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Everything posted by lotus.5672

  1. Signet of midnight clears 5 condis, if the mes doesnt run inspiration then he doesnt have high invul uptime. Idk why I have to point that out to a so called mesmer main, maybe stop being disingenuous? Also condi virts run that chaos trait that converts condis when you get cc'd
  2. Signet of midnight clears 5 condis, if the mes doesnt run inspiration then he doesnt have high invul uptime. Idk why I have to point that out to a so called mesmer main, maybe stop being disingenuous? Also condi virts run that chaos trait that converts condis when you get cc'd
  3. Dmg reduction only works against power classes, so I play life steal+power+ferocity
  4. It will come in the future mini expac with the new mini elite specs!
  5. I gotchu fam, yt some guy named solemn, he has a ton of subpar water/earth builds and tutorials, learn from him
  6. Idk why you have to pat yourself on the back in every thread, kinda weird. Not saying the guy in your vid is good, but untamed vs dps tempest is a big yikes. And if dueling is all there is in conquest wheres your r3 title.
  7. Yeah you are right, although phoenix does have top tier mechanics, idk why he hacks. Jeff is a memelord and if you watch merp's stream when he solo q you can clearly see he is a bottom plat player at best that was carried by duoq
  8. So phoenix, merp, jeff... Does every """top""" player on NA hacks?
  9. Where is the rewards for ogrewatch sentry meta?
  10. Finally you got it! Treating your enemies as enemies is extremely toxic and has to end!
  11. Because everyone else is afraid of playing, duh
  12. guys stop making fun of grim or he will threaten to kill you irl!
  13. I think you might be onto something...
  14. Its ok, I didnt have any high hopes for this announcement and it still felt underwhelming
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