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Everything posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. Wait, you get shot faster when your're not the instance opener? I did this together with someone else (he opened) and had no problems getting through. I had done this story step before, so I knew what was coming. As a sword-weaver I used perma-swiftness, dodge-rolls and ride the lightning for longer distances. If you want a real challenge, try traversing the field on a mount!
  2. I was actually thinking about trying cele in raids. The theory is that most raid bosses don't continuisly deal huge amounts of damage, but rather have 1 or 2 attacks that need to be healed up again and are pretty docile the rest of the time. A cele would be able to deal damage to a certain degree and switch to water for healing only when needed. Though I guess as long as the game favors 2 druids, all other healers will continue to be pushed aside.
  3. Guys, it's coming! Or at least being worked on. Who knows what twists and turns this project might take in the future, so don't get your expectations up until it's on the GW2 frontpage.https://twitter.com/AvanderMeeArt/status/1015145215542382593 I'm seriously intrigued by this Southsun Project. I always felt that GW2 needed a nice place for some relaxing activities. If Southsun became the holiday-resort the Konsortium marketed it as, I would be really happy.
  4. Just stack all the boosters you can and join a zerg. I got my gift of battle this way in less than 3h.
  5. Summarising the arguments I've read in this and other threads: Cons: Reduces the need for player interactionGameplaywise there is no need(Depending on implementation) Clutters mapsAffects content difficulty greatlyPros: Satisfies an emotional need for human interaction better than random players doCreates a new sink for gold, gems, mastery pointsAllows for fidgeting with tons of synergies and tactics requiring multiple classesImmersionUnintrusive way to dump some lore on the player
  6. I don't think companions are necessary gameplay-wise. However they don't need to be. Look at games like Skyrim where companions are totally unneccessary and sometimes (stealth missions) even detremental. Still there are hundreds of companion mods. Companions fulfill a purpose besides gameplay (especially combat). A good companion feels like... well... a companion. When you meet a random person in open world, they are a total stranger to you. Even if you happen to do an event together. It's just meet, part and forget. I bet you don't even remember what class the last random was you did a duo event with. In that sense a companion NPC feels more human than an actual human controlled character.There are so many mechanics in GW2 that work really well if you have a partner who synergyzes with you. One class has a lot of combo fields and limited access to finishers while another has tons of finishers but no fields of their own. One class has a ton of minions while another has venoms to share with up to 5 allies. One class has a ton of clones that look exactly the same as them while... ok, let's not add another identical looking mesmer to that.Some notes about a good implementation:Combat: Make a formation grid where the companion tries to stay at a certain position relative to the player (in front, behind, at the side, etc)Combat formation is activated when either the player is in combat or has their weapon(s) drawnThe companion dodges when the player does (if enough stamina and not hindered otherwise) and tries to stay in formationSkills are used following a priority list depending on situation. The player would be able to set priorities for several different situations including: Default, Affected-By-Hard-CC, Affected-By-Soft-CC, Affected-By-Damaging-Conditions, Low-Life, Player-Low-Life, Enemy-Low-Life, Player-Down, Far-From-Formation-Spot, Active-Enemy-Break-Bar, Enemy-Has-No-Break-Bar. The companion would pick the highest priority list that applies to the current situation and tries to use the highest priority skill. If no such skill is available the next list is chosen until the default list is reached.Traveling: Include the option to have the companion run ahead of the player a bit. This means the companion shouldn't try to follow the player's position but rather a position to the front and slightly offset to either side. This is actually what makes a companion feel like a companion instead of a simple follower.If no valid path can be found to the player and there is enough space around the player, the companion is teleported to the player's location. This solves the problem of jumping.Idle: Make the companion wander around a bit and make them interact with their environment when the player is idle. Make them use chairs, crafting stations, talk to npcs or just sit on the ground.Don't make idle obnoxious. Don't make the companion repeat the same line over and over or have them perform the same action over and over.Dialogue: Make the companion comment on their environment. But add a rather long cooldown on each line so they don't repeat themselves too often.Make the companion talk to other companions they meet.Make the companion comment on the player's behavior like jumping around or running around for a long time.Diversity:I would love one personality for each race and gender. However I realise that this means 10 personalities from the get-go, which is, considering the insane amount of dialogue necessary for a good companion, too much. Maybe we could start out with one human male and female and add the other races step by step?
  7. All the more reason to introduce a green-themed dye kit with lots of vibrant greens.
  8. I finally finished the achievement because I found a node I hadn't harvested before. Searching places I don't visit that frequently payed off. For everyone else I hope the bug gets fixed soon.
  9. Bug has been fixed:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/433638/#Comment_433638 Edit: Still broken.
  10. Does the Prototype Position Rewinder work when you're using diving goggles? Even if not, it should still help with getting up the JP.
  11. Update: I found 2 Eery Driftwood Nodes that I hadn't harvested yet. I was able to harvest each of them once (3 hits). Neither gave me the collection item though (I checked the achievement afterwards). Neither of them respawned in later metas. Now I'm back to waiting for the nodes to respawn. Tools used: Chop-It-All Logging Axe
  12. Out of the elder dragons we've seen with our own eyes? Primordus and a close second place Kralkatorrik. Out of all elder dragons? Steve (aka Bubbles) the deep sea dragon. Everything about him is a mystery. Even in the HoT instance where we fight the minions of each dragon he is merely represented by salt-water fountains. I really hope that when we get to fight him ANet just shows us parts of his body approaching from the deep dark ocean depths that then either retreat again or pass right by us. Steve is not a dragon you can confront. He is a presence that's always lurking somewhere in the depth slowly wittling your allies and your sanity.
  13. Same problem for me. If I knew that these nodes neither respawn nor drop the collection item without having the collection active, I would've waited with harvesting them. Waiting for a fix now that makes the nodes respawn.
  14. I have to disagree with OP to a certain degree. There are 2 types of Jumping Puzzles. Obvious route, difficult jumpsHidden route, easy jumpsThe pirate JP in LA belongs to the second type. While the second type is only enjoyable the first time you do them, I still find the pirate JP to be one of the best in the game. Ok, the entry is clunky, but the labyrinth part is genious. You can follow the ghost around and go the longest possible path, or you can notice the arrows on the ground and go the shortest path. Watching a guide for these kinds of puzzles is like reading spoilers to a story. A good example for the first type is Skipping Stones or the festival JPs. The path is obvious and you just have to make the jumps. There are of course a few bad JPs in the game. The worst offender imo was the old troll's revenge in LA that got removed with LA's rework. The space was too narrow and you were constantly bumping your head. Some jumps depended on you standing at the right spot to not bump into the ceiling. No matter if the JP belongs to the first or second type, a good JP of a certain length needs to have checkpoints. Even pinpoint needle jumps are fine IF there is a checkpoint right before them.
  15. Which is a puzzle since image files are not executables or scripts. @Menadena.7482 said: Which is a puzzle since image files are not executables or scripts. I think it's more about the image's content and ANet not being responsible for any illegal stuff you might upload. @"Stand The Wall.6987" This is how to include images in your post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/853/guide-how-to-upload-post-your-own-images-on-these-forums I like the new image linking better than the old uploading. Now you can include pictures right in the text instead of having all pictures at the end of your post. You can even hide pictures in spoilers etc.
  16. As far as I know ANet considered multi-seat mounts when they first tried to implement mounts and players as separate entities. That didn't work out though and now we have mounts and players as a single entity, which makes multi-seat mounts technically impossible. Except if someone finds some kind of hack to fuse 2 or more players into a single entity.
  17. By now we have some more data on what pricing ANet seems to have in mind for mount skins. 2000 gems for total remodels (that few or no-one wants)1600 (2000) gems for packages of retextures with minor additions to the model6000 gems avg or 12000 gems worst case for actually desirable skinsI will wait for a non-seasonal themed package as it's very unlikely ANet will release a skin that is worth 2000 gems for me.
  18. I think the current crafting system isn't fun, intuitive or even really usable without external guides, but at least it's functional. Positive: If you have the recipe unlocked, crafting the item and any sub-items is easy.Materials are taken from inventory and storage.The crafting result is predictable.Negative: Unlocking new recipes can be far from intuitive (especially cooking).Recipes can be spread across the entire game and only wiki knows where to get the recipe you're looking for.Some recipes require a mix of mystic forge and crafting station components. Sometimes an item requires components from multiple different crafting stations. Not being able to craft the item from start to end at one station is unnecessarily complicated.
  19. To be honest, I found the LS4 generic unnamed Wyvern to be tougher than the god of war himself. Is this what the story is supposed to be? Does Kralkatorrik have the power to send out god-like minions via mass production? If so, then only Scruffy V2.5 can help us...
  20. No the only legendaries you can acquire more than 1 of are the first gen, as all others are collection based, and there's no way to redo the collections. Gen 2 precursors can only be acquired from the collections, but gen 2.5 pres are crafted. The recipe for Save_the_Queen doesn't use anything you can't farm an endless supply of. I haven't build 2 "The Shining Blade", but I'm pretty sure it is possible.
  21. Has been requested a great number of times, but I guess that was on the old forums. I would absolutely love to have an item-hotbar for buff-food, quaggan tonics and other useful stuff. There are many items in the game that could be used in combat if they weren't so annoying to use from the inventory. For example items that grant a 1 time blast finisher or invisibility etc.
  22. I've had some time now to think about what happened. Why things blew out of proportion they did, what could've been done better and what can still be done for damage control. Mind you, this will be a little lengthy analysis coupled with some constructive feedback. So here goes: What would have been the perfect way to introduce the mount skinsThis train is gone. This is just "what if we could turn back time and do things differently".First of all I want to congratulate ANet to the Halloween Skin-Pack. That one was good. It was reasonably priced at the upper end of what people were comfortable with spending on what was basically a 5-pack of seasonal re-skins with some particle effects tacked on top. I can't even blame ANet for only selling them as a package. Sure, many people would've only bought the Jackal or Raptor skin if they had the choice, but this way at least you didn't feel cheated. Even though you did fork over more gems than you would have just for the Raptor or Jackal. Continuing this trend the best way to introduce the skins would've been releasing a package of 5 every week until Wintersday hits. ANet could've started with the less impressive ones and released the shiny skins later. That way many people would've surely bought multiple sets. I realize that this is also a kinda shady trick to make people buy more, but I can guarantee that the outrage and bad publicity would've simply not existed. Those of us blessed with strong self-control and the far-sight to see past the trick would've waited until a skin appears that we like while those compulsive buyers would've still double and triple bought sets. The major difference is: They would've happily bought them. I'm not going to completely condemn the idea of RNG-boxes either. Christmas is usually the time of the year when our wallets sit pretty loose. Either because we are looking for presents for someone else, or because we want to blow all the cash we got for Christmas. If ANet had introduced them around Christmas with a red ribbon around them, people would've celebrated these boxes! The fact that you can't unlock a skin that you already have and the affordable price makes them the perfect present. That is as long as you have a non-RNG alternative to unlock these skins. This leaves us with one last sad puppy. Let's face it: No matter how much work went into that skin and how proud the designer who made this is of this skin, it just isn't worth 2000 gems for most of us. It's cool that it's a complete re-model, but at the same time you got to admit that it looks kinda ugly. Ok, that's subjective, but I'm sure I'm not alone with this opinion. A lower price would've really helped here. What led to the disastrous decision to release the skins the way they were releasedThis is making educated guesses at best and purely speculative at worst.I'm not going to rule out the possibility that this whole mess is just a tragic accident. The possibility is still there that ANet just so happened to complete 30 mount skins at once and just didn't want to keep us waiting. And to make sure we all run around with different skins, because who doesn't like a little variety, they introduced these randomized tickets. The tickets would even make sure the less used mounts see some love, because who doesn't want to show off their new awesome skin, even if they only bought a single ticket, right? If you still have a shred of respect and/or trust for ANet left, just pretend the above is what happened and it's all a big misunderstanding. Just stop reading at this point, because what I'm about to point out is going to be dark. Taking a look at outfits and glider skins we can see that most of them are being sold directly in the gem shop. Besides the regular item rotations, which are supposed to trigger a buying impulse from indecisive players, there are no tricks applied. Ok, some items are deliberately priced so you have some gems left over after a purchase to make subsequent purchases more likely. To put those remaining gems to good use. And while those tricks are designed to grab some money, they still left us smiling. It was easy to tell our selves that we're not affected. That we've seen through the trick like any rational person would. But then something changed. Someone made the conscious decision to not put the skins in the gem store directly. Someone proposed RNG-boxes. And on first sight this makes sense: RNG-boxes are proven to generate more revenue than just selling the desired item directly. People who want a specific item will just keep rolling the dice until they either hit their personal limit or get the desired item. Even if this personal limit is far above what they would've perceived as a fair price for that item. This was the initial trick, but the second follows quick. How do you make a person raise their personal limit way beyond what they'd usually spend on a game in a single month? The key-word here is Sunk-Cost Fallacy. The fact that you can't get duplicates means that every skin you get brings you a step closer to the desired skin. A person who has already spent 2000 gems on RNG will likely not stop there, because now the skin seems closer than ever before. Sunk-Cost Fallacy is something even the greatest minds with the best self-control tend to succumb to. Companies went bankrupt over this and wars have been fought because once a soldier's life is lost, it's impossible to withdraw the troops. Once that trap of Sunk-Cost Fallacy has sprung, there is no going back, even if it means starving until the next paycheck. Which brings me to the third trap in this perfidious patch. I'm talking about the 1 week limited discount. Any person who wants a specific skin or a batch of skins has eyed that package at least once. How easy it would be to just circumvent all that randomness and get what you want while saving a bunch of gems over what we would have to pay buying the skins license by license. This item is limited to 1 week for the same reason that other items leave the gem shop on a regular basis. To create a sense of urgency. To make us stop thinking. To remove any shackles we might've placed on the impulsive buyer within us. And while having a guaranteed way to unlock our desired skins seems like a contradiction to the whole RNG trick, in reality it's just another package that cashes in on Sunk-Cost Fallacy. It plays with our fear of sinking a huge amount of gems into the licenses without getting our desired skins. And then, in a silent corner of the gem shop, sits the fourth trap. The 2000 gems jackal skin. It's no coincidence that this skin appeared at the same time as the RNG-license. What we're seeing here is the applied use of the Anchoring Effect. The price of a single skin is being anchored at 2000 gems. Getting cool skins at 400, 800 or even 1200 gems (considering the bland ones losses) seems like a rip-off in comparison. The only reason this skin appeared at the same time as the RNG license and is set at such a high price is to make the license look cheap. It's the concept of an item being 20% off even though it's the first time it ever hit the shelves, just on a bigger scale. Looking at all these carefully crafted traps, I just can't think of an accident anymore. This was planned big scale. Remains the question: Did ANet predict this amount of player backlash? I'm pretty sure ANet predicted at least some amount of player backlash. It's not the first time players are complaining about items that are only obtainable via RNG. Also, 2017 being the year of the loot-box, other companies had player backlashes for similar practices pretty recently. And if ANet didn't predict this magnitude of a backlash, then that only shows how disconnected ANet is with it's player base. GW2 has been known and perceived as a consumer friendly game. Many people here have switched games because their previous games have pulled similar stunts. Couple this with the hype for mount skins and the content drought after an expansion and you have a highly explosive mixture. Under these circumstances mount skins could only be a big success or a big disaster. Most of us knew it was going to be a big disaster the moment we saw the gem shop. This means ANet, who should have at least the same amount of insight as your average player, should've known about the impeding disaster well before the patch. So what made ANet roll out this patch anyways? My guess is that ANet tried to cash in on the currently bloated player population. Predating PoF was a big marketing campaign led by Fans on basically all social networks and media. At this moment ANet was sitting on a huge amount of new or returning players and statistically only a fraction of those would stay and become long term players. Most of them would become bored of the game before ever spending on the gem shop. So the idea was to cash in on those players as long as they're still here. The player backlash was a calculated downside. Now that the big cow has been milked, let's look to the future. What can be done for damage controlANet probably already has plans for this, so this is basically a sneak-peek.For the long term ANet can't afford to loose too many players. Long term players, who are important to keep the game interesting, are hard to come by after all. So the first step will basically be to do what players demand. In the near future we will see some way to unlock the skins we're looking for without RNG. Most likely it will be in packages with 1 skin for each mount. It's entirely possible we will have more than 30 mount skins when that happens, because ANet adds the missing ones for each set (for example a fiery Skimmer). The packs will be priced at around 1600 gems for the bland ones and up to 3000 gems for the more fancy sets. This patch will be followed by a public announcement along the lines of: "We heard your feedback and your concerns and this is what we came up with to make everyone happy." Been there, done that. It's nothing new for ANet. I might sound negative here, but look at it from this angle: Even if all of this was just part of an extremely disgusting greater plan, in the end we will get exactly what we've asked for. Directly purchasable skins without RNG. Just... don't get your trust up too much when the damage control comes. The next faux pas is sure to come once everything has settled and the incident is almost forgotten. Probably next summer.
  23. Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash? OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised. Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors) Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun! Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money! Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games? People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision. And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?Your real world comparisons don't hold here. Open markets are heavily regulated. A company wants to sell a 450 g bag of chips to seem cheaper than the other company selling 500 g per bag? Ok, but both products MUST show the price per 100 g next to the total price. This makes price comparisons easy and the market fair. In the real world you can't sell balloons and tell everyone it was a kite (looking at you ANet). There are laws against that. In the real world there's a cartel office to prevent monopolies from forming and in cases where it's impossible to prevent the office makes sure the company doesn't abuse their position. Gaming economies on the other hand are completely unregulated. ANet has the complete monopoly over everything sold in the game. The only things keeping them from applying the most abusive marketing tricks imaginable are 1. their own conscience and 2. how much we as players are willing to put up with. Since nr. 1 has completely failed in this case, it is now up to us players to put in the reigns. Many of us have been saving. We were ready to throw money at the first mount skin we like. Some of us were planning to buy a complete set of skins even if it's a little expensive. The fact that ANet isn't content with what we were saving and obviously wants to trick us into massively overspending makes people rightfully upset.
  24. If this was an NCsoft thing, then it's even more important to show them, that GW2's community does not support the same rng-box mayhem that other games get away with.
  25. a.) Nothing. Initial outrage will die down, Wintersday will be upon us, sales of the licenses high enough that it won't matter. The big teller here will be if they really sold out long term success for short term gain.b.) A 'we here you'. In which numbers will be moved around: licenses will be cheaper, mount selectable option, higher prices in gem store to get the exact one you want, or some combination. The cynical part of me will wonder if this wasn't the plan all along as people will praise Anet for 'responding to customers' and 'honoring their players' with an "acceptable" compromise. They will then continue to increase the pressure on lootboxes as time goes on.c.) An 'okay we stepped in it'. In which it's rolled back entirely in as much as possible. I'm banking on A, wouldn't be surprised with B, would be decently surprised with C. I'm betting 10 gold on b. That's what they did in the past, that's what they'll do this time around too.
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