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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Well this game is not p2w or hard grind, thats why so many ppl plays is, and so on you got opinion from diferent skilled players Also keep in mind that only ppl that have problem ususaly creating post as ppl that have no problem not coming to forum or have static, or play with friends, or don't do 1vs1 dps glass cannon vs Bruiser or have awarnes of roles So becase you have much more players, you also got much more casual or low skilled players, or ppl that just started and are not learned how thinks work yet Same questions will be evry month asked by diferent ppl that have diferent progress and skill If you tired reading that, you schold chill a bit, it's normal think :D Ther always will be some ppl ready to guide that lost souls with diferent result ofc Also i play roamer Scrapper , and don't have problem vs ranger cuz of projectile block, condi cleanse, and superior rune of hoelbrak that reduce condi dmg, same as Superior Sigil of Cleansing
  2. wow as a commander, i have whole diferent experience then all of you thenhave anyone of you tried create squad? and what server you play eu or na? like i siad in eu when i create squad with 0 li i have no problem to do them in 1-2 trys and i play as heal scrapper/ 31k dps holo and team usualy is full in 3-5min i also command forged steel with 2-3 cms witchout any kp/li requirment, and not failed it even once
  3. @"vicky.9751" In eu you have no problem to find ppl for woj/boneskiner around 14:00-23:00 cet ppl need ajust squad roles to make run most effective, not most fastAlso Casuals need start do thay squads not waiting till someone make it They no need, i run 0li squads and do them 1-2 try When i create squad i usualy run : pt1: hfb,alac,bs,dps,dpspt2: hscrap,hscourge,dps,dps,cqfb ->hscrap is heal carry that you need in not much experienced teams that can stabile heal keeping whole 10ppl alive, also his protection do -40% dmg (5% more), and can redirect flat 35% dmg for duration of 4s when using bulwark gyro, on boneskineer he can boon tons of superspeed, and rotate projectile block with alac, same as take 35% dmg when boss jump on team, also have 2-3 skills that give stab to teamhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesKWKeyTftLA-zRZYQhDfMaQEqBNUGVXAhnA6MLtvZB-e ->hscorge have wurm that "block" bubles on 25% of hp boss, tons of barriers, and can "grab" person to him in order to ress, but not have that much healing like scrapper, and same lake boonshttps://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/necromancer/scourge/heal/ ->cqfb is dps(75%) that buff quickness and aegis also might and furyhttps://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/guardian/firebrand/condition%20quickness/ druid is not much recomended cuz he do much less healing, what is bit much needed as woj/bone do alot aoe and puls dmg, but can be taken if you got much more experienced team insted of scrapper for spotter, and dmg boost from spirits even with random ppl that do 10-15k dps, with that comp i do woj/boneskineer first try
  4. Creativity of people will never stop amazing me, whish ther was some more tolls tho show it in more ways :D
  5. @kharmin.7683I'm more skilled player that can solo bounty or hard contentbut i prefer play much in group, in casual maps i can't get that experience, as i feel that i force someone to play with mewhile in hot, most ppl was open up to play togheter, as game bit forced to it, is it was not fun? definilty not, for first time we even made small exploration team wher i was frontlaner tanking mobs, some elementalist was shot from back, and ranger was rooting mobs so i tanked less of them, we got even revenant that kinda did alot aoe and buffed team with -50% dmg for 5s And yes we was new/casual players That experience i got while i was new, now i can just pass as scrapper witchout problem cuz i'm geared, but still i got fun backing to that maps I want interaction with other players i know thers like meta trains with over 30-50ppl, but it's not same like wher you play with 2-5ppl and caring for others, checking did someone unlocked mastery or got hero point or even talking in party chat about life or other topics for me it's what mmo is, but i also respect your opinion as diferent ppl will want diferent aspects
  6. I love Hot dificulity, much more ppl wanted group up and play togheter cuz content was bit harder, while on pof you mostly play solo in mmo game (cuz of low dificulity with only big agro range)
  7. I agree with title of postcontent is mostly easy, so you rarly crate party to play togheter or interacte with other players on small scaleOnly hot bringed somethink like that wher you wanted explore togheter for safe/confusion reasons i not agree with autor tho, if you play with friend you schold play with same speedor do only personal storys togheter if thats not posible
  8. Scrapper aslo give might to team (blast gyro) what is kinda healer job @Kodama.6453Don't try understand it lul xdit's the way you live
  9. well for me most dificult was to interact with players, as word maps from 1-80lv was too ez, so no one wanted group up or interacted with me (until i forced it)ther was meta events, but like 50ppl groups are not much what you can tall interaction most fun i had on hot maps, as thay forced players to group up and explore togheter, you culd make new friends ther or even get invited to guild by players you explored maps togheter i miss it after i finished hot, as in pof mobs became ez once again, and too less mobs wants kill you in order to play togheterbut also it changed once you gathered smaller groups to kill bountys , it was kinda fun as you culd do it with 2-5ppl and kill boss togheterbut still i missed hot maps thoi don't know how about iceborn saga yet, as i not started it yet
  10. yeh kinda dueler schold kill dps as dps schold stay in back or not draw much attention dps is good to play if you have duo that will cc target for you, or kinda be your shield (your dueler) then you draw your full potential as glasscannon you never 1vs1 as dps as it's not your role dps is like "support" to dueler dueler is 1/2 dps and 1/2 tank mosty win vs you as he can sustain your dmg in 1vs1 scenariobut dueler can't burst you like dps with 1-2 abilits, he need fight you a bit dueler is importent role in group fights as well, as his first who will charge enemy geting all shoots in his face, alowing you (dps) take less hits as enemys will use all his cd on him, and allows you come close to enemy initiating fight if ther was only dps roles, kinda first enemy who will charge will lose as that person will be crossfired be multiple ppl and before you say anythink here is my rank, as dueler scrapper achived solo (eu) but i also agree with you, if thers too many duelers, as group your dmg will be low and you lose
  11. hahaha thay nerfed warrior even more insted buffing it xd dead class even more xdrip my 1k barrier on scrapper tho, kinda is ok
  12. i think condi support with quickness and some stats bonus like 5%dps/condi/posion/burning/bleed to team per hit
  13. Good idea, some changes and it culd be even fun to play Also Team Alac/Quickness as that what engineer lack for eng game
  14. well best idea culd be pvp for 3 points but 15vs15 on new maps that are x2 bigger then normal pvp evry Friday 4 duels, 20:05, 20:35, 21:05, 21:35 And kinda your guild will score points despend how much you win/lose other team you can que max 4 partys from team menu (15pplx4) then in Monday 21:05 25vs25 once on map that is x3 bigger then pvp map this map will have gari, tower, and camp attackers start first taking camp, then tower, then gari on way (if thay move too far thay will start geting "agony" stacks that cause alot dmg to them) defenders will have 1 catapult that will can shot on point of camp that will casue 33% dmg, (shoot have 4s cd, nad is targeted, not casted) attackers will need "take" catapult from enemy, or have more ppl then defenders in point, if thay have 1 person more on point than defenders will start caping pointup to 100% to cap point you will need spend 90s Attackers will have 7min to take camp, then if sucess ther will be 1min break to regroup, then 10min to take down tower, 1min to regroup, and 15min to take down gari tower, and gari will have 2 catapults that can shoot on point, or on other catapult Person that use catapult is immune to cc or fear, to stop person from shooting, you need kill him, or he need leave catapult by himselfAlso person that will use cata will take -50% dmg and -50% condi dmg Also gari will have adional defs, like oil, arrow carts and etc as it's last point of def, and will have lord guarding it Attackers will steal 5% score from leaderbord from def team if thay take cap camp, 5% if thay take tower, and 10% if thay take gari In Casual mode 15vs15 you will have also adional maps/modes like capture a flag, kill marked person, steal asura golem from enemy base, or other modes Also Casual mode 15vs15 will have fun modes like capture a flag, steal enemy asura golem to your base, kill marked target (that person will have x2hp also his will be x2 bigger), capture random point on map (from 5 posible) (+1 bigger person dif team caping point), push the payload or other "fun modes" it will be duel up to 2500 score, 1 point give 3 score per sec, kill is 5score, and objective 500 points top 1-5 guilds will get 500g as reward and some trophy to chose and pvp reward track pots5-10 same but bit weeker reward + pvp reward track pots5-25->same but weeker reward + pvp reward track pots25->200g pvp reward track pots26->100 -> kinda progresive less reward Unranked 15vs15 will give 1g per duelalso will have pipes boxes like ranked pvp If you want Alliances, i kinda see it like that in 2021 as guild vs guild wvw not make much sense atm
  15. ok 40g was back to me, same as guilds work now, ty for fast reaction@Tiscan.8345 is your item back to bag or appered to guild as well?
  16. i puted 40gold to guild bank, then it's showed like i not sended anythink, but gold was taken, so i reloged, and when i back guild was []
  17. Hello, i reloged after update, than this happyn : I can't communicate with any guild, also tag and logo of guilds disappered (prob it's visual glitch) It's common, i asked in lion arch and some of ppl have similar problem, thay also reloged like me i tried relog multiple times witchout any change
  18. try play dueler role insted dps, or master positioning while your duo sit on enemy remember it's not solo game, and you can have team that fix what you lack let healer heal you and boon protection, or let using machines to more tanky players that have dueler role insted dps
  19. blind, weeknes, duble cc, missile block/reflect, block, transfortm to moa? but i agree, dmg schold be reduced by 2-5% or auto incrested to 1s, so ppl at silver/gold will not be punished too hard for lack of any of that
  20. You all are wrong ! If you pay gold for res, your wasting your gold! Say no to asura boomer technology! and join pvp lobby to be resed for free Don't let asuras using your gold, as thay will build inquest golems and conqer the word :( ! No to asuras !
  21. well i had ranked in p1 wher ther was 3 condi guards, 1 condi wever, and heal druid that was solo node thay lost hard, as dps scrapper i took purge gyro, and just condi clease aoe thay whole burn stacts even from my team as thay don't had any other condi than fire it's totaly fair to stack classes as it's easier to counter them that way problem is not evryone is skilled inaf, or have knowlage to do it and thats key reson why some ppl have 60-75% win ratio solo, and other hard stuck silver-gold with bots in my cause it was only 1 ability change, that bring me and my team victory in group fights but it's my opinion from that rank that i achived solo as scrapper
  22. What you mean guys, flametrhower engi is not broken, i hited only p1 spaming 1 as other skills don't do dmg as are condi
  23. i see you play scrapper i recomend this builds, may help you play safe while not much skill neededhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121616/scrapper-build-for-solo-bounty-cm-or-other#latest
  24. prob one build was for open word, and your old one was for raid setting what's that mean? your new build genereting more self boons/vulanbirity causing more dmg, while in raid someone providing it to you, so you do more dmg by other skills while 25might and etc
  25. Well as experienced wvw scrapper roamer that can 1vs2-3 or defend gari solo vs 15ppl (i'm pvp rank 1554 solo) i'm geting that messages often (i was on gandara server)but i don't mind them, i can even say witchout them game wuld not be the same and kinda feel hollow All that emotional response making fights with enemy more fun and with more motivation ^^ i'm against any cenzurship but in same time i understend that not evryone is titlproof or have a mindset of monk And for that ppl ther are 3 options : Go offline mode, making that no one reply to youBlock pploff team/map chat if you roam or play solo/with friends
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