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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. It is a grass cannon but I rely purely on stuns + conditions to kill people. I guess I run Carrion but its more so I can survive a burst or other Cheese builds like Sic Em Ranger. I'm a Hard Carry in terms of team fights rather than dueling which works since if we don't win team fights we cant win the game.
  2. I have stumbled across an interesting problem and before I start I tend to play a sort of Hard Carry which means a more of a Cheese Build that can steam roll low skilled players. Once you reach the top 250 player (1450+ US servers), you end up playing more with players in Low-Medium Gold rather than Platinum players. When playing these low skilled players, Meta builds will mostly result in you losing since your team cant support your play style (DPS, Support, Duelist, Roamer). Instead I find that a more Cheese/Team fight build works wonders(I also play early morning). I use a Trapper/CC Untamed and can lock down players for extended periods of time to basically removing there ability to do anything. This works amazing against most match ups. Edit: Either way what I'm doing is working since I rank in the to 250 players in US
  3. Funny enough I see a tones of Virtuosos in the US servers, way more than any other Mesmer. I'm not saying its good but I guess its an easy build to steam roll with since you duel + team fight really well. If you get chased in anyway you have less tools to escape compared to other Mesmer builds.
  4. This new build does coincide with me finally getting legendary armor so I should be fine. I will play around and see what works, I have most of the build template slots unlocked so we shall see what I can come up with.
  5. Interesting topic I never knew any of the racial skills had any use. Honestly thematically you could bring a fun build into most PvE content (maybe not a CM strike or Raid) I mean I could see a Golemancer build for an Asura Mechanist being fun.
  6. Regardless of the arguing this is very good information. I do really want to make a highly aggressive Untamed a bit like Hammer Scrapper. I think with Cantrips + Boon Cleansing + Projectile denial it could work. I guess the main downside is the cooldowns which are very long if blow your skills at the wrong time. On a side note i have had a lot of success with Longbow + Longbow Untamed (vs Soulbeast). I normally get in a position that i am vulnerable but use the Cantrips to escape especially with super speed applications. The advantage is the Flat 25% strike damage means my damage was more consistent rather than relying on Sic Em or One Wolf Pack. The disadvantage was the damage was sometimes not enough to be really effective in a Zerg and I was very slow to react due Barrage cast time. Hence a Hammer + Longbow Untamed (or Axe /Warhorn)
  7. Yup I have stopped playing it recently. It doesn't mean I cant play it, I'm having a break. We probably should all do that otherwise we get to bitter about class changes.
  8. Its reported that they look at the reddit and not their own forums. This may have changed since I do see more moderation here in recent months. I think its more that the Dev engage reddit more on a personal level. I'm glad I'm getting push back, since I agree with you. I'm really addressing all the negative threads about nerfs. I agree with the factual side to the argument but I don't agree with being so negative around Mesmer nerfs.
  9. Yeah a agree, let's hope they don't nerf is as much as report. I think over all its like a 2-4k dps drop on Untamed.
  10. Nice find. Mirage Axe will be gutted after this especially for end-game content. Honestly I was still one a few player who brought it to Fractals because I was so good at it. I'm glad I have taken up another main until they sort out what they want to do with Mirage.
  11. Yeah Mirage is an unfortunate casualty in the plan to balance everything. I don't think it was as malicious as people make it out but yeah being a Mirage before a nerf does suck and is why where a lot of anxiety around picking a class comes from. I think the thing to remember(like a few others have pointed out), Most of the balance goes to the very very end-game. Open World Mirage will be fine post-Nerf, it only effects the top 5% players. I mean it wont effect any of the content I play since I don't CM or Raid.
  12. To some of extent you are wasting your breath here since no one will listen. Honestly though the nerf does seem very small and I don't use the same meta build for my Mirage so I don't know how im affected until the patch comes out. It is a bit strange to see a nerf but like I said Arena Net must have some reason for it.
  13. I get where your comming from I do struggle to make it relevant to play especially Soulbeast. Even with all the downsides I prefer Untamed in most environments. Honestly the entire class in general is tricky to play and really requires alot of patience especially when using the pet. Soulbeast is ment to play without it but you lose alot of survivability when you don't unmerge especially for PvP. Ranger can achive great thing but you need a window of opportunity or create one. Many of Ranger's skills require set up and have long cast times. Even druid has a small window to heal alot of damage. As a ranger you need to find the best time to do utilise your skills. A perfect example is the primary source of damage for Soulbeast is when the enemy is exposed after a stun while for Untamed is right before when there is a break bar so you can trigger Fervent Force.
  14. I'm in the top 150 players as Untamed does that make it OP. Not really I just cheese the system and focus on a team fight shutdown build so I can 2v2 almost any build and come out on top. This is super OP considering most of my match ups are from the low gold rank. It really just depends on how you play your class, Untamed was already so similar to how I played Soulbeast so I could easily adapt the superior specialization for my playstyle.
  15. I believe they have grand plan to buff and nerf certain playstyles(they said this much at least). The Mirage just got in the firing line of that plan. My guess is the plan has something to do with making power builds stronger but if that is true then why was a nerf to Condition Mirage involved?
  16. I saw some good clips with Hammer Zerg pushes using Untamed. Not to mention I'm currently Plat in sPvP using Untamed so I'm sure I can make it work. Right now for WvW Im a longbow Roamer but I think I could rework is with defensive gear to be a really good Hammer Brawler. I need legendary armor first which I'm very close to getting.
  17. Yeah you nailed it, maybe the Dark Souls crowd like Necro. I mean for example my wife wanted to play with pets she could name so hence Ranger. I almost had to drag her away to try Mesmer which she now likes more.
  18. Thanks for the advice. I'm more looking into Untamed Hammer Brawler but I would like something to swap to like druid when i need it.
  19. Welcome to the Gw2 forum, there might not be a dislike button but the confused faces does the trick. Honestly suggesting anything new is hard, you really have to post about it very often to make people seriously consider it. I mean I was one the players who said Virtuoso was viable at Beta/EoD launch and it took them getting top Benchmarks for anyone to take me seriously and even then they claimed the selfish DPS card as to why it still bad.
  20. To add to you comment, In terms of likability they go off two concepts. The viability and aesthetic style the class: The class that has both wins which is obviously Guardian, I mean everyone wants to play a noble paladin and in this game boon have always been king of PvE/PvP. The next on down is Necro, which since it is an evil archetype is more on the viability side, disagree if you want but Evil characters are Inherently less popular. Finally we have Ranger which is of coarse the most aesthetic pleasing character to play ever since WOW. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics
  21. Sort of and depends on the weapon. I would say weapon damage fall in to three forms. In terms of usefulness this is the order Cleave damage/ piercing damage / Single target damage. If you play melee in any situation you are far more likely to be able to deal with excess mobs with cleave damage(normally 3), While piercing attacks can hit at most two targets. Again the best of both worlds probably most advisable, one Melee weapon and one Ranged weapon. The reason the mechanist/Virtuoso players have such high DPS (outside of the easy rotation) is primarily to do with avoiding mechanics like mob aggression. As soon as they are in a solo situation or when they need to stack then all that advantage goes away. This is normally why Warrior and Ranger can very easily out DPS them given those circumstances due to how tanky they can be. Yes is those circumstances a ranged weapon swap is best. True which is why the hybrid model is the best. Some skills focus on more Power/burst damage while Conditions skills are more defensive. Ranger/Virtuoso come to mind as fitting this mold really well.
  22. Yes but it plays the same regardless of damage numbers (I'm pretty sure its getting a buff soon too).
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