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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Tell me all about your core ele staff healer with 11k hp thats healing 1/100th as effective as current healers.
  2. To Anet: The people who want to play FF14 are already playing it. Stop making this game into FF14 without catgirls or cute outfits. It's not going to work.
  3. This is their vision for WvW. CAT was worth then they said nah.
  4. Devs have gone on record sating no, they don't read the forums because it's too toxic.
  5. They want to make this game FF14 without catgirls or cute outfits is why.
  6. Lol these devs buffed this class despite an overwhelming amount of evidence showing it needed to be nerfed.
  7. https://docs.github.com/en/desktop/contributing-and-collaborating-using-github-desktop/managing-commits/reverting-a-commit ???
  8. That works in games with actual new things people want constantly. This game adds gem store items at a snails pace.
  9. This is what happens when companies hire straight out of college cheap employee's who know nothing to design/balance their game. Hope the player loss is worth that cheaper dev pay!
  10. You mean when the game wasn't balanced around how much DPS you could do with every buff in the game and instead basically unbuffed?
  11. The classes that were already strong are going to remain strong, while the weak classes are going to remain weak. This was a massive waste of development time and resources. 0/10. Hire people who know how to play the game they're working on.
  12. Why do you assume this fixes anything? WoW has them and things go live that were complained about three expacs ago.
  13. Nothing will change because the devs sit in their Discord echo chamber of the same biased players who only play boon balls instead of talking to the other 99.99% of players. These same biased players ban or mute anyone who disagrees to ensure the echo chamber is functioning perfectly.
  14. GW2 isn't for a lot of people, then. Wildstar wasn't for a lot of people either, and that games playerbase said this exact same thing. Guess what? The game shut down.
  15. I'm not thanking Anet for giving thief superspeed. That's just as awful to fight against.
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