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Critical Lag.9075

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Everything posted by Critical Lag.9075

  1. This change just screws pugs the most and kills composition diversity even more. With statics it's not much issue because they can coordinate their skills. From my experience , in pugs, it's mostly impossible. It kills party variety because now groups will be looking for classes that can bring a lot of cc without much sacrifice. Also it's amazing how ANet designs content that feels like it had consumables in mind and the just removed them without having a second look at the said content. Insanely high break bar on 100CM? A lot of break bars on Artistrav in 99CM ? How about Mama and her minion Knights? ANet and TERRIBLE&THOUGHTLESS balance patches. Name more iconic duo.
  2. Only last boss having CM makes it already incredibly disapointing release after such long wait.
  3. 37k is under absolutely perfect conditions, it's theoretical best that build can do. You don't have to do them in the same, 100% exact way. Gotta be close enaugh and learn how to adapt that in actual combat. You should actually learn why certain skill are used in certain order. Site like snowcrows.com usually has a writeup abouyt the order. Practice that rotation until you can hit like 80+% on the golem and you should be totally fine in raids. You won't be able to get those numbers on most bosses because you have to dodge and do mechanics but if you get good with rotation on the golem in aerodrome you will have much easier time pulling good numbers on actual bosses.
  4. Doing this in party seems to be the only way right now. I had similiar experience like you. Got 3 other people to do this achievment and we got it first try. Even when similiar issues happened in party (no LoS, misses), the damage was much higher and splash damage got more points than in solo.
  5. It would be very risky indeed.Path of Exile fixed this, they add a new mechanic/gamemode and new balance changes and skills every season, it's not just repeat the same thing again and again and again like Diablo 3.But if they were to do that it would take away development from the main server, unless they would just release it for both servers.Also not sure if they would be able to add anything as gamechanging as Path of Exile does every season, they are 2 completely different type of games. You can level a character to maps in 2 hours if you're a good speedrunner in Path of Exile, for normal players it probably takes up to max 10 hours, after having done it a few times. But yeah these kind of modes are probably isn't a good fit for Guild Wars 2.Some of the reasonings in this thread I don't agree with, but a lot of what you guys said makes a lot of sense.I will probably go in more depth later, have to be on my way now.Those games are kinda balanced around that. In the span of 2-3 months you can grind your build to godly levels and there isn't that much to improve on in standard, game would get really stale and that's why they have seasons with new quirks every ~3months. In GW2, most of the progression are long term goals, mainly focused on fashion wars and isn't enaugh build variety in both items and traits to warrant restart a every 2-3 months. It would require insane amount of resources to do something similiar in meaningful way, which they don't really have if we judge them by quality of recent patches.
  6. I recently came back to the game and wanted to get skyscale. I'm at the part where I have to collect currency from LS4. I'm very close to uninstalling the game again because those maps arre stright up unplayable, where killing simple trash mob is a chore because of the skill lag. Please feed your hamsters ANet, thank you.
  7. I've finished achievment today. I made LFG and gathered 3 other people. I have no idea how it worked because the damage to Kralk seemed similiar to when I was doing it solo, we couldn't target and destroy anything on right wing either but we still got achievment in the end. My tip for anyone else who is struggling with it, just get some other people to help. It's far better that doing this solo. Post LFG in Dragonfall category and someone will join sooner or later. Overall it's awful achievment, even more so for being mandatory for dragonfall META Achiev. I rate it -1000/10
  8. I've been doing some achies now and I have same problem. After passing his left wing I get "no line of sight" with every single point on the right wing.
  9. It's funny how Raid and CM Fractal infusions are way more reasonable and obtainable, from a content that's supposed to be for hardcore players, than any Open World infusion, a content that's supposed to be mainly for most casual players. I get that they want to make Open World repeatable but it should be no more than 500-1000g or 100 days worth of doing meta daily to get main patch reward. Casual players are screwed twice here. They feel Raid/fractal/strike shinies are too hard for them and at the same time some cool Open World stuff is so resource intensive that it is only reachable by hardcore TP Barons.
  10. I wouldn't mind it but only if the only way to kick someone was still vote-system and not the tag holder. The more tools for new players to get learning mechanics easier the better. Squad commander kicking someone works in raids because progress is on boss by boss basis, unlike fractals where the reward is at the very end. I think it would be abused much more than current system where one person would kick someone at the end just to invite their friend. Other than that, I'd love the ability to use the marks in party group of 5.
  11. I've done map once and I will not be doing it again unless it's shortened because it's just way too long. 2-3hours for single meta is just way too long, seems like ANet forgot all the feedback from Dragon's Stand. Now imagine you DC near the end and all this time is wasted. Most of the days I have 1-2h to play GW2 and I will rather do my daily fractal run with some dungeons/raids. Also not to mention that main eye candy from the trailer, the infusion, is korean MMO levels grind, affordable by only TP barons, costing around 10k gold with current prices.
  12. Never really had many problems with this fractal but I really dislike it. For me the the worst part is that the boss is simply boring. Feels like the adds are the boss and boss is like a prop that stands still and does aoe stun ocasionally. Crowe herself is not really threatening in any way, shape or form because main threat are billion adds that spawn throught the fight. I hope they took some feedback and the new fractal is more like 99/100 instead deepstore/siren's.
  13. Then buy them in fractal lobby. they are timegated but no rng. Also don't use 10 clover recipe unless you are crafting a loooot of them. Single clovers gives you more tries thus less variance. I never needed more than ~300 MC for 77 clovers.
  14. I only hope they stop adding stupid 1 ap achievments that don't even deserve to be called achievments. The ones that add some gimmick to fights or instances are fine and they are not meant to be done during first playthrough. I mean you can but I always just ignore most of them and play for the story first. I really enjoyed S2 achievments.
  15. Yes, however don't put 2 of the same sigils into both weapons because they don't stack with each other nor with their lower quality options. 2x Superior Force Sigil will not stack.1x Superior Force + 1x Major Force will not stack either.
  16. You get bonus if your character uses the weapon. If you have force sigil on set B and you are currently using set A, you won't get a bonus. Main hand or off hand doesn't matter.
  17. This is the only way I'd ever purchase infinite tools. As of right now I'll just pop my trading merchant and buy tool on the go if i run out. For me, infinite tools don't offer enaugh value or conviniece to even consider purchasing them.
  18. Just wanted to vent a little about my bad luck. Nothing more. I wasn't even mad that I didn't get the skin, just a bit that I didn't even get a single extra slot roll. Already made that gold back so whatever. I'll just wait half a year or so and buy it with statuettes when it's finally added to the merchant.
  19. I really like the new backpack/glider combo in the chests. I know they are RNG and knew what I was in for. I opened 20 chests and didn't get A SINGLE EXTRA SLOT ROLL. This is not the first time it happened, it doesn't feel uncommon but at least rare. I think there should a guaranteed extra slot roll after like 5 chests without success(a pity timer if you will). It's the list time I fell for this. I bought all my keys with gold this time but seeing how terrible it turned out I won't be buying any gems soon or ever at all. /rant
  20. This outfit should stay so rare and prestigious, this way bots and scalpers can grab as many codes as they can and then resell them to legit players for maximum profit!/s
  21. I have a bank maker for you ANet: Shrine Guardian Outfit Ears as Helmet skin.
  22. They probably won't touch SW. Istan was far better gold/h than SW. I think it deserved nerf, but not in the way they've done it. Sadly that's how ANet works, they almost ALWAYS go way to hard in one way or another. Also there are other ways to get nice gold without farming 24/7. Heavy microtransactions? Maybe. Recently a lot of cool stuff is from gem store and I wish more of the items or skins were a in game rewards. P2W? At what exactly ? You can't win in PvE, in PvP gear doesn't matter and as for WvW, well, for over 6 years we didn't get a single item in gem store that would give you any real advantage there. Also thanks to gold <-> gems, everyone can get anything from cash shop without paying real cash.
  23. Daybreak - November 28, 2017A bug in the system - March 6, 2018 - 3months 1 week after DaybreakLong live the lich - June 26, 2018 - 3months 2 weeks after A bug in the systemA star to guide us - September 18, 2018 2months 3weeks after long live the lichAll or nothing - January 8, 2019 - 3months 3 weeks after A star to guide us I'd say next episode will release on mid or late April after super adventure box.
  24. Please add Shrine Guardian headpiece as standalone armour. I'd easily pay 400-500 gems for it.
  25. It's a result of missbalancingI think they were missbalanced when they were almost worthless, In my opinion current price is adequate for things they are used for.and you don't earn them, you just get them What does that even mean? I'm pretty sure I can say that I EARNED them when I complete CM fractals, or when I play enaugh WvW to reach higher reward tiers or comple Anomaly Event. By those means alone you can earn over 100 of them per month. You don't have to rely on TP. You can get enaugh coins for Nevermore in about 4-5 months doing activities that give you coins. If you want to speed it up, you can earn half of the coins and buy half of them from people who don't need them. It's mmo, that's why trading post exists.
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