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Everything posted by Silent.6137

  1. The whole meta, prep phase to the final fights, can be completed in just over an hour. Not the 2 or 3 hours, as mentioned by some. Half hour to get all areas in high readiness and about 40 minutes to complete the escorts and fights. The problem is with getting on a populated map. And waiting for others who are there just to farm to finish and leave. So we waste a half hour or more to make sure we get on a map to ensure a successful meta. Solutions? Make the meta into an instanced meta, which is not ideal. Close and re-open the map to start the prep phase (Just like Dragon's Stand). When maps re-open, the timer will start at xx:30 (or maybe a little more) to escort. Commanders, after tagging up, move to a less populated map, instead of expecting everyone to keep spamming "Join". Personally, I would not want the reward system to change too much. Participate to get full rewards. However, successfully completing each phases of the final battle should give better rewards, i.e. successes after 1st wisps, 1st splits, 2nd wisps and 2nd splits. If meta fails, these rewards will be auto-looted just before map closes. But the rewards will also be conditional upon amount of Dragon's End Contributor. On a related note, all meta should require full participations to get full rewards. Dragonstorm's situation was addressed but other meta like Drakkar, you still see a handful each time staying out of the fight until the last moment.
  2. Probably been mentioned in 1 of the posts but not going to read through 200+ pages. Wishlist: Single Item Toolbelt - Place any single utility item in the toolbelt with a keybind to activate. Example will be Silverwaste shovels, Prototype Position Rewinder, Charr Field Homing beacons, etc. Items that you have to constantly open inventory to use. Customizing Cursor - I'm sure many have suggested this. Change the color/size so it's more visible especially during combat. Also, changing the color of the cursor pings (when using Ctrl key to locate). Yes, there's TacO, Yolomouse, Blish, etc. but you shouldn't need a 3rd party program to do it. Squad Commander's Options - Markers for lieutenants. Yes, we can use Object markers BUT they have to be within range on the map to place a marker on them. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, they'll just disappear without anyone leaving the map or clearing any markers. Promote them and a simple icon will mark them (such as a number in a circle). Squad Commander's Options Pt. II - Party grid for squad commander to have a different color such as red and lieutenants to have yellow, with the rest remaining green in color. Have thought of other enhancements over the years but can't recall them atm.
  3. Not disagreeing with most of your viewpoints except for this part. You can't compare trinkets and armors to weapons. Or even runes and sigils. It's comparing apples to oranges. You can't get any of those items without grinding for them personally. They can't be bought or sold on TP. The value of the time you expended to obtain all those will make the price way higher than what you had estimated if they can be bought or sold. If talking about just the utility of each of those, then I'd place Trinkets (backpacks included) as highest since all characters can use a single set. Then armors since you'll need 3 sets. Runes and sigils are in the odd spot where it's easy to obtain them and also you'll only need 1 set of each. And lastly, weapons. However, in terms of desirability for me (can be translated as showing off my blings). it'll be Armors, Weapons, Trinkets and lastly, Runes & Sigils. In that order.
  4. It really depends on when you visit a map. Bear in mind that there are 4 new maps to explore, not including the 4 new strikes as well. In addition, the fishing achievements has spread players to all maps. With the 4 maps, there are 5 metas (2 in Echovald). Players will be concentrated in the maps with the ongoing meta events.. So, if you're in Seitung while there's a meta happening in 1 of the other maps, it'll be pretty deserted. Or if there's a meta in Seitung, majority of the players in Seitung will be on maps where there's LFG listing the events. Also bear in mind that even with more players online, extra maps will mean that each map will have lower populations.. Simple math example: 1 map available with 100 players online = 100 playuers on the map; 2 maps with 150 players = 75 players on each map only. Also, with SAB and Thousand Island Pavillion right now, players will be even more spread out.
  5. Agree. There are always lots left over after completing every masteries. Look under Achievements and go through all the categories that show a green HoT mastery icon. Some of them are easier to obtain than you think, especially from Story Journals.
  6. Yes, I know. And so long as it exist, no harm in talking about it over and over again. Otherwise, things will never change if no one voice their concerns since it'll be assumed that everyone are happy with it. Turning off post processing will work in some cases but not in all. It'll make certain areas too dark.
  7. Although you may not think so, you'll definitely improve from each one you do since you'll be more aware of what needs to be done. A decent commander is essential as a focus for most. Already knowing the mechanics, you'll react faster to any cues from the commander. I would suspect most failed attempts, the commanders are less experienced. And any wrong decisions made, those were exarcebated because many will just follow the commander blindly.
  8. Mine is set to low. In addition, I do use tweaks so I'm able to lower the intensity. If you've never used them, you would not notice this since you have nothing to compare it to. When using ArcDps, this is very prominent because it's incompatible with the tweaks.
  9. There seems to be an obsession with the usage of too much brightness and fogs by Anet. Awesome looking maps are rendered somewhat a little too hazy and less appealing unless you adjust the amount of fog and brightness. Thousand Island Pavilion is a classic case. A little too much fog and too bright. When fishing, you practically have to face the island or it can get a little too blinding. The amount of fog in older maps like Bitterfrost can be a little over-whelming as well. I can understand the need for it but how about toning it down just a tad. Lower my monitor's brightness? Ok. And when I go to dimly lit areas and can hardly see, what then? Increase the brightness? And keep doing it over and over again? And after I log off? Reset it so it's normal again? No. Just no. Would be good if we can adjust them, as had been mentioned in other threads. Not completely remove or darken, but just have the ability to lower the intensity.
  10. In all meta, a sizeable number do not know what CC is. They ignore the defiance bar. And if someone calls out "CC"? That's an elite thing, right? That you do in raids? A comm should always emphasize the need for CC before the meta starts. And list a few CC skills. In addition, players in the squad should announce for all to restock EMP after every phase. Not just the comm since he/she may be unable do so or neglected to do so for whatever reason.
  11. Favourite line and quaggans have the best lines. Willoo: Quaggan will kick your tail so hard it slaps you in the face!
  12. With Jade Bots tier 3 Sensory Arrays and Service Chips, there are now even more items to put in shared slots. The current maximum of 28 may seem a lot but once you start using them, you'll realize you need more, or will end up switching what you can put in them on a regular basis. Aside from all those listed above, other items include Home Portal Stone, Revive Orbs (you'll never know when or which character will need them), Portable Waystations, Spearmarshal's Plea (for quick mining rich mithril and orichalcum nodes), Spirit & Heroes Banner, Instant Repair, etc. There's always something else you'd want to place in there for convenience.
  13. It has happened a few times to me, leading a 50 person squad. Someone will merge into my squad and were able to change the LFG listing. Although granted it doesn't happen often, it is still annoying having to change it back when pointed out, or after you checked the listing. A group that merged into an existing group should have no control whatsoever. You're relinquishing control when you merge. Also, the commander of the squad should have the option to choose whether to accept or decline the merging. Too often someone merged from a just-completed meta, and a majority of the players from that meta had logged off without bothering to quit the squad, or just stayed in the squad without having any intention of doing the meta. So you waste time having to ask and kick those so others can join. Often, with the merging, the squad will be taken off LFG since it'll now be at the 50-person limit.
  14. You do not need to do the meta to get the turtle since the update quite a whle ago. As for the AoEs, just pay attention to the major ones as has been described in this very thread. Those are big and prominent enough that it's impossible to miss. Just always be ready to run/dodge out of it.
  15. Most players will follow what the tags do. I always make it a point to ask comm about lane & splits assignments, to see if comm has any clue what to do, or is just tagging to get numbers. Decent comms will create subgroups, assign lanes/splits, place markers, ask players to stack on protocols and contributors, etc. Those are the absolute basics. Doesn't need to do much more than that except know when to run across arena. If comms has no idea, then it's time to look for another group. Unfortunately, that's always the case. Too many are there clueless, yet they won't listen to call-outs or read mapchats. However, if enough listen, then the chances will be very good.
  16. Noticed 2 squads at different times yesterday demanding raid KP or Raid legendary pings, or will be kicked. That was absolutely hilarious. Thought of joining them but...nah, don't like elitist comms. One squad that happened to be on the map I was on, was razzed mercilessly by the whole map. Think the comm moved to another map pretty fast. The squad I joined with zero requirements won. Wonder how those squads did. Would be funny if they fail. You may have all the gears but still fail if most of them have no clue on what to do.. Especially if they all assumed just by showing up is more than enough.
  17. The only AoEs you really have to be aware of are the orange-red AoEs, both the circle/patterns, the semi-circle and the ones that cover 1/2 the arena. Red circles, not so much. Run/dodge out of them. Dodge/jump over circular waves. Focussing on too much, will just leave you confused. If you don't know what to do, just stay close to tags. They run, you run. The change in phases occurs at 80, 60, 40, & 20%. A half-decent commander will tell you which lanes you need to go to and which sides you should go to for splits. Pay attention to NPC. They'll tell you what to look for. Also, pay attention to mapchats. CC when someone calls it. Attack tail if comm says tail. Stay, if comm say stay. Recharge EMP after every phase. The meta is not overly complicated. It just need a little more coordinations than most others, which is what makes it more fun and interesting, imo....assuming we win. 😄
  18. I've been doing the meta on a daily basis, to farm the Antique Summoning Stones. I just join squads that list on LFG early. Why? Mainly because I know I won't be wasting 1 hour+ on a failed meta. Those who join those groups will have the added buffs. For the last 20 attempts, only 1 loss. Aside from the fact that people joined a squad, it is still very casual. Although, most commanders will try to make proper subgroup mixes, everyone will still play and do things no differently than if they are not in a squad. The only difference is they have a direction, instead of running around aimlessly. Only 1 commander that I know of asked for "Gamer's Proof", which imo, is rather silly. Although to be fair, he doesn't demand or will kick. It is more for placing players to maximize the winning chances. It is not necessary to be in a squad to win, since a squad can only have 50. At any meta, there will always be quite a few not in a squad. My suggestion: Join a squad early. It will take a little longer than just going for the escorts and boss fights but you'll save yourself lots of frustrations, and also lots of time from having to repeat the meta over and over again. An extra 15 to 30 minutes to save countless hours wasted.
  19. Depending on which alt I use, and for what purpose, it may be unnecessary to use. However, there are many who do not have good equipments or equipments optimized for the foray. The added buffs could mean surviving and not having to re-do a particular event several times for an achievements. Plus the hassle of having to run back from the nearest (uncontested) waypoint.
  20. You obviously did not read what was written. The problem is not the availability.
  21. The Jade Tech Offensive & Defensive Protocols are excellent ways to buff yourself up. However, it is particularly annoying when you lose all charges after filling it if: You change instances to join a squad Logout to another character to transfer items Change character more suitable for map meta Forced map closures Going through inter-map portals either accidently, or to activate a portal on the other map, and came back immediately. Logging out and back in because of any issues Etc., etc., etc. Yes, yes, it doesn't take long to refill and there are jade batteries and ziplines all over. But it still doesn't take away the annoying factor of having to recharge again, sometimes multiple times, especially when you're just playing on the same map.
  22. Contact support. Include screenshots, etc. You'll get better results that way since they're very responsive. This is especially so when it involves single account issues. I've managed to finish all those achievements so I know it's not bugged for all.
  23. I dubbed Thousand Seas Pavillion as 1KC. (For those who went"Huh?, Thousand = 1K, and Seas = C )
  24. I've never had a problem with the event and had done it countless times. Best I can suggest is tag up, even with a mentor tag, to do Augury Rock event. Make sure to announce that Doppleganger event will be starting right after Disperse Wild Magic is successful. And that Disperse Wild Magic will be starting in X minutes and ask everyone to help.
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