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Everything posted by Ferus.3165

  1. we got an imposter among the warriors here.. Kleptomane.2798 is a kitten necro
  2. Any rework for sword would be nice. And your suggestions would actually be really awesome. Anything to remove the aftercasts and clunkyness of this absolutely outdated and almost worthless weapon. The mobility part of sword 2 is the only thing that keeps it "semi alive". But because there are only about 5 devs working for anet and they are busy with different things in this game any rework other than pure numbers changes is just wishful thinking and is (veeeery likely) never going to happen.
  3. too bad it will take years for the random crowd to acknowledge that guard is not op. Tbh Firebrand is fine the way it is now, maybe qFB dmg is a little low but you have utility in the form of your tomes and as long as the quickness stays FB will be used in pve. Dragonhunter and Willbender however are in a sad state right now. But noone cares about that because the current circlejerk is that guard is op and should be nerfed into the ground. You cannot talk to the circlejerk people, they live in their bubble and are unable to realise what this patch did to guard. This reminds me of what happened to warrior years ago when the circlejerk opinion was that warrior was op and should be nerfed into the ground and that circlejerk continued untill most of warrior was trash. The warrior forum activity back then was extremely low so noone spoke up to it. I have not played guard for long and i liked the cWB and DH gameplay but right now it's simply not worth it to play guard for the dps role anymore. Support FB is all that is left atm. Maybe the nerf to guard was accidental though, you never now with anet, and they did not take into consideration how big of an impact sun spirit would have on guard, so there is a chance that WB will receive some buffs in exchange for it.
  4. it has been so long since hammer was useful, i don't even remember it anymore... and anet did nothing in all those years to improve it, they even knocked it down further with the feb2020 patch. But hammer is not the only weapon that needs a complete overhaul. Sword offhand is at the same level of power as hammer, meaning it's absolutely worthless. Sword mainhand is almost as bad and is also in dire need of a rework. Well rifle and longbow aswell... and many individual skills on other weapons that are stuck in the year 2012. The only way for this game to actually come back to life again is if anet is willing to put in the work and remove the dross that accumulated over all these years. All those useless, clunky and outdated traits, skills and abilities have to be reworked and/or replaced by actual useful skills. Yeah as if that's ever going to happen 😉 Oh and another thing that has made hammer worse even in pve: the introduction of breakbars. Prior to breakbars warriors could stunlock npcs for a very long time as a means of defense. This is no longer possible as almost every elite mob and higher (so especially those npcs that are dangerous) are immune to cc for 95% of the time.
  5. delusional, absolutely delusional. You have become the very thing you swore to destroy. It's the same thing that is happening to guard now that happened to warrior all those years ago. FB has already nothing left but it's quickness generation. The other guardian elites are also extremely underperforming right now. Bladesworn is pushing 39k dps while willbender has a hard time with even 33k and DH is not even getting close to 30k. FB dps build is also dead. And that alone would be fine (for FB not for Willbender or Dragonhunter) because FB is still a good support, as long as the quickness remains. But stop with your unjustified hatred towards other classes. Anet should put effort into warrior and improve weapons and skills for warrior and not nerf another class into nonexistence. I agree with most of your posts here but this ignorant guardian hate especially here in the warrior forum is really something i have a very hard time to understand.
  6. The circlejerk is a reaction of miserable players wanting others to be as miserable as they are. Warrior was meta until banners got removed. And that happened because banners were the only thing holding the mediocre warrior dps class together. The same goes for quickness and firebrand now. And the other two specs guardian has are already forgotten. I understand that it is hard for you to face reality and change your views even when presented new evidence. Or you could simply gather your own information and playtest guardian. But you probably don't play guard and never even did and have no idea what you are talking about. A normal reaction would be to try and convince anet that what they did to warrior was a mistake. Trying to get anet to take away what other classes have is just sad bahavior (and even worse when what you say other classes have is not even true) and shows that you don't care about this game at all. You just want to be mad and lash out and spout random phrases that are for the most part not true or mean nothing.
  7. catalyst was nerfed because it was able to deal 46k+ dps and provide quickness aswell. Neither berserker would be capable of such dps nor is any other quickness providing class. Also there would be an easy fix to berserker dealing to much dmg as a quickness provider. Just read my post above yours.
  8. many people here have been miserable for so long that they only want others to be miserable aswell. It's sad actually that power mechanist got nerfed so quickly again. But the ways of anet balancing are unfathomable.
  9. Dragonhunter has garbage dps and is a selfish melee dps spec, willbender has mediocre dps and is a selfish mostly melee dps spec again. So where is the love for guardian?? FB has only quickness going for it now. Noone will take FB for it's dps anymore because the patch nerfed cFB significantly. Aegis on firebrand is mostly a thing of the past because the mantra has no aegis anymore and advance has 30 cd for a single aegis application. Oh yeah and fb still has group stab on demand, but noone would even look at fb anymore if it were not for the quickness generation. That is literally the only thing guard has going for it right now. And warrior does way more cc than fb so don't even start with that. Every class has some way to use cc in a fight. probably a bit more than 33k with allies but still trash as dps when you have other dps classes ranging into the 40k again. Willbender has about the same dps and dh doesn't even reach 30k anymore
  10. almost a good idea but e.g. for berserker the quickness should not come from a minor trait. You should have to pick a grandmaster trait for that. Simply replace this with the eternal champion trait (useless trait anyway) and that way you can pick power/condi dps or support. That way dps zerker could still be buffed to reasonable levels and support berserker would still deal mediocre dps while giving party quickness. Too bad anet devs don't read these forum posts.
  11. i have over 5k hours on warrior, i know what state warrior is in. This does however not have anything to do with guardian and firebrand. Just stop with this circlejerk ah the blue child a fb so op so ez to play, you gain nothing from it and warrior will not be magically fun to play or fixed in any way if fb will be gutted like warrior. cFB is already worse than warrior now. Quickness application is all that fb still has. Take that away and you have warrior 2.0. Would you be happy then? Btw. cwillbender is at 33k dps now, and it does not bring anything to the table either and is a pure selfish dps spec with 8k less hp than warrior. That would mean that warrior is absolutely viable in all "sorts of content".
  12. funny how the circlejerk just goes on and on and on.. yet people have no idea what they are talking about. cFB has been nerfed so hard it won't be played anymore. And it depends if the other quickness classes like harbinger or scrapper will deal more dmg than qFB because if that is the case even qFB won't see the light of the day anymore.
  13. I achieved similar numbers. I started playing condi willbender a few weeks ago and while i am far from being benchmark level i consistently got to 36k dps without infusions. After this patch even with infusions i only get to 30k. So it seems to have been a pretty substantial nerf. But considering you get pretty much the same dps as a power mechanist throwing bomb kit autos i don't really think willbender is worth it anymore, because mechanist is ranged and the boss can move as much as it wants and the dps still stays the same (good chunk of willbender dps comes from lingering aoes on the ground).
  14. tbh i actually thought banners would at least pulse the boons every second... strength banner doesn't even have a 100% uptime of two (2 !!!) might. wtf
  15. you don't have to grind for the pve amulet at all. It is completely free and you even get tons of mats, another ascended weapon of your choice, a 32 slot bag and a gen 3 precursor of your choice. I don't understand how anyone would go for the pvp version when the pve version is not only faster to get but you also get paid for doing the collection instead of having to pay 2k gold.
  16. the second dodge roll for mirage that was removed and the daredevil steal nerf were neccessary. In PvE mirage still has two dodges so i assume you are not talking about PvE. And both of these specs were absolute kitten to fight in a pvp environment. And daredevil still is absolutely unkillable in wvw if played right (the best 1v1 spec in the game). In PvE i agree, the mobs don't care how broken your spec is and that you are invulnerable for 90% of the fight, making the class feel fluent and fun to play should be the main balancing point here. But that is not the case in PvP and WvW and that is why those nerfs were extremely justified.
  17. i am sorry to tell you but there were zero new maps for pvp with eod, no new runes, no new amulets, no new gamemodes. That might be an indicator that anet does not really care about pvp at all 🙂
  18. that would have been to good for warrior
  19. At least wait until the patchnotes are out before you jump to conclusions.
  20. well i don't care about warrior anymore so any change is welcome. I don't play warrior anymore at all so anet can't make it worse. But even if the banner change would somehow be a positiv change for warrior it still would not change the fact that there are so many outdated and cluncky and useless traits, weapon skills and utility skills. It's just not fun to play warrior anymore.
  21. just lol if you think this one year old video where you are stomping complete noobs is in any way shape or form an indication that SB is somehow too strong. The fight against the scrapper in your video is the perfect example. You are beating a monk rune scrapper who simply runs straight at you even though you just used all your selfbuff skills visibly in front of him. The scrapper has absolutely no idea what he is doing. He has bulwark gyro equipped and could have blocked your whole longbow burst with his toolbelt skill. He also could have activated it simply for the stability when he was engaging you in melee combat but he used it after you swapped to greatsword and after you already used your cc on him Oo. I don't know what other skills he had equipped or what strange stat combination with possible just exotic or yellow equipment he was using but that was enough skill display (or lack thereof) to easily understand that this scrapper does not represent who has any favor in this matchup. And the same goes for the rest of the video.
  22. when Spellbreaker came out back in 2017 it was probably the most broken spec out of all the elite specs back at the time. You could easily achieve 100% resistance uptime without any boon duration and back then resistance blocked all condi dmg 100%. And fullcounter dealt 20-30% more damage than it deals now in pve and was on a 6 second cd with discipline traitline in wvw and pvp. With some obstacles to kite around you were basicly unkillable and fullcounter was an immense threat so you also had lots of killpressure.
  23. The skill was made absolutely worthless with the last nerf. It was already bad before but now anyone defending this is just delusional. The skill was nerfed from 10 man cap to 5 man cap... from 10 sec duration to 5 sec duration... from removing a boon every 1/2 sec to only every sec and now again nerfed so it doesn't even prevent boon application anymore. This skill was the perfect counter to the boon blob guilds that rely only on stacking and spamming boons. In pvp this skill was (even in it's "unnerfed" state) always just mediocre but after the last nerf it's actually a troll pick. Playing without an elite skill is the same as picking winds..
  24. i am pretty sure it's because lost ark is coming out and gw2 won't stand a chance against a release of a game of that caliber. It would not surprise me if anet would delay the expac release for that reason alone. The new expac with it's 4 pve maps and the imo trash warrior elite spec won't bring me back into this game. I bought the 4000 gems editions for the last two expacs instantly when they were available but this time the money went into lost ark. It's been close to two years since the feb 2020 patch when warrior was utterly destroyed in wvw/pvp and it has to be clear to anybody that anet simply does not care about warrior at all.
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