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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. @Kstyle.5829Wow people here really like you. Goes to show how bad this forums is sometimes. Anyway the real problem you are having is you are trying to play a role. You basically can't or I could say you play the mythical role of team fight punisher. Your best bet is play anything can win team fights and force your team to roam. The best way of doing this is never and I mean never defend a point and just go for kills mostly at mid. People do get angry from time to time especially if you let's say don't go home on a Ranger(literally every time someone tries to make me). Focus entirely on killing players, a good way to practice this is in Unranked or Tournaments.
  2. Catalyst is fine, you honestly just need to wait for all there cooldowns then blast them. Watch for water and earth stance, stop DPSing then burst them in fire and air stance. The number of times I have seen them go from full health to 0 in seconds.
  3. I honestly hate Sword on Ranger. It's so awkward to use for me. With that out of the way it's really a super solo weapon. It's nether the highest DPS or best in slot but if you are trying to live with a sub par build then it's really good. Lets say you where playing the very mobile Soulbeast build with two pets, well them it could be a consideration. It's the oh I really need to survive swap in.
  4. Core Mesmer really rellies on Condition Damage like confusion which is really hard to boost in terms of damage untill you have decent gear at level 80. Even a shatter like @Infusion.7149points out is horrible in the open world due to how long clones can last.
  5. Honestly there are so many hybrid builds out there so someone can pick up pick a healing traitline and pump out some healing. I mean if the Mesmer was a Virtuoso they can use Inspiration for about 5k hps party healing with only about 5-7k dps loss. A common one also is Vindicator which has no boons but tones of burst healing, which even a pure DPS has access too. There is really no excuse not to diversify for a particular Fractal run.
  6. No mater what they do it is still a solo class. Burst through traps with a few boons. Longbow it just another element to help you solo stuff as a Low Intensity build.
  7. Yeah I don't believe the damage numbered changed much at all, the animation is what nerfed the Rifle. On paper the damage only went down by a few thousand.
  8. They do but if everyone accepts and he doesn't he will be kicked after a long enough time.
  9. Its a bit like the Mirage 2nd dodge I highly doupt it will ever change back at least during this expansion cycle.
  10. I highly doupt they will revert anything at this point. The dust has settled and so has this animation change, pve damage is largely unaffected so outside of the nice three shot sound nothing really changed (except PvP).
  11. Maybe he turned the party into a squad which defacto kicked everyone?(if you don't accept new invite). Or it always was a squad with a commander and he joined via map. Sounds reasonable, I have seen this happen alot in EoD maps where people join the map event half way through fishing or leviathan.
  12. The main problem and advantage to Soulbeast is the adoption of pet skills into the Ranger arsenal. Let's not kid ourselves while Untamed can be tanky and fast Soulbeast has to pick between the two. Your primary example is sPvP and is horrible since Mighty Teapot admits Untamed is tanky and aggressive. You also don't have to play the teleport build, I am gold 3 with condition damage Untamed alone. Alot of this comes down to playstyle, Untamed rather than being a direct improvement over Core/Druid like Soulbeast it is just another way to play Ranger.
  13. Again This.... I mean this is the best change and will sort out most of the problems. It would essentially force hammer into the Defacto FF trait weapon (without CC pets) and everything else would use the other two traits. Pets would also receive a huge buff since stuff like Wyverns, Canines, Pigs would be best in slot.
  14. Nice I have been thinking of doing a similar build for a while. Right now I just use Axe+Axe (same combo) and shortbow for chasing but otherwise very similar. The main problem I get is when people are to chicken to engage(either Zerg) so sometimes I duel Longbow Soulbeast when this happens. I find druid is best for sieges, especially when you are really outnumbered.
  15. Okay there is alot here to unpack. sPvP Untamed is fine, it's really WvW that is your main concern. 1: The lack of mobility confuses me since in reality how many people are playing both pets for Soulbeast especially in WvW (Smokescale is much better). Druid staff is much better at engaging and chasing rather than escaping. Untamed is not only tanker than both of them but has many ways to slow down enemies, prevent mobility loss and super speed (griffen stance is not a good alternative). 2: You can't roam in sPvP the same way as the other two elites. The point of Untamed is commit to your engagement and not run away. I don't know how many times I have won with an opposing Soulbeast who is playing merry go round rather than holding a point. 3: Pet should not be dying unless you have it on aggressive. 4: Don't scoff at 10% Damage reduction, with some vitality(carrion armor for sPvP) you almost can't die.
  16. This trinity issue has come up before and if we did return to the past we would end up in a worse state. Roles are not restrictive the reality is they open up lots of combinations of different classes. When we lacked a so called trinity all anyone played was literally Warrior and you would be kicked from groups if you were not one. The other thing to note is there really isn't a trinity like others have pointed out. The strongest role per say in this game is a Support DPS since they can reach the same or higher DPS numbers. Honestly at this point everyone can bring a secondary role to any group/squad. To add to my post, I have been recommending for a long time that the Vindicator player who want to heal just do it and not tell people; Hybrid classes are the future. For the longest time I have recommended this to Virtuoso players too.
  17. Honestly if you disrupt this meta in anyway you can win. A perfect example is be ability to be Ranged while avoided reflection like an Engineer Flamethrower. Most of the time all you need to a high survivability and high DPS build. Burst is where people get into trouble.
  18. I have rarely ever seen it used anywhere in the game. It's use case doesn't really synergies with anything. If it had a daze maybe with FF. I have never known a Hammer user to not be able to chase someone.
  19. I feel like Soulbeast is unintentionally a good Roamer since the whole stance mechanic lends itself more to Zergs rather than soloing other players. Its only becouse you can abuse certain pet abilities that Soulbeast is any good roaming. My most powerful Build on Ranger is a duel Longbow Soulbeast where I lower the cooldown of barrage to 10 seconds so I can spam it.
  20. The power creap if very real in this game and with the advent of clearly defined roles and more accessibility to Low Intensity builds. Most of this content will become more trivial for the top PvE players. This has led to them being more forgiving with people's builds and DPS since this content is generally easier now. I mean maybe some the the very end-game raids are still hard but for most part I have not noticed any difference between static groups and pugs. The success rate is about the same. Years ago Raids were pretty much inaccessible for most PvE players due to requiring very specific builds and DPS checks. Now days that isn't really the case.
  21. To be perfectly honest I don't feel confident enough to do it. I can only really run the first few raid bosses and even them I'm to sure on the different ways people do it.
  22. I do that to but honestly they always play when I can't. I much rather join pugs. Honestly I'll probably just stick to watching LFGs from time to time. If now one running a group then I won't play Raids/Strikes.
  23. Yup I agree, I just want something better than what we currently have. I just thought with the more defined roles it would be the best opportunity to suggest a real LFG system not just postings on a Panel. What that would ultimately be is anyone guess, so take everything I said as a suggestion.
  24. They could theme it around Void dragon magic. Each region has been corrupted and now the world bosses have stages or even modifiers based on the pre event or its just random like with Fractals.
  25. Yeah that would be a step in the right direction. Honestly even being able to pin or notify you when a certain instance has been added to the LFG would be enough. I mean I can run Fractals and Icebrood Strikes fine but I don't really have the time or the effort to run a Raid. Most of the time I help other people run them when it does happen.
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