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Stand The Wall.6987

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Everything posted by Stand The Wall.6987

  1. it shouldn't be too big of a deal to reduce the number of minions but make them stronger (and possibly add another effect to the skill separate from minions)
  2. if i target low hp in zerg will you guys pls call me a bot from now on, i want to identify as an advanced ai
  3. so we all have to suffer cuz they don't know their own game huh. thats too bad
  4. so holo perma stab was ok? old heat therapy that was insanely broken sustain? old enhanced capacity storage unit might duration? old hard light arena duration/ cd? old photon wall launch wall coefficient? rose tinted glasses much?
  5. you don't need to perma tap keeps to get fights as a roamer, thats a total straw man. if you can't do the 9k damage necessary to dismount someone then its probably a build issue (also the warclaw chain dismount thing isn't hard to land). if you're full melee then it will be a bit harder but its still doable. as for using a few cds to dismount a player, so what these are zerg players so they're not very good at pvp and even if they were they're on a zerg build (not to mention the zergling will have to use a stun break if they even have one). besides, inconveniencing an entire server so a few ppl can snipe respawns isn't a fair trade by a mile
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM5hQ3Qtf-8&list=PL-Kob0fKy_YSzB_P6_kCD1Ogp-N8wxVoR&index=3&t=71s&ab_channel=TheKitsCats whenever you're feeling down, try watching this
  7. or let ppl place markers like commanders can
  8. that doesn't make any sense and would be the worst thing that could to possibly happen to the game
  9. no, swords will always be necessary or entire maps will be flipped when ppl aren't paying attention. forcing the necessity of scouts is a bad idea cuz most ppl don't want to do it since its a boring and thankless job. good point on defenders able to be more aggressive, that would definitely happen and wvw would be a lot better for it wp delay sounds fine, but like i said contested is a necessary mechanic. the only way it wouldn't be is if maps were smaller like i said in another post i'm not sure if having wps in a tower is a good idea. maybe keep that as a tactic and reduce the cd by a lot, down to 5-10 min. yeah the whole idea is to keep fights more constant so wvw isn't 75% looking for enemies off hours capping and upgrading to t3 would be a pain. maybe lengthen the time it takes to get to t3? if towers didn't have perma wps but a reduced ewp cd then it wouldn't be bad at all. the defenders would get a second chance but unless they had numbers the increased resistance wouldn't matter that much in the end
  10. you are trying to solve an underlying issue by highlighting another underlying issue: anets tendency to reinvent the wheel when they hit a wall. instead of changing the power level of boons themselves, it would not only be better but also easier to nerf boon duration itself by lowering the preexisting duration hard caps (most are 30sec). i was actually surprised they did this a while back, it was a good change
  11. its got 25 skills (utility not counted) to manage, lowest hp, inferior survivability compared to others (low mobility and not a lot of iframes unlike other classes), probably the weakest class in melee both in terms of damage and sustain, and not a lot of up front burst. guys, its time. if you're getting beat by an ele its cuz they're better at the game then you. time to accept it and move forward. its ok to be a noob, its not ok to stay that way.
  12. chaotic interruption existed since launch and only got nerfed cuz ppl cried about mirage. it would suck to see anet continue that way of balancing no matter who the target is
  13. no defenders would get more info since if siege is required to contest then everyone would know whats up, vs. some troll perma tapping and everyone asking about the status of the objective. i'm not sure about additional wp's but yeah i guess for only inner towers or maybe only keeps. the ewp is a band aid that becomes redundant with a better wp system. maybe if there were only better wp's for keeps then towers could keep ewps.
  14. get rid of wp's getting contested permanently by trolls. the current way its set up only empowers griefers cuz they can play a really evasive roamer build and never die, which means everyones time gets wasted cuz they have to run an extra amount. why is it like this? we've been asking for this since core days. one of the better suggestions i've heard is to only have siege be able to contest a wp
  15. knights scrapper, perma stab holo, herald having 5 skills that could take at least half your hp, soulbeast doing 10k longbow autos, unkillable perma reset druid, scourge + fb meta, chrono bunk, deadeye perma fury quick 25 might unnerfed rifle 3. oh and the meta where everyone was running around with perma 25 might and basically every other boon. which ofc led to anet nerfing wars 4k dodge roll instead of dealing with the issue
  16. the biggest thing that pushed me from trying out eso a while ago was all the auto procs. i hear they're outta control and hard carry builds
  17. does eso still suffer from a ton of lag in its rvr mode? and does it have pvp like in gw2?
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