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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Sure, in a Raid/Strike maybe even a Fractals take Felines but everywhere else take Wyvern. Most builds recommend CC pets Gazelle or Electric Wyvern anyway. Again, the tankyness can't be understated for Open World and even Fractals. The Damage difference is so minor most people recommend the Break bar potential over any extra damage (it's like 1-3k extra even with full buffs)
  2. Best tip i can give is use your resources rather than selling them. The best way to make money is to save money, rather than buying materials is there way you can harvest them or even better upgrade them with spirit shards. The less you interact with the trading post the better.
  3. The set up required to do it twice is pretty extreme, you can also still dodge in moa and are even provided another evade with skill 5.
  4. The Mirage Greatsword Ambush it pretty strong too. Good pick for anyone struggling to use the single dodge.
  5. As the power creep of professions has increased the threat from any of the PvE mobs in WvW has completely gone. Arena Net should buff all the Mobs in this gamemode, not necessarily their Health but rather their damage and give them the ability to threaten a Camp or Yak. They should pull some idea from DOTA games and allow Mercenaries or even Bosses to provide some extra help in attacking a Keep or Tower. Temporary boons, mercenaries even some mobile siege equipment could all be possibilities. Anyone else got anything to add to this thought?
  6. You are overfocused on the negative side of playing a Ranger. Most of the strengths you never highlight. The Pet dying in WvW is not the best issue to focus on since what is the pet going to contribute even if it was completely immune to aoe? Pet has two main uses in PvP: Popping Traps: which is an amazing use for a pet, it does result in its death but i would rather that than myself. Damaging AoE minus 1: it soaks up one of the AoE charges during a Zerg clash. That means an AoE that targets 5 people now only hits 4 people. I don't really expect my pet do anything other than provide its Beast skill outside this.
  7. Unless you play some super squishy the Manta of Distraction is a pretty useless skills. Most of the time I just let a Mesmer burn through their cooldowns then one shot them. The only exception was probably Mirage since it has a good burst rotation and mobility but currently that is Mesmer weakest elite in PvP.
  8. I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone disagrees with that. I remember making posts a year after they nerfed it when I returned. I think back then we had more people defending the one dodge change but i still stated how bad it feels to have just one dodge in PvP.
  9. I agree and your last point perfectly states my position. You can solo que with a squishy or supportive build, but it makes it drastically easier if you know your duo partner isn't a headless chicken. This is all largely to blame on the popularity of sPvP. I remembered when people swapped classes to Roam or Support; that no longer exists.
  10. On a positive note Duos can be one of the only ways to play certain classes. Mesmers and Thiefs aswell can really benifit from a buddy who can support and engagement. Playing things like Support can very hard to carry your team with so finding a nice gold player and supporting him can be a great way to rank up.
  11. Yeah, that is pretty much it, even if it is a ranged AoE it requires expert placement. For Raids and Strikes through its fine but Fractals is a bit apian to aim. Its more the people who are not used to the healing type, they would rather not find a Well to get a 2-4k heal.
  12. Thanks Waffles for your contribution, I will stick around a while longer but I might avoid posting anything on the Mesmer forum(due to 8+ confused emotes). I might just respond to a few posts we shall see. I wish we were all not so negative, like I have said the large majority of players don't care. Either they think the nerfs are justified or play Mesmer oblivious to it's past state.
  13. I wouldn't listen to anyone here just play whatever you want. Trust you own instincts, alot of people here are very jaded and don't recommend classes based off prior nerfs they received. I'll probably get lots of confused faces for even stating this.
  14. Just dodge? Feedback has a very low cooldown too.
  15. Damage is poor.... you really don't play Mirage then since its damage is really high it just can't survive, that's it's problem. They probably will lower it's damage if the second dodge is returned, that will be the trade off. They already mentioned some balancing if they bring the second dodge back.
  16. I believe these are our strong points: Merged pet swap allows some crazy mobility Longbow is easily one of the best WvW weapons for Roaming and Zergs Untamed FF makes any build viable even Spirits Druid (CA) Glyph of the Stars basically makes 5 people invulnerable for 7 seconds and is on a very low cooldown Druid can Root multiple people in place, very useful for separating players during a Zerg clash The Turtle pet gives Ranger access to a projectile block Untamed is easily the best overall PvP elite being a sort of Druid/Soulbeast hybrid Dagger in PvE gives access to a Poison Condition build which no other class can do Hammer has 3 stuns so more FF and has equally powerful Power Burst when an enemy is stunned. Ranger is one of the most widely used classes in WvW, especially for Roaming with Soulbeast.
  17. sPvP you need to duo-que, and in WvW you need someone to assist you in kills. But if you can find this helpful person (like me with my Wife who plays Virtouso) it is amazing. It starts with Mass Invisibility; this is easily the best stealth in the game. The ability to capture multiple people while they are moving puts it above most other forms of invisibility that require you to stand in one place. Aegis application synergies really well with Virtuoso which can get Quickness and even Regeneration from blocking. Along with this the Inspiration line allows you to passively heal while you spawn blades.
  18. In PvE you essentially spend less time worrying about your rotation and more time on mob positioning. In most cases Virtuoso will get lower damage than most other end game professions even Mirage but as soon as you have more than one enemy it's a different story. Being able to line a sight multiple enemies is very fun and can exponentially increase your damage.
  19. What a bunch of derailing, let waffles play his celestial builds. Celestials benefit all builds, Vindicator has both DPS and Healing skills, Power and Condition skills. Whatever damage he loses will be made up by group support and not dying. I mean I bring all sort of stuff into end game instanced content that is low damage, clearing the content is key. You never need duper high DPS for this stuff.
  20. Okay that could also be the case, they appear offline either way. It probably doesn't help that I don't play a Meta build.
  21. You and everyone I talk to I game has the same experience. Sure I want the second dodge back for Mirage but currently in the hands a pro it is amazing. It really boils down to resource depletion especially in WvW. Mirage is amazing at getting people to waste all thier cooldowns on trying to kill you. Honestly it shows how powerful Mirage once was if it can still be a very strong Roaming choice. Most of the negativity on this forum comes from people who remember the good old days when Mesmer dominated many game modes.
  22. All the Elites solve this in a different way. Chronomancer let's you re-summon phantasms after they disappear and reverse time to spam more. Mirage let's your clones dodge when you do. Virtuoso doesn't have any clones at all.
  23. Most of Guardians sustain comes from focusing on condition damage (burning). Then you can dip into boon duration or healing power if needed for a more open world build. I also would not switch class; Guardian is a fine pick for all end game content.
  24. Maybe but what other options do I have. I hate playing HB so if I want to play a Mesmer Healer this is the best I can do, I'm currently gearing a Revenant so maybe one day I can heal with Herald. Most of time people are happy me playing some sort of healer in Raids/Strikes since i bring well timed Feedback resurrecting or really high Boon uptime. Saying that my most played role is Alacrity Mirage.
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