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Everything posted by tunococman.7324

  1. I don't mind that they fix the radius of the end of the skill and lower it a bit, but they need to fix the fact that it will sometimes not move at all and you're still stuck in the same place when you do it with Daring Dragon (maybe even with the stun trait, havent tested) Bladesworn movement is just so buggy. They can fix this without gutting Bsw tbh. So long as they learned from the 2013 Frenzy nerf that made Warrior unplayable.
  2. It sucks that dragon slash reach also will sometimes not even move and you're stuck in the same place This 100% needs a fix
  3. technically landing big casting times is hard/difficulty in an evade spam game, even with bonkers ratios ANET's balance team does love to contradict themselves in their balance principles honestly, and they kinda listen to bad logic such as "effective hp on Warrior makes Warrior op" when this game is about catching people after they evade, baiting stun breaks because you can 100-0 even highest health and heavy armor anyways. I'd rather take smite seriously than this game. Accepting that this game will never be better and moving on to a different game sounds better imo
  4. Think ill be happier with weapon specific extra bonuses But I don't mind if ANET listens to this idea instead.
  5. yeah a 120 range instant cast skull crack is gonna be broken in an evade spam/blind spam game XD But okay haha level 3 skull crack, ignore stability but keep the casting time.
  6. And they better have good sustain as berserker amulet because other classes are stupid too. You stop crying too, get over yourself. Pot meets kettle, you're black Hypocrite.
  7. Nerf BsW and Warrior won't have a good spec left to play. But okay nerf Bladesworn but nerf other stupid broken classes too NERF EVERYTHING back to 2015 pre-HoT core Warrior level. So it's fair. That would be the best case scenario anyways. Like I know BsW is okay right now but other classes are just as stupid too. Literally F off if you think other classes aren't stupid as well.
  8. Once again, blame people like this for Warrior not having much going for it. Plays guardian >>>> cries about Warrior. Watch Warrior get nerfed again because of people like this Stimulant is still really bad, and was ALWAYS BAD compared to mending/defiant stance. But then you get people like this who dont understand how anything works and complain anyways. Actually crying about a "bad heal" and calls it broken when Bladesworn is already Rooted AND INTERRUPTIBLE back in April. And doing mediocre damage even with Berserker Amulet. Bsw is okay right now, but watch it get nerfed again and become borderline unplayable without compensastion. #stillbronzein2022 #TURTLEREACTIONTIME #playsguardianCANTCOUNTERWARRIOR #IcrybecauseIcan'thandleTELEGRAPHEDATTACKS
  9. I dont get why not just give core something. If F1 is the way to differentiate the specs so be it but get to work already ANET zzz
  10. Revenant still an annoying evade spamming blind spamming coward class It's not even funny why is ANET not nerfing this edgelord class
  11. For example Level 3 eviscerate = 100% crit chance no matter what, ignore weakness Level 3 skull crack = instant cast Level 3 long bow F1 = field is bigger, pulses faster, and lasts 3 seconds longer Level 3 arcing slice = wider attack/bigger radius, its mostly fine as is damage-wise Level 3 Hammer F1 = ignore aegis + all stability stacks are eaten, wider bigger attack radius Level 3 Flurry = more damage ANYTHING that makes core tolerable, I didn't ask for instant casting while attacking like guardian/ranger/mesmer, I didn't ask for evade spam
  12. it's because of bad thread starters like this is why Warrior isn't getting the changes that it needs Literally, people crying about a class with telegraphed attacks in 2022 #stillbronzein2022 #TURTLEreactiontime
  13. Cry about it. Stim healing is borderline interruptible, I don't get why you're complaining about something that has counterplay. Also Mending/defiant stance are legit stronger in a lot of situations specially in sPVP/WvW because of condis and burst RESPECTIVELY. Also imagine dying to telegraphed attacks in 2022. Your guardian, ranger, necro HAS INSTANT CASTS and you're complaining about a telegraphed class. Kill his team mates, BsW can't really peel. And a lot of things such as random aegis/blinds and random projectile block skills still counter it like it has ALWAYS countered Warrior in the past. Burst comps stilll > anything bladesworn can do. Bladesworn literally can't kill people in 3-5 seconds like other classes do. So w/e good BsW can do right now? Don't nerf it and don't listen to people crying about w/e Warrior good has left in 2022. Bladesworn literally is a tank that only LIVES in an engagement, it's not gonna compare to the good burst comps right now in sPvP or w/e unblockable bursty power meta there is in WvW. If you're complaining about PvE I don't know what to tell you.
  14. And Core, and Berserker, but it's not going to happen because ANET is incompetent garbage.
  15. It's not for new players because new players have to count a million dodges and a million stun breaks and a million defensive cds before someone dies in sPvP. It's bad. Revert this game back to launch, sigh.
  16. Because ANET thinks high casting times shouldn't have nice payoffs, their balance team is just incompetent
  17. This is actually smart, this actually makes "feinting" more fluid on Warrior too. Because the burst skills are telegraphed, we may as well make it cancel and queue faster when you press F1. We didn't ask for "instant casts and evades and pets." This is pretty good. I'm afraid it might not be enough, but this idea does sound cool and not catastrophic.
  18. Ranger is never going to have a "skillful" build Ranger has always been an EASY DODGE BAITER since the beginning of the game What do you dodge? The ranger or the pet? Screwed either way because pet does damage and knockdown, and the ranger does reasonable damage too. Only way to win is by playing a more broken class like Necro or w/e is meta right now. Soulbeast, while a little more limited on the pet, is another easy dodge baiter by itself. And evades while attacking baiting dodges from 1200 range and finishing with fast bursty melee. Assuming that ranger is "mid-tier" this season, when the broken stuff is nerfed people will have this class as a back up. If you want to win without knowing how the game works, you literally just play either ranger or guardian. Necro and Mesmer becomes easy once you know how stun breaks and dodges baiting works, but ranger or guard? You don't care about that and can still win because brain damage classes.
  19. Yet hammer on Warrior will be in a far better spot post-nerf. Fail evidence based on feelings. If you don't know how to deal with Warrior hammer skills, you are simply not a good player. There will be NO REASON to avoid or waste endurance on hammer skills because they do no damage, therefore vs. good players you get evade spammed harder because why dodge a 0.01 coefficient when I can save it for your other skills? You are also not baiting stun breaks with a 0.01 coefficient. Sorry, but your evidence is FAIL. You clearly don't fight good players and your evidence is not good enough. If you're talking about WvW, anything works in WvW. We are talking about sPvP where people actually are more tryhard mechanics wise.
  20. Those changes are w/e, you still get endurance from might makes right, hate evade spam. The stupidest changes are the nerf to Hammer, it's already hard to land Hammer skills and people are actually saying the changes are fine. ANET nerfing what people don't die to or balancing around low reaction time Mesmer, Ranger, Guardian, Strength Warrior mains. Evades are stupid, and people who defend them are just as bad. I don't think these Warrior changes are that bad if ANET wanted to "slow down" the game and make it easier to follow.
  21. PvP is stale, change is good.I think there is alot of things that are overnerfed, and alot of things that are not nerfed that should be.but at the very least there is going to be something new.If I was warrior main I would be looking forward to playing with hammer and rifle, they propably wont be any good but its something new to try.20might signet looks interesting too. Hopefully we wont end up with same meta or bunker meta, and if we do lets hope devs will be fast to act. There goes your credibility, hammer and rifle are going to be trash. Sorry you're so bad that you think evade spamming is healthy for the game, and that you're the only one having trouble with warrior Axe 1. Real pathetic, ANET balancing around trash players with a reaction time of a turtle.
  22. And compared to what Hammer Warrior and Guardian Suffered? That's a slap to the wrist. But that's besides the point. It's not just Revenant that I'm concerned about, these are BIG nerfs to damage while shouts warrior healing went from 1.2 to 1.0, and they get to keep the same endurance regen from Might Makes Right for example. EVADE SPAM IS JUST BAD DESIGN, you should be timing evades and get punished for bad evades. You can still evade spam on most classes because the damage nerf does not justify what the evade spam will be. Literally nerfing damage when DAMAGE IS NECESSARY due to ANET's failure to keep evade spam in check from the beginning, while giving these "evade skills" a slap to the wrist, isn't really "touching evades" You want to dumb down the game and make it easy to follow like in launch, you should be able to follow/count evades, and delete pathetic garbage like z-axis teleports (how do you catch z-axis teleports now right? zz). After the patch, evades are still obnoxious and uncountable, whatever "changes" you are talking about is a slap to the wrist to evades/blocks/blinds w/e damage mitigation you are talking about.
  23. The CD nerf on some evade skills isn't even enough to whoever said evades did get touched. Blurred Frenzy not having cd increase, Guardian + it's elite specs such as Firebrand still probably able to block spam without any burst to stop block spam, Shiro Revenant can still dodge spam probably, on top of high casting time CCs getting it's damage nerfed? SERIOUSLY? So what if Mirage got nerfed, there will simply be another evade spam build taking it's place. Watch chrono bunker or something similar to it come back (Evade thief, Shouts Warrior, Some stupid AI build, I don't know what it is but it's going to be just as bad if not worse), even with nerfed sustain. With less damage but not enough touching on evades, we could go back to 30 minute pvp where whoever falls asleep first dies. It's great to try and make the game like the launch again, but it would be better if they touched evade spam/blind spam/block spam further and make it less obnoxious and spammy. Patch is going to be garbage, legit with the way they are doing it. Refusing to consider multiple other factors (such as burst avoidance) while toning down damage is just going to make the game unfun. The game NEEDED high damage because there were too many stupid teleports to ledges and evade/blind/block spam, taking it away without considering this isn't balance, it's just shifting into something just as (possible more) evil.
  24. Yeah it sounds disgusting to be honest, these patch looks really fail. Nerfing big casting time CCs that you won't land in the first place anyways due to the amount of evade spam, and defensive blocks. Nerf damage, but don't touch evade skills like sigh. Bad logic is bad. Nerfing damage when they NEVER considered block spam and made it unrewarding to land high casting time skills like Guardian Hammer 4 or Warrior Hammer 3-4-5. What kind of people does ANET hire, like what is this logic?
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