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Everything posted by Ferus.3165

  1. yeah the amount of catalysts you see atm makes wvw pretty boring. Maybe the patch will help a bit but i doubt it. It's like half of the wvw playerbase is just playing any form of ele now (mostly cata and tempest).
  2. This is WB. Especially in a group where others help you with heals, auras and cc you can dish out tremendous amounts of damage in a very short time and it's all aoe. WB is not really a 1v1 spec because you lack sustain and cc on your own but the burst you can dish out with dragon stats is unrivaled (maybe scepter ele has comparable damage). And tbh the only classes that are truly unbeatable as WB is cata/tempest, any well played thief and cele harbinger so it's not like WB is bad at 1v1 either.
  3. "Shield Stance" should be affected by "Last Stand". Stances grant vigor and barrier when activated, and they have increased duration.
  4. Thief has no hard counter. There are just some classes that have more tools to deal with thief bs mechanics than others but no class really counters thief. Maybe if you count being oneshot from stealth by an engie as hard counter.
  5. thief as a class is not balanced in wvw. As a warrior you can litteraly do nothing vs a deadeye (maybe if the deadeye is afk). With knights gear you could not kill a thief even if he would rifle 2 spam you in melee range. Either you can pop some immunities and run into a tower/keep that is nearby or you die. On open field you cannot run, you cannot chase and you cannot fight back... you simply die and there is nothing you can do about that.
  6. Longbow needs it's projectile speed increased because you will die of old age before the autoattack even reaches you.
  7. i like it, this would certainly be enough for me to finally unlock bladesworn lol... to bad this will never happen tho
  8. can't say if it is the same for hammer but with sword you have some nasty aftercasts on the autoattack chain. When you are not finishing the three hit combo and want to use sword two or sword three after just one or two autoattacks you get stuck in a really long aftercast where your character just stands there (as if dazed) and no skill can be activated. Guardian sword autoattack has the same problem. The workaround i use is to switch off the autocast of the autoattack so you don't get randomly stuck in the aftercast.
  9. all aed needs is a better visible animation. The rest is fine.
  10. tbh if anet is going to nerf any of the builds you showed here i hope thief gets hit first. Most builds simply cannot do anything vs thief. There is no counterplay to instant cast skills, teleports and lots of stealth. Why does the class with the most access to stealth also need the best mobility and absurd burst. Catalyst is absolutely balanced when you compare it to thief. And i'd rather fight any ele any day over thief.
  11. mechanist, flamethrower scrapper and warriors are not in the same league as every other build you just mentioned. And warrior was not in the same league as catalyst ever. Most of the builds you listed are overperforming but that does not mean that tempest aura spam (shocking and magnetic aura are far too broken for how often they can be applied) and catalyst in general are not overperforming aswell.
  12. when spellbreaker came out i wished the trait would work that way. I still hope that anet will implement this change some day.
  13. just like thief the cooldown on the individual skills should not be there. You have the cooldown on your pages already and that is enough.
  14. for open world power mirage with sword/sword or sword/pistol and greatsword combined with the sigil that completely refills your endurance after each kill is pretty fun. Standard marauder or berserker stats with fireworks runes, stamina, celerity and rage sigils. Traitlines domination, dueling and ofc mirage. Blink, illusionary ambush and jaunt as utility and you have insane mobility and good cleave aswell as lots of cc.
  15. Ferus.3165

    Long bow

    well but that's one hell of a one trick pony. And the best chance you get to kill thieves. There is no other class that excels in killing thieves as much as lb soulbeast because when you do it right the burst you unleash with quickness hits so hard that most thieves you +1 will be dead before they can react.
  16. and remember that those can be chained by multiple mesmers so at first it seems like it was just one pull with an enormous range but it was several people pulling right after each other
  17. you can't say something like that. The ele circlejerk community says that ele is the weakest class and that only downstate skills matter for ele.
  18. This ^ aside from those 2-4 hours prime time wvw is dead on so many of the regional servers. What is stopping anet from combining them or linking 3-4 "dead" servers together instead of just 2. It's honestly not fun to log in, see that we are outnumbered and that there are like 5 other teammembers on that map and then log off again.
  19. That is enough for functioning weapons like dagger mainhand or axe offhand. I would argue even 100 blades would still be ok if the damage it deals would be threatening on a berserker stat warrior. But weapons like sword (both main- and offhand) are so incredible bad and outdated and slow there is now way to fix this weapon without a proper rework.
  20. imo shield bash should be what bull's charge is right now. It should be a decent gap closer. Maybe without the evade if that would be to strong but definitly in the 900 range department.
  21. just read it in the patch notes... kitten i missed this. It would have been fun to play warrior again and not hit like a wet noodle.
  22. engineer shield 4 is a good example for how such a skills should look like. And imo even magnetic aura is far to strong for how often tempest can use it AND give it to 4 allies around them.
  23. you mean like every thief spec ever? and they don't even have invisibility.
  24. reducing the aftercast and overall "clunckyness" of the weapon should be number one priority. When you don't fully complete the autoattack chain (because you want to f1 or any other skill) there is almost a whole second where the warrior does nothing and no skill gets activated. Give sword 2 a 600 aoe hit radius similar to guardian greatsword leap. Because guardian gs 3 reliably hits enemies (as long as you don't leap downwards) and warrior sword 2 never hits a moving enemy. This skill could oneshot people and most players would not care about it because it never hits. Sword 3 needs a range increase and a cast time decrease. You should also reliably be able to weapon stow the f1 skill. Sometimes i can't even move my character for the whole duration of the kitten animation that lasts way too long because for some goddamn reason i can't stop the animation with moving or weapon stowing. And all of those skills need their aftercasts completely removed. Sword is honestly in such a bad state and i was not even talking about offhand sword. Offhand sword should just be reworked completely because imo there is nothing to save here it's just so bad. Remove the projectile (imaple) and replace it with something that is actually usefull, we have projectiles on axe and greatsword already and projectiles suck in this meta.
  25. either the anet devs change the heal skill you have into a stunbreak with cast time when you choose the trait reactive lenses or (and i think that is far more likely even if i don't like it at all) the stunbreak will simply be lost to random balance decisions.
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