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Stand The Wall.6987

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Everything posted by Stand The Wall.6987

  1. scourge gs, dh offhand sword, herald gs, maaaybe soulbeast ham will see some use. doesn't seem like the zerg meta will be affected all that much
  2. exactly, and i find it funny how ppl use the 25 target cap in their calculations like thats in any way realistic. at most the last 3 squares will hit ~12 ppl per tic usually and the same person will only get hit once maybe twice cuz of how small the squares are. the only time someone would hit target cap is if the zerg had a tail and you used it when they were coming at you which wouldn't happen often. most times scorched earth is used for pirate shipping anyways so its effectiveness is reduced
  3. make boons and heals apply to only your party
  4. i guess i fall into the nowhere at all category, and the water is fine. hakuna matada
  5. i don't understand how you can have this pov and not see the obvious pitfall; if everything is the same then choice doesn't matter. that would make for very boring gameplay and make ppl wanna leave faster then the pof fb/ scourge meta. in terms of pve dps sure make all weapons have roughly the same dmg, but every weapon should be different so ppl have options to make builds for a specific purpose. this is what gw1 did so well, there were so many balanced options so any team comp could be countered and every playstyle a person could think of could see a degree of viability. skills and utility doing too many things i agree on, thats bad design in terms of power creep. making elite specs homogenous would be way worse for the game then doing it to weapons. classes in mmos are meant to appeal to different ppl, its what the primary draw is for ppl playing these types of games cuz a class can resonate with something inside a person. that person can now live thru that resonation inside the game doing whatever they want. its the ultimate fulfillment of fantasy. if class identity gets watered down too much, the difference between not only classes but ppl diminishes and that resonating factor also diminishes as a result. that would be catastrophic
  6. its too bad. i've agreed with about half of cmcs changes but to see this blatant favoritism is patently unacceptable from anyone who claims to be a professional
  7. don't forget HoT release when dd teefs (in wvw) could use offhand pistol only and kill ppl with just PI. doesn't really count i guess but there was a ton of messed up stuff with every expac
  8. there are definitely some core mechanic problems, but a ton of issues can be solved with number adjustments alone. not sure why so many ppl think otherwise
  9. i kinda feel that but only for specs that don't have a profession mechanic that sets it far apart enough from the other options
  10. it doesn't really need a rework (besides meteor shower) but a buff, specifically giving one skill in each attunement the ammo treatment. imo fire 4, water 3, air 3, earth 4
  11. i think the ability to use any weapon for any spec is awesome, but there are going to be some nightmare combos and balance is gonna be the worst this game has ever seen for a while after the expansion hits. i'm personally worried about shield virtuoso, gs herald, and rifle daredevil. maybe pistol/ scepter scourge. idk boys its gonna be rough but hopefully the issues get fixed soon after expac launch 🤪
  12. it does 1-3k per tic and usually only hits the same person 1-2 times. non issue
  13. having an evade on an immob skill that wastes the duration of the immob on the enemy seems like a really obvious design flaw
  14. an 8v8 mode would be cool, but really i only want one change: make respawn timer 5 sec
  15. high ranged damage plus high mobility is strong you say?! le gasp
  16. it would make more sense to remove the boons and nerf boss hp
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