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Everything posted by Ferus.3165

  1. there are multiple options available to anet. One option could be that any action other than walking removes stealth or another could be that you don't get stealthed instantly anymore but have a 1-2 second fade time where you are slowly turning invisible. There are many options to make stealth more balanced than it is right now.
  2. it's a pretty bad skill and tbh in my 5k hours of playing warrior i have never used it and never seen anybody else use it.
  3. i play wvw very often (3-5 times a week and over 4k wvw levels) and tbh i see the same thing. harbs and wbs are pretty rare especially cele wbs .. that's something i practically don't see at all. I see far more dragon hunters for example than willbenders and far more reapers than harbingers. If i just look at roaming then the only class that's definitly overrepresented is thief. So because my experience in this game is so vastly different from what op describes i have to say that the claims from op in this post do not represent reality.
  4. there are far more good roaming classes than those 5 mentioned. Vindi, Soulbeast, various mesmer specs, grenade scrapper... And i am not even talking about 1v1 classes just about classes that can chase/escape/survive and burst very well
  5. i have never ever seen somebody use deathless courage and imo nothing changed since the cata nerfs... so many classes have the same burst capacity as wb but access to stealth, long duration blocks, invulnerabilities. Once you get focused by 2-3 dps you die so fast and have practically zero options to survive that i really can't see why someone should play wb atm. Wb only has better than average mobility in pvp and average burst and dps. But the drawbacks right now are that you are squishy, melee only and have practically no cc on top of having no options to stay alive when you are being focused.
  6. from 10 sec duration and 10 man target cap and completely denying the application of new boons and removing one boon every .5 seconds to the sad state this skill is in now... it was the perfect skill against boonblobs and the skill was practically useless everywhere else in the game. And now it's just a useless skill. Standing inside it during the short duration makes no difference. This skill was overnerfed three "nerfes" ago.
  7. this vid makes me want to play warrior right now. Well played.
  8. S/D Thief is not much better... you don't have a good ranged option? well you automaticly lost the fight. If you play a good bunker you will deal no damage anyway and if the thief makes some mistakes he can simply reset the fight whenever he wants to. Almost as bad a d/p thief but has one weakness and that is ranged pressure.
  9. it's rare to read bigger BS on these forums. You know what also sucks? That there are walls and npcs who also help the defending team. Get rid of it all. There should just be circles on the ground that boonblobs should be able to cap freely. Get these walls out of my face and ban every player who dares to build any siege while defending their circle. What a lot of BS.
  10. there is only one dev responsible for the complete (un)balance in pvp. And it seems neither anet nor ncsoft care about this aspect of the game so that dev can do whatever he wants. And if he wants a specific class to be strong for a extended amount of time then this is what everyone who has not abandoned pvp has to put up with.
  11. a 1 second fade time after stealth is applied would also work imo. Stunbreak stealth skills should be excluded from this.
  12. btw for the guy saying that only the berserker greatsword burst was "nerfed".. for any warrior that played the strength traitline the heal skill mending now has a 20 sec cd instead of 16 seconds.
  13. tbh getting a full reset on 50 sec cd skills was downright op. I am glad they changed it. It's really good now.
  14. tbh if you don't like what other people have to say just block them. there is no need to implement censorship. I have many people on my blocklist and if i get a whisper during a pvp game from one of the players in the game it's an insta block no matter what they are talking about. It's an easy solution and it works for everyone.
  15. in addition to that please increase the range of final thrust to 180 aswell and maybe add some particle effect to the thrusting animation for better visibility (because of the range extension).
  16. kitten what an idea... why did noone else ever think of this glorious and fabulous way to change willbender. You truly enlightend every willbender, no every guardian player in the world with your spectacular insight and class knowledge. Thank you for helping all of us out with your endless wisdom because no other player ever thought of trying out different heal skills. You are better than all of us Dorsai.1458, you are the best.
  17. lb willbender is terrible. It's such a low hit rate weapon that (even if 90% of the projectiles would not be reflected) you won't even be able to proc the passives of your virtues when they are active.
  18. are you sure about that? warrior got a melee pistol with the last expac...
  19. just test it yourself. You can use dagger f1 on berserker and while berserk mode is active you can use the new primal f1. Just the rest of the skills are still disabled. Primal f1 is not a gapcloser anymore but you remove two boons from every enemy in a 300 radius around you and u gain 1 extra adrenalin for every boon removed. It doesn't show a target cap in the description atm so no idea if it's 3 targets or 5.
  20. You have the same problems with many other teleports. For some reason the shiro port seems to be coded differently from all the other teleports in the game. This is easy to notice when you play revenant for example in wvw around stonemist castle. There are many spots where most teleports just won't work like when you are standing on the ledges of the inner circle of smc. As a guardian for example you can't use JI or sword 2 there (when standing on the wooden part) even when you are directly next to the target but as a revenant you can even port from the outer smc ring into the inner part of smc as long as one of the gates leading to the lord room is open. There are many other instances like that where as a normal teleport user you'd think it's not possible to port there but shiro works just fine.
  21. duoq and class swaping has to be stopped first. i rarely pvp anymore and every second game i play there are 1-2 people instantly swapping classes after they loaded into the game. I mean it's kind of understandable that they are playing the system by abusing duoq and are trying to get matched against lower tier specs but it's pathetic.
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