the reaction time of a sloth and eat the initial burst without any reaction or the wb simply outskilled you.
  12. that's the best idea imo. Just reduce boon sharing by a lot. Let everyone be responsible for their own boons.
  13. nerf nerf nerf... nerf this, nerf that, i don't want to adapt or improve just nerf everything. Pls nerf.
  14. people just want anything nerfed... one wolf pack in wvw is perfectly fine. it's so easy to avoid for any class except maybe necro. When a ranger uses sic'em on you it's a dead giveaway of what is going to follow next. Hopefully anet does not give in to these baseless nerf requests.
  15. harbinger is not an issue. Yes it's extremely strong in 1v1 fights but its mobility is limited and it has no invulnerabilites. It's wvw, so you don't have to fight it 1v1, just bring some server/guild mates and burst it down. Also projectile destruction is a hard counter to it. The only thing that could be changed is the animation of the elite elixir because it's kind of hard to see. Just make it glow in a bright green color when a harb uses it so one can differentiate between the elite and normal elixirs.
  16. most annoying and broken s tier build since release, the D/P Daredevil. No other class or even spec comes close to how dumb Daredevil is.. not even deadeye.
  17. they avoid certain 1v1s because they would take too long or sometimes even forever. A "well played" thief does not die to any other class other than another thief. Thief is balanced in pvp because it cannot hold the node and not because thief is not a good dueling class.
  18. well tbh if you don't get any credit for any defender event in 2 hours you are not even playing the game. i finished the defender objective for the weekly in less than three hours and i never had a problem with a defender event. And i am glad that anet removed the ability for bot like players to simply repair smc or other tower walls and drain all the resources while gaining credit like they were actually playing the game. Just kill some players and you get the event credit. No issue here.
  19. anet should implement something like a spectator mode where a dev can then see everything a specific player sees, e.g. all their actions and movements. This would make it incredibly trivial to find out if anyone accused of hacking actually does so. Ofc this requires a dev being present and spending some time not only for implementing a spectator like mode but also for investigating players. So this would not work against thousands of accounts but if the most egregious examples of hackers and trainer users would be dealt with this would already be a huge improvement. Also the error rate of someone being banned wrongly (like it can happen in an automated system) would be zero.
  20. tbh dh is plenty of fun to play.. and dps wise what is your point here? close to 40k? and that is not enough? all builds above 40k should be tuned imo down but even if that doesn't happen, there is zero content where a class with almost 40k dps is useless. If you like playing dh then play it, it's a 10% difference to willbender so who cares really. With all this powercreep going on right now people are seriously complaining about a class dealing almost 40k dps as if the game wasn't easy enough already. Sad times...
  21. another option to rework stealth could also be that you can see stealthed players when you come close. like a lot of stealth in League of Legends works for example.
  22. seems like it is still the same bug that was the reason for anet to disable shattered aegis. hardly a willbender issue when it's just the f3 buff that comes from the willbender and the rest is all dh... if this is not old footage anyway. Just remove all kind of buffs when swaping a build template then you won't have this issue.
  23. the game was never made with these damage numbers in mind. I hope anet turns every one of these builds down to below 40k dps again. 40k dps builds have always been outliers and now we are close to 50k. What an enormous powercreep.
  24. a guildmate was looking forward to play sword/sword lb dh with trapper runes as he did in the beta. It was an incredible fun build and now he is stuck on his former main revenant again... this rune added so much surviveability to dh that it just doesn't feel right to simply delete it.
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